ex-wife, get married

Chapter 333: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan's long-lost family meeting

Fang's mother's death day is approaching again, and the atmosphere of the entire Fang family has fallen into a low state. Even the servants are holding their breath when doing things. Fang Zhihan almost stays at home, hiding herself in her room If you can avoid Fang Wenguo, you will never appear in front of him.

On this day, Fang Wenguo returned to the Fang family mansion with a tired face. Fang Zhilan stepped into the door behind him. As soon as he entered the main house, he saw him first look around the first floor, and then let out a barely audible sigh. He asked the butler beside him:

"Where are the Zhihan people?"

When the butler heard Fang Wenguo mentioning Fang Zhihan, the expression on his face immediately changed. He carefully observed Fang Wenguo's expression, and when he saw that there was nothing wrong with his face, he replied respectfully.

"Second Miss is in the room, do you want me to go up and call her down?"

Fang Wenguo nodded, his eyes turned to Fang Zhilan, as if he was explaining to the two of them.

"We're going to have a brief family meeting today. After a while, the eldest brother, the second brother, and Zhengzhi will all come, and ask the kitchen to prepare a few more dishes that they like."

The housekeeper nodded in agreement, and Fang Zhilan's eyes flashed a hint of doubt. Obviously, she hadn't received the news of the family meeting in advance, but the expression on Fang Wenguo's face told him clearly that the family meeting was not a temporary decision.

After sitting on the sofa, Fang Wenguo frowned first, then realized that he hadn't seen the figure of his favorite little daughter for a few days, and hurriedly called the housekeeper who was about to go upstairs.

"Zhihan hasn't gone downstairs for a few days?"

The housekeeper glanced at Fang Zhilan in embarrassment, and just as he was about to answer, Fang Zhilan preempted him.

"Zhihan has had a slight cold for the past two days. I asked the doctor to come over to see her. He told her to take a good rest, so I let her stay in the room to rest well. The servants brought her meals."

Fang Wenguo glared at Fang Zhilan reproachfully, "It's just a cold, so why don't you even leave the room? The more minor illnesses are like this, the more you have to go out for a walk and breathe fresh air!"

Fang Zhilan was speechless by Fang Wenguo, her face also flashed a bit of embarrassment, she laughed dryly a few times, and then signaled the housekeeper with her eyes to go upstairs and call Fang Zhihan down.

From the expression on Fang Zhilan's face, Fang Wenguo could see that the cold was all an excuse, and only then did he realize that the little woman was avoiding him. When he realized this, the expression on his face became more serious, and let him be beside him. Fang Zhilan's back was sweating unconsciously watching it.

When the butler knocked on Fang Zhihan's door, Fang Zhihan was hiding behind the door and listening to the movement outside. As soon as the butler's familiar and regular knock sounded, Fang Zhilan immediately opened the door for him with an excited expression on her face.

"Did Daddy mention me when he came back?"

Seeing Fang Zhihan who was already taller than him, the butler secretly sighed in his heart, with a more unbearable expression on his face, nodded slightly to her, and conveyed Fang Wenguo's words to her.

As soon as she heard that a family meeting was going to be held, the expression on Fang Zhilan's face changed immediately, and a pale and fearful expression appeared in front of the housekeeper without concealment.

"Daddy, are you finally going to send me abroad?"

The housekeeper frowned because of her words, and reprimanded with a little dissatisfaction, "Don't talk nonsense!" Realizing that he shouldn't be so strict, he immediately changed into a gentle tone, "Missy will protect you!" I won't let you go!"

When Fang Zhilan was mentioned, Fang Zhihan's face was filled with surprise for a moment, but then she couldn't help but become dejected. No matter how much her sister protected her, she was no match for her father's authoritarian decision.

"You go down first! I'll go down after changing clothes!"

Fang Zhilan closed the door again in frustration, changed her clothes quickly, and then took out an extra-large suitcase from the locker room, packed all her clothes in a few strokes, and packed it nervously. A box full of clothes stood beside the bed.

If Daddy really wanted to talk about sending her to go abroad, then she would agree right away, so as not to embarrass her sister, if she wanted to leave, she would go proudly!

Clenching his fists, Fang Zhihan took a deep breath and repeatedly cheered himself up in his heart before he opened the door and went downstairs gracefully.

As soon as Fang Zhilan saw her, she immediately pulled her to sit beside her, and then clasped her fingers tightly together, as if to give her more courage.

Fang Zhihan's thoughtful eyes fell on Fang Zhilan's body. Looking at her beautiful profile, her eyes gradually blurred. When she regained her senses, Fang Zhilan was smiling at her, and she immediately restrained herself. mood, and smiled sweetly at her sister.

The three brothers of the Fang family almost entered the Fang family's gate one after the other. When everyone's eyes fell on Fang Zhihan who was beside Fang Zhilan, they all had a bit of pity, and Fang Zhilan couldn't help but gently hugged her sister behind her.

Fang Zhilan took Fang Zhihan to greet them one by one. Fang Zhihan was always the closest to his uncle Fang Zhengzhi, and as soon as he saw the ceremony, he directly grabbed Fang Zhilan's hand and ran to Fang Zhengzhi's side briskly.

"Uncle, it's been a long time since you came to take Zhihan out to play!"

Fang Zhengzhi patted Fang Zhihan's head, the look of pampering in his eyes was obvious, and his brows and eyes were full of smiles, thinking that he casually asked the butler Fang Zhihan's recent situation before entering the door, and the butler's answer naturally followed their words talking.

"Didn't you have a small illness these days? Uncle is afraid that our little princess won't even get sick once he comes here, so he insists on running out to play with me, which delays his illness. Uncle can't afford it!"

Fang Zhihan pouted in dissatisfaction, clenched her pink fist and hit Fang Zhengzhi's body in a neutral manner, then took a peek at Fang Wenguo, seeing the serious expression on his face, she couldn't help restraining her joking look, and lightly With a cough, he sat upright beside Fang Zhengzhi.

Seeing that everyone was present, Fang Wenguo glanced at everyone's faces one by one, but he didn't immediately say the reason for the family meeting this time.

Fang Zhengzhi has always been out of shape, seeing the atmosphere so gloomy and gloomy, and although Fang Zhihan's small face is lowered, he still carefully caught the uneasiness emanating from her body.

"Third brother, isn't there a family meeting today? You called us all over, and now everyone is here, so just say what you want to say!"

Fang Wenguo's eyes froze, and his sharp eyes swept towards Fang Zhengzhi sternly, as if he was very dissatisfied with his incompetence, while Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi looked at them coldly, as if they were completely outsiders, and they loved Fang Wenguo a lot. Just talk, don't talk about the posture of pulling down.

Fang Wenguo coughed twice and cleared his throat when he had had enough of it, and started solemnly.

"This time we brought our family together! It's mainly for Hanhan's business."

After hearing Fang Wenguo's words, everyone reflexively shot their gazes at Fang Zhihan. There were doubts, cold eyes, gloating, and of course pity.

Only Fang Zhihan didn't move at all, she still sat there as if she didn't hear anything and didn't react at all, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Only Fang Zhilan, who knew Fang Zhihan well, could see the uneasiness in her heart from the barely noticeable wrinkles on her skirt, but she couldn't guess exactly what Fang Wenguo meant, so she couldn't help at all.

Fang Wenguo's gaze swept over Fang Zhihan, and seeing that she was not moving, he couldn't help frowning, and realized how much his lack of concern for his daughter had caused a girl's delicate heart, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful that during this time of the year, disregard for her.

"In a blink of an eye, Zhihan also has it. For so many years, she grew up by my side, and I do love her so much..."

Every time Fang Wenguo said a word, Fang Zhihan felt that every word turned into a sharp knife, piercing into his heart fiercely, leaving her heart stained with blood, and the knuckles of her fingers grasping the skirt turned white.

Fang Wenguo babbled a lot, and almost wished to tell all of Fang Zhihan's life that he had participated in from birth to the future, without realizing it, he didn't even notice that his own eyes were red.

In Fang Zhihan's view, this kind of scene was the worst. Fang Wenguo's words clearly seemed to be a confession to her. Although she was mentally prepared, her little face was still pale.

In the eyes of Fang Zhengzhi, Fang Zhihan's reaction may have been pity, but in the eyes of the two brothers Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi, it was more like Fang Zhihan had done something wrong and was about to be sent away by Fang Wenguo. Started his own little abacus.

"... Having said so much, in fact, my father is still incompetent, and I feel very guilty in my heart, so I want to make up for her, hold a birthday party for her, and announce in public that the Ten percent of Fang's shares were transferred to Hanhan's name."

The words finally got to the point, but the direction of the development of the matter was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Fang Zhihan suddenly raised her lowered head and looked at Fang Wenguo with wide eyes, as if she couldn't accept what he announced.

Fang Zhilan's face was obviously relieved, she had to say that Fang Wenguo's pass was too big, even Fang Zhilan had already planned in her heart that no matter what mistakes Fang Zhihan made and how Fang Wenguo punished her, she would fight with her A total of advance and retreat.

Fang Zhengzhi's face didn't change much, but the slight smile on the corner of his mouth made one have to suspect that Fang Wenguo's sudden mention of the birthday party had something to do with him.

After Fang Zhihan's brief astonishment, she quickly sorted out her mood, and then turned her gaze to Fang Zhilan, her eyes were full of secret joy, and the two sisters looked at each other and smiled.

Fang Zhengzhi looked at the small interaction between the two sisters, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more obvious, "Although Zhihan is a treasure in the hands of the third brother, she really didn't celebrate a birthday in a serious way since she was a child. It really made others laugh at our Fang family."

Fang Zhengzhi's words put a disdainful expression on the face of the eldest and second son of the Fang family who sat over there and hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end, and a cold snort came out of his mouth at the same time.

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