ex-wife, get married

Chapter 328 Wan Zigui VS Fang Zhilan, He's a Mixed Race

On the day when Su Ran came back, Fang Zhilan did not forget what Fang Wenguo said to give her a day off, but she automatically filtered out the words that Fang Wenguo repeatedly asked her to pick up Su Ran's airport and make a date.

Turning off the noisy alarm clock, Fang Zhilan, the rumored strong woman in the outside world, still slept soundly with her quilt covered. Ever since she was trained by Fang Wenguo to be a qualified heir, she has forgotten how long she has not enjoyed a place where the sun shines but can hide It's the morning of sleeping in bed.

Falling into a deep dream again, Fang Zhilan was just about to have a sweet dream when the door of the room was pounded loudly. Fang Zhilan raised her hand and waved the blanket off her body, frowning and sleepy eyes looking at the door, a little irritable Rubbed the hair of the shawl.

It is undoubtedly a very irritating thing to be interrupted in a sweet dream. Although she has been polished to the point where she has no energy to wake up, Fang Zhilan still has a thin layer of anger in her heart when she is suddenly awakened from her sleep. meaning.

"The door is unlocked, come in!"

Fang Zhilan was so disturbed by the continuous knocking on the door that she couldn't sleep, so she could only let him in with a loud yell.

Looking at her younger sister who came in wearing a white gauze dress, Fang Zhilan didn't show any surprised reaction on her face.

That's right, who can be so unrelenting in front of her room door, and never give up until the door is opened, except for sending you to change?Only Fang Zhihan would make her unable to express her temper at all.

As soon as Fang Zhihan entered the door, she saw Fang Zhilan sitting on the bed and yawning, looking like she hadn't woken up, she immediately laughed mischievously, threw herself straight onto Fang Zhilan's bed, and put her head in her arms.

"Sister, why don't you get up yet? Hanhan has already had breakfast! Daddy asked me to wake you up, and said he would send me to school today."

Fang Zhilan was about to ask why her father arranged for her to send her sister to school, but she suddenly realized the moment the words came to her lips. This arrangement was clearly to get her to get up and not give her any escape route to sleep in.

No matter what she does, Daddy will never give her a way out, and it is exactly like this, so no matter what happens, there is never the word retreat in her dictionary.

The smile on the corner of Fang Zhilan's mouth suddenly became bitter, and she touched Fang Zhihan's soft hair in her arms, her eyes were slightly blurred.

Seeing that Fang Zhilan seemed to be in a daze, Fang Zhihan struggled to get up from her arms, and sat opposite her, with a serious face, pulling Fang Zhilan as if to pull her up from the bed.

"Sister, get up quickly, don't delay my class, Daddy has already asked Uncle Wu to go home to rest, you can't make any more mistakes here so that I can't go to school!"

Fang Zhilan looked at Fang Zhihan fixedly, but didn't move. How could she not understand the younger sister she brought up with one hand!In the past, when she went to school, she had to be urged three times by the servants before she was willing to step on the car. Today, she must be so active that Daddy must have coaxed her with something nice.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Fang Zhilan sighed softly, nodded in response to Fang Zhihan's request, and then swiftly took a suit she wore most often from the closet to change into, but was stopped by Fang Zhihan at the side.

Fang Zhilan watched helplessly as Fang Zhihan rummaged through her closet, finally found a light blue dress and stuffed it into her arms, the corners of her mouth twitched.

She had already forgotten when she bought this skirt, but she didn't expect her sister to find it out of the closet. One can imagine the surprise in her heart.

"Zhihan, this skirt doesn't fit..."

Fang Zhihan saw that she didn't seem to like the clothes he picked out for her, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across her face, but she pushed her into the bathroom without giving her a chance to refute, "Go and change it for me, my sister wants to wear it." It has to look better."

When Fang Zhilan came out again, the haze of just waking up on her face was long gone. The well-cut light blue dress outlined her exquisite figure. With a beautiful arc, the whole person exudes a quiet and beautiful temperament from the inside to the outside.

Fang Zhihan looked at the fairy-like sister who seemed to come out of a painting in front of her, with a smile on her face, and she pulled Fang Zhilan around to let her show the overall effect to herself, and she couldn't stop admiring her.

"It's so beautiful. My sister should wear such a youthful dress. Those suits make you look old. You sent me to school in those clothes. When my classmates saw you, they thought you were my mommy!"

One sentence easily explained the reason why she suddenly changed her attire, but Fang Zhilan, who had already seen through it, still didn't say anything, letting Fang Zhihan help her dress up, looking at herself in the mirror who clearly looked less than 20 years old, Fang Zhilan was in a trance for a while.

"Sister, what are you thinking? Did I say something wrong that made you unhappy?"

Seeing that Fang Zhilan was stunned again, Fang Zhihan pursed her lips, approached slowly from behind her, and put her hands on her shoulders, the faces of the two sisters who were far apart were reflected in the mirror.

Everyone said that the two sisters of the Fang family did not look alike at all, Fang Zhilan had completely inherited Fang Wenguo both in appearance and character, and Fang Zhihan was almost exactly the same as her deceased mother Fang.

Fang Zhilan sometimes thinks that it is probably because her younger sister inherited her mother's appearance, so her father favors Fang Zhihan in everything. In fact, she is jealous in her heart!
Holding back her extra thoughts, Fang Zhilan smiled softly at Fang Zhihan, like a loving mother, and only at this time did she faintly see that Fang Zhilan had the look of a mother who was one of the ten golden flowers in Hong Kong back then.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking that Mommy's death day seems to be coming soon!"

Fang Zhilan blurted out a word casually, but Fang Zhihan's face turned pale in an instant. Fang Zhihan's birthday was also the anniversary of Fang's mother's death.

This day was the most difficult day for Fang Zhihan since she was a child. No matter how much Fang Wenguo doted on her, he would ignore her as if he had become a stranger on this day.

When she was young, she was ignorant, and her father ignored her, so she cried, but what she got in return was not careful and gentle coaxing, but locked in a small dark room for reflection; when she grew up, she knew that her mother passed away because of her birth , without anyone reminding her, she will obediently disappear from this family, but no one has ever cared about her whereabouts.

Fang Zhihan's rare silence made Fang Zhilan suddenly realize something was wrong. Seeing the expression on her face full of grievances, her heart ached like a needle prick.

"Zhihan... my sister didn't do it on purpose, I'm sorry!"

Fang Zhihan, as if nothing happened at all, opened the corner of her mouth and smiled at Fang Zhilan indifferently, only a flash in her eyes barely revealed her thoughts.

No matter how well she concealed her grievances, they really existed. Yes, she was wronged!Since she was a child, she has never really heard anyone mention her birthday, and what everyone remembers is the anniversary of Fang Mu's death.

The embarrassment between the two sisters continued until Fang Zhilan sent Fang Zhihan to school. They were relatively silent all the way. Fang Zhilan wanted to untie the knot in her heart with Fang Zhihan several times, but Fang Zhihan's refusal to talk made all her words stuck Throat, can't go up, can't come down.

The car stopped in front of the noble school where Fang Zhihan was studying. Fang Zhilan patted her head habitually, telling her to be obedient at school. For the first time, Fang Zhihan didn't answer her words, and got out of the car silently without taking off her seat belt.

Fang Zhilan watched Fang Zhihan enter the school before sighing softly. The soreness between her brows made her rub her forehead. Thinking of Fang Zhihan's hurt look before she got out of the car, she couldn't help but cursed herself inwardly for being stupid. Mention that day in front of Fang Zhihan.

Probably because I was too tired during this time!The pressure she has to bear is indeed too great, and she hasn't had a good rest. If this continues, she may die of overwork at some point!

The horn sound from outside reminded her to leave, Fang Zhilan frowned and looked at the watch on her wrist, then started the car and drove to the airport.

No matter when she rests, it's not now. She still bears the heavy responsibility of a blind date, and she has not forgotten it.

It was not the first time to pick up a plane, but it was the first time for Fang Zhilan to receive a man who was about to go on a blind date with her and who was also her immediate boss.

Fang Zhilan sat in the VIP waiting room anxiously, constantly planning what to say when she saw Su Ran for a while, she was obviously a well-known strong woman in the business world, but Fang Zhilan's image at this time was more like is a little woman.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door, and the moment Fang Zhilan raised her head, she put away all her uneasy emotions, and habitually wore an elegant and decent smile on her face.

The first thing that caught her eyes was the sweeter smile of the airport ground staff than her, but she immediately noticed the tall and well-proportioned man wearing sunglasses and a casual suit behind the ground staff.

"Miss Fang, the Mr. Su you picked up has arrived!"

Fang Zhilan got up and took out a red bill from her wallet and handed it to the ground staff as a tip, then she extended her hand to Su Ran graciously.

"Director Su, welcome back!"

The sunglasses on Su Ran's face covered half of his face, only the indistinct arc of the corner of his mouth was reflected in Fang Zhilan's eyes. After taking off his own sunglasses, Su Ran's deep facial features immediately appeared in front of Fang Zhilan's eyes .

He is of mixed race? !

After Fang Zhilan's eyes stayed on Su Ran's face for a few seconds, she realized that Su Ran gently shook her hand, but quickly backed away, and her behavior was very graceful. In the bottom of my heart, I silently developed a little fondness for him, which had nothing to do with love, but just appreciation.

"It's Su Ran's honor to have a beautiful woman like Miss Fang come to pick me up when I return to Hong Kong. From now on, we will be together in the Fang family, and we will see each other without looking up. If Miss Fang doesn't mind, why don't you just call me Su Ran? To offend a little, I will call you Zhilan."

Not abruptly, Fang Zhilan was inexplicably relieved by changing the other party's address like this, and gave Su Ran a higher score, so she nodded naturally.

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