ex-wife, get married

Chapter 436 Wan Zigui vs Fang Zhilan Happy Finale

"I said little ancestor, are you okay?" Getting up from the ground, Xiao Chen looked at Zhuo Nianqi very worriedly, for fear that he might fall somewhere.

Pulling Xiao Chen's hand away, Zhuo Nianqi showed a triumphant smile on his face. He did it on purpose. Xiao Chen just watched the prisoner for a day. Don't let him do this or that, Zhuo Nianqi It feels like no fun at all.

"Hmph, you really care too much," suddenly the sound of a car horn honking, Zhuo Nianqi's bad mood disappeared instantly, and he glanced at the window, and saw Wan Zigui following his father Get out of the car.

"I won't play with you anymore, Dad is back." Zhuo Nianqi said, ignoring Xiao Chen, and ran downstairs.

"Father, you are back, hello Uncle Wan."

Pushing open the door, Zhuo Nianqi threw himself into his father's arms, but he did not forget to greet Wan Zigui.

Hugging his son, looking at Zhuo Nianqi's little head, Zhuo Xiangyu was very satisfied, and a rare smile appeared on his face. Seeing this scene in Wan Zigui's eyes, he felt that all this It's so ironic, for the first time in my heart I felt jealous towards Zhuo Xiangyu, originally everything would belong to him.

"Did Nian Qi behave well at home today?" Zhuo Xiangyu pinched his son, smiling.It's nice to have someone waiting at home.

"Of course I'm very good." Jumping off his father, Zhuo Nianqi took Wan Zigui's hand.

"Uncle Wan, auntie nanny heard that you are coming today, and she made a lot of delicious food. Let's go in quickly, I'm hungry."

"Okay, you little greedy cat!"

Followed Zhuo Nianqi into the room, Wan Zigui regained his smile, and accompanied them to eat, Zhuo Xiangyu and his son on the dining table looked so happy, Wan Zigui felt like a superfluous one Man, in the end he still didn't say that he wanted to take Zhuo Nianqi away today.

For some reason, Wan Zigui felt blocked in his heart, Zhuo Xiangyu and his son's happiness, in his eyes, Wan Zigui was really jealous, after dinner, Wan Zigui did not stay at Zhuo's house After a while, he left in a hurry.

After leaving Zhuo's house, Wan Zigui walked aimlessly on the road alone, without purpose, he wanted to be alone and quiet, maybe walking alone like this would make him feel much better.

Walking on the road like this, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, so familiar, the memory in Wan Zi Gui Xin was awakened at this moment, and he just followed behind that person.

Wan Zigui felt more and more that it was Jiang Muyan, "Muyan, wait for me, I am Zigui." Wan Zigui shouted at those figures from behind, but just after Wan Zigui finished shouting, the figure in front Just ran forward.

Wanting to know if that person was Jiang Muyan, Wan Zigui followed and chased after him. The people in front seemed to feel that the people behind were chasing up, and the pace of their feet became faster.

He turned a corner, and when he was waiting for Wan Zigui to look for him, the figure had disappeared, and the gate of an orphanage appeared in front of his eyes.

"Excuse me, did you just see a woman in beige clothes who is about this tall?"

While Wan Zigui described it, he asked a woman in the orphanage.

"What are you talking about? I've been here just now, I didn't see anyone coming over from me? If I saw the woman you mentioned, I would tell you. I am the director of this kindergarten. May I ask what is the matter with that woman?"

"It's none of your business." Wan Zigui, who couldn't find Jiang Muyan, didn't seem to be in a good mood, and his temper was a little grumpy.

Wan Zigui asked a few more questions, but was denied by the man, so Wan Zigui had no choice but to leave in frustration. He had some doubts in his heart, whether the person he saw just now was Jiang Muyan, or just someone who closely resembled Jiang Muyan. people.

Just after Wan Zigui left here, a woman came out of the room, the same woman Wan Zigui was chasing just now.

"Director, what did that person say? It scared me to death, but luckily I ran fast." Xu Yueqing said as she patted her chest with her hands, she was really scared just now.

"He's just asking about you, but looking at him like that, I don't think he's a good guy. He looks good, and he still follows you. Yueqing, you should be careful when you go out recently."

The principal spoke to Xu Yueqing earnestly, feeling a little worried, what was the man's purpose?When she rescued Xu Yueqing back then, Xu Yueqing didn't remember anything.

Xu Yueqing nodded. She just went to the market to buy some things, but met that man, and he followed her. It seems that these days are not safe at all.

After Wan Zigui left the orphanage, he went to Time Bar, drank there, and was let go by the bar owner until late at night. Sometimes the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.All these years, he thought he would never see Jiang Muyan again, but that figure awakened all his memories.

When things like this happened, Wan Zigui was not in the mood to take Zhuo Nianqi out to play. When he was free, he liked to walk around that street. He hoped to meet that figure again.

But things always backfired. Wan Zigui never met Xu Yueqing again in that street. When she saw Xu Yueqing again, she had already known Zhuo Xiangyu, and she even changed her name to Xu Yueqing. .

Fate is such a teaser, he can be sure that that person is Jiang Muyan, although she can't remember the past, from that moment on, Wan Zigui understood what happened back then, because the woman's body was dressed like Jiang Muyan , That's why they preconceived that it was Jiang Muyan, the woman at that time, they didn't see her face.

Wan Zigui hated himself a little, why didn't he think of it earlier, if he had thought of it earlier and didn't believe that Mu Yan was dead, then he could have met Mu Yan before Zhuo Xiangyu, then could he have followed Mu Yan? It's a fresh start.

After kicking out everyone in the family, Wan Zigui sat alone in the room where Jiang Muyan once lived, with a box of wine beside him.He really wanted to get drunk to relieve his worries.

The wine slid down his throat, and tears flowed from the corners of Wan Zigui's eyes. Mu Yan, whom he loved, hadn't died. At this moment, a thought that had been suppressed for a long time popped up.

Now that Mu Yan has forgotten everything, does it mean that he can also go after Mu Yan, and the hope in his heart emerges at this moment.Wan Zigui has already made up his mind, this time he will not let go, no matter if the opponent is Zhuo Xiangyu or whoever.

Ten years ago, he thought that Zhuo Xiangyu could give her happiness, but he killed her. Now that Mu Yan is back, he will protect Mu Yan, and he will not hand Mu Yan to Zhuo Xiangyu again.

Even if it is at all costs, even if it is against Zhuo Xiangyu, Wan Zigui has never been so serious. He hates Zhuo Xiangyu. Why did he appear by her side again? This time, he will make Jiang Muyan fall in love with her. my own.

Inside the orphanage, Xu Yueqing gave the children the fruits she had made and put them on the table.Seeing the children happily eating, Xu Yueqing had a happy smile on her face.

"Yueqing, come to my room."

The head of the garden stood at the door with a tired look on his face. He didn't know if it was because he was in poor health or because he was too tired.

Xu Yueqing grunted and passed away. She finally came back today, and she had to go to work tomorrow. Thinking of the place where she worked, Xu Yueqing's face felt a little helpless.

"Is Yueqing's work going well?"

"Well, it's pretty good. I'm tutoring people, and the work is quite relaxing."

Xu Yueqing rubbed the director's shoulders. In front of the director, she took off all her disguise and looked very gentle.

Hearing what Xu Yueqing said, the principal was very happy. After chatting with Xu Yueqing for a while, the two of them went into the garden to play with the children.

When playing with the children, Xu Yueqing felt that there were eyes looking at her all the time, and followed the eyes, but there was nothing.Could it be that she was too nervous, Xu Yueqing shook her head, thinking that she might be wrong.

"Sister Yueqing, what are you looking at?"

Stretching out her hand to grab the corner of Xu Yueqing's clothes, she was a little worried when she saw that sister Yueqing seemed unhappy.

"Oh, it's nothing, I see how your painting is doing?"

Seeing the child's worried gaze, Xu Yueqing turned her gaze away, took the little girl's hand, and followed her to see the picture she drew.

Just after Xu Yueqing looked away, a person around the corner left there, that is Wan Zigui, when Xu Yueqing came back, he often looked at her silently like this.

He wanted to get close to Xu Yueqing, but Zhuo Xiangyu secretly protected her so well, he didn't have many chances, just looked at Xu Yueqing silently like this, Wan Zigui had already made up his mind in his heart, Xu Yueqing was His, he will not give her up to others.

After getting in the car, Wan Zigui drove the car under a tree not far from the orphanage, looked at Xu Yueqing from the car window and smiled.

"Yueqing, I won't let you wait for me for a long time, since you have forgotten everything, then don't think about the past, start from now." Said to the air, Wan Zigui's face was a bit ferocious , stayed there for a while, then drove away.

Wan Zigui always thinks that Jiang Muyan's return this time is God's will. The memory of more than ten years ago is a painful memory for Jiang Muyan. If possible, Wan Zigui hopes that she will not think of anything.

After leaving the orphanage, Wan Zigui went to Su Ran's cemetery. He wanted to tell Su Ran that the woman he loved didn't die, she came back.

Even at all costs, he would let Xu Yueqing stay by his side. He thought that Su Ran would definitely agree with him. Zhuo Xiangyu was no longer worthy of being by her side as early as ten years ago.

But God is always so unfair and gave him all the good things, be it Xu Yueqing or Zhuo Nianqi, he would take them back.

Time always flies by quickly, in the blink of an eye, a few years have passed like this. In the past few years, Wan Zigui has always lived for hatred. He was thinking, if he hadn't met Fang Zhilan, what would have happened to him? how is it.

When all these things were over, Wan Zigui recalled it, and he realized how stupid he was. Fang Zhilan had been loving and supporting him silently all these years behind his back.

He went against Zhuo Xiangyu because of Xu Yueqing, but in the end she gave Xu Yueqing another chance, and she still chose Zhuo Xiangyu. From then on, he realized that he did so much, but it was all his own wishful thinking. It was the fetters of more than ten years ago, which blinded his eyes and made him unable to see the person in front of him clearly.

Sitting at the door of the delivery room, only Fang Zhilan was left in Wan Zigui's heart. The events of these years appeared in his mind one after another. When everything was over, he realized what he liked.

If he hadn't come to the United States, maybe he didn't see his heart clearly. In fact, he didn't know when Fang Zhilan had already entered his heart, but he didn't want to admit it at that time, and he was still struggling with it. A long time ago.

But not now, he knew that he loved Fang Zhilan, and he would always be with her, the woman who would give up everything for him.

The wait outside the delivery room was long. Wan Zigui kept stomping outside. Suddenly, the door of the delivery room was pushed open by the nurse. Wan Zigui grabbed the nurse, "Nurse, how is my wife?"

"Mrs. Wan has now been transferred to the intensive care unit. Their mother and daughter are safe. Mr. Wan can visit them now."

After listening to the nurse, Wan Zigui breathed a sigh of relief and asked where the ward was. Wan Zigui ran over, but when he reached the door of the ward, Wan Zigui looked at Fang Zhilan lying inside, and suddenly didn't know how to get there. face her.

"Zigui, are you at the door?"

Fang Zhilan's weak voice came from the ward, hitting Wan Zigui's heart, and the last line of defense in his heart was broken.Wan Zigui ran in at once.

"Zhilan, thank you for your hard work." Thousands of words were turned into one sentence at this moment, Wan Zigui reached out and stroked Fang Zhilan's face, with a distressed expression on his face, "Does it hurt?"

"Well, Zigui, we finally have our own child, Zigui, you know, the moment I gave birth, I thought I would never see you again." Tears fell from the corners of Fang Zhilan's eyes, Fang Zhilan For the first time I felt so happy.

Gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Fang Zhilan's eyes, Wan Zigui held Fang Zhilan's hand like this, "Well, we have our own child, Zhilan, I will treat you well and protect you and the child for the rest of my life."

The promise came out of Wan Zigui's mouth, Fang Zhilan cried even harder, happiness always comes too suddenly.

Because Fang Zhilan just gave birth, Wan Zigui quit all his jobs and stayed by Fang Zhilan's side all the time. From the moment Fang Zhilan was pushed into the delivery room, Wan Zigui felt in his heart that Fang Zhilan would leave him.

Holding the child in her arms, Fang Zhilan half sat on the bed, looking at the daughter in her arms, Fang Zhilan's face was full of smiles.

"Look, I brought chicken soup. It's made by Muyuanzhai. It tastes like China." Putting the chicken soup aside, Wan Zigui filled a bowl for Fang Zhilan. Fang Zhilan wanted to eat it by herself, but Wan Zigui stopped her "Let Wei Fu feed you."

"Okay," Fang Zhilan didn't insist, and burst out laughing, but the wound on her stomach didn't heal, and it hurt a bit when she laughed like that.

"What's wrong with you? I'll call the doctor."

Grabbing Wan Zigui, Fang Zhilan stuffed the child into Wan Zigui's arms, "It's fine if you don't make me laugh, it's just that it hurts just now." She said and started eating by herself.

"Drink slowly, be careful of getting hot." Wan Zigui blew to Fang Zhilan, afraid that the chicken soup would burn Fang Zhilan too much. Fang Zhilan wanted to cry and laugh at the same time after eating a meal, but she was very helpless.

When Fang Zhilan returned to the United States with Wan Zi, she was actually very conflicted, but now seeing the happy appearance of the family, Fang Zhilan knew that the choice at the time was not wrong, and that hard work will always pay off.

Holding the child, Wan Zigui's heart was full of happiness, "Zhilan, you said to name our child, what about Wan Wanwan, I hope our child will not be like us all our lives, waiting until the end Only then can I understand my own heart."

"Well, okay, I'll do whatever you want."

Fang Zhilan leaned on Wan Zigui's body, teasing her child with her hands, "Wan Wan, you will be called Wan Wan from now on, Wan Wan's parents will love you forever."

The sun came in from the window, Wan Zigui hugged the child and Fang Zhilan, the family of three smiled sweetly, happiness is actually that simple, sometimes you are just blindfolded, when you can see everything clearly, Only then will you understand your true heart.

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