Yes, can they really escape?Wang Mengmeng already has a shadow in her heart, even if Zhuo Nianqi is by her side, even if Zhuo Nianqi himself is very powerful, can they really run away?

Zhuo Nianqi frowned and looked at the gloomy Wang Mengmeng in front of him, his hard heart seemed to be hit by something, and it hurt fiercely.

He hated, hated those people who had turned Wang Mengmeng, who had always been cheerful and sunny, into what he is now, Wang Mengmeng with a look of despair that was completely unfamiliar to him.

Just when Zhuo Nianqi was thinking of something to say to comfort Wang Mengmeng, she suddenly had a reaction, and saw Wang Mengmeng who was originally silent suddenly stretched out her arms, and then threw herself into his arms .

"If I am really sold abroad, you must remember to tell my dad that he is in Australia..." Wang Mengmeng said in tears, holding him tightly with both hands. As the last straw.

Zhuo Nianqi was speechless, he really didn't know how to comfort the girl.

After being silent for a long time, Zhuo Nianqi slowly raised his head and hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to embed her into his bones.

He rested his chin lightly on the top of Wang Mengmeng's soft hair, and said softly but firmly: "It's okay, I will definitely find a way to get you out."

Meanwhile, the man walked to another room on the ship.

This boat is a drug gang. Xiao Lang has been undercover here for half a year as a policeman. Now it is finally time for the clouds to open and the moon to shine. When all the policemen on land arrive tomorrow, they will be able to wipe out the drug gang and rescue the gang by the way. Two imprisoned people.

But now, he can't act rashly, he must hurry back to that drug gang now, otherwise if suspicion is aroused, everything will be in vain, and all his hard work in the past six months will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's footsteps suddenly became faster. After a while, he came to the largest room on the ship. Before he opened the door to enter, Xiao Lang heard the noise coming from inside, and couldn't help but frowned. Frowning, then pushed the door open and went in.

No one noticed him, everyone was still doing their own things, and there were foul language coming from time to time, which was really unbearable.

The smell of smoke and sweat filled this small space, making it unbearable.Xiao Lang stood in the corner with a calm expression, looking at everyone in the room calmly.

Not far away stood a fat man, wearing a white shirt, with a pot belly and sweating profusely, but the people around him looked respectful and did not dare to surpass him in the slightest.

The other stood next to the fat man, wearing a black vest, his exposed muscles were bulging, his face was full of flesh, and his expression was fierce, making it obvious that he was a character not to be trifled with.

Fatty is Lu Biao, the boss of the "Dragon Tiger Gang", and this muscular man is Fatty's subordinate Ah Hao. It is said that this Ah Hao has blocked Lu Biao's gun, so Lu Biao trusts him very much. It can be said that he belongs to Lu Biao. confidant.

I don't know what they talked about before, Xiao Lang thought to himself, hiding his existence even more, standing on the sidelines and paying attention to everything in front of him.

After a while, I saw Lu Biao slowly taking out a cigarette. Without further ado, Ah Hao took out the lighter, stepped forward to light the cigarette for him courteously, and asked, "Boss, That chick has already been bought by the gold master, so what about that kid? You can’t just put him on this boat, can you?”

Lu Biao narrowed his eyes slightly and took a puff of cigarette, but didn't answer Ah Hao for a long time.Ah Hao also waited patiently. He looked respectful and showed no sign of impatience.

After a while, Lu Biao let out a puff of smoke leisurely, watched the smoke circle dissipate before his eyes, and then said slowly: "Of course you can't let that kid stay on our boat, how about it, when we approach the border tomorrow, you guys will take him away." Throw him into the river, throw a lifebuoy to him, then it depends on his luck, if he dies he will be able to swim back to the shore, if he dies can't blame others."

After saying that, Lu Biao shrugged his shoulders, the fat on his face trembled suddenly, and a funny expression appeared on his face.

"That kid is out of luck!"

"Who asked him to meddle in this matter? Opposing our Dragon and Tiger Gang, against the boss, that is courting death!"

Suddenly there was a commotion, and everyone present laughed maliciously.

Xiao Lang also smiled lightly. If he didn't smile, others would find it awkward, and they would naturally be suspicious.And he also laughed from the bottom of his heart. He had to arrive at the border at least tomorrow afternoon, and the police would arrive by tomorrow morning at the latest. I'm afraid these guys' dreams are about to be shattered.

As Lu Biao's confidant, Ah Hao never leaves Lu Biao's body for a moment on weekdays. On the one hand, as Lu Biao's bodyguard, he guarantees that Lu Biao will not be threatened under any circumstances. Most people only think of him as a thug, but they don't think of Ah Hao as a confidant. Of course, he must have a certain amount of wisdom. He exists like a think tank of the Dragon and Tiger Gang.

Everyone laughed, but Ah Hao didn't laugh. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then frowned slightly.

"Boss, I don't think this method is appropriate."

Lu Biao raised his eyebrows, his expression seemed to be asking what was wrong, Ah Hao didn't say it directly, but leaned forward slightly and whispered in Lu Biao's ear.

Seeing that Lu Biao's original complacent expression slowly changed, he became expressionless, and then his brows also frowned, obviously realizing that this was wrong.

"Ahao is right."

Lu Biao raised his head and looked around at everyone present, with a serious expression on his face. Immediately, everyone put away their smiles and waited quietly for Lu Biao to continue.

"Ah Hao is right," Lu Biao repeated, his voice low and majestic: "You can't throw that kid into the river, or what if he swims back to the shore and calls the police?"

Everyone's expression froze immediately, Lu Biao was right, if they really let Zhuo Nian Qi You go back to the shore and call the police, then I'm afraid all of them will be caught, and none of them can escape. Not what they wanted.

"Then how should we deal with that kid, Boss?" Someone in the crowd immediately asked, since everyone is their own brother, naturally when something happens, the first thing they think of is Boss.

Lu Biao pondered for a while, and then said: "Tonight, you will find a few people to beat that boy to death, and then throw the body into the water, did you hear me?"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison, the voice was deafening.

Xiao Lang still looked calm, but his heart was already turned upside down, these people's plans changed so quickly, they were going to kill Zhuo Nianqi tonight?So what should he do?
Should he go and save those two?But the police won't arrive until tomorrow morning. If he goes to rescue those two people now, won't his undercover identity be exposed?Wouldn't his hard work for the past six months be in vain?

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth, hesitating.

But after all, those are two living lives, can he really just sit back and watch them?Wasn't his declaration when he aspired to become a policeman to defend his family and country?

do not care!He had to save those two people, otherwise even if his mission was completed, his conscience would not let him go.

After making up his mind, Xiao Lang left the room quietly, just like when he came not long ago, without making a sound, no one noticed his departure.

Xiao Lang quietly came to a place not far from the cabin, covered his existence with something, and looked over there.

The two people guarding the door still didn't leave, just like when he delivered food to Zhuo Nianqi and the two before, it was because of this that he used the Morse code to convey the message to Zhuo Nianqi.

But this time he can't avoid those two people, he has to bring them down before he can rescue Zhuo Nianqi and the other two.

Wang Mengmeng lay in Zhuo Nianqi's arms for a while, the tears finally stopped flowing, and her mood stabilized a little.

Zhuo Nianqi's heart was finally relieved, he reached out and touched her head, and said with a slight smile: "Okay, eat quickly, you will have strength when you are full."

Wang Mengmeng withdrew from Zhuo Nianqi's embrace, then nodded, reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said softly, "En."

Zhuo Nianqi smiled gratifiedly, and at this moment the two heard voices talking outside the door.

Holding the wine, Xiao Lang approached the two people guarding the door, and said: "Thanks for your hard work, you have to blow cold wind here at night, this is what the boss asked me to bring to you."

The two saw that he was not at all wary, one of them took the wine with confidence and couldn't wait to drink it, but the other stopped him, frowned slightly, and said in a disapproving tone: "If you are drunk What should we do? If the two of them ran away because of a drinking accident, can you take responsibility? What if the boss blames him?"

When he said this, the person who took the wine obviously hesitated, and his expression was also very hesitant. He struggled for a while between drinking or not, and finally gritted his teeth and handed the wine back to Xiao Lang, turning his head away.

"Forget it, we won't drink this wine, brother Xiao Lang, take it back."

Xiao Lang didn't pick up the wine, but smiled, looking extremely relaxed.

"It's okay. The alcohol content is very low. You won't be intoxicated if you drink a little. Besides, the boss asked me to bring it here. There are strong winds and waves on the river. I want you to warm up. So what else is there to worry about?"

The two looked at each other, thinking about it, what else do they have to worry about?The person holding the wine immediately withdrew his hand and laughed.

"If that's the case, then I'm not going to be polite!" After saying that, he gulped down the wine, and the other person immediately became anxious when he saw this: "Hey, don't drink it all up! Save some for me!"

How could that person pay attention to his words?He gulped and drank it fiercely, and then handed it to him until he was almost done drinking. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve casually, with a happy face.


Xiao Lang looked at them with a smile, and said to them, "Hey, are those two still there?"

One person patted his chest and replied: "How dare we neglect the boss's order, it must be done!"

Xiao Lang smiled, that's good, he didn't want to take a lot of effort to get in but found out that those two people had been transferred.

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