ex-wife, get married

Chapter 525 Zhuo Nianqi's wonderful episode where have you been?

"Sister Mengmeng, that's a game Wanwan and I were playing recently."

Wang Mengmeng looked at the two little guys whom he hadn't seen for a long time, touched Zhuo Mengan's hair happily, and leaned forward to poke Wan Wanwan's fat arm.

"Long time no see, do you miss me?"

After hearing this, the two little guys ran to Wang Mengmeng's side, each holding one leg and jumping happily.Wang Mengmeng was very happy to see the two of them so happy and infected.

After arranging the two little ones to be seated, Wang Mengmeng turned the menu to the dessert page, and asked the two children for their opinions dotingly.

While waiting for the waiter to serve dessert, Wang Mengmeng couldn't help but think of another person when he saw two children playing and playing. They used to bring the two little guys out to play every time, but now he ignored him.Wang Meng's dream and this can't help but feel a little sad.

Wan Wanwan and Zhuo Mengan were in the joy of beating the bad guys away, but they didn't expect to look up and see Wang Mengmeng's dazed look, so they walked cautiously to Wang Mengmeng's side.

Wan Wanwan gently shook Wang Mengmeng's arm, and asked with great concern, "Sister Meng, what's wrong with you? Is it because Wanwan made you angry!"

Unexpectedly, these two children were so sensitive, Wang Mengmeng smiled slightly, and pulled the two little guys to her side.

"Wan Wan and Zhuo An are so good, how could they make my sister angry? My sister just thought of some unhappy things. But why do you keep bullying my sister's friends today!"

Hearing Wang Mengmeng's words, Wan Wanwan quietly grabbed Zhuo Mengan's clothes, glanced at Wang Mengmeng very nervously, slowly approached Zhuo Mengan with small steps, and asked nervously: "Brother An , We seem to have been discovered, what should we do!"

Zhuo Meng'an didn't expect Wang Mengmeng to ask such a question, but he silently pulled Wan Wanwan behind him and looked at Wang Mengmeng calmly.

"Sister Mengmeng, you and your brother used to bring us to play together. Today I saw sister Meng playing with An'an and Wanwan with two other strange uncles. We don't like to blame uncles."

Wang Mengmeng didn't expect these two little guys to remember the past, so she was not the only one who missed it, she hugged the two little guys in front of her.

The two people in their arms seemed to enjoy this kind of time very much. They hadn't seen Sister Meng for a long time, and they just wanted to stay with her for a while.

Zhuo Nianqi, who was watching from a distance, saw the three of them embracing each other, and somehow felt warm in his heart. He thought that every time he and Wang Mengmeng took the two little ghosts out to play, the four of them had a great time. The time when people bicker with each other is also very rare at this time.

Zhuo Nianqi really wanted to stand up and walk over to say long time no see to the smiling girl, but after trying to stand up several times, he still lacked the courage in the end.

It has been a long time since the two of them had a quiet chat, after the last time they broke up, such an opportunity is even more rare.

The memory flashed back to the last time, he seemed to say cruel words that he should not have any more contact with each other in the future, Zhuo Nianqi regretted that he said such unfeeling words at that time, because a few words of his would make meeting him embarrassing in the future.

Wan Wanwan raised her head from Wang Mengmeng's arms, looked at her happily, and suddenly changed her face, and saw her getting up angrily and sitting on another chair, pouted unhappily to express her dissatisfaction.

Realizing that Wan Wanwan was unhappy, Wang Mengmeng hurriedly took Zhuo Mengan to Wanwan's side, thinking that Wanwan was missing her mother too much, so Wang Mengmeng gently held Wanwan's hand.

Unexpectedly, Wanwan, who was still docile just now, directly shook off her hand, turned her head to the side, and said awkwardly, "Wanwan doesn't like Sister Meng anymore."

Wang Mengmeng looked confused, she didn't know what she had done to make Wanwan say this, she looked at Zhuo Nian'an suspiciously, and saw that the other party was also confused, she didn't know why Wanwan was suddenly angry.

"I finally saw Wanwan once, but Wanwan said she doesn't like me anymore, I'm so sad." Wang Mengmeng squatted down and looked at Wan Wanwan who was pouting with her arms on her chest, and cried coquettishly , Said and pretended to wipe away tears.

After all, Wanwan was still a child, and when she heard that Sister Meng was sad because of herself, she eagerly stretched out her chubby little hand to wipe Wang Mengmeng's tears.The little girl's heart-warming actions brought tears to Wang Mengmeng's eyes, and she smiled and held Wanwan's hand.

"Wan Wan, are you still angry with my sister? My sister is wrong, she shouldn't make Wan Wan angry."

"Mom said to forgive children who dare to admit their mistakes. Although Wanwan is very angry why sister Meng hasn't come to see Wanwan for so long, I forgive you for the sake of your serious apology." Wanwan thought for a long time , looking like a little adult, patted Wang Mengmeng's head with his hand, and said solemnly.

Listening to Wanwan's slightly childish words, Wang Mengmeng couldn't help but hug this little angel.

Wanwan acted like a little adult and scolded Wang Mengmeng for not seeing her, which made Wang Mengmeng feel very guilty. Wanwan raised her head and opened her bright eyes and asked, "Sister Meng, where are you going this year?" Where did you go? Why can't brother and we find you?"

Wang Mengmeng couldn't help thinking of Zhuo Nianqi when he heard the word "brother". Did they find him during this year?

But how could it be possible to see him as a complete stranger when he came back?Now he hates himself so much, how can he care about himself.

Wang Mengmeng looked at the two children who were very curious, cheered up and said with a smile, "My sister went to England this year."

Wan Wanwan opened her big watery eyes, and she was full of yearning when she heard Wang Mengmeng talk about Britain.Wanwan looked at Wang Mengmeng with her chin in her hands.

"Sister Mengmeng, where is England? Is it far away from us? Is it so far away that you can't see Sister Meng at night?"

Wang Mengmeng didn't expect Wanwan to care so much about her leaving, so she looked at Wanwan apologetically and touched her head with pity.

"Wanwan, my sister will see you often in the future, and won't let you find me like this time."

Wan Wan and Zhuo Meng'an are all focused on that distant country at this time, children are always full of interest in unknown things, so the two little guys pester Wang Mengmeng, asking her to tell about interesting experiences in England.

Wang Mengmeng slowly told the two little guys about the interesting things that happened to him one by one. At the funny part, the two kids laughed. The more they listened, the more interested they became, and they clamored for Wang Mengmeng to continue. speak.

Zhuo Nianqi looked at the laughter of the three people over there, and wanted to blend in, but he was also afraid that the atmosphere would change suddenly when he walked over, so he was very conflicted and scratched his hair.

Wan Wanwan and Zhuo Mengan, the spies sent by Zhuo Nianqi, have long forgotten the existence of their elder brother, and are completely obsessed with Wang Mengmeng's interesting stories about England. Wan Wanwan thought that she would take Wanwan to the UK in the future, and then come back and tell others.

Zhuo Nianqi thought about the beautiful scenes of the four of them together in the past, and kept cheering himself up in his heart. He, who has always been brave and courageous, became very entangled and hesitant today.

In the past, Wang Mengmeng and Wang Mengmeng also had small quarrels. The two basically belonged to the type of three-day small quarrel and five-day big quarrel. As long as they are in the atmosphere, the atmosphere will definitely be very exciting. This time, it is okay to pretend that it never happened like before. right!
Thinking of this, Zhuo Nianqi felt that he had the courage to walk over, he drank the rest of the wine in the glass in one gulp, and planned to say hello cheekily.

He stood up and straightened his clothes, a harmless smile brewed on the corner of his mouth, he looked very imposing on the surface, but he was actually very guilty inside.

Walking slowly, just as she was about to approach Wang Mengmeng, she heard Wan Wanwan asking about Lu Jinbo, so she simply sat back to back, intending to hear what was going on between the two of them.

Because Wan Wanwan and Zhuo Mengan met Lu Jinbo for the first time, they naturally thought that Wang Mengmeng and Lu Jinbo met in England, and pestered her to tell their stories.

Wang Mengmeng felt the unfriendly attitude of the two little guys towards Lu Jinbo, and at this moment she was also happy to introduce her friend to the two little guys.

"The Uncle Lu Jinbo you met just now is my sister's good friend. When my sister and your brother Zhuo encountered some problems and were looking for help, he was the one who helped us and recommended it to others. My sister is going to be a model, he is very supportive and kind to my sister, so I hope Wanwan and Mengan can treat him as well as my sister, is that okay?"

Zhuo Mengan and Wan Wanwan listened patiently to Wang Mengmeng's narration, Wan Wanwan scratched his head and looked at Zhuo Mengan and Wang Mengmeng wonderingly.

"Sister Mengmeng, but Brother An said that those two uncles are big bad wolves and they will bully Sister Mengmeng. Brother An and I must protect Sister Mengmeng!"

Zhuo Mengan, who was on the side, became embarrassed. He blushed and looked at the innocent Wan Wan, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart for his teammate who was like a pig. Thinking about it, he gave Wan Wan a slightly resentful look: "Little Fool!"

Seeing the serious looks of the two children, Wang Mengmeng couldn't help laughing out loud, they are really cute no matter how they look.Seeing that Zhuo Mengan couldn't get off the stage, he came out to make a rescue.

"Wan Wan, Meng An actually said that the two uncles are the big bad wolf in "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" who is very kind to Red Wolf and always reluctant to part with the lamb."

Hearing Wang Mengmeng's explanation, Wan Wanwan patted herself on the head with a sudden realization and shouted, "Sister Mengmeng, is that the stupid Big Big Wolf who is always beaten by the Red Wolf and bullied by the Pleasant Goat?"

Wang Mengmeng automatically imagined Lu Jinbo and Tommy, she couldn't help but find it very funny, and looked at Wanwan's expectant look.She smiled and replied: "Wan Wan and Meng An are good friends, and the two uncles just now are also good friends of my sister."

Wan Wanwan nodded ignorantly with a look of half-knowledge.

Zhuo Nianqi, who was sitting by the side, became more and more angry as he listened to it. He never expected that Lu Jinbo and Wang Mengmeng would be so close. At the dinner table, he saw that Lu Jinbo was very considerate to her. more.

He angrily walked to Wang Mengmeng's table, and very rudely made a loud noise on the table and chairs.

Hearing the sound, Wang Mengmeng raised her head suddenly, and saw Zhuo Nianqi with an angry face. What she wanted to say was brewing in her mouth several times, but she couldn't say it. It seemed difficult to say hello, after all, Zhuo Nianqi had already said goodbye last time. Why do you have to take the initiative to talk to yourself to humiliate yourself.

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