ex-wife, get married

Chapter 377: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan's Shock in the Delivery Room

"Does Ms. Jiang insist on toasting and not eating fine wine? You know, if Ms. Jiang is unwilling to cooperate, I have a hundred ways to kill you and the child in your belly without anyone noticing." way."

Looking at the cold smile on Brother Yang's face, Jiang Muyan felt that he was doomed again, and stared vigilantly at the man who threatened her but didn't make any moves, but his brain didn't stop thinking at all.

"You said that you wouldn't do anything to me. You're also a gangster. At least you should talk about the morals of the rivers and lakes!"

Looking at Jiang Muyan's anxious face, he was not as calm as when he said harsh words before, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became a little playful.

"Of course, the premise that I can ensure Miss Jiang's safety is that you cooperate with me, Miss Jiang. Now that Miss Jiang makes it difficult for me to complete the task, I can naturally take some appropriate measures, right?"

Brother Yang's words undoubtedly put Jiang Muyan into a dilemma. Without a comprehensive solution, Jiang Muyan took a deep breath, and then began to discuss terms with him.

"How much money did the Fang family give you to help them with this task, I am willing to pay double the money to save the lives of me and the child in my stomach."

Jiang Muyan's words made the man bow his head and fell into a brief thought, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the man shook his head and denied her deal.

"As you said, Ms. Jiang, we must pay attention to the morals of the rivers and lakes in our business. Your behavior will only make me more embarrassed, and it will also make it impossible for us to gain a foothold in the underworld in the future."

Being refuted by what he had said, Jiang Muyan felt his heart choke and couldn't say anything else at all. He could only look around and look around, hoping to have a chance to escape.

Jiang Muyan's luck was not too bad, and he happened to catch a glimpse of the servant who had gone out to look for her, looking around for her outside the car.

Hardly thinking about it, Jiang Muyan gritted his teeth, and his heart swayed. He grabbed a handful of photos in front of him and sprinkled them on Brother Yang. Then he opened the car door neatly and stood guard outside the car. When the crowd didn't react, they ran towards the servant A Cai in three steps and two steps.

The reaction of the people brought out by Brother Yang was not slow either. Seeing Jiang Muyan jumping out, he secretly yelled that he was not good, and made a gesture to rush up and grab her.

Jiang Muyan was afraid that he would fall into the hands of these people again, and he and the baby would be in danger of unknown consequences, so he immediately yelled at A Cai who was not far away.

"A Cai, save me! I'm here!"

Seeing Jiang Muyan hugging her stomach, she ran towards her in a not too agile manner, and behind her were several burly men in black suits. Seeing that Jiang Muyan was about to be caught, she rushed over immediately.

"Madam, don't be afraid! Ah Cai is here to save you, I'll call the housekeeper and ask him to bring someone to protect you."

Brother Yang, who was sitting in the car, frowned and looked at the little maid who rushed up to protect Jiang Muyan. His brows twitched. He saw Jiang Muyan panting behind her with his stomach in his arms. His face was still obviously pale. He immediately brought it to him The younger brothers issued a one-word order.


Those people looked at Jiang Muyan holding his stomach, and the other party had only two women who were basically powerless, and they were a little unwilling to retreat, but they couldn't disobey the man's order, so they could only turn around and come back regretfully.

Seeing the big guys walking towards the black car neatly, he suddenly became unhappy, the expression on his face was very arrogant, and he started to speak harshly while pointing at a few big guys.

"You scoundrels, you are not allowed to run away. If you dare to hurt our wife, you will all be sent to prison!"

But now Jiang Muyan, who was behind Ah Cai, hugged her stomach in pain at this moment. The severe pain made her unable to stand, and she sat down on the ground.

"A Cai, A Cai..."

The intermittent low calls made A Cai immediately realize that something was wrong. Seeing Jiang Muyan hugging her stomach, she immediately panicked, neither standing beside her nor squatting.

"Ma'am, how are you? Don't scare A Cai, maybe she's about to give birth! I'll call you the housekeeper right away, okay?"

Jiang Muyan's face faded from the pain, and his lips trembled uncontrollably.But still kept shaking his head.

"Call 120...Call, call an ambulance...Come here! Then, notify the housekeeper!"

Even though the pain was so painful that her consciousness began to blur, Jiang Muyan still hugged her stomach tightly, just for the sake of the child, her thinking was very clear.

Seeing the black car leave, Jiang Muyan breathed a sigh of relief, but it was followed by more severe pain, which made her almost faint.

Taking out the mobile phone in her pocket, Jiang Muyan insisted on the last bit of strength, and then subconsciously dialed Wan Zigui's number. Even at this moment, she still remembered that Zhuo Xiangyu was in Hong Kong, and it was too late to save Zhuo Xiangyu even if she called. she.

The phone rang several times and there was still no answer. Jiang Muyan couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, but Wan Zigui still answered it.

Before Wan Zigui could speak, Jiang Muyan rushed ahead and exhausted all his strength to ask him for help.

"Zigui, I... I'm going to give birth! You, come quickly! Save me... I... Xiangyu... Xiangyu..."

Jiang Muyan called Zhuo Xiangyu's name several times, but he still couldn't say the rest, instead, he fainted directly after exhausting all his strength.

Wan Zigui, who received Jiang Muyan's call, heard her weak voice, and his heart sank to the bottom of the ice. Seeing that there was no voice from her side, he was a little unsure of her current situation, and immediately yelled at her tentatively.

"Mu Yan, Mu Yan? Can you hear me? Mu Yan... hold on, I'll be right there!"

All he got was silence, which made Zigui even more confused.


Unable to resist swearing, Wan Zigui took the car keys and rushed outside like a whirlwind, but ran into Liu Enzheng who came to deliver the materials at the door of the office.

Wan Zigui kept rushing forward without noticing who he bumped into, but quickly backed away, grabbing Liu Enzheng by the collar with an anxious expression on his face.

"Call Zhuo Xiangyu, no matter what method you use, you must let him know that Xiaoyan is going to give birth, and let him rush back from Hong Kong immediately."

As soon as he heard that Jiang Muyan was about to give birth, Liu Enzheng immediately became serious, and nodded to Wan Zigui, signaling him to rest assured.

Seeing that Liu Enzheng took out his mobile phone, Wan Zigui lost his scruples and rushed towards the elevator again like a whirlwind.

When Wan Zigui arrived, the hospital's ambulance arrived just in time. Jiang Muyan had already passed out, and even the nurse couldn't wake her up.

Following Jiang Muyan into the ambulance, Wan Zigui's face was filled with unconcealable worry, and he stood beside the obstetrician who came with the ambulance and kept asking, "Doctor, how is she? Is she going to give birth?" , the child is not yet a month old, so his life will not be in danger!"

Wan Zigui's non-stop questioning made it impossible for the doctor to observe Jiang Muyan's symptoms for Jiang Muyan, so he raised his head and gave him a displeased look.

"Sir, although I can understand your worry about your wife, please don't hinder our timely treatment of pregnant women!"

The doctor's harsh words made Wan Zigui's face instantly awkward, scratching his head, not in the mood to argue with the doctor about his relationship with Jiang Muyan, and obediently stood aside waiting for the doctor's results.

"The pregnant woman is unconscious, the amniotic fluid is not broken, the cervix is ​​not dilated, the heart rate is normal, and she is waiting for delivery."

After conducting a series of examinations on Jiang Muyan, the doctor came up with the answer, and then glanced at Wan Zigui, his voice was still a little harsh, but also mixed with questions.

"It stands to reason that the pregnant woman is not yet a month old, and she can't meet the requirements for childbirth for the time being. How could she suddenly have stomach pain? Did she have any strenuous exercise or strong mood swings before she fell into a coma?"

Wan Zigui didn't always stay by Jiang Muyan's side, so when asked by the doctor, he couldn't explain why except shaking his head.

Seeing that he kept shaking his head, the doctor no longer had hope in him, and turned his attention back to Jiang Muyan who was lying on the hospital bed without any response.

As soon as the ambulance arrived at the hospital, the doctors and nurses who were already on standby greeted them immediately. The young female doctor shook her head at the crowd.

"The pregnant woman won't give birth for the time being. It's better to arrange the ward to live in first, and observe her situation before making plans!"

As soon as the female doctor finished speaking, the nurse guarding Jiang Muyan immediately screamed.

"Doctor Zhang, hurry up! The amniotic fluid of the pregnant woman has broken, and she is ready for the delivery operation!"

Hearing this, several doctors gathered around one after another, and pushed Jiang Muyan to the prepared operating room, fearing that something might happen to her.

Standing guard at the door of the operating room again, Wan Zigui felt very anxious. He sat on the bench at the door, clasped his hands, lowered his head and pressed his fists to his forehead, as if praying.

I hope the little princess mother and child are safe!
He has never believed in Buddhism or God, but this time he asked for all the blessings he could ask for, and only hoped that there would be no more bad news like Su Ran's.

At this time, there was a sound of crisp leather shoes in the corridor with a sense of anxiety, Wan Zigui raised his head happily, and the rest of his face was full of disappointment.

"Xiangyu, what did he say? Mu Yan gave birth, when will he come back? Do you want me to go to Hong Kong to replace him?"

Liu Enzheng shook his head, raised his eyes and glanced at the three words "Operation" on the bright door of the operating room, and sighed helplessly.

"President Zhuo couldn't get through, I couldn't reach him, and even the assistant Alan I arranged for him couldn't get through. When I called the Hong Kong branch, it was said that President Zhuo and Alan hadn't seen each other for three or four days. Appeared in the company!"

Liu Enzheng's words undoubtedly angered Wan Zigui, the anger that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out, and he punched the wall, Wan Zigui's pair of eyes almost turned red.

"No matter what method you use, tell him the news!"

Liu Enzheng sighed softly and wanted to comfort Wan Zigui, but in the end he turned around and left without saying anything.

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