Zhuo Nianqi shook his head, an idea flashed in his mind, "Daddy, take me there! Give me a computer, I have an 80.00% chance of locking the ship, but it takes a lot of time, so let's go there now Hurry up, buy me time and I can help you too."

"80.00%..." Zhuo Xiangyu groaned, and his brain kept turning like clockwork, thinking whether to bring Zhuo Nianqi with him.

As soon as Zhuo Nianqi saw his father's expression, he immediately realized that there was something going on, and pulled Zhuo Xiangyu's clothes, trying his best to be coquettish and cute, Zhuo Xiangyu flashed a little, and nodded his head in a strange way.

After delivering Xu Yueqing's meal, Wan Zigui let out a sigh of relief and locked the door. The haggard look on his face couldn't be concealed, and he leaned against the door. Wan Zigui took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it silently. He smoked one mouthful at a time.

In his impression, Xu Yueqing seemed to have become extraordinarily obedient since he gave the warning. Although she still refused to pay attention to him, she obviously became much quieter.

Delivering meals to her every day, she didn't reject her as before, but ate with relish, and went to bed after eating, as if she had accepted such a life under house arrest.

He didn't ask about Zhuo Xiangyu's recent situation with Zhuo Nianqi again, only occasionally when he saw her staring at the newspaper he gave her earlier that reported Zhuo Nianqi's injury, he knew she was not I don't care anymore, but I don't want to show half of it in front of him.

There was a bitter smile on Wan Zigui's face. Xu Yueqing acted like a lifeless puppet in front of him, but it wasn't all because she wanted him to dispel the idea of ​​continuing to imprison him, but he didn't care at all in front of her She still has someone in her heart, as if she is satisfied as long as she is by her side, and it is also to make her dispel the idea of ​​leaving him.

They are actually acting, just to see who can persevere till the end!
After putting out the cigarette butt, Wan Zigui felt physically and mentally exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up. Looking at the night that had already fallen, his mind began to wander again.

"I still don't know when we will reach City A! You said that we have traveled so many times without any problems, so why is there a problem at this juncture?"

"Who knows! If it's a routine matter, don't we not know exactly what it's going to do? Besides, as long as we can be released back to City A, it doesn't matter if it's a routine matter or a private matter!"

"These people are full of food now, so could it be possible to find out what kind of foolish things we are doing on these ships!"

The sound of footsteps and voices from far and near broke into the eardrum of Wan Zigui who was in an empty state.

Fleeing with Xu Yueqing during this period made his nerves extremely tense, as long as there was a slight movement, he could instinctively take the best defensive posture.

After listening carefully, Wan Zigui realized that although their discussion had no beginning or end, it moved his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what they were discussing.

Stepping on the moonlight, Wan Zigui appeared on the deck with a gloomy expression. The sea breeze at night was bit biting, but it was enough to keep his brain awake.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, Wan Zigui turned to look at the owner of the chattering voice before. The three of them seemed to have drunk wine. Facing the wind, Wan Zigui's nose faintly smelled the smell of alcohol. His eyes swept over the faces of the three of them.

The three of them obviously did not expect to meet Wan Zigui, and being swept away by his gaze, even if they were drunk, they were half sober, and the three respectfully bowed to Wan Zigui.

Wan Zigui snorted softly, and was about to ask them about the topic they had discussed before, but he stopped talking after thinking about it, and let them go without asking anything.

Wan Zigui will appear on this ship, and let the workers on the ship treat him with such respect, which is considered a trustworthy person, but he also knows that they are respectful to him on the surface, but they don’t know it behind the scenes. Why are you suspicious of him, so he basically never deals with them, but...

It seems that something happened that he doesn't know about, it seems that he really needs to pay attention to it!

After a sleepless night, Wan Zigui tidied himself up and went to the kitchen to serve Xu Yueqing's breakfast as usual. He happened to meet several workers in the kitchen who were secretly discussing something, and when he thought about the three workers he met the night before, his heart ached. The doubts grew bigger and bigger, forcing him to be puzzled and unhappy.

After serving breakfast, Wan Zigui deliberately took a long way around and walked past the group of gossip workers. Seeing his figure, the workers dispersed immediately, as if they were afraid that he would hear something. The cook who cooked the food didn't move, she was still sitting there carefully picking vegetables.

As if he had found a breakthrough, Wan Zigui sat beside her, picked up the food to be given to Xu Yueqing twice, squinted his eyes and smiled hypocritically, "The vegetables on the boat seem to be shrinking recently?"

Cook Xu raised her head and glanced at Wan Zigui very shamelessly, hummed lightly, but did not continue what he said, as if she didn't want to talk to Wan Zigui at all.

Wan Zigui, who had hit a wall, was not discouraged, and continued to talk to Cook Xu, "How long will it take for us to reach City A, my wife is in a hurry to get medical treatment and I don't know... Hey!"

When mentioning Xu Yueqing, Xu Chef took a fixed look at Wan Zigui, and then asked him in an unhurried manner, "Are you really ignorant or are you pretending not to know?"

Wan Zigui was confused by Cook Lady Xu's rhetorical question, his eyes were full of doubts but he didn't show it, he covered his lips and coughed lightly, staring at Cook Lady Xu with piercing eyes, waiting for her to give her an answer.

Chef Xu sighed softly, and saw that Wan Zigui really didn't know anything, so she had to say, "Young man, don't you know? Recently, there is a marine police investigation in the waters of the C River. I heard that they are investigating something, although they said It's a routine investigation, but..."

In just a few sentences, Wan Zigui understood the reason why the workers on the ship avoided him these days. His intentions aroused suspicion, and he was naturally afraid that the coast guard would find him.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Wan Zigui stared at the food in his hand, thinking of a plan, his face froze, and under the worried eyes of Mrs. Xu, he quickly got up and left the kitchen.

Walking to the door of the secret room where Xu Yueqing was under house arrest, Wan Zigui took out a pack of drugs from the inner pocket of the windbreaker, squinted his eyes slightly, and poured the whole pack into the food.

When she opened the door, Xu Yueqing was just as usual, holding the old newspaper in a daze at the photo of Zhuo Nianqi that appeared on it. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she instinctively looked up at the door, then lowered her head again.

Wan Zigui pushed the food in front of her but did not leave in a hurry, but stood there watching her move her chopsticks mouthful after mouthful, until she finished all the food and drank the soup that came with the food After cleaning up, Wan Zigui's heart was slightly relieved.

Wan Zigui usually left immediately after delivering the food, but this time he had no intention of leaving abnormally. Xu Yueqing couldn't help frowning and looking at him, secretly guessing what kind of medicine he was buying in the gourd.

Wan Zigui accepted her questioning gaze frankly, then slowly cleaned up the mess she left after the meal, and then turned and left without saying a word, leaving Xu Yueqing really confused.

After closing the door again, Wan Zigui did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he lifted his trousers and sat directly at the door. It took less than the time to finish smoking a cigarette, and he thought that Xu Yueqing's medicine was about to take effect. , and then reopened the door to enter.

Sure enough, as he expected, after eating the food he had drugged, Xu Yueqing felt sleepy as soon as she touched the bed. fell asleep.

Looking at Xu Yueqing's peaceful sleeping face, Wan Zigui felt an urge to possess her from the soles of his feet, without any hesitation, Wan Zigui picked her up from the bed, and took her out of the secret room.

Perhaps it was because Wan Zigui calculated the time very well. They didn't meet anyone until they got off the boat along the way. Leaving the boat that took him away, Wan Zigui looked back with a complicated face.

Before the happy smile appeared on his face, the expression on Wan Zigui's face suddenly changed, and then he hurriedly turned his head back without squinting, and kept walking towards the opposite direction of the boat.

It was Zhuo Xiangyu and Zhuo Nianqi who brought people to look for Xu Yueqing in the name of maritime police inspection, which changed Wan Zigui's expression.

The distance between Xu Yueqing and them is getting farther and farther, but they don't know it yet, they are still rushing to the boat where Zhuo Nianqi just found Wan Zigui and they were staying before.

Once on the ship, before the coast guard called all the people on board, they directly caught a person and asked where their warehouse was.

Seeing Zhuo Xiangyu's posture, the worker who was arrested for questioning immediately nodded and took him to the warehouse.

Because it was a cargo ship, the warehouse was huge, so Zhuo Xiangyu and the coast guard soldiers who followed him divided into several groups and began to search.

And Li Yi, who came with Zhuo Xiangyu and attempted to make a contribution to the crime, also called the workers to start questioning.

"Is everyone on your ship here?" Walking around to see if there was Wan Zigui among the workers, Li Yi's eyes swept over everyone's faces with a menacing gaze, but he didn't find Wan Zigui.

Upon hearing his question, the gathered workers all began to look left and right, as if thinking of someone, everyone's expressions became cautious, and then they all looked at the person in charge on the ship.

After all, Li Yi has been in the police industry for many years, and he knew that there must be something wrong when he saw their reactions, and he felt a little uneasy.

"What? Is there a problem? Who's missing?"

Hearing Li Yi's words, everyone's expressions became a little uneasy, but they seemed to keep their mouths shut.

Li Yi knew that the breakthrough point was definitely not on these workers, so when he changed the subject, he turned his attention to their leaders.

"Did you say it yourself? Or... We arrested you and forced you to say it?"

The face of the person in charge changed, but he still pretended to be calm and said nothing. Li Yi couldn't help but get angry with his tough attitude. He grabbed his collar with both hands, and he didn't care about the image of a policeman anymore. , spoke viciously.

"Do you think I'll let you go if you don't tell me? I'll just tell you! Our police are hunting for a kidnapping fugitive and found him on this ship. You can keep your mouth shut." Needless to say, but... sheltering a fugitive is tantamount to being an accomplice, and you will probably have to eat in prison for several years."

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