ex-wife, get married

Chapter 367: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan's Confession

Because she had expected that Fang Zhilan would ask her for these two documents, Liu Min had already prepared them before coming to report to her.

Putting the folder in front of Fang Zhilan, Liu Min had already reported to her the information he had obtained while she was looking at the information.

"The company we cooperate with is Mrs. Fang Erye's natal family. It started to cooperate with us through Fang Erye two years ago. Because their family's ability is really good, so most of our industries in this area are cooperated with them. "

"Second Uncle?" Speaking of Fang Qizhi, Fang Zhilan frowned subconsciously, thinking of her father telling her to be careful of Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi, Fang Zhilan had no affection for him at all.

In the past, she was just a small department manager in Fang's, and she didn't know much about the complex relationship between the characters in Fang's, but with Fang Wenguo's illness, everything fell on her shoulders, and she had to consider the company's relationship net.

This big change of blood made her discover that in every department in the company, there is someone who has a close relationship with either Fang Mingzhi or Fang Qizhi, and she has to doubt the relationship between the two brothers. Careful.

Rubbing the center of her brows, Fang Zhilan only felt that it would take a lot of mental effort to sort out these relationships, and the huge workload made her feel a headache.

"What's Jiang Ziting's background?"

As soon as Fang Zhilan's words fell, Liu Min immediately took over her words, "Jiang Ziting is the niece of the uncle Fang's third wife."

Fang Zhilan sneered when she got the answer, and it really coincided with her guess. After thinking about it in her mind for a while, she soon had an idea in her mind.

"You send someone to discuss this matter with the partner. If they insist on changing the person in charge, you should report it to Second Master Fang and let him make up his own mind whether to be ruthless or to cooperate. In such a big Hong Kong, you still have to find Are there any merchants that cooperate with our Fang family?"

Regarding the treatment of Jiang Ziting, Fang Zhilan immediately spoke out before Liu Min asked.

"As for that Jiang Ziting, no matter how this matter is, she cannot escape the responsibility, and there is no need to send her down, just fire her! Her letter of dismissal does not need to be given to her, and it is sent directly to her uncle and his third wife. "

While listening to Fang Zhilan's decision, Liu Min secretly wrote down her confession in her heart, and at the same time praised Fang Zhilan's profound plan.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about Jiang Ziting's handling. The letter of dismissal was not given to Fang Mingzhi, nor to Jiang Ziting, but to the third wife, who was in the middle of the relationship between the two. It was clear that she wanted her to make Fang Mingzhi's family restless.

When Liu Min, who received the task, turned around to leave, Fang Zhilan stopped her again, "There will definitely be more things like today in the future. You must work harder during this period of time. If there is any problem, you Just solve it yourself, and you don’t need to report it to me.”

Fang Zhilan's full trust made Liu Min's cheeks warm, and he nodded immediately.

Fang Zhilan's prediction was really good. Ever since Fang Shi was transferred from various branches according to Fang Wenguo's wishes, and planned to cultivate talents after Fang Zhilan took over Fang Shi, in less than two days after taking office, mistakes have occurred one after another.

Although Fang Zhilan resolved everything satisfactorily with her iron and blood skills, the board of directors still began to question the abilities of Fang Zhilan and the people she arranged.

Fang Wenguo's physical condition is still not very good. Fang Zhilan always reports good news but not bad ones. In order not to make Fang Wenguo suspicious, she always returns home on time no matter how busy she is.

As soon as Fang Zhilan got out of the car, she saw several familiar cars parked in front of the mansion, and her face suddenly became a little cold.

"Is anyone here today?"

Uncle Lin who welcomed Fang Zhilan into the door immediately nodded, "The house is very lively today, the uncle, the second master, and the fifth master are all back, and they are all in the living room now!"

Fang Zhilan's eyes flashed, and she guessed something about the intention of her uncle's and second uncle's visit. I'm afraid it's because he humiliated them in front of all the shareholders of the board of directors today, and they were so anxious to get angry because they were unwilling Come and sue Daddy!

Her thoughts subsided, Fang Zhilan changed her subject, and asked about Fang Wenguo's body, but Uncle Lin couldn't help sighing. Thinking of Dr. Zheng's words, he felt that he couldn't help but want to tell Fang Zhilan Fang Wenguo's real condition .

"Third brother, my eldest brother and I are also one of the major shareholders of Fang's after all! Zhilan's embarrassing us in front of the board of directors is obviously not taking us seriously!"

Before entering the gate, Fang Zhilan heard the angry voice of her second uncle Fang Qizhi from the living room.

Fang Zhilan quickened her pace, and before Fang Wenguo could speak, she took up Fang Qizhi's words.

"Did the second uncle come because of the cooperation project in the second aunt's house? Our Fang's personnel deployment, when will it be the partner's turn to decide, if the second uncle is dissatisfied with Zhilan because of this matter, then Zhilan will be fine." I have to doubt your intentions, Er Bo."

Fang Zhilan's words skillfully paused, causing Fang Qizhi to choke so hard that he couldn't speak. Fang Zhilan briskly walked to Fang Wenguo's side and sat down. Seeing that there was no abnormal expression on his face, she was a little relieved.

Fang Zhilan met Fang Qizhi's anger-filled eyes openly, and Fang Zhilan spoke again with a smile on her face.

"Judging from the meaning of Erbo's words, it seems that I shouldn't? These days, what have you done yourself, Erbo, do you want me to tell you all about it for Daddy to hear?"

Fang Qizhi's expression changed all of a sudden, and he remained silent, but Fang Mingzhi looked at Fang Zhilan with disapproval.

"Girl Zhilan, no matter what, your second uncle and I are members of our Fang family. If you humiliate us in front of the board of directors, aren't you also embarrassing our Fang family?"

Fang Zhilan seemed to have no taboos, she was determined to make it difficult for the eldest and second son of the Fang family, and the smile on her face did not diminish.

"Uncle's words made Zhilan not know what to say, but, uncle, have you forgotten that in the company, favoritism is a big taboo, if it is like what uncle said, as the person in charge of the company, you must I don't understand how much I favor my own people. Uncle seems to have forgotten what kind of people I have found out during this time. If I protect everyone for the sake of relatives, wouldn't Fang want to Has it become an asylum?"

Fang Zhilan's sharp point made Fang Mingzhi's voice suddenly silent, but his face obviously became stinky.

"Zi Ting's ability is still very good. Ever since she became the leader of the creative team, I have talked about successful creative planning in her hands..."

Fang Mingzhi's final struggle in front of Fang Zhilan was even more insignificant, suppressing the smile on her face, Fang Zhilan's face became a little more serious, she looked at Fang Mingzhi fixedly, and opened her mouth seriously.

"If it wasn't for the fact that she is the niece of the uncle's third wife, according to her irresponsible work attitude, neglecting her boss, and dereliction of duty, these taboo behaviors in the industry, as long as I reveal it, Jiang Ziting will have to change jobs, uncle Do you still think I'm not showing mercy?"

Fang Mingzhi fell silent, but he was as angry as Fang Qizhi in his heart.

But Fang Wenguo said at this time, "Zhilan has just taken over some major affairs of the Fang family, and the specific situation in the Fang family may not be well understood, and there may be some things that are not thoughtful. The eldest brother and the second brother are both elders, so it is just a matter of time." Stop haggling with the child!"

The father and daughter sang bad faces and the other sang bad faces, and they cooperated so well that Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi could only suffer and swallow.

On the other hand, Fang Zhengzhi, who was silent all the time, was the most relaxed sitting on the single sofa, holding a glass of red wine specially prepared for him by Uncle Lin in his hand, and slowly tasting it one sip at a time.

"I think the eldest brother and the second brother should just let it go! Why bother with your niece, the two of you together are almost over a hundred, and if you care about a girl in her 20s, aren't you afraid of ruining your reputation? It's still my own family."

Fang Zhengzhi's casual words made the two brothers who came here to embarrass them turn pale with anger, but Fang Zhengzhi's lack of formality made them even more suffocated and felt that they had no place to vent their anger.

Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi knew that it was not good to be a teacher, and after looking at each other, they got up and said goodbye to Fang Wenguo.

When the two people's car was far away, Fang Wenguo shook his head at Fang Zhilan rather disapprovingly, "You are too reckless to accuse your uncle and uncle in public."

Fang Zhengzhi smiled, drank the red wine in the glass, put down the glass, and played with a ring on the little finger of his left hand with his right hand.

"I think Zhilan's method is very clever and good. Although they offended them prematurely, but... it can shock them for a while, and it will save them trouble if they can't make a big wave."

Fang Wenguo sighed softly, quite sighing, "The network of relationships in the Fang Clan is too complicated. Although we have removed most of their influence from the Fang Clan this time, how much power do they still have in the Fang Clan? Can’t say again.”

Fang Wenguo's voice fell, and he looked at Fang Zhengzhi meaningfully, but he didn't seem to feel anything.

Fang Zhilan followed Fang Wenguo's gaze and set her gaze on Fang Zhengzhi. Ever since she read his profile, she felt that if Fang Zhengzhi really wanted to come to Fang's to help her, even if Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi joined forces, she would definitely There will be nothing to fear.

Fang Zhengzhi got up leisurely, without giving the father and daughter any chance to plot against him, and before leaving, he did not forget to tease them secretly.

"Third brother and Zhilan cooperated well today."

Fang Wenguo glared at Fang Zhengzhi helplessly, and didn't say anything to persuade him to stay. Some things should be understood in the heart, but telling the truth would only increase troubles.

When Fang Zhengzhi left, Fang Zhilan was planning to go upstairs to escape Fang Wenguo's accusation, but he stopped her directly.

"Although Daddy is not in Fang's during this time, it is also related to Fang's situation. I don't want to know what happened these days from other people's mouths."

The implication is that Fang Zhilan should take the initiative to confess.

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