ex-wife, get married

Chapter 503 Zhuo Nianqi already has a sweetheart

As soon as Su Xiao's parents got home, they called their daughter out.

Su Xiao was practicing the dance she danced during the international competition in the room at this time. Seeing that her parents had something to do with her, she didn't have time to take off the ballet shoes on her feet. She picked up a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off her face before heading downstairs.

"What's the matter? Mommy?" Su Xiao asked as she walked down the winding staircase.

Thinking of the phone call Zhuo Nianqi made to her a few days ago, Su Xiao wondered if her parents went to Zhuo Nianqi's house again this morning.

Sure enough, what Su Xiao's mother told Su Xiao was really about this matter.

"Su Xiao, Nian Qi said that he already has a heart. You and Nian Qi are so close, do you know who it is?"

Su's father was basically a companion, and went upstairs to work after returning, leaving Su's mother to chat with Su Xiao.

"He has another sweetheart?" Su Xiao was even more surprised than Su's mother.Not only that, but he also asked his mother: "Mummy, did he say that? Who is his sweetheart?"

Mother Su tilted her head, pinched her chin and thought for a while, "If I know, do I still need to ask my daughter? And... the child also said that although the girl he fell in love with was ordinary, in his eyes But it is unique in Li, you don’t know, his eyes are shining when he said this! Su Xiao, think about the girls who are close to him but whose family conditions are very ordinary.”

A close but ordinary girl?
Su Xiao frowned and thought about it hard. Those around Zhuo Nianqi were either young masters and princesses with prominent family backgrounds, or outstanding talents who were all over the place, but ordinary people... It seemed that there were none of them.

Mother Su was also surprised. Could it be that what Zhuo Nianqi said was all made up?

"Forget it." Su's mother waved her hand, "I just can't figure it out, my daughter is so good and so beautiful, she is good at studying and has a good family background, why does he not like girls? Could it be that she doesn't like girls? ?”

Su Xiao glanced at her mother reproachfully, she doesn't like her daughter, so you don't have to make fun of her like that, she couldn't help being a little shy.

"Mom, what are you talking about. This... This is worse than not liking it!"

"Your mother, I can't even talk about it, and it won't do anything if I talk too much."

Hey, the beautiful girl who was brought up with great difficulty actually speaks for an outsider, which really makes her a mother sad.

Su Xiao turned around and looked at a huge floor-standing Atlantic clock sitting in the corner. Su Xiao's father accidentally participated in an auction for this Western clock. He thought it looked pretty good, so he bought it. Looks like a hundred thousand.

It's a bit weird to put it in Chinese-style furniture, but it's not useless, and this Western clock has a history of almost a hundred years.

"Don't talk about Mom, it's almost time for class!" Su Xiao ran upstairs anxiously after seeing the time.

Take out the washed and ironed ballet clothes and ballet shoes and put them in the suitcase, change into the sweat-soaked clothes before going out.

After a while, the driver of Su Xiao's family drove her to an area where office buildings and commercial buildings stood where the elite gathered in the city.

Since she came to this city from abroad, she signed up for a national ballet dance class in the local area, and practiced here every week.

He had been influenced by a lot of ballet in foreign countries before, and his parents also invited a choreographer who specially participated in the international ballet competition to teach her.

When she came here to take classes, she quickly stood out from a group of excellent students. In many domestic performances, she was choreographed to dance alone, and she also won a lot of praise and fans.

Some time ago, her advisor told her that she would have a chance to be recommended to the United States for an international competition.

Although Su Xiao is very familiar with this place in the United States, it is the first time for her to participate in an international competition. Naturally, she cherishes this rare opportunity very much, and the practice time has been doubled for herself.

The student won the award, and his dance class will naturally get a lot of glory, so he specially invited a well-known ballet choreography instructor in China to arrange a ballet with a story for Su Xiao.

The general plot of the story is that a white swan turns into a black swan.For the beautiful Su Xiao, jumping out of the pure, noble and elegant white swan is an easy thing, she doesn't have to jump and stand there to give people such a feeling.

But the evil black swan is the opposite of Su Xiao's personality. The difficulty of dancing the white swan and the black swan is the same, but the reverse black swan must give people an evil, dark, weird, and treacherous feeling. Come out, let the dancer radiate from the inside out.

At that time, the instructor who choreographed the dance wrote several scripts.He brought it in front of Su Xiao.

The difficulty of the other few dances is not too high, and you can easily win the first prize after you dance well. As for the white swan and black swan, if you dance well, everyone will remember you. You may miss the first prize.

After an afternoon of thinking, Su Xiao chose the latter script without hesitation. She wanted to challenge, not only to challenge, but also to succeed. Not only did she want everyone to remember herself, she also wanted to win the first prize. Throne of the award.

Su Xiao wore a black ballet costume and practiced alone in the dance room, sweating profusely. At this time, the art supervisor who choreographed and danced walked in. After watching Su Xiao's series of practice dances, he still shook his head.

From the corner of Su Xiao's eyes, she saw the opponent's movements, she pursed her lips, and jumped up harder.

After watching it, the dance instructor clapped his hands and said, "Okay, stop and don't dance."

Su Xiao didn't stop.

"Su Xiao listen to me and stop!" The dance instructor's voice became more serious, with an irresistible tone in the voice, Su Xiao had to stop and walked in front of the instructor.

Unwillingness appeared on his face: "Teacher, I still can't do it?"

The teacher shook his head.

Su Xiao felt cold. In order to be able to dance this black swan well, she had already spent several times more time on the black swan part than on the white swan part. She kept trying to figure out the role of the black swan, trying to show the strange feeling of the black swan .

"I know I may not be suitable, but I don't want to give up this role."

"Su Xiao, I understand this feeling, but sometimes you have to accept the reality. In fact, you are already very perfect technically, but you can't exude this feeling, understand? You can't act it out by acting, expressing, and acting. This needs to be emitted by the inner ultraviolet. You, Su Xiao, are not this kind of person, you are very elegant and simple, and you don’t feel what the lower class people feel, so you can’t emit it.”

The instructor looked at Su Xiao, "Do you understand what I said?"

"Yes, teacher, I understand, I... think about it again."

Su Xiao clasped her hands and remained silent in the end. It was because she didn't do well enough, so she should work harder.

The instructor didn't expect Su Xiao to accept it right away, she patted Su Xiao on the shoulder, and said comfortingly: "It's okay, take it easy, don't tire yourself out. Okay?"

"Good teacher."

Su Xiao practiced again for an hour under the supervision of the teacher. After the dancing time was over, she was already dripping with sweat. The black swan ballet costume she was wearing was already soaked in sweat, and it was tightly attached to her pretty waist. body.

This international ballet club is equipped with advanced changing rooms and bathrooms.

Su Xiao went in to take a shower and changed into a set of clean clothes.

After taking a bath, Su Xiao blew her black, thick and smooth long hair, easily tied it up with a black rope, put the original clothes in a sealed bag and put them away. Instead of going home immediately, she went to the ballet newcomer class .

There are newcomers, teenagers and adults in the freshman class. Their families are either rich or expensive, because the tuition fees here are not low.

Although the price is quite high, but because it is not only famous but also the teaching quality is good, people's evaluation on the website is also very high, there are many rich people in big cities, naturally there are always many newcomer classes here.

The population flow in the newcomer class is relatively large, because many people only come here occasionally to exercise their bodies, and they don't study for a long time like Su Xiao, and they have to participate in international competitions.

So for a period of time after she finishes her practice, she will go to the newcomer class to help the teacher supervise and guide them.

"Okay, your movements are very good! Please keep it up!" Su Xiao smiled with satisfaction at a newcomer student.

"I remember that you have been here several times. Do you want to keep learning? I have a suggestion. If you are free, you can go to the constant temperature swimming pool for a swim every week. It will make a huge change in your body. It's good for your ballet."

Su Xiao suggested, "If you don't plan to go out, you can also search for 'Pilates' exercises on the Internet. Although it will be very tiring, after doing it for a month, you will find yourself very beautiful!"

One white covers all ugliness, one fat ruins everything.

After more than a week at Wang Mengmeng's place, her mood didn't get much better, but she would never show it on her face and make her friends worry about her, but buried it deep in her heart.

At this time, she was holding a brand-new dance training center card in her hand, and she tapped the table with a corner of the card, half-supporting her head to decide whether to go or not.

This card was given to her by her best friend Li Qing yesterday. She said she would go on vacation with her boyfriend, but she had applied for a dance training card before, and the cost was not low, so it would be a waste to leave it alone, so she took it out and gave it to Wang. cute dream.

Wang Mengmeng wondered if Li Qing did it for herself on purpose.

In fact, in Li Qing's eyes, the cost of this card is not really high. She usually buys more things that are immediately wasted than this, and she has never seen her say regretfully, oops, just take it. Use it, or you'll be wasting your money!

Wang Mengmeng also planned to push this dance training card to Feng Yuanyuan, and told Feng Yuanyuan that there might be a male teacher in the training class!
Since she is a dance teacher, she must have a very good figure, and maybe her face is also very good-looking.It is very likely that there will be a teacher-student romance!

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