Lu Jinbo smiled. When he saw Wang Mengmeng's dazed look, he thought she couldn't remember him, and he was a little disappointed, but he didn't make himself sad.

"What sad thing happened and you want to jump off the rooftop?" Lu Jinbo joked, leaning against the white fence.

Wang Mengmeng blushed immediately, she climbed down from the fence, pursed her lips and argued softly.

"Where is it! The future life is so beautiful, how could I choose to commit suicide at such a young age. Hey, Mr. Lu, why are you here?"

"I just came to participate in the exchange meeting of University A today. It happened that I met your roommate and heard your name from your roommate. I am not like you who hesitated for a few seconds when you saw me. Who. As soon as I heard your name, I thought of you, and then I asked them a few words." Lu Jinbo explained to Wang Mengmeng.

No wonder I received a wechat from my roommate before, asking where I was, and my relationship was for the teacher.

"How can I have such a good memory like Mr. Lu, but I still remember it, Mr. Lu, are you still not satisfied?"

Seeing Wang Mengmeng's tone of refusal to admit defeat, Lu Jinbo couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, I'm satisfied, I admit defeat, but you also have to answer the teacher's question, why are you unhappy. Don't lie to the teacher, I heard from your roommate that you have been in trouble recently."

It turned out that she had been betrayed by her roommate a long time ago, and Wang Mengmeng really wanted to hit the wall... In the end, she still handed over the task assigned to her by the news agency and the warning sent that day, as well as Su Xiao's request and her own response. The help of the vice president, as well as her later insights, all spit out, and spit it out to Teacher Lu.

The more Lu Jinbo listened, the more he felt sorry for Wang Mengmeng. After listening to Wang Mengmeng's words, he put down his hand holding his chin, took out something from his coat pocket and put it in Wang Mengmeng's hand.

Wang Mengmeng didn't understand what Teacher Lu gave her, and looked at him with some doubts.

After putting it in Wang Mengmeng's hands, Lu Jinbo explained: "This is the pass to the genius lounge."

As soon as Wang Mengmeng finished listening, she immediately froze and exclaimed, "What!"

At this time, she lowered her head to look at the things in her hand. There was nothing on the back of the pass listing, but when she turned the front, she could see not only a one-inch photo of Mr. Lu, but also his position printed on it.

"This... Teacher, this is yours, why did you give it to me!" Wang Mengmeng said very puzzled, and was about to slip back Teacher Lu Jinbo's pass.

Lu Jinbo hurriedly refused to let Wang Mengmeng come back, and at the same time said: "Other teachers can't help you, but this pass can help you sneak into the rest room of that mysterious genius. Are you going to interview him? ? If you can’t even get into the main reception room, how will you end up with a job? Then what will everyone think.”

After Wang Mengmeng heard this, she paused in returning the pass to go back, she hesitated.

If I gave the ticket to Su Xiao, then I would not even be able to enter the door. This is not something Wang Meng dreams of evading responsibility. Even if I can lie, the president cannot fail to find out. Long, if the network is not high enough, if you don't know enough people, and if you don't have access to gossip and news, then you really don't know how he can get this position.

And with a pass, you can sneak into the reception room. Even if the interview is unsuccessful, everyone can forgive me.

Lu Jinbo saw Wang Mengmeng's hesitation, and he added fuel to the flames again. He took out the passport that Wang Mengmeng had stuffed into Wang Mengmeng's pocket and said, "Teacher, you put it away for you. Don't want it this time." Give it to others casually!"

This time, Wang Mengmeng nodded slightly, and did not refuse Teacher Lu's kindness.

Lu Jinbo stretched his waist, turned his head and looked down at the ground from the roof, the cool wind blew across his face, bringing a smile on his mouth: "Ah, it feels really good. But, I'm going down now, and I'm going to go down now." There is something unfinished!"

Seeing that the teacher was about to leave, Wang Mengmeng felt that she was almost in a better mood, and because of Teacher Lu's sudden, seemingly long-lasting drought, the rain finally came, and she was very happy now: "Teacher Lu, then I will follow you." Let's go down together!"

"Okay!" Lu Jinbo nodded.

When Wang Mengmeng picked up her bag on the ground, she asked again: "Hey, Teacher Lu has a very strange question... Teacher, why did you come here so fast?"

Earlier, after Wang Mengmeng climbed up from the viewing platform, she was so tired that she was out of breath, her legs were sore, and she almost couldn't stand still.But when I turned back to the teacher, the teacher was full of joy, and he didn't look like he was tired.

But there was only 15 minutes between when my roommate asked me where I was and when Lu Jinbo came here.Not counting the time to come to the viewing platform, just climbing up from the bottom of the viewing platform, plus the time to recover strength on the viewing platform, must have already exceeded 15 minutes, but why...

Does Mr. Lu Jinbo have superpowers?

"Hurry up?" Lu Jinbo stroked his hair and said, "I came up from the elevator on the left."

"Electric...elevator?!" Wang Mengmeng was surprised and stuttered again.

At the next moment, the teacher changed the road again and asked in surprise: "You don't know? You climbed up first step by step? That's not ordinary Xu yo's perseverance, admiration!" thumb.

Wang Mengmeng was ashamed to be praised by Teacher Lu, her face was flushed with embarrassment.

My heart has long been silent in the terrible discovery of being stupid to death. I didn't even notice the elevator. I climbed up step by step. If it's not stupid, then what is it!
Wang Mengmeng was led by Lu Jinbo to see the elevator on the viewing platform, got on the elevator, and went from the top to the bottom before even a minute had passed, which was unexpectedly fast and easy.

After separating from Lu Jinbo, Wang Mengmeng received a call from Su Xiao.

Su Xiao on the other end of the phone said that she had arrived at the main school gate of University A. Wang Mengmeng immediately asked her to wait for him at the school gate and pick her up by herself. If you don't know a place, you won't be able to meet each other.

Wang Mengmeng immediately ran over and saw Su Xiao, who looked like a goddess, under the old semi-circular and arched bridge-like school gate at the campus gate. She stood quietly, and because of practicing dancing, she stood in a very upright posture. Temperament.And because she is not only beautiful, but also very tasteful, which makes her get more points and more points, so that the people who pass by or catch a glimpse can't help but look sideways.

A few male students who were a little bolder tried to approach Su Xiao to ask something, but Su Xiao shook her head, and could only return in disappointment with her head down.

Wang Mengmeng ran over and said with a smile, "You are so popular, if it wasn't because I am a woman, I would have liked you."

She handed the only mysterious genius admission ticket given to her by the president from her backpack to Su Xiao.

Seeing the admission ticket in Wang Mengmeng's hand, Su Xiao's eyes lit up, and she quickly took it. After confirming, she raised her head and looked at Wang Mengmeng, unable to suppress her excitement.

"Mengmeng, thank you!"

Seeing Su Xiao so happy with her own eyes, seeing her beautiful face blooming with a smile more beautiful than gardenias, Wang Mengmeng felt that it was worth it for her to do so.

After being happy, Su Xiao quickly calmed down, not because she was unhappy but because she had put happiness and joy into her heart.

She took Wang Mengmeng's hand and said, "Mengmeng, this ticket is yours, right? Now that I have your ticket, will it make you unable to..."

Wang Mengmeng's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Su Xiao had noticed it, but obviously she didn't.

"No, don't think about it. Take this ticket and get your love back!"

Su Xiao nodded, "Just for Mengmeng's encouragement, I will work hard too!"

The two wandered around the huge campus, and when it was close to dinner time, Wang Mengmeng and Su Xiao went to the school's cafeteria to have a meal.

The canteens of University A are relatively well-known in the university canteen circle, for no particular reason, just because they are delicious and cheap.

Of course, compared to the few star chefs outside, no luxury restaurant can compare, but the peer canteen is really the best and most conscientious school canteen.

After eating, the sky has been dyed tea red, like a cup of Ceylon black tea.

And the speech meeting of the mysterious genius is about to begin... Wang Mengmeng and Su Xiao hurried towards the school auditorium.When they ran over, the scene in front of them was like the arrival of a star. The campus auditorium was already crowded with people and nothing could get through.

Wang Mengmeng couldn't help being amazed, she looked at Su Xiao from the corner of her eye, and saw confidence and pride on her face.The man who is admired by all the stars is the boyfriend of the person next to him.

After all, without an admission ticket, I wanted to wait around the door for the mysterious genius to come. The people who witnessed his fragrance never waited. hall.

Some people returned in dismay, some people still stood persistently at the door waiting for a miracle, some people with tickets seemed to show off, waving their tickets and passing the ticket inspectors, and some even wanted to hide in the gate. Sneaked in from the crowd, but was picked out by the strict ticket inspection and thrown out.

Wang Mengmeng watched Su Xiao enter the auditorium, a ray of light projected through the gate of the auditorium, she also wished she could go in, just like Cinderella wished to attend the prince's ball.Cinderella has the help of trees and animals, as well as herself and her teacher!
She took out the pass that Teacher Lu gave her today, and the teacher allowed herself to go in, and the rest had to be done by herself, and her hand holding the pass was involuntarily clenched.

Su Xiao entered the auditorium. Her position was not at the front, but her eyesight was very good. She could clearly see all the handsome and intelligent man on the podium.In her eyes, among her peers, except for Zhuo Nianqi, no one can achieve such a high and perfect evaluation in her heart.

When the speech was over and everyone listened with gusto but was reluctant to leave but had to leave, Su Xiao mistook everyone's eyes and sneaked into the reception room at the back of the school auditorium against the flow of people.

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