ex-wife, get married

Chapter 509 Zhuo Nianqi's Wonderful Story

"No." Su Xiao's voice dropped instantly, "I had a misunderstanding with him recently, and we got into trouble. We haven't met each other. I regret it now, and I really want to see him right away and explain clearly to him, but I I didn't get a ticket from him. He was very secretive, and it was very difficult for me to meet him."

Su Xiao's words made Wang Meng dream about the matter between herself and Zhuo Nianqi.

If the misunderstanding between himself and him can be resolved, the troubles will not be as they are now, so Wang Mengmeng understands Su Xiao's feelings very well, presumably after the conflict between the two, Su Xiao often cried behind her back.

Su Xiao didn't hear Wang Mengmeng's voice from the other end, she asked again in a low voice, begging in her tone.

"Mengmeng, please, I really need this admission ticket!" At the same time, she changed the topic, "If there is really no other way, then it doesn't matter. I can also squat at the door and wait for you to come out. You can sneak in, don't put too much pressure on yourself, don't take it too seriously."

"Su Xiao, let me think about it, I'll go and see if I can get extra tickets."

Wang Mengmeng told a lie. Firstly, she kept Su Xiaoxian safe, and secondly, she let herself calmly make a judgment.

After hearing this, Su Xiao felt that this was the only way to go, so she hung up the phone.

Wang Mengmeng watched the screen of her mobile phone slowly turn black. She lay on the railing and looked at the sky. The wind blew from a distance, blowing her long hair, but it couldn't blow away her troubles.

Why one thing after another rushed towards me like a raging tide, the pressure didn't get smaller, but continued to expand without giving myself a chance to breathe.

Originally thought that since the mysterious genius was Su Xiao's boyfriend, her special interview would be easier, but who knew the truth was the opposite, not only could the exclusive interview not be easier, but she would give away the only admission ticket in her hand.

Moreover, Wang Mengmeng herself really couldn't bear to see Su Xiao and her boyfriend not seeing each other because of a misunderstanding.

But if he really gave away the ticket in his hand, then he would really be like what the president said in the letter, even if no one saw it, he would be at his own risk.

Not only that, but I just finished a group with the members of the news club, and this time I messed up again, I will definitely be discussed by the members of the club, and maybe I will be punished?
Wang Mengmeng hugged her head and really wanted to grab her own, desperately jumped from the fourth floor, so nothing would happen!

Just when she was feeling extremely painful, a flash of thought quickly passed through her mind, bringing a bright tail light.

If I hand over the ticket in my hand to Su Xiao, and Su Xiao uses this ticket to reconcile with his boyfriend, then can I get the interview?

No, this is no different from gambling, it's all about luck.

If Su Xiao and his boyfriend didn't get along after meeting, what should he do?Is the bamboo basket fetching water in vain?Waiting to be scolded?

Wang Mengmeng pressed her eyes in confusion and sleepiness, suffering in her heart, and finally she thought about it, and finally dialed the phone.

"Hey, Su Xiao, I'm Mengmeng." Wang Meng dreamed of making her voice look better.

As soon as the words fell, Su Xiao's voice came from the other end.

I don't know if Wang Mengmeng is really pretending too much, or because Su Xiao was too anxious to hear the abnormality in Wang Mengmeng's voice, she asked anxiously.

"Mengmeng, about the admission ticket, did you get it for me?"

Wang Mengmeng reluctantly raised the corner of her mouth, "Well, Su Xiao, I got it for you."

"Really?" Su Xiao exclaimed in disbelief from the other end.


Wang Mengmeng listened to Su Xiao's shout of joy and excitement from the other end of the phone, thought for a while, and then fell into a helpless, pitiful situation where she didn't know what to do, and wanted to laugh miserably, because the other party's happiness became more apparent Sadly, she was not in the mood to continue the conversation.

Pretend to be happy and wish Su Xiao could take this opportunity to reunite with her boyfriend, otherwise she would be sorry for the admission ticket, so she hung up the phone.

Wang Mengmeng, who pressed the close button, sighed, and slowly slid down against the balcony wall. She rubbed her head, as if she was questioning her own brain, how could you do such a thing, but this There is no use at all, no regrets.

"What should I do..." Wang Mengmeng raised her hand to cover her eyes, and sighed silently.

At this time, Wang Mengmeng's roommate just came out of the dormitory, blowing the morning breeze and breathing the fresh morning air. Looking down, she saw a figure sitting pitifully next to the balcony wall, covering it with his hands. The face can't be seen clearly, but it seems to be Wang Mengmeng according to the clothes.

"Hey, why did you wake up so early today, Mengmeng?"

The roommate was surprised, but felt that Wang Mengmeng didn't feel right today. She knelt down and looked at her and asked, "What's the matter, are you feeling uncomfortable?" As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to touch Wang Mengmeng's forehead.

When Wang Mengmeng heard the sound, she let go of her hand covering her eyes, and saw that the roommate with long hair in the middle had stretched out her hand to her forehead, testing her temperature.

The roommate felt the temperature of Wang Mengmeng's forehead, and then felt the temperature of his own head. There was no difference, so he couldn't help being surprised.

"You don't have a fever? Could it be something else?"

Seeing her roommate worrying about her, Wang Mengmeng was very comforted, but it didn't help her anxiety at all.

She shook her head, "No... I'm fine, don't worry about me." She patted her butt and stood up, opened the door and walked into the dormitory.

It's not physical discomfort, but something on your mind?The roommate thought for a while and hurriedly followed and continued to ask, "Is it your boyfriend?"

Wang Mengmeng frowned slightly, turned around and patted her roommate on the shoulder lightly.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have any...boyfriend."

"You are so beautiful that you should have a boyfriend. It's strange if you don't."

Wang Mengmeng's long-haired roommate smiled happily.At this time, the other two roommates heard their conversation and turned their heads, agreeing with her point of view very much.

Seeing that she was not happy, the long-haired roommate was too embarrassed to joke anymore, she asked seriously: "It's not because of illness, nor because of feelings, but because of... the club?"

Wang Mengmeng had no intention of hiding it, and nodded lightly.

At this time, the roommate with long hair parted in the middle spoke again, because she guessed the reason for Wang Mengmeng's unhappiness, as if this matter had been expected by her, so her expression was even more righteous and indignant than Wang Mengmeng's. , and shouted loudly: "It doesn't matter if you don't go to that kind of club, how can you persecute people like this!" They saw the letter that the news agency president dragged others to bring to Wang Mengmeng that day.

Also saw the obligatory statement on the letter paper.

Wang Mengmeng was a little embarrassed, and whispered softly: "Actually, it's me..."

The long-haired roommate interrupted her, "But you didn't want to do this kind of thing when you joined the club. Besides, you just entered for a few days, and you can count it with your fingers. You will be asked to do this very Difficult things, without the tempering of a year or two of experience, it is very difficult to have a thick skin. Look at others, who is not the first to be a deputy first." The roommate said so much in one breath, fork He bent his waist and gasped for breath.

The other two roommates couldn't help complaining about Wang Mengmeng.

"I see clearly that it is embarrassing for others! If I can't do it myself, I will ask you to do it!"

Wang Mengmeng came to the table, tidied up the materials prepared earlier, her eyes were downcast, lifeless.

"But since I've been given this task, the mysterious genius' speech will start tonight. I can't just say no to it at a critical moment, otherwise it will make it difficult for them to prepare."

Although she felt that she had prepared all the materials, many things happened unexpectedly. It doesn't mean that if you prepare well, you will definitely succeed, it just reduces the chances.

And now even if she handed over this stack of information to the club, it would be impossible for them to memorize all the contents in less than a day. She checked it out by herself, marked it, and memorized it gently in her mind. Once again, for several days later, I looked at the diary every day and didn't fully remember it.

What's more, if you write it down to them now, it will be used tonight, and the short eleven hours in less than a day will not be enough.

She knew how painful it was to be embarrassed, so Wang Mengmeng didn't want to transfer this painful thing to others.

"It's none of their business, they are the ones who made things difficult for you first, and it's not you who made things difficult for them first, there's nothing wrong with retaliation!" the long-haired roommate said with a wave of his hands.

Her principle is: You respect me one foot, I respect you one foot, if you dare to turn against me, hehe, don't blame me for being rude.

Just after that, another roommate slapped him on the forehead so unceremoniously.

"Are you lacking in virtue!" said the roommate with brown curly hair.

"What's wrong with me!" Zhongfen's roommate rubbed his head aggrievedly again.

After so many days, Wang Mengmeng saw her being slapped on the head almost every day. The sound sounded strong, and she couldn't help but feel scared after hearing it.

But it was like a joke, the long-haired roommate was patted like this every day, nothing happened, not only seemed to be okay, but also... his head was enlightened after being patted.

The roommate who often took pictures of each other saw Wang Mengmeng's worry and explained to Wang Mengmeng that it's all right, you see that she is so smart now, and her grades are so good. All the way to the big shot.

Of course, Wang Mengmeng didn't believe it was true, she just smiled, although sometimes she did have a little bit of doubt whether there was something special about her roommate with long hair.

"Thank you for your concern. Isn't there an old saying that the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge? Maybe God sees that I have been unlucky for so many days and is so pitiful. Maybe he can help me temporarily." Anyway, such a big tragedy. Can we still be afraid of other tragedies after encountering them?

Wang Mengmeng put the materials into her bag, as if she was about to go out.

Roommates, look at me, I look at you, they feel a little uncomfortable, because they can say comforting words, say a lot, but no matter how much they say, it will not be of any use, and it will not be of any help to Wang Mengmeng .

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