Thinking that Wan Zigui would go to the company today, Fang Zhilan quickly picked up her mobile phone and called her assistant, but fortunately, Fang Zhilan was relieved by the answer that the assistant gave her, Wan Zigui hadn't gone to the company yet .

When Fang Zhilan went downstairs, Fang Zhihan had already packed up and sat there for lunch. Seeing Fang Zhilan going downstairs, Fang Zhihan sat lazily by the side, and indifferent words floated out of her mouth.

"Sister, I'm going out for a while, and I won't be back tonight."

Ever since she came back from the mainland that time, Fang Zhihan has been hanging out with her cronies.

"Zhihan, are those friends of yours male? What do you want to do if you don't come back at night?" Regarding Fang Zhihan's behavior, as a lady, Fang Zhilan was very dissatisfied, and even her tone became very severe.

Being questioned by Fang Zhilan, Fang Zhihan who was eating dropped her chopsticks on the table.

"I'm just telling you, I don't want to ask for your consent. I don't need to report to my sister what I do, I don't need you to care about it." He stood up and went out.

"Fang Zhihan, stop, can you stop being so willful."

Fang Zhilan's pretty face was full of anger.Fang Zhihan just glanced back at Fang Zhilan, then walked away.

Seeing Fang Zhihan's back disappearing at the door, Fang Zhilan felt powerless. She could manage thousands of people in the company, but she couldn't manage her own sister.She felt that she was really a failed sister.

"Eldest Miss, let's eat first. The Second Miss may really have something to do. She has always been very good. Although the Second Miss is a bit willful, she still has a sense of propriety. The Second Miss is only because of the master's departure. Go, I was hit, it’s good that the hurdle in my heart has passed.”

The nanny served Fang Zhilan a bowl of porridge. She was a little worried because the two sisters were making a fuss like this. After all, she had watched these two children grow up, and she had stayed in Fang's family for more than ten years.

Seeing what the nanny said, Fang Zhilan sighed, her good upbringing allowed her to quickly control her anger.Zhihan became like this, Fang Zhilan knew that there were some problems of her own, but Zhihan resisted herself very much, which made Fang Zhilan very distressed.

In the past, the relationship between the two sisters was very good, and they talked about everything.But now, Fang Zhilan felt that her sister was very strange.The death of her father was indeed a big blow to her, so she must have paralyzed herself like this.I just hope she doesn't do things that I regret. Fang Zhilan doesn't want to interfere too much in Fang Zhihan's life. Zhihan is too rebellious, and she is afraid that she will get the opposite effect.

Looking at the food in front of her, Fang Zhilan took two bites and felt that it was tasteless.Without any appetite, Fang Zhilan ate a little casually and went to the company.

"President, here are the documents you asked for, and I have prepared them all."

Wang Xin put a copy on Fang Zhilan's desk. Fang Zhilan asked her for this thing yesterday. This is a complete set of environmental protection housing development materials. She remembered that she had given Fang Zhilan a lot. Why did she suddenly ask her to sort it out? , She didn't sleep all night last night.

Hearing Fang Zhilan hum, Wang Xin suddenly remembered, and secretly regretted how stupid she was.The night before yesterday, Fang Zhilan asked herself to check Wan Zihui's itinerary. I heard that they have a good relationship. The Zhuo Group should have Wan Zihui come to help the president.

Wang Xin was very excited when he thought that Wan Zigui would come over to do business with them.

The Fang Group has been cooperating with the Zhuo Group for so long, and she still knows a lot about Wanzigui. In the industry, there are many great ideas, but they are all from him. of.

"Why are you smirking there? If you have nothing to do, please verify these documents."

Fang Zhilan frowned, and raised her head from the pile of documents. She was already busy, but found Wang Xin here in a daze.

Wang Xin really wanted to slap himself, he would have put down the file and left.It's all right now, I got myself into trouble, who told her to be the assistant to the president, so I had to accept my fate and go down with the documents.

But just as she walked to the door, the door was pushed open from the outside, and all the documents in Wang Xin's hands fell to the ground.She didn't expect that she would be so embarrassing in front of Wan Zigui, she is the president's assistant!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wan, didn't I hit you?"

"I'm fine, but have you been hit?"

Wan Zigui passed Wang Xin and looked at Fang Zhilan inside. He didn't take this employee's mistake to heart at all.

Just as Wang Xin was about to say something, she heard Fang Zhilan cough deliberately, and hurriedly packed up the documents on the floor and went out.

She knew yesterday that the president went to pick up Mr. Wan in person. Although she didn't know what was going on between them, Wang Xin had been with Fang Zhilan for so long. Some understand.

"Sit there, are you used to coming to Hong Kong?" Putting down the documents in her hand, Fang Zhilan looked at Wan Zigui with a smile on her face. If other employees came in and saw Fang Zhilan like this, they would be surprised.

Wan Zigui, who was sitting on the sofa, took the water handed over by Fang Zhilan, "For Hong Kong, I still prefer mainland China. By the way, I came to the company this time to learn about this cooperation plan."

Regarding Fang Zhilan's enthusiasm, Wan Zigui had no expression on his face. He turned a blind eye to Fang Zhilan. He didn't want to be entangled with Fang Zhilan. He still couldn't let go of Su Ran's matter.

Hearing what Wan Zigui said, Fang Zhilan felt a little lost.For Fang Zhilan, the matter of having a hot face and a cold butt was never her favorite. Seeing that Wan Zigui puts work first, Fang Zhilan also put her mind on work, so maybe the two of them can have a common topic.

Passed the document that Wang Xin sent over to Wan Zigui, "This is all the information about the environment-friendly house we built this time, you can take a look."

Wan Zigui took the document and sat aside to read it.In order not to disturb Wan Zigui, Fang Zhilan greeted Wang Xin and told them not to come in and disturb her.

Sitting on the seat, Fang Zhilan stared at Wan Zigui who was seriously looking at the document.How long has it been since she and Wan Zigui looked like this, it must have been when Su Ran was alive.

Sensing the scorching gaze, Wan Zigui frowned.If Fang Zhilan didn't like him, maybe the two of them could still be friends.

Wan Zigui took a rough look at the document in his hand, and he, who was originally capable, quickly figured out most of the things.Wan Zigui felt that this design concept was very novel, no wonder Zhuo Xiangyu asked him to come here.

"The biggest problem with our project now is the technical and cost issues, right?"

After closing the folder, Wan Zigui spoke out about his problem. When he just read the document, he understood that the core of the whole project was this problem, which led to the planning of the whole project entering a bottleneck period. .

Fang Zhilan was a little surprised. Although he had heard that Wan Zigui's ability was good, he didn't expect it to be only an hour.He has already cleared up a thick document.

"Well, this is the problem we are facing now, and the design drawings from the design department can't be implemented at all."

Fang Zhilan was a little disappointed. She had been following this project for so long, but she still hadn't made any progress.

Wan Zigui knew it was like this. There had been problems within the Fang family since Fang Wenguo, and Zhuo Xiangyu had already told him about it.

Letting him come this time is also to let him help Fang Zhilan complete this project, so that she can gain a foothold in Fang's Group.

It's been a few months on this project and there hasn't been a single bit of progress, which must be contrived.Those who don't want Fang Zhilan to succeed will definitely try to stop her.

"Don't you think it's strange? The design department can't produce a viewable drawing for several months? There must be something wrong with this project. Some people will definitely object to this project. Don't you think they won't take the opportunity to make trouble. "

Fang Zhilan also thought about what Wan Zigui said.But she didn't have any evidence, and there was nothing she could do. There were so many things in the company that she almost didn't even have time to eat.

Fang Zhilan knew that her uncle did this on purpose, but for this project, even though her uncle blocked it at the time, she later supported her very much.

The busy days have weakened Fang Zhilan's thinking ability a lot.She understands this, but now she is going against those old foxes, and she has more than enough energy.

"I know this, but I really don't know how to solve it. There are only a few people in the design department. If I fire him, I will have no one to use. He will leave with his employees."

This is the most distressing thing for Fang Zhilan, because the head of the design department of this project team belongs to her uncle.

Since the uncle arranged for him to come in, he was fully prepared, although Fang Zhilan was the president of the company.But she only has a part of the power.

Seeing what Fang Zhilan said, Wan Zigui twitched into a smile, "You don't have to worry about this now, by the way, I'll have a meeting with everyone later. I want to finish this matter as soon as possible."

"OK, all right."

Fang Zhilan agreed with a wry smile, she believed that Wan Zigui could solve this matter, but at the same time, she still had a heart for Wan Zigui's last words, why didn't he want to take a second look at her and leave Hong Kong as soon as possible?
Seeing that Fang Zhilan agreed, Wan Zigui lowered his head and continued to study the document.

"Inform the planning team to have a meeting at four o'clock in the afternoon."

Because it was already past two o'clock, Fang Zhilan felt that Wan Zigui should be given more time, so she set the meeting time at four o'clock.

With Wan Zigui's help, Fang Zhilan breathed a sigh of relief.Although working with Wan Zigui, Fang Zhilan always had other thoughts in her heart, but she didn't express it on her face, she didn't want Wan Zigui to leave Hong Kong in a fit of anger.

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