ex-wife, get married

Chapter 506 Zhuo Nianqi's Wonderful Extra Story White Swan and Black Swan

Zhuo Xiangyu sighed, "Let you decide your own feelings, and keep you stuck in the past? Is this the happiness you want, son?"

"Of course not! It's not permanent, it's just a temporary situation!" He would never let his relationship end now, and he didn't want to hold a regret.

Zhuo Nianqi was suppressed by his father's words and questioned, and he wanted to return it.

"Daddy, since you've been out for so long, mom won't doubt you?"


Zhuo Xiangyu knew that his son had grown up, and he really wanted to persuade him, but he also knew that Zhuo Nianqi didn't listen to a word he said.

After Wang Mengmeng's short chat with Su Xiao over dinner, the friendship between the two has also rapidly warmed up.

They are also willing to spend money to pay for their sins, go to the dance club to practice from time to time, meet Su Xiao by the way, and go to the restaurant downstairs for dinner together after the meeting.

Even when she didn't need to go, she would also go to see Su Xiao's white swan and black swan dance practice for the International Dance Competition, and by the way, give her a personal performance.

After going back and forth a few times, the two of them have already become very skilled.

On this day, there was no class to attend in the training class, but Wang Mengmeng was picking clothes in the closet, and started to put on makeup after picking out the clothes. An hour before, she received a text message from Su Xiao, the content was roughly to go shopping together. It doesn't matter if you buy something, let's meet up for a game and a chat.

Wang Mengmeng immediately replied to the text message and said yes, she asked Su Xiao when and where to gather, and agreed on the time and place.

Since this time, Wang Mengmeng and Su Xiao often go out shopping, and are often invited by Su Xiao to be guests at home.Wang Mengmeng knew that Su Xiao's family background must be unusual, and she was still taken aback when she came to her house.

Su Xiao's house is not located in a well-known wealthy area in the city, but its geographical location is also built in an unspoiled suburban place surrounded by mountains, rivers and fresh air.

There is also a private aristocratic school integrating kindergarten, elementary school and high school in the villa area. The tuition fees are also scary expensive, but it is more convenient. It has also invested in a separate road connecting the city and running 24 hours a day. The free car in the city is really convenient.

Therefore, the housing prices in this area have risen again and again. It is not ordinary rich people who really don't spend their spare money to buy a house here.

Even so, Wang Mengmeng felt that Su Xiao and her mother did not have the airs of a rich man at all. Every time Su Xiao brought her here, she was very enthusiastic, and when she was free, she would cook desserts together, so happy.

But soon, August is coming to an end, and September will soon be ushered in.September for Chinese students, the summer vacation is over, and the new semester begins!The new epic disaster movie is here again!
Wang Mengmeng was no exception. After returning to China, she immediately went through the formalities of entering University A.

After school started, Wang Mengmeng had no extra time to go out with Su Xiao. She talked to Su Xiao, and Su Xiao said it was understandable, and she was going to start school too.

On September [-]st, the sky did not cool down, and the wind was still mixed with hot factors. Wang Mengmeng wiped off the sweat on her face, and came to the gate of this huge campus. At the gate stood a huge semi-elliptical gate carved in stone. There are still traces of time on the door, and it is said that it was established in the Qing Dynasty.

Walking into the gate of University A is a long black asphalt road. At the end of the asphalt road, there is a huge statue of a human head.

On both sides of the asphalt road, there are Kumarajiva trees with huge green leaves, smooth and thick branches, and a dignified bust. Green fruits have been hung on the branches of the Kumarajiva trees, which swing back and forth in the hot wind like bells. Hanging branches.

Wang Mengmeng passed by many students dragging their luggage to and fro. She shook her head and thought, don't look at it. It is so hot now that she should find her dormitory and put her luggage away. She will continue to study here for three years. , There will be more time to visit the campus in the future.

By coincidence, she saw a temporary shed in the shade under the tree next to the statue. There was a table and two chairs under the shed. On the chairs were two students who were dressed in uniform and looked like students.

And in front of the table where the two of them were sitting, there was a handwritten card that read Freshman Counseling Office.

Wang Mengmeng immediately ran over excitedly dragging her luggage.After asking the direction, Wang Mengmeng smiled gratefully to express her gratitude.

Seeing how beautiful Wang Mengmeng was, the two people at the consultation office wanted to help her carry her luggage, but Wang Mengmeng declined.She thought, besides herself, there must be many new students who need to ask questions at the counseling office.

University A is the university with the best greening in the city, covering the largest area. In addition to the dignified and elegant Kumarajiva trees planted in the green campus, there are rows of beautiful and tall trees planted in one part of the campus. Redbud tree.Bauhinia blooms, and clusters of flowers hang all over the branches, with almost no green leaves, like powder clouds floating in mid-air.

When the flowers are in bloom, the dark pink and light pink flowers are hung on the branches, attracting many tourists to stop and watch.

It took Wang Mengmeng a lot of effort to finally get to the dormitory downstairs, and even the dormitory building was surrounded by various green tree gardens.

There are many temporary sheds built downstairs in the dormitory area. This is not a freshman consultation here, but a job that various clubs will do every new semester in order to recruit new blood.

There was a lot of people downstairs, and many people were distributing leaflets made by their associations.

Wang Mengmeng passed by for a while until she came to the downstairs of her dormitory. There were already seven or eight sheets stuffed in her arms. She pursed her mouth, put the flyers in her backpack, and looked up at the dormitory. building.

Her dormitory room number is 401, which is the fourth floor, but she turned around and didn't see the elevator.Can't help but make a cry, and resignedly pick up the luggage and climb the stairs.

The door of 401 was closed tightly, and Wang Mengmeng came to the door of the dormitory and stopped, hesitating.

After all, I'm always a little nervous when I meet everyone for the first time. What should I do if everyone doesn't welcome me, but standing at the door all the time is not an option?Wang Mengmeng rubbed her face in confusion.

"Are you a new classmate this semester?" A voice rang in Wang Mengmeng's ear.

Wang Mengmeng suddenly turned around to look in the direction of the voice, only to see a short girl with short hair, holding a blue water bottle in her hand, and smiled at Wang Mengmeng.

"Oh, yes!" Wang Mengmeng responded in a panic.

"Then come in quickly, in fact, everyone is waiting for you." The girl pushed open the iron door of the room.Wang Mengmeng saw two girls sitting in the room, holding colored scrolls in their hands, and shouted enthusiastically: "Welcome new classmates!"

Wang Mengmeng was quite surprised. She looked at the two people in front of her with big black eyes, and her movements froze.

The two students holding the reel thought they had frightened Wang Mengmeng, looked at each other, then looked at Wang Mengmeng again, feeling very uncomfortable and said, "Did we scare you by being too enthusiastic?"

Seeing their misunderstanding, Wang Mengmeng quickly waved her hands and explained: "It didn't scare me, but a surprise! I'm very happy!" When I came to the door of the dormitory, I was still very worried, afraid that I wouldn't be able to integrate with my roommates. I would be rejected by my roommates, but I didn't expect that everyone was ready to accept me before I came.

"We have prepared snacks, let's eat together!" The short, short-haired girl holding a water bottle put the water bottle on the ground and closed the door, revealing a mountain of snacks behind the door.

"This... so many!" Wang Mengmeng was dumbfounded.

"That's right, of course it's a celebration to welcome new classmates!" The girl on the left is holding a colorful roll and wearing a middle part, crossing her hands, with an expression of listening to me, "Don't hesitate! Open your stomach and eat at ease! And we are I bought it at the wholesale market, so it's not expensive at all!"

"Blow it, it's not you who want to eat!" The girl on the right with brown curly hair slapped the other person's forehead mercilessly, mockingly.

"It hurts! Really." The girl with a middle score put down the reel, touched her painful head and pouted, "Today is the last day of rest. After class starts tomorrow, there is no time for HAPPY." Already!"

Hearing what he said, Wang Mengmeng asked curiously, "Is the curriculum here very tight?"


"It's not tight, it's very tight!"

The middle-scoring girl walked up to Wang Mengmeng, sighed, patted her on the shoulder solemnly and said.

"Sisters, although we have been here for a year, we are still not used to such high-intensity study. You don't even know that the professor came here with a pervert, spoke very fast, and didn't wait for us to take notes. Later, almost All the students in the class carry a tape recorder with them when they go to class. After recording, they listen slowly and memorize slowly. The content on the blackboard is directly photographed. Now that the second grade is about to be promoted, the course schedule will be even more intense. You have to Take care!" As she said, she pretended to wipe away the "tears" from the corners of her eyes.

"So." She changed the subject, "Of course you should hurry up and enjoy the rest time on the last day!"

Let go of the hand on Wang Mengmeng's shoulder, and rushed towards the hill of snacks.

Wang Mengmeng felt that what the middle-point girl said was actually quite right.

"Don't look at her being so active now, she looks like she's playing crazily compared to anyone else, but she's actually more diligent than anyone else when it comes to class, she's a super invincible schoolmaster!" The short girl leaned into Wang Mengmeng's ear and whispered .

"Really?" Wang Mengmeng couldn't hide her surprise and asked, she really couldn't see it.

But she can feel that everyone is very enthusiastic and kind-hearted, and the rest of her college life may be very happy!
Wang Mengmeng was arranging her bed and luggage with the beef strips that were forcibly stuffed by the girls in the center in her mouth.

Because there was only the bed to sleep in, Wang Mengmeng had no other choice, so she just slept like this.Of course, it doesn't matter to her, she can get on and off the bed.

What made her even more surprised was that her roommate actually prepared mattresses, mats and mosquito nets for her in advance, saving her the trouble of going out to buy them.There are also new books, which I also brought back for her.

Such a friendly and kind roommate is rare in a century, so she doesn't know how to thank her.On the contrary, the roommate who helped her didn't mind and said, "It's okay. We can just take care of each other in the future!"

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