Zhuo Xiangyu was very silent along the way, not saying a word.Lin Zhongshu, who was sitting next to him, also wisely kept silent and did not take the initiative to talk to Zhuo Xiangyu. It was not a good time for him to talk to Zhuo Xiangyu until now. Now Zhuo Xiangyu's thoughts should be very confused and need to be sorted out one time.

Zhuo Xiangyu drove the car all the way to Zhuo's villa, and forgot to send Lin Zhongshu home.When Zhuo Xiangyu got out of the car, he looked at Lin Zhongshu who was innocently looking at him in the passenger seat, Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth slightly, but he had already arrived at Zhuo's house, and it was impossible to drive people away.

Lin Zhongshu coughed twice, and looked at Zhuo Xiangyu calmly, until Zhuo Xiangyu turned around helplessly and walked towards the villa.With a smile on his face, Lin Zhongshu followed Zhuo Xiangyu and looked at Zhuo's villa. Zhuo's villa was decorated in a classical style, and that elegant temperament permeated the entire villa.

For rich people, many like to use money to show their taste and status, so they decorate their houses extremely luxuriously, and move all kinds of precious materials into the villa regardless of whether they are suitable or not.But in the eyes of people with real status, these people are all very vulgar, and they look down on those upstarts from the bottom of their hearts.

The Zhuo family is considered to be relatively old in the business world, so Zhuo Xiangyu's taste is naturally not comparable to those upstarts.In addition, when Zhuo Xiangyu was renovating the house, it was agreed with Xu Yueqing, so the decoration of Zhuo's villa is quite high-grade.

Lin Zhongshu nodded secretly while looking at the living room. This kind of dress looks good too. Do you want to change your European-style villa, change the style and change your mood?Lin Zhongshu thought that when the time comes to decorate, he must discuss it with Zhuo Xiangyu. He is very satisfied with many places in this house.

Lin Zhongshu sank comfortably on the sofa, and under Zhuo Xiangyu's order, the servant brought up a cup of black tea.When Lin Zhongshu was studying abroad, he fell in love with the taste of black tea. As Lin Zhongshu's friend, Zhuo Xiangyu naturally knew Lin Zhongshu's taste.

Lin Zhongshu looked at the black tea on the table and smiled slightly, reached out to pick up the black tea, held it in his hand, and sank into the sofa again.Lin Zhongshu's languid appearance looks sloppy, but with his bold words, it seems so natural.

"Xiangyu, since I saw it, it is impossible for me to remain silent. Tell me, what happened to you and that little beauty just now? There must be a story between you, and it all involved ten years ago , and she refuses to forgive you, what did you do to make her bear such a grudge."

Lin Zhongshu slightly raised his eyebrows at Zhuo Xiangyu, his eyes were full of doubt and interest, and he stared at Zhuo Xiangyu closely.Zhuo Xiangyu frowned, secretly resenting that he forgot that Lin Zhongshu was still in the car just now, and brought him back directly, and now he has to face this kind of situation.

Zhuo Xiangyu didn't want to answer Lin Zhongshu's question, so he turned around and wanted to go upstairs.However, thinking of Lin Zhongshu's character of fear of chaos, if he followed him upstairs and found something he shouldn't have seen, it was not what he wanted.So, Zhuo Xiangyu sat back on the sofa with a dark face and remained silent.

Lin Zhongshu snorted, he had already made up his mind, he must ask the story between Zhuo Xiangyu and that Qingqing tonight.He took a sip of the tea lightly, and sighed comfortably. It was indeed beneficial to hold back his silence in the car just now. Now that he followed Zhuo Xiangyu to Zhuo's house, sitting here is really comfortable.

"Xiangyu, tell me quickly. If you don't tell me, I won't leave tonight. I've been waiting for you to speak. Who is that Qingqing to you? We've known each other for so many years, but I don't know Knowing that there is such a person by your side, unfortunately, I really thought you were not close to women."

Thinking of the years since he met Zhuo Xiangyu, Lin Zhongshu has never seen any female creatures around Zhuo Xiangyu, so he thought Zhuo Xiangyu was gay at the beginning, but he didn't expect to know such a person tonight big secret.Lin Zhongshu would never admit that he once suspected that Zhuo Xiangyu liked him.

Zhuo Xiangyu felt very helpless when he saw Lin Zhongshu's attitude of swearing not to give up if his clothes didn't meet his goal.He knew Lin Zhongshu very well. Lin Zhongshu was very stubborn. If he wanted to know something, he had to know it.Zhuo Xiangyu remembered what happened back then, his eyes were suddenly filled with memories, and he smiled wryly.

At that time Xu Yueqing was married to Zhuo Xiangyu, and the relationship between them was very good, and soon Xu Yueqing was pregnant with Zhuo Xiangyu's child.For the appearance of this child, Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing were very pleasantly surprised. They paid close attention to the child's development every day and looked forward to the child's birth.

The relationship between Fang Zhihan's family and Zhuo Xiangyu's family is good. Fang Zhihan's father has always been optimistic about Zhuo Xiangyu. When Zhuo Xiangyu was struggling in the business world, Fang Zhihan's father gave Zhuo Xiangyu a lot of help.Because of Fang Zhihan's father's guidance, Zhuo Xiangyu gained a firm foothold in the business world at a young age.

Because of this, Zhuo Xiangyu respected Fang Zhihan's father very much and treated him as his elder.However, Zhuo Xiangyu's father was already seriously ill when Xu Yueqing was pregnant, and his condition became more and more serious. The hospital had issued a critical illness notice.

Fang Zhihan's father had a wish before he died, that is, he hoped that Zhuo Xiangyu and Fang Zhihan could hold an engagement banquet, and hand Fang Zhihan to Zhuo Xiangyu so that he could take good care of her.Zhuo Xiangyu refused for a while, because he already had a beloved woman, how could he get engaged to another woman.

However, Zhuo Xiangyu pleaded with Fang Zhihan that Fang Zhihan's father, who was dying soon, could fulfill his wish and pass away safely, Zhuo Xiangyu finally agreed to Fang Zhihan's play.Not long before Xu Yueqing's due date, Zhuo Xiangyu and Fang Zhihan held a public engagement banquet, and everyone knew about it.

However, Zhuo Xiangyu has made all preparations, he has issued a death order, and no one in Zhuo's family is allowed to tell this matter, he cannot let Xu Yueqing know.As a result, all the news was blocked outside the Zhuo family, and Xu Yueqing, who stayed at home, didn't know about it.

Zhuo Xiangyu just wanted to deal with this matter for the time being, and then he would explain it to Xu Yueqing.After all, Xu Yueqing is now in the expectant period, so she must not be mentally stimulated, this is not good for her or the baby.

What Zhuo Xiangyu never imagined was that one day Xu Yueqing suddenly went out alone, and she wanted to go shopping on the street.In the streets and alleys outside, all the newspapers were promoting the news of Zhuo Xiangyu and Fang Zhihan's engagement, and even the screens on tall buildings showed the engagement scene of Zhuo Xiangyu and Fang Zhihan.

When Xu Yueqing looked at Zhuo Xiangyu on the screen, her blood froze instantly, and tears slowly shed in her widened eyes.She felt that her body was constantly twitching, and her stomach suddenly ached. Xu Yueqing couldn't help but fell to the ground, curled up and moaned in pain.

The passers-by around were all taken aback by Xu Yueqing's reaction, and with the help of kind people, Xu Yueqing was sent to the hospital.The kind-hearted person also found the mobile phone from Xu Yueqing's body and made a call to Zhuo's family. The old housekeeper was in a hurry when he received the news.

Because Xu Yueqing was frightened, her belly was several days earlier than the expected due date, and she gave birth prematurely.Xu Yueqing was tortured by stomach pain for a day and a night in the hospital, and finally gave birth to a son in the early morning of the next day, and this child was Zhuo Nianqi.

After Xu Yueqing woke up, she learned that during her childbirth, Zhuo Xiangyu hadn't appeared from the beginning to the end. Thinking of the engagement news she saw before, Xu Yueqing felt extremely painful.She was lying on the bed blankly, the look in her eyes was numb, and she lost the agility and clarity of the past.

Xu Yueqing closed her eyes lightly, tears streaming down her face in the blink of an eye, her silent crying carried an air of despair.She struggled to get up regardless of her body that was still recovering. The pain in her stomach made her face pale and bloodless, and the sweat condensed into water droplets and slowly flowed down.

Xu Yueqing dressed heavily, closed her eyes vigorously to relieve the dizziness before her eyes, and struggled to walk outside the incubator step by step.Xu Yueqing bit her lips tightly, her eyes opened wide, she stared at her newborn child without blinking, her eyes were full of despair.

Zhuo Xiangyu had just attended Fang Zhihan's father's funeral. He turned on his cell phone, which he didn't know when it was turned off, and a series of message notifications sounded continuously.When he saw the content of the news, Zhuo Xiangyu was taken aback. He did not expect that the night Fang Zhihan's father died was the time when Xu Yueqing gave birth prematurely.

Zhuo Xiangyu left behind the rest of the funeral, and drove the car all the way towards the hospital, his heart was full of anxiety, he didn't know what happened to Xu Yueqing, which would cause her to give birth prematurely.Zhuo Xiangyu rushed into the hospital, and met the old butler Chen Bo, who was oncoming. The old butler Chen Bo had a trace of anxiety and panic on his face, which made Zhuo Xiangyu's heart sink continuously.

Xu Yueqing is missing!Zhuo Xiangyu didn't know how he walked in front of the incubator. On the glass of the incubator, there was a small note with only one sentence written on it: Zhuo Xiangyu, please take good care of our incubator. child.In the incubator, a child who was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed lay there quietly.

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