While the two were waiting anxiously, the phone rang, and Li Yi called them. According to the informant, a suspicious woman was seen hiding with a gun in the parking lot of the Home Inn.

Regarding this news, Fang Zhilan and Zhuo Xiangyu's first reaction was that this woman is Fang Zhihan, Xu Yueqing is in that hotel, Xu Yueqing is in danger, and Fang Zhihan's target is Xu Yueqing.

With a ferocious smile, Fang Zhihan held the gun in his hand, pointed the gun at Xu Yueqing, and walked towards her step by step. What was extremely inconsistent with her elegant and restrained image was that she was full of vicious words.

Seeing the fearful expression on Xu Yueqing's face, the smile on Fang Zhihan's face became brighter and brighter.

"Xu Yueqing, are you afraid?" Fang Zhihan, who couldn't get her answer, didn't mind, as if talking to herself, "Even if you are afraid, I will not let you go. Today you fall into my hands, you Just pray to God! Let you... die not so ugly. Hahahaha..."

Xu Yueqing looked at Fang Zhihan coldly, staying with this crazy woman like her, she didn't even have the desire or desire to speak, but the more indifferent and calm she was, the more Fang Zhihan wanted to tear her face apart.

Vicious thoughts flashed in his mind, Fang Zhihan slowly aimed the gun at Xu Yueqing's leg, and after a loud noise, a puff of blue smoke came out of the wound.

The burning pain in the calf made Xu Yueqing almost shed tears, but as soon as her eyes touched Fang Zhihan's face with two emotions of surprise and hatred, she gritted her teeth and held back all the emotions that surfaced, trying to make herself very calm .

From Xu Yueqing's point of view, Fang Zhihan was completely insane, as long as she felt any uncomfortable emotions appear on her face, she would definitely get a look of exhilaration and let out a bad breath in exchange.

Fang Zhihan squatted in front of Xu Yueqing, using her mouth to hold her chin up to force her to look at him, and successfully saw the tears rolling in her eyes, the corners of her eyes and brows were full of pride.

"So you know it hurts...then have you ever tasted the feeling of heartache? It was you, you took away my Xiangyu, and made my heart hurt day and night. Today, I will let you Have a good taste of this."

Following Fang Zhihan's words, the muzzle of the gun slowly moved to Xu Yueqing's heart. As long as her index finger moves slightly, she can be killed instantly.

Xu Yueqing's heart beat irregularly, and her anxious heart almost jumped out. This kind of slow waiting for death is the most tormenting mind.

It took a while before Fang Zhihan laughed viciously and lowered the muzzle of the gun. While moving around, she kept threatening Xu Yueqing with words, trying to break Xu Yueqing's composure.

"Where do you think my shot should be? Here, here? Or...here?"

Xu Yueqing took a deep breath, and severely suppressed her unstable emotions. She still didn't want to pay attention to Fang Zhihan, as if she wanted to kill or kill her.

Wan Zigui, who woke up intermittently from a coma, opened his eyes and saw Fang Zhihan's distorted face and the pitch-black gun in her hand vaguely.

With a little anxiety, Wan Zigui opened his mouth a few times to stop Fang Zhihan from continuing to move, but the wound on his body was in his lungs, making him want to talk, but every breath would only make him more uncomfortable.

When he saw Xu Yueqing's leg was bubbling with blood, and the wound on her pants was soaked in red, his heart was shocked, and regardless of the pain in his body, he exhausted all his strength, Wan Zigui shouted, " Fang Zhihan!"

Wan Zigui's voice made the two women turn their heads at the same time. Xu Yueqing's face was full of worry, but she still couldn't hide her surprise, "Zigui, you're awake, don't talk, you're fine, don't worry about anything." Do not say……"

The unspoken words made Wan Zigui's heart inexplicably warm, and the arc of the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually expanded, but the feeling that his body was becoming more and more difficult to breathe made him feel that the smile on his face could not be maintained.

"Fang Zhihan, she has already been shot by you. If your shot falls, her life may not be saved. Are you trying to catch her in every way so that she can die so quickly? Then you It's better to just give her a good time!"

Wan Zigui's voice was very soft and slow, but it was difficult for people to associate his words with such a tone. Although he was seriously injured, his way of speaking was still so sharp that every word and every word pierced into Fang Zhihan's heart , revealing all the secrets in her heart.

Fang Zhihan didn't expect that Wan Zigui would say such unfeeling words to hurt Xu Yueqing in order to let her save Xu Yueqing's life, his eyes were full of coquettish smiles, but the inadvertent expression of cruelty made people shudder.

The fingers painted with Dan Koo slowly slid across Xu Yueqing's face, and then clamped her chin fiercely. Almost with all his strength, the nails poked Xu Yueqing's cheeks, leaving shocking scratches on it. mark.

"Xu Yueqing, I'm really curious, how did you get so many men to fall for you with such an ordinary face, can you teach me?"

There was a charming smile on Fang Zhihan's face for a while, but before he finished speaking, it changed to begging again, and finally it was cold and vicious again.

Before Xu Yueqing could react, she was pushed to the ground by Fang Zhihan. The cold touch of the ground on her back made her tremble uncontrollably. She closed her ears, but she just felt dizzy and fell to the ground weakly, Xu Yueqing's face was in burning pain.

She reached out her hand to see how her injury was, but the pain piercing her face made her unable to hold back her hand, and it was already swollen.

Fang Zhihan's slap almost exhausted all his strength, and Wan Zigui, who was watching from the side, felt his heart skip a beat.

Fang Zhihan's complacent eyes fell on Wan Zigui's eyes wishing to kill her, and rubbed her palm, "Wan Zigui, didn't you ask me to torture her in another way? Then I will torture her slowly for you to see. what do you think?"

Wan Zigui choked on her words, his chest tightness became even more short of breath, and he blurted out a violent cough uncontrollably.

Regardless of her injuries, Xu Yueqing dragged her blood-stained leg and moved towards Wan Zigui step by step, still shouting his name anxiously.

The bloodshot slowly overflowing from the corner of his mouth made her heart ruthlessly grab her. She didn't dare to pick him up, so she could only stay by his side helplessly, yelling his name non-stop.

Fang Zhihan was not moved by the feelings between them at all, instead she shook her head and said sarcastic words, "Tsk tsk, it's so affectionate and righteous, Wan Zigui, why are you working so hard for this woman? I really don't know what's good about her .”

The corner of Wan Zigui's mouth was full of smiles, he opened and closed his mouth but couldn't make any sound, but the meaning of his mouth was clear: even if she was not good in anything, she would never do anything to hurt others!

Fang Zhihan screamed angrily at his mocking expression, subconsciously fired empty shots at the roof several times with the gun in his hand.

Zhuo Xiangyu, who heard the gunshots, unconsciously quickened his pace, his pupils shrunk as if he had been stimulated by something, and when he thought that Fang Zhihan had a gun in his hand, and Xu Yueqing was staying with her at the moment, his canthus almost burst open, afraid Fang Zhihan would hurt the little girl he took care of in his hands, and he was even more afraid that if they saw each other again, it would be forever.

Li Yi, who was following Zhuo Xiangyu, also heard the gunshots, and subconsciously raised his head to see the face of the man obliquely in front of him. The expected change of color made his heart skip a beat unconsciously.

When Zhuo Xiangyu arrived with his people, Wan Zigui had already passed out. Xu Yueqing's eyes were blinded by anger, and she stared at Fang Zhihan, wishing she could eat her alive, but Fang Zhihan dared not speak out because of Xu Yueqing's rage. Zhuo Xiangyu felt extremely upset in her heart, pulled her hair left and right, and slapped her face one after another. The swollen cheeks that were almost bleeding made Zhuo Xiangyu feel a throbbing pain in his heart.


Zhuo Xiangyu gave a loud shout.

The familiar voice successfully attracted Fang Zhihan's attention and made her stop her movements. Xu Yueqing's cheeks were also saved, but although she was exhausted and almost numb after hearing Zhuo Xiangyu's voice, But she didn't have the strength to move her gaze to him at all.


The moment Fang Zhihan saw Zhuo Xiangyu, his face suddenly changed into a bright and bright smile like a conditioned reflex, but Zhuo Xiangyu didn't even look at her, his eyes fell directly on Xu Yueqing, pity His eyes lingered around her, making Fang Zhihan almost go crazy with jealousy.

She has never existed in his eyes, no matter how bright and brilliant her smile is, he will never see her.

With this truth that was enough to destroy her, Fang Zhihan pulled Xu Yueqing up from the ground, and the gun that had been in her hand all this time was also pressed against Xu Yueqing's neck in an instant.

"You all don't come here. If anyone makes a move, don't blame me for being cruel. If you frighten me and miss it, Xu Yueqing will definitely die. Especially you Zhuo Xiangyu, you probably don't want to see a beautiful woman in front of you. Look like you're going to kill Yu Yu!"

Zhuo Xiangyu's face was cold and stern, and a knife's eye swept across the faces of the people behind him, and the police officers who were about to make a move immediately fell silent.

Then it was of course time to negotiate, but no matter what Zhuo Xiangyu said, Fang Zhihan didn't make a statement. Seeing the impatience evident on Zhuo Xiangyu's face, Fang Zhihan opened his mouth slowly.

"No matter what tempting request you put forward, I will never let Xu Yueqing go, so you should die to save her! I will beat her into a hornet's nest one by one, hahahaha..."

Zhuo Xiangyu frowned tightly because of her words. At this time, Li Yi who was beside Zhuo Xiangyu suddenly approached Zhuo Xiangyu and whispered something in his ear.

With a little suspicion in Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes, he glanced at the ground at Fang Zhihan's feet without any trace, and then his face lightened up a little.

Fang Zhihan's gun is out of bullets!
When Li Yi saw Zhuo Xiangyu's expression, he knew that his guess was correct. He took a step back slightly, and then gestured with his big hand to the two police officers behind him. It was the sniper who was ready first. Knowingly spread out to the surroundings and hide everywhere, waiting for the opportunity.

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