ex-wife, get married

Chapter 338: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan Face It Bravely

Although Fang Wenguo just mentioned Fang Zhilan in passing, the purpose was to bring out Fang Zhihan, but when he heard that he was going to let Fang Zhilan take over the Fang family, everyone's eyes couldn't help but turned to Fang Zhilan standing in the audience. direction.

Fang Wen held Fang Zhihan's arm tightly, and then naturally brought out Fang Zhihan as everyone expected, "And my little girl Hanhan, I don't have particularly high demands on her, I just hope that she can live a happy life." Well, under the protection of the Fang family, don't suffer any grievances, and grow up happily!"

Looking at her usually majestic daddy, she said something that touched her several times in a row, and Fang Zhihan's eyes also had moved tears rolling in her eyes.

Fang Wenguo naturally discovered this, needless to say the pity in his heart, he patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, and without any warning, said a word full of fatherly love that shocked everyone.

"Baby, happy birthday! Daddy's shoulders will always be yours to rely on, and our Fang family will always be your backing in everything you do!"

As soon as the words came out, the guests in the audience began to discuss one after another. They glanced at Fang Zhilan in the audience, and then at Fang Zhihan, who was leaning on Fang Wenguo's arms, as if they were weighing which daughter of the Fang family was more valuable. .

Wan Zigui in the audience looked coldly at the affectionate father and daughter on the stage and the discussions around him in the audience, with a mocking smile on his lips.

Fang Wenguo's trick was really good. The two daughters of the Fang family were pushed out in one banquet. They were obviously up for grabs. The balance between the two makes people think that his two daughters have their own merits, but they are just the same. There is a powerful Fang family behind him.

His eyes flashed, Wan Zigui lightly touched Su Ran next to him without a trace, and lowered his head, Su Ran also lowered his head in satisfaction, and heard Wan Zigui lower his voice and ask in his ear. :
"What do you think of this banquet?"

Su Ran didn't quite understand what Wan Zigui meant. She raised her head and looked around the venue, then nodded, "Zhi Lan's arrangement is naturally good."

Seeing Wan Zigui staring at him sharply, wishing he could slap him against the wall, he immediately understood, and answered his question seriously.

"If what you said is Fang Wenguo's intention, of course I understand what you mean. Fang Wenguo is really eager to sell both daughters!"

Wan Zigui nodded, signaled Su Ran to focus on a few people with his gaze, and then withdrew his gaze lightly, "You see! There are not a few young talents from Hong Kong invited to this birthday party, so you must seize the opportunity, The ones I pointed out to you are your strongest opponents, so it is naturally the best if you can seize the opportunity!"

Su Ran's eyes followed Wan Zigui's and swept around the venue without a trace. Seeing that all of them had eager expressions on their faces, they couldn't help feeling a little hesitant.

Wan Zigui immediately realized something was wrong when he saw his frowning and hesitant appearance, and immediately dragged him to the empty balcony, planning to give him one last profound education on grasping opportunities.

After Fang Zhilan followed Fang Wenguo to cut the cake, she immediately searched the venue for Wan Zigui's figure, but she couldn't find him, so she couldn't help but doubt what Fang Zhilan said to her.

"Sister, have you seen Wan Zigui? Why can't I find him? Didn't you say that brother Zhuo brought me the gift he picked for me?"

Fang Zhihan eagerly pulled Fang Zhilan, who was still entertaining the business tycoon who had cooperated with Fang's, to her side, and before she could even open her mouth, she asked such a question.

Fang Zhilan was also confused by her question, she frowned and subconsciously inspected the venue, and the answer she got was naturally the same as Fang Zhihan's, no one was found.

"Let's look for it carefully, and we will definitely find it. I greeted him before the banquet started. He must have been hiding in a corner somewhere. Isn't your brother Zhuo the same?"

As soon as Fang Zhilan mentioned Zhuo Xiangyu, the gloom on Fang Zhihan's face was instantly swept away, and she thought to herself where could be hidden people in this top floor.

After sending Fang Zhihan away, Fang Zhilan couldn't help but rubbed the center of her brows. She was too tired during this time, and finally finished the birthday party. She just felt exhausted physically and mentally.

Just as she was about to find a place to rest, she saw Fang Zhihan in a white gauze skirt sneaking up on the wall and peeking at something. She didn't look like a lady at all, so she couldn't help frowning, walking over without wondering where she was Seeing nothing, but lightly patted her on the shoulder.

Fang Zhihan instinctively wanted to scream, but suddenly realized that she was eavesdropping, and quickly covered her mouth with both hands, preventing it from making any sound, and suddenly turned around to see who was behind her, but The moment he saw Fang Zhilan, he smiled guiltyly.

Fang Zhilan tilted her head in doubt, but there was nothing within sight, she couldn't help asking her in a low voice, "What the hell are you doing?!"

Fang Zhihan put her index finger up on her lips to signal Fang Zhilan to keep silent, then pointed inside, and started scribbling sign language, but Fang Zhilan didn't understand at all, so she had no choice but to explain.

"Wan Zigui is on the balcony, as if... planning to confess to my sister!"

One sentence made Fang Zhilan's eyes widen, and the expression on her face was full of disbelief. She hurriedly asked Fang Zhihan to let her see, and she stood in her place, not caring about the etiquette of a lady, so she quietly looked at it. .

"Zhilan, I've actually liked you for a long time, but I know you'll think I'm abrupt if I tell you so soon..."

It was Wan Zigui's voice, and Fang Zhilan no longer wanted to listen to the words that followed, her mind was filled with the mud that was blasted by Wan Zigui's words.

How could Wan Zigui like her?They haven't known each other for long, have they?How can two people who are so tit-for-tat when they meet each other get together properly?

The expression on Fang Zhilan's face changed again and again, and the thoughts in her mind were flying even more. The entanglement made her unable to find her head at all. Coupled with the fatigue during this period, she felt that she couldn't bear it psychologically.

Fang Zhihan saw Fang Zhilan's expression and knew that she was shocked by Wan Zigui's behavior, so she quickly poked Fang Zhilan's arm with her hand.

The panic flashed across Fang Zhilan's face when she came back to her senses, then she took a deep breath, put her hands on Fang Zhihan's shoulders, looked at her solemnly, and confessed to her.

"Zhihan, you have to remember that you haven't seen me here before, my sister has something urgent to go back to the company, do you know? Anyone who asks, you say that!"

When Fang Zhilan said this, Fang Zhihan immediately understood what she meant, glanced thoughtfully at the direction of the balcony, and then nodded to show that she understood.

Fang Zhilan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately lifted the hem of her skirt, no matter how high the high heels I was wearing, I was ready to run outside the venue.

Fang Zhihan suddenly grabbed her hand, as if deliberately teasing her, "Sister, don't you plan to give Wan Zigui this chance? I think he said that he really likes you!"

Fang Zhilan directly raised her hand and slapped her on the top of the head, "It's about adults, what do you know as a child, don't forget what I told you, even if Daddy asks you, you have to answer the same thing! "

With a bit of reprimand from embarrassment, the smile on Fang Zhihan's face became more obvious, but she still couldn't help but refute Fang Zhilan's words.

"Sister, have you forgotten? Today is my coming-of-age birthday party! I am no longer a child from today, I am an adult just like you!"

Faced with Fang Zhihan's endless entanglement, Fang Zhilan just wanted to stroke her forehead, thinking that if she didn't leave, she was afraid that it would be too embarrassing to be blocked by Wan Zigui to confess her love here, so she didn't explain much, so she directly He turned around and left with a big stride.

Fang Zhihan didn't care where Fang Zhilan went, her sister had always had her own opinions, and it was her turn not to intervene in any decisions, and of course she was happy to watch the show.

With this mentality in mind, Fang Zhihan carefully stood in her original position again, intending to continue watching Wan Zigui simulate her confession on the balcony. Shu didn't know where she was standing, and she didn't take the panoramic view of the balcony into her eyes at all. Su Ran in front of Wan Zigui was completely hidden from her sight.

Demonstrating over and over again, Su Ran finally had some peace of mind. Wan Zigui also heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately walked into the venue. Fang Zhihan yelled that it was not good, and immediately turned and ran away.

Su Ran, who tried on the balcony for a long time, finally decided to confess, what Wan Zigui said was right, if he didn't work hard and take the initiative, then this flower might be picked by others .

He didn't want to wait any longer, he had to express it.Say it out loud if you like it.Taking a deep breath, Su Ran reached out to open the door separating the swimming pool and the hall, and walked in resolutely.

Wan Zigui is very happy to see Su Ran's current state. He knows that his hard work has paid off. Su Ran is finally willing to face Fang Zhilan. Seeing the brother who used to be unrestrained and unrestrained, he has never been so timid for a woman. But now, like a child meeting a woman for the first time, he can't help but smile.

Su Ran entered the hall, Wan Zigui didn't follow, thinking of this confession, Wan Zigui's smile became more gentle, with blessings to Su Ran and Fang Zhilan, friends will have a partner, what about me?

Thinking of this question, Wan Zigui couldn't help reaching out and touching his nose.Shaking his head, he continued to look at the distant horizon.

In the hall, Fang Zhilan, who was supposed to be the oiran of the banquet, disappeared!Su Ran walked around but couldn't see the longing Bi man.Where has she gone?
Su Ran knew that Fang Zhilan would definitely not disappear for nothing, and Liu Min must know.But he didn't find Liu Min either, what's wrong?
A series of questions caused Su Ran, who had just made up his mind, to dim his eyes. When he saw Fang Zhihan on the side of the venue, his dim expression began to warm up again.With a warm expression, he walked towards her.

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