ex-wife, get married

Chapter 518 Zhuo Nianqi's Wonderful Extra Strange Mail

Xu Miao noticed that Jiang Dandan showed a dumbfounded expression after turning on the computer, and couldn't help saying: "Hey, Dandan, I turned on the computer to help Mengmeng check the information, not to show you whether there are handsome boys and nympho."

When Xu Miao said this, Jiang Dandan immediately came back to his senses, "I am not looking at the handsome guy, no, I am looking at the handsome guy, but, this is different..."

She hurriedly explained to herself, with a sense of disbelief in her eyes and tone.

"Look at your bluffing, what and what..."

After Xu Miao cast a contemptuous look at Jiang Dandan, she leaned over to look at Wang Mengmeng's computer, when she saw the email Jiang Dandan was reading.

Her gaze was also a little dazed, and Jiang Dandan slid the mouse wheel a few more times to let her look more. Jiang Dandan's blank gaze changed to shock, and then immediately changed to unconcealable joy .

She stretched out her hand and grabbed Wang Mengmeng's arm, shouting and shaking happily, "Mengmeng, God help you, come and see this!"

Both Wang Mengmeng and Deng Anlu were confused by Jiang Dandan and Xu Miao's sudden changes. Why was Xu Miao still fine just now, and why did he suddenly become like Jiang Dandan?

But in the end, they both looked at the computer because they saw something on the computer.

It is impossible not to recognize the person Wang Mengmeng displayed on the computer desktop picture, with a handsome face like a god's mansion, a perfect height that most satisfies women, a man with a standard figure who looks thin in clothes and fleshy when he takes off his clothes— — Zhuo Nianqi.

Some of these pictures are of him standing in the center of the podium, with mysterious and genius banners hanging behind him, and the audience is full of people. They seemed to be students, some seemed to be listening to Zhuo Nianqi's speech, and they propped their chins in thought, and some seemed to listen to Zhuo Nianqi's speech, and they couldn't agree and refute loudly.

Zhuo Nianqi in every photo is handsome, charming and energetic. When he speaks, his eyes seem to emit a kind of brilliance, which is called self-confidence, which makes people trust him unconsciously and be fascinated by his eyes.

It is also like a little lion, although he has not yet become a king, although he is still very young, but the future waiting for him, the future that he can create and play is not far away, as if he is about to master it.

"Mengmeng, tell me, is this the mysterious genius? My God, he's so handsome..." Jiang Dandan swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and pretended to wipe the corner of his mouth where there was no saliva.

What a handsome guy with 360 degrees and no dead ends, and he is also a genius!

God made a foul when he created a man, how could he make a man so perfect and put down the sight and trust of a woman.

Xu Miao rolled her eyes, "Tch, I knew you were looking at handsome guys."

"I like men, so it's not surprising to see it. Since you said that about me, I promise you didn't watch it!" Jiang Dandan nudged Xu Miao and retorted loudly.

"Yes, but the point is, if all these materials are exposed, then the mysterious genius level will not be mysterious. Since that person is still very mysterious, it means that the document we read does not seem to be widely exposed on the Internet. Things on the Internet are not things that can be found by search engines!"

Xu Miao finished speaking in one breath without panting, but it could be seen that his tone was very excited.Therefore, she immediately turned her head to look at Wang Mengmeng.

"Who sent you Mengmeng these, you can just use the mouse to copy whichever paragraph you like, paste it into your own document, and hand it in directly. You don't need to change it!"

Because in this document, the pictures have been arranged neatly, and the details of the event time are attached next to it, some more authoritative, useful and shocking opinions of the mysterious genius Zhuo Nianqi.

At the end of the document, fans can see their inner explosions, and passers-by can see some life photos of turning fans into nympho.

Wang Mengmeng recovered from the shock, yes, who sent this mysterious document to herself?Although the answer had slowly emerged in her mind, she still wanted to confirm it again.

"Dandan, how did you see this document?"

"It's in the mailbox! Here, look!" Jiang Dandan turned off the preview of the file, and then the page display returned to the mailbox, and she moved the mouse to the receiving time, "It was sent not long ago! "

"Mengmeng, tell us, who is the sender of this letter? If you know such details, the mysterious genius himself sent it to you, right?" Deng Anlu was not as excited as Jiang Dandan and Xu Miao, but she was also curious. , I was also excited, "How else would the content be so detailed."

Xu Miu also thought about it and said, "Is it because the genius said no to you before that he thought talking was a waste of time, so he chose to send an email? Anyway, geniuses seem to be a little weird."

When Wang Mengmeng heard Jiang Dandan say it came from the email, she was able to confirm who sent it to her. Although she had doubts before, she can be sure now.

"It wasn't from him himself, it was from his assistant."


The three roommates expressed their doubts at the same time, they didn't understand why the assistant of the mysterious genius sent this to Wang Mengmeng?

Did the assistant Wang Mengmeng know each other, or did the assistant know Mr. Lu?So... No, if you know each other, Wang Mengmeng shouldn't be depressed when she comes back, nor should Jiang Dandan find out after turning on the computer, so she thought again: "Mengmeng, could it be that you are too tall?" Beautiful, the assistant fell in love with you by accident?"

"Very likely!" Jiang Dandan nodded, pretending to be serious.

Wang Mengmeng shook her head, "No, this is absolutely impossible."

If the assistant fell in love with him, it was absolutely impossible to let him in after he threatened him.Because of feelings, either it is love at first sight, and you are attracted to you from the beginning, or it is a long-term love, and you have feelings after living for a long time. This is nothing to yourself.

Jiang Dandan nodded her lips one after another, leaned her other elbow and dragged her head and said, "That's weird, who would send you this without understanding?"

"I don't understand either." Wang Mengmeng shook her head, not wanting to delve into it, "I still don't want to, just deal with it quickly."

In fact, there is another one that is very close, and I want to realize it immediately, and the idea of ​​putting it into reality has been circling in Wang Mengmeng's mind.

After dealing with today's matter quickly, I can finally sleep peacefully and comfortably after so many days!Don't worry about incomplete information, don't worry about being afraid to find the other party, and don't worry about being nervous when you speak!

After listening, the three roommates nodded in understanding and stopped asking.

They know that Tianwang Mengmeng is very busy and hard-working these days, and the mental pressure is extremely high every day. Now that they can finally relax for a while, why are they still obsessed with one problem.

Maybe at a certain moment, this problem will be solved automatically.

Then Wang Mengmeng accepted the help of her roommate. Also with the help of her roommate, she quickly completed the interview materials for the mysterious genius that she needed to submit to the club tomorrow.

After Wang Mengmeng took a shower, dried her hair and climbed into bed, she took out her mobile phone, only to find that it was only ten o'clock!
The corners of her mouth twitched in delight as she climbed into bed this early for the first time in over a week.She put down her phone, hugged her quilt tightly, and rolled back and forth on her mattress several times. It was also because of this that she knew how comfortable her bed and quilt were!

Afterwards, Wang Mengmeng closed her eyes, and after a while, she let go of the pressure, and fell asleep because of exhaustion. When she fell asleep, the corners of her mouth were still raised, representing her mood.

On the second day, Wang Mengmeng was full of energy and felt full of energy all over her body. Wang Mengmeng, who was originally full of energy, came back again!

The roommates couldn't help being happy for her.But they found that Wang Mengmeng started to dress up beautifully again, and everyone couldn't help guessing boldly, what was Wang Mengmeng going to do with such a beautiful dress?
Jiang Dandan said that he must go to see Teacher Lu Jinbo!

Xu Miu guessed that he might be going to see the assistant.

Deng Anlu's guess was even more outrageous. She took the interview materials she made last night, found the president, then fell heavily on the president's face, and said domineeringly: "Here, this is the interview with the mysterious genius you want. My mother will do it." It’s here, but my mother wants to say now, since you are making things difficult for me, I will quit from now on!”

As a result, Jiang Dandan and Xu Miu received constant cheers.

Wang Mengmeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the roommates who had feelings for her were all clowns.

Well, since her roommate is such a treasure, she should be a treasure herself!While Wang Meng was dreaming, she was very playful, and the three roommates who were very curious about the wrong guesses blinked their eyes. The three roommates thought they could finally get Wang Mengmeng's answer, but who would have thought that...

Wang Mengmeng even hooked her fingers to them, then blinked her eyes and said mischievously: "Secret." The appearance should be more seductive, if a man has seen it, he might be fascinated by it, but the three of them Roommates are crazy.

Wang Mengmeng didn't satisfy their curiosity, the three of them still wanted to ask more questions, trying to make Wang Mengmeng succumb unremittingly, but Wang Mengmeng hooked her bag and told them that she was going to be late soon, goodbye first Yo.

Jiang Dandan beat his chest and stomped his feet after hearing this, wanting to cry but not crying.

Xu Miao and Deng Anlu are okay, because who wants her to be the most curious.

Wang Mengmeng walked outside the campus, put on a good-looking makeup, and it would be absolutely impossible to squeeze the bus, so she flagged down a taxi and got in.

When she woke up this morning, she went online to find out where the Sunshine International Hotel was, and found that it was not too far from the school, and she didn't have to go out early.

Soon, the taxi took Wang Mengmeng to the gate of Sunshine International Hotel.

This is a five-star international hotel with a very long history. It was very famous in the 90s. It has received many foreign ambassadors and famous stars to stay and rest. Aging, but after a complete renovation a few years ago, this [-] star grand hotel has once again been restored to its former glory.

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