ex-wife, get married

Chapter 476 Zhuo Nianqi's Wonderful Extra Story Han Jian's Request

Zhuo Nianqi didn't know what to say for a while, looking at the sad eyes of the other party, he pursed his lips, and said lightly: "I don't hate it, if I hate it, I won't go with you and Wanwan, Mengan and the others Amusement park, going to eat, if I hate it, I won’t come out to eat alone with you, if I hate it, I won’t help you just now.”

Yeah, wouldn't it be better for him to stand by and watch her get bullied every time?

"So I don't hate you, more precisely, I don't have any feelings for you."

Zhuo Nianqi's words were very methodical, and he listed all the reasons why he didn't hate her, which was naturally convincing.

Looking at the other party's bright eyes, Zhuo Nianqi couldn't help feeling funny, she was just a 17-year-old girl, so innocent.

But he also blushed a little after talking about the previous ones, probably because he hated Wang Mengmeng for the first time, right?Since when did he stop hating each other?On the contrary, there are some strange feelings.

"Really?" Wang Mengmeng was worried and wanted to confirm again.

Zhuo Nianqi had no choice but to nod his head: "Really."

Wang Mengmeng's mood, which had been a little depressed before, completely healed now, partly because of the wind blowing, she felt very comfortable, as if she was flying lightly in the air.As soon as she relaxed, Wang Mengmeng began to feel drowsy, and after a while the drowsiness hit, Wang Mengmeng fell into a deep sleep soon, with a smile on her lips.

The other party leaned his head on him unconsciously, Zhuo Nianqi thought about it but still couldn't bear to push it away.Unintentionally catching a glimpse of the smile on the corner of the other party's mouth, Zhuo Nianqi was speechless, but a smile couldn't help but rise from the corner of his mouth.Sure enough, people can infect each other.

Wang Mengmeng seldom drank alcohol, so naturally he got drunk easily, but Zhuo Nianqi was completely different, he rarely got drunk when drinking, even if he was still a little drunk before, but now that the cold wind blows like this, his whole body suddenly sober It's too bad.

He stayed like this for a whole night, and when the morning sun came out the next day, Zhuo Nianqi opened his eyes slightly, and saw the ray of light piercing through the clouds.

But he and Wang Mengmeng are not lovers... Thinking of this, Zhuo Nianqi's attention turned to Wang Mengmeng, who was sleeping soundly on his shoulder, because his eyelashes were closed because of his eyes closed. He turned on a small fan, breathing shallowly, evenly in and out, the blow made his neck a little itchy.

It took Zhuo Nianqi a long time to look away, and the first thing he did was to take out his mobile phone.

It was already dawn when Wang Mengmeng woke up.The top of the mountain in the early morning is very harmonious, two rows of lush trees, the blue sky and white clouds above the head, and the melodious chirping of birds, Wang Mengmeng first leaned on Zhuo Nianqi's shoulder with a confused expression. After scanning the surrounding environment with his eyes, he came back to his senses and sat up abruptly.

"woke up?"

Zhuo Nianqi greeted him in a non-salty way, while moving his shoulder that had been numb from Wang Mengmeng's sleep all night, while flexibly manipulating something on the phone.

"Eh... hey, why are we here!?" Wang Mengmeng answered vaguely, and suddenly let out a scream.

"What's the matter, don't you remember what happened last night?"

Zhuo Nianqi frowned and looked very displeased. Was Wang Mengmeng screaming so close to him to deafen his ears?He turned his head and saw Wang Mengmeng's annoyed face: "It's over, I missed the sunrise."

Zhuo Nianqi laughed abruptly, Wang Mengmeng immediately focused his firepower on him, and gave him a hard look.

"Hmph, what are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?"

"Sorry, I'm really not interested in flat-panel airports." Zhuo Nianqi said, his tone was insincere, and he handed her the mobile phone in his hand. surprise.She saw at a glance that the photos were of the sunrise not long ago, and each one was beautiful.

Wow!All of these were taken by Zhuo Nianqi?Wang Mengmeng was both surprised and pleasantly surprised, she took the phone and looked at it carefully.Zhuo Nianqi didn't care about it, it was her cell phone anyway.

While talking about his cell phone, suddenly his cell phone rang, Zhuo Nianqi took it out to check the caller ID, and subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

Speaking of which, he and Wang Mengmeng sneaked out of Katyusha yesterday, but neither Han Jian nor Lan Seqi knew about it.

"Hello?" Zhuo Nianqi's voice was as cold as ever, but Lan Seqi's eyes filled with tears when she heard this voice, Zhuo Nianqi finally answered her call, "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, I didn't tell you when I went out .”

Zhuo Nianqi pre-empted the attack, and Lan Seqi choked on her complaining words: "It's okay, Nianqi, but where are you now, it made me worry all night!"

Zhuo Nianqi turned his head and glanced at Wang Mengmeng, who was holding the phone with excitement on his face, and said in a calm tone: "Well, I'm fine, I'm at a friend's house, don't worry, what else can you do?"

"Um, I don't mean anything else, but you went out all night, and you didn't even say hello to your family. Wanwan and Meng'an are very worried." Lan Seqi softened her tone.

Zhuo Nianqi was a little annoyed at once, yesterday he was on a whim and didn't think about it too much, now thinking that it's too inappropriate to keep the two children Wan Wan and Meng An at home, so he said eagerly: "Well, thank you, I'll be right back."

Lan Seqi smiled in satisfaction, "Well, be careful on the road, we'll be waiting for you to come back."

Zhuo Nianqi stood up abruptly, Wang Mengmeng was taken aback by his action after seeing the photos well.

"What are you going to do?"

Zhuo Nianqi gave her a condescending look: "Go back."

"Let's... go back now?"

Wang Mengmeng felt a little regretful, but she had already left precious photos, which can be used to reminisce in the future, so there is no rush for this moment.

The two just got on the motorcycle and drove to the city. Zhuo Nianqi sent Wang Mengmeng home and rushed home.

On the other end, when Han Jian came to the gallery, the boss couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw it. Didn't Han Jian come to take the painting away?What is he doing now?
However, if someone came to the door, it meant that there was business coming. Naturally, the boss would not let go of such an opportunity and greeted him immediately.

"Mr. Han, what's the matter? Did you fancy another painting?"

Han Jian looked up at the paintings with different styles, and said casually, "I want to ask what happened to the girl last time?"

The girl from last time?The boss thought about it carefully, Wang Mengmeng's appearance was very prominent, so he remembered it completely in a short while.

"Oh, you mean her? She came to tell me about the art exhibition, but..."

Han Jian looked sideways at him and frowned, "But what?"

"However, there is still a problem with the girl's art exhibition. I heard that the funds are not enough, so I have to delay it for a while."

What's the problem? It's nothing more than insufficient funds, etc. Han Jian pondered for a while, then turned around and smiled politely at the boss.

"thank you, I know now."

After Han Jian left the gallery, he called Wang Mengmeng. Yesterday Lan Seqi told him about Wang Mengmeng and Zhuo Nianqi, and he realized that Zhuo Nianqi would be a strong rival in the future, and Wang Meng The subsequent disappearance of Meng and Zhuo Nianqi proved his conjecture even more.

But he didn't want to ask anything when he called. Firstly, he is not Wang Mengmeng's person now. Secondly, being so aggressive will not get any answers, it will only increase the other party's disgust.

Wang Mengmeng had just returned home to take a shower and was about to go to bed for a good night's sleep when she suddenly received a call from Han Jian.Only then did she belatedly realize that she hadn't apologized to Han Jian for what happened yesterday, so she immediately explained it in reverse, making people dumbfounded.

"You don't have to be so nervous." Feeling Wang Mengmeng's bewilderment, Han Jian smiled slightly and said softly, "I didn't call you to ask these questions, but to talk to you about other things."

Wang Mengmeng immediately relaxed: "What's the matter? Tell me, senior."

"I can't explain this on the phone. Are you free this afternoon? Let's find a place to talk?" Han Jian looked up at the blue sky.

"Well, how about Katyusha?"

Wang Mengmeng scratched her head. She was sorry for Han Jian when she escaped midway yesterday, so she chose to eat at Katyusha to make up for this regret.

"Well, I think it can."

Han Jian readily agreed, and the two hung up the phone after finalizing the time. Wang Mengmeng threw the phone on the bed casually, and fell down on the bed, unable to get up.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Mengmeng hurried to Katyusha.Han Jian had already been waiting there, seeing her panting, he still smiled calmly.

Wang Mengmeng sat down suddenly, how could she not be in a hurry?It was almost too late to make the appointment with Han Jian. Although she rested on the top of the mountain last night, she didn't sleep well. After she came back, she tried to catch up on sleep, but she didn't hear the alarm clock.

Fortunately, she woke up spontaneously. After all, she had made an appointment with someone, so it's not good to release people.

Seeing her like this, Han Jian couldn't help smiling even deeper. Wang Mengmeng sat for a while to breathe evenly, and then asked, "Senior, what can you do with me?" He still couldn't make it clear on the phone thing.

Han Jian picked up the cup and took a sip of the fragrant coffee slowly, then put down the cup gently.

"Didn't you say you were going to hold an art exhibition? I heard that I encountered a little difficulty, so I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help."

Wang Mengmeng's eyes widened slightly in surprise, and she couldn't help but sigh that the senior's news came very well, but she appreciates the senior's kindness, but she hasn't seen him for so many years, how can she bother the senior?
"Well, senior, I appreciate your kindness, but I won't bother you."

Her answer can be said to be expected by Han Jian. I still remember that Wang Mengmeng had this kind of personality when he was in high school. Reason to shirk.

"It's not for nothing to help you."

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