ex-wife, get married

Chapter 301 The truth of the matter

But to Xu Yueqing's surprise, as soon as her question came out, the three people in the ward fell silent for an instant. In the end, it was Fang Zhilan who forced a smile, and half-covered her question to explain away her question.

With a glance, Xu Yueqing knew that they hadn't told her the real situation of Wan Zigui. Just as she was about to ask them to tell her the detailed situation of Wan Zigui, she swallowed the words again after a knock on the door .

Zhuo Nianqi cleverly went to open the door, but when he saw a few people in police uniforms at the door, his face darkened, and he frowned and asked:
"What are you doing here?"

Because of Zhuo Nianqi's superb computer skills, almost everyone in the police station knows that he is such a computer genius. When they saw him, the faces of the police officers standing at the door became more serious, and their attitudes were even more respectful. of.

"We are here to find Mrs. Zhuo. For this kidnapping case, her confession is very important. We are here this time to simply understand the truth of the matter."

Zhuo Nianqi nodded, and then made way for them to enter.

Zhuo Xiangyu and Zhuo Nianqi really deserved to be a father and son. Their first reactions were the same when they saw the police officers. Only Xu Yueqing did not have any rejection reaction after hearing their intentions.

In order to ensure that the witnesses who recorded the statement would not be influenced by others, the Zhuo family's father and son and Fang Zhilan left the ward and waited at the door for Xu Yueqing to finish recording.

Zhuo Xiangyu's face was gloomy, obviously he still had some minds about Xu Yueqing kicking him out of the ward, because trying on the wedding dress made her disappear, Zhuo Xiangyu still had lingering fears, and was worried that Xu Yueqing would face several policemen alone in the ward.

"Mrs. Zhuo, did you meet the kidnappers during the kidnapping?"

As soon as the policeman finished asking, Xu Yueqing couldn't wait to say the lines that she had rehearsed dozens of times in her heart, "Kidnapper? Are you talking about Fang Zhihan? She kidnapped me!"

Xu Yueqing answered too quickly, which made people doubt the authenticity of her words. The police officer who asked the question stared at her for a long time before asking the next question with strange eyes.

"Does the kidnapper have any accomplices?"

Xu Yueqing also realized that if she answered too quickly before, it would attract suspicion. This time, she paused in pretentious thinking before continuing to answer.

"Accomplices? Are you talking about the people she hired to guard me? I was under house arrest in a small dark room and I had never seen them, so I don't know what they looked like."

Xu Yueqing's eyes were sincere, and her words were flawless, but the expressions on the faces of the police officers became more and more puzzled.

"When we found you, Mrs. Zhuo, Mr. Wan Zigui was also there and was injured. Could Mrs. Zhuo tell you the reason why Mr. Wan Zigui appeared?"

When Wan Zigui was finally asked, Xu Yueqing opened her mouth to tell the reason she had made up in advance, but seeing the serious expressions of the police officers enforcing the law, her heart became inexplicably nervous, and she wanted to say something else But I found that I had forgotten it, and even my hands were covered with sweat.

She really isn't suitable for lying, her poor technique can be seen through at a glance.

"Mrs. Zhuo?" Xu Yueqing didn't get an answer for a long time, but seeing her looking uneasy, the police officer couldn't help but doubt the statement she gave.

Xu Yueqing suddenly came back to her senses, and smiled apologetically at the police officers who were waiting for her answer, "I'm sorry, I was injured, and I may be a little mentally ill. What was your question just now, can you repeat it again?"

"Mrs. Zhuo, is Wan Zigui related to your kidnapping case? Why did he appear at the scene?"

Xu Yueqing took a deep breath and managed to calm herself down, then reorganized the words in her mind, and only answered after confirming that there was no question.

"Zigui has nothing to do with the person who kidnapped me. I am very sure of this. Otherwise, he would not be alive or dead just to save me. He came to rescue me only after he received my distress message."

After answering this question, Xu Yueqing only felt a burst of irritability in her heart, and she didn't know whether it was because she thought about Wan Zigui's unexplained injury or because she lied in front of the police.

Seeing that Xu Yueqing had an impatient expression on his face, several police officers looked at each other, and then the police officer who took the notes closed the notebook first and got up, and nodded politely to Xu Yueqing who had a cold face. "Mrs. Zhuo, thank you for your cooperation, I wish you a speedy recovery and discharge from the hospital!"

Xu Yueqing nodded indifferently, and then watched their figures leave the ward before turning pale, but when she raised her head, she met Zhuo Xiangyu's complicated eyes, and saw that there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth , Xu Yueqing only felt her scalp go numb.

Walking to Xu Yueqing's side and sitting down, Zhuo Xiangyu's big hand covered her head, "Did he appear in the underground parking lot to save you?"


Xu Yueqing was speechless for a while, and laughed half-truthfully, then pointed to the door of the ward and then pointed to the bedside, her expression was full of teasing, she was still guessing how Zhuo Xiangyu overheard him at such a long distance. of their dialogue.

Zhuo Xiangyu pretended to be mysterious and smiled, and then took out a mobile phone that was on a call from the drawer of the bedside table on the hospital bed.

Xu Yueqing was speechless for a while.

In the dimly lit detention center, the iron walls were as tight as the warehouse where Xu Yueqing was under house arrest. As the second miss of the Fang family, when did Fang Zhihan suffer such hardship? It was only a day, and she vaguely couldn't stand it anymore.

Looking desperately at the impenetrable iron bars of the cell blocking her, Fang Zhihan unconsciously thought of the scene of Fang Zhilan appearing in front of her in the underground parking lot, the smile on her face froze, Fang Zhihan's face slowly Raised a bleak smile.

The moment Fang Zhilan appeared, she was still foolishly worried about her and tried her best not to let her get involved. It was ridiculous that she would send her sister to prison with her own hands.

Fragments of being dependent on each other with Fang Zhihan from childhood to adulthood flashed before her eyes one by one, but in the end it all turned into her smiling lovingly in the parking lot. Fang Zhihan only felt that her heart lost its temperature at this moment, and a chill ran from her bones. It leaked out and soaked her whole body.

"Fang Zhihan, come out!"

The voices of the prison guards in the detention center reached Fang Zhihan's ears, accompanied by the sound of iron chains rubbing against each other when the door was opened, which stimulated her eardrums, bringing back her trance thoughts in an instant.

The corners of Fang Zhihan's mouth rose slightly, those who should come will always come, and those who should be punished can't escape!
"Name." The interrogating policeman's cold voice sounded in the interrogation room where only one light was turned on. Perhaps it was the damp, cold and gloomy air in the detention center that made Fang Zhihan feel uncomfortable. She instinctively wanted to curl up, but Dai The handcuffs and shackles she was wearing reminded her all the time that she would have to carry this thing that bound her in the next few years, and she needed to get used to it.

Seeing that Fang Zhihan didn't answer for a long time, the interrogating policeman's face was full of impatience, but Fang Zhihan was a woman after all, and he couldn't do it, so he could only raise his voice and ask the question again.

"Fang Zhihan." Perhaps sensing the anger of the interrogating policeman, this time, Fang Zhihan answered his question without any hesitation.


Fang Zhihan raised her head reluctantly, obviously feeling a little speechless about his questions, but her eyes touched his upturned face, curled her lips, and slandered in her heart, then suppressed her impatience and breathed a sigh of relief He answered all the information he would ask.

"Age 24, occupation is homeless, both parents died, only one sister named Fang Zhilan, Hongkonger..."

After asking a few routine boring questions, a serious expression appeared on the face of the man in uniform in front of him. Instead of being perfunctory like before, he started a serious interrogation.

"Why did you kidnap Mrs. Zhuo?"

A hideous and vicious smile appeared on Fang Zhihan's face, her voice was surprisingly calm, and she refuted his words, "She is not Mrs. Zhuo, Mrs. Zhuo should be me, she is the one who took Xiangyu..."

Before Fang Zhihan could finish his defense, he was interrupted by the sound of a man knocking on the table, "I'm asking why you kidnapped her. If you answer the question again, don't blame me for forcing you to answer in a special way."

Fang Zhihan lowered her head, and the flash of hatred on her face was not seen by others, "Because I want to kill her, I hate her for taking away the man I love!"

It was no surprise that he would get such an answer. The interrogating police officer made a detailed record, and then continued to ask a few more questions. Just as he was about to close the record book and get up to leave, Fang Zhihan stopped him.

For this interrogation, she was most concerned about the accomplice, but he ended it without even asking.

"Why don't you ask me if I have any accomplices? Is that how you handle cases?"

One sentence made the policeman who had started to take back his steps, and the notebook was spread out again, with a look of listening attentively.

Fang Zhihan took a deep breath, with a triumphant smile on his face, "I have an accomplice, his name is Wan Zigui, and I conspired with him to kidnap Xu Yueqing, and I have evidence to prove that he and this kidnapping case It does matter, it's at my residence."

The police officer who originally didn't intend to pay attention to Fang Zhihan's confession, but after hearing her say that there was evidence, immediately became a lot more serious. He took a pen and began to ask Fang Zhihan's residence in S City in detail, and about the evidence. Details matter.

Fang Zhihan was very cooperative and gave a detailed answer. Even when she was brought back to the cold cell, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, showing her good mood.

The police officer who helped her record the statement was in a dilemma. He compared the statement notes recorded by Xu Yueqing in the hospital, but found that the two had different opinions on whether Wan Zigui participated in the kidnapping conspiracy. Such a discovery made him unable to help He frowned.

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