Seeing Zhuo Nianqi surrounded by all the girls, Wang Mengmeng felt very uncomfortable.

However, she didn't show it. It just so happened that Teacher Lu Jinbo invited her to go for a walk in the dense forest. Wang Mengmeng didn't want to see these obtrusive things in front of her again, so she agreed, and went deep into the dense forest with Lu Jinbo go.

The dense forest is far away from human habitation, and it looks more quiet and peaceful. The sunlight casts mottled light and shadow on the ground through the green shade, and everything looks so beautiful.

Wang Mengmeng stepped forward, took a deep breath, and immediately felt extremely comfortable all over. He opened his arms to embrace nature, and his body and mind immediately became much calmer, and he would never think of Zhuo Nianqi being surrounded by girls before. In the scene at that time, the corners of his lips could not help evoking a smile.

Lu Jinbo stood not far away looking at her like this, his eyes were full of amazement.

Wang Mengmeng was dressed in light brown clothes, which matched the green of the dense forest very well. Her long black hair hung down her shoulders, and her round deer-like eyes were full of joy. Wang Mengmeng couldn't be more suitable.

Standing in the depths of the dense forest, she is like a bird returning to its nest, and like a butterfly swimming among the flowers, her face is flushed, and she looks as beautiful as a red apple, which is unbearable. Can't help but want to take a bite.

Wang Mengmeng was completely out of play, and even ignored Lu Jinbo's existence. She didn't react until she was exhausted from playing, and ran to Lu Jinbo and stuck out her tongue, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"Sorry, I was a little too happy."

Lu Jinbo didn't care about it at all. He originally wanted to accompany Wang Mengmeng when he came out this time, as long as Wang Mengmeng had fun himself.

And he's not all for nothing, at least as far as he thinks he's unearthed a good piece of material.

Shaking his head, Lu Jinbo had a warm smile on his face.


Wang Mengmeng was panting slightly, her smooth and plump forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.Seeing this, Lu Jinbo took out a handkerchief and handed it to her.

"It's a bit hot, you can wipe it off."

Wang Mengmeng smiled embarrassedly, took the handkerchief and wiped it, Lu Jinbo saw that her breathing was even, and suggested: "It's getting late, let's go back."

They didn't tell anyone when they came out, maybe someone would have noticed their absence by now and became anxious, Wang Mengmeng also thought of this, and nodded to Lu Jinbo.

The two walked back side by side along the road they came from, and when they arrived at the camp, someone spotted them immediately.

"Hey, look, Teacher Lu is back! I thought he and Mengmeng were missing just now..."

The girls immediately surrounded them, Wang Mengmeng retreated to the side, Lu Jinbo was surrounded by the crowd, and showed her a helpless smile.

Wang Mengmeng also smiled, walked to the side and sat down, ready to take a rest.

Not far away, Zhuo Nianqi saw that she came back with Lu Jinbo, and for some reason felt a bit blocked.Seeing Wang Mengmeng sitting down to rest, he immediately walked up, turned his eyes aside and said, "You're back?"

"Well, I felt too boring, so I went for a walk with Mr. Lu."

Wang Mengmeng nodded, looked down at her toes, and couldn't help muttering in her heart.

Why did Zhuo Nianqi suddenly come over?Wouldn't it be nice for him to stay with those girls?
As soon as this idea came out, Wang Mengmeng was taken aback by her own thoughts. What was she thinking, that she would say such jealous words?Obviously Zhuo Nianqi has nothing to do with her, at most he is just her good buddy...

But Zhuo Nianqi took the initiative to talk to her. Although Wang Mengmeng didn't say anything, she was actually very happy in her heart.

Zhuo Nianqi stretched out his hand and scratched his face, he was never good at expressing, now he suddenly became dissatisfied with his clumsy tongue.

"Why are you with Lu Jinbo?"

Wang Mengmeng subconsciously asked: "Why can't I be with Lu Jinbo?" It seems that whoever she wants to go with is her freedom, right?
"It's nothing." This topic was too weird, Zhuo Nianqi directly mentioned it, walked to the side, hugged the big and small bags of food in his arms, and put them all by Wang Mengmeng's side.

"This is?" Wang Mengmeng looked aside, showing a puzzled expression.

Zhuo Nianqi turned his head aside, stretched out his hand and scratched his face with an unnatural expression.

"These were forced on me by those girls before. I don't like it. Let's see if you eat it."

"That's it, what a pity, I don't like to eat it either, so I have to throw it away." Wang Mengmeng slightly opened her eyes, and said in a regretful tone on purpose.

"You don't like it? I remember these are your favorite flavors..."

He blurted it out without thinking, and when he realized it, he found Wang Mengmeng was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Zhuo Nianqi wanted to say something, but Wang Mengmeng didn't give him a chance, so he reached out and hugged the pile of things in his arms.

"Okay, I admit it was a lie to you, I like it very much, thank you."

Zhuo Nianqi nodded, pursed his lips slightly and said nothing.Wang Mengmeng lowered her head, with an imperceptible smile on her lips. For some reason, her mood suddenly improved, and she felt at ease.

However, the weather was not good, Zhuo Nianqi and Wang Mengmeng solved the misunderstanding on this side, and suddenly it rained heavily on the other side.

"Hey, students! Come here to shelter from the rain!"

Seeing that they were still there, Lu Jinbo and others who had already run under the tree waved to them one after another. Zhuo Nianqi helped Wang Mengmeng carry the pile of things under the big tree.

"Why are you carrying so many things?" Lu Jinbo asked casually, took off the backpack he was carrying, and unzipped it: "Mengmeng, put it in."

"En, good."

Wang Mengmeng put all the things in, and Lu Jinbo looked down at her with a smile on his lips and gentle eyes.

"Ah, Zhuo Nianqi, you can see that you are all wet."

The girl next to her screamed, and took out a towel so attentively that she handed it to Zhuo Nianqi, "Here, let me wipe it off for you."

Zhuo Nianqi said thank you, took it over, wiped his hair, and saw the girl handing the towel looked at Lu Jinbo and Wang Mengmeng not far away, and said something vaguely: "The girl How lucky."

"What?" Zhuo Nianqi dried his hair and looked at her puzzled.

The girl looked enviously, "Although Teacher Lu is very kind to all of us, I have never seen him be so gentle to anyone."

Zhuo Nianqi raised his eyebrows. He really couldn't understand the thoughts of these girls. He was kind to everyone. Is this called gentleness?To put it nicely is gentleness, but to put it bluntly, it is probably promiscuous, right?

But looking at Lu Jinbo's gentle smile, it still feels like an eyesore no matter how you look at it.Zhuo Nianqi felt inexplicably angry, walked up to those two people, covered Wang Mengmeng's head with a towel, turned his eyes aside, and said casually: "Your hair is so wet and ugly, wipe it with a towel. "

Wang Mengmeng was slightly taken aback, but before she could react, Lu Jinbo had already taken off the towel from her head, narrowed her eyes slightly, and spoke softly.

"You can't be so rough with girls." After speaking, she took a towel and wiped Wang Mengmeng's hair gently and carefully.

I let you wipe it yourself!Zhuo Nianqi watched from the side, his eyes were about to burst into flames, but Wang Mengmeng was still not conscious at all, and even lowered his head to cooperate with Lu Jinbo.

Everyone moved away from them unanimously. Humans are very sensitive animals, and they will instinctively avoid danger before they encounter danger. The weird atmosphere between Zhuo Nianqi, Wang Mengmeng, and Lu Jinbo made them feel very uneasy .

Wang Mengmeng was treated with care, and she was not idle. She reached out to catch the raindrops outside the tree, and stood on tiptoe slightly, with an innocent expression.

"By the way," Lu Jinbo thought as he wiped Wang Mengmeng's hair, "I wanted to say it before, you have a good temperament and good looks, are you interested in being a model?"

Wang Mengmeng raised her head with blank eyes: "Model?"

"En," Lu Jinbo replied vaguely, and smiled slightly: "I said before that I am a university teacher, right? I am in charge of a club, which is about photography and design. I think you are very talented and Very temperamental, if you want, you can come to the club to be a model, we are contributing articles for magazines at home and abroad."

Lu Jinbo finished speaking at once, but found that Wang Mengmeng didn't respond. He looked down and saw her looking at him with adoring eyes. He couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong?"

"It's amazing!" Wang Mengmeng said sincerely, but she was a little skeptical: "But are you talking about me? Can I really do it?"

Lu Jinbo nodded, and said solemnly: "Of course, I'm worried that you will look down on this job."

Wang Mengmeng shook her head, her eyes were even brighter, how could she look down on this job?This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so that she can also work as a model while she is in school, so she can earn a lot of pocket money.

Seeing her longing eyes, Lu Jinbo smiled slightly, and took out a business card from his coat pocket.

"This is my business card with my contact information on it. If you think about it, please contact me."

"Okay." Wang Mengmeng carefully put away the business card, making everyone around envious.

At this moment, some people began to worry that they would not be able to go back due to such heavy rain.

"It's raining so hard, I can't go back..."

Everyone looked out of the tree one after another, and saw the heavy rain, and they couldn't even see the scenery clearly. Thanks to them hiding under a big tree with dense branches and leaves, they avoided getting wet.

But it seems that everyone can't go back now. The rain is so heavy that the river will definitely rise. At this time, going back by boat will only have the consequence of being overturned.

Everyone's mood suddenly became heavy, and Wang Mengmeng also looked at the rain outside and became worried. If Lu Jinbo and others can't go back, it means they can't call the police. The signal on this island is very poor, even if they have a mobile phone, they can't call Phone, that's what Lu Jinbo told them.

Zhuo Nianqi's expression on the side became even more ugly. Can't go back when it's raining?Then if it rains for a day and a night, wouldn't Lu Jinbo also stay with Wang Mengmeng for a day and a night?

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