ex-wife, get married

Chapter 288: Gunshots in the Darkness

He could see all of his father's struggle and pain, so before Zhuo Xiangyu could speak, he said the words that angered Fang Zhihan.

"You vicious woman, give up! It is absolutely impossible for my daddy to marry you. My daddy will only love my mommy alone. In this life, yes, in the next life, in the next life... as long as there is my mom Mi, my daddy will never be able to look at you, even if you backtrack, my daddy will not give you a look!"

Obviously, Zhuo Nianqi's words became the trigger, fire, and reason to anger Fang Zhihan. Angrily, she ignored the gun in her hand, grabbed Zhuo Nianqi's short hair, raised her hand and began to slap her left and right. slap.

The stubborn Zhuo Nianqi still refused to stop mocking Fang Zhihan even though his face was swollen.

"Fang Zhihan, you are such a pathetic woman. What is the use of loving my daddy so much? The relationship you have had for so many years is not as good as my mommy. You think taking me as a hostage and threatening my daddy can make him treat you Compromise? He compromised once ten years ago, and since then, no one will be able to separate them, even if it is because of me, it is impossible to let them separate, just die of that heart!"

"You know very well in your heart that your daddy actually doesn't want to be threatened by you. It's you, a vicious woman, who insists on forcing him. It's also your lie that his last wish was to let daddy marry you!"

"You bad woman, everything is your wishful thinking. Daddy has rejected you a long time ago. You are the one who refused to let go and pretended to be Daddy's fiancée. Our Zhuo family has never recognized you! My daddy likes it." Yes, the person I love has always been my mommy!"

Every word of Zhuo Nianqi's words hurt Fang Zhihan deeply, and even the firm expression on his little face made her find it hard to accept.

"Shut up! Shut up, ah—impossible, you're lying, I'm the one Xiangyu should marry, it's your mother's cheap hoof that seduced Xiangyu, it's not my fault, it's not my fault!"

With ferocious distortion and destructive madness, Fang Zhihan screamed repeatedly. The ear-piercing screams and her continuous torturing Zhuo Nianqi, hitting him caused his muffled groaning, and everyone present couldn't bear to hear it.


Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes were red, and his angry expression completely covered up his usual gentlemanly gentleness, breaking free from the obstruction of the police officers around him, Zhuo Xiangyu walked towards Zhuo Nianqi with big strides fearlessly.

"Fang Zhihan, you lunatic, I didn't expect you to be able to deal with a child like Nian Qi. If I could, I'd rather I never knew you!"

If Zhuo Nianqi's stimulation was the fuse that angered Fang Zhihan, then Zhuo Xiangyu's words undoubtedly pushed Fang Zhihan to a point of no return.

With a crazy smile of burning jade and stone, Fang Zhihan's face was full of tears, and under the worried eyes of everyone, he raised his hand and pointed the gun at Zhuo Xiangyu.


"Daddy—be careful!"

"Mr. Zhuo, be careful!"

The sound of gunfire mixed with the screams of the crowd resounded in the empty abandoned building.

Fang Zhihan seemed to wake up from a dream, staring blankly at the smoking muzzle before realizing what she had done.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on Zhuo Xiangyu, as if they were checking his injury, Fang Zhihan bit her lip, her heart sank, and she pushed Zhuo Nianqi out fiercely, and then moved neatly He turned and ran away from everyone's sight.

Zhuo Xiangyu, who was being inspected for his injuries by the stars over there, made sure that he was just shot in the arm and that he was not seriously injured, so he pushed aside the crowd and looked at Zhuo Nianqi.

Zhuo Xiangyu, who found that Zhuo Nianqi was still there, just breathed a sigh of relief, when he saw his thin and small body precariously about to fall, he rushed over and hugged him in his arms.

The body of Zhuo Nianqi, who was covered in blood and had passed out, made Zhuo Xiangyu uncontrollably terrified. He didn't care if Fang Zhihan had already escaped, facing the police officers who were running around like headless chickens Roaring.

"Call the emergency number!"

The police officer over there just took out his mobile phone and was about to call 120 when he felt a gust of wind swaying in front of his eyes, and when he looked up again, he saw Zhuo Xiangyu holding Zhuo Nianqi's back facing towards their car parked not far from the abandoned building. The car ran with a vigorous posture.

The police officer who had been standing beside Zhuo Xiangyu before, and who was obviously higher than the others, immediately stepped up and walked over.

"Mr. Zhuo, you still have injuries on your hands!"

The policeman who was about to make a call shook his head helplessly. Just as he was about to put the phone back, he was patted on the shoulder by a colleague beside him, "If I were you, don't rush to answer the call, call the hospital right away! Tell me Their God of Wealth is coming, let them prepare the surgical supplies immediately and wait at the entrance of the hospital!"

Zhuo Xiangyu drove the fast car all the way, and Zhuo Xiangyu, who did not know how many traffic policemen, finally parked the car at the gate of the hospital.

And the director of the hospital, who had already received a call from the police, waited for Zhuo Xiangyu holding Zhuo Nianqi to appear, and immediately led the hospital's best surgeon team to greet him.

It wasn't until Zhuo Nianqi was sent to the emergency room that Zhuo Xiangyu's nerves relaxed slightly. Sitting on the bench at the door of the emergency room, Zhuo Xiangyu rubbed the center of his brows, and punched him as if thinking of something. the wall.

The captain of the police station who followed Zhuo Xiangyu's car hurriedly, saw the gloomy expression on Zhuo Xiangyu's face, his heart sank, he had a bad premonition, and his pace obviously slowed down a lot.

"Boss Zhuo."

Zhuo Xiangyu lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. When he heard Li Yi's voice, he responded lightly, so he didn't raise his head.

The atmosphere seemed to be stagnant, Zhuo Xiangyu didn't speak, and Li Yi didn't dare to speak, for fear that saying something wrong would anger Zhuo Xiangyu.

After being silent for a long time, Zhuo Xiangyu slowly raised his head, and set his eyes on Li Yi who was standing obliquely in front of him respectfully. Seeing his cautious and slightly embarrassed expression, Zhuo Xiangyu's gaze It became cold and severe in an instant.

"Where is Fang Zhihan?"

Li Yi's body trembled slightly imperceptibly because of Zhuo Xiangyu's stern questioning. After struggling several times, he finally sighed in his heart.

"Miss Fang fled the scene after shooting and wounding you. The scene was too chaotic at the time, so no one noticed."

"No one noticed..." Zhuo Xiangyu's lips rolled over this sentence, and then he sneered, obviously very dissatisfied with Li Yi's answer, but unexpectedly did not embarrass him.

"I won't pursue the fault of not catching Fang Zhihan this time, but your police department will continue to pursue her whereabouts. In addition... regarding my wife's search and rescue operation, I hope the result will not disappoint me like this time."

The sharp eyes shot straight into Li Yi's trembling heart, causing fine sweat to break out on his forehead, but he didn't even have the courage to raise his hand to wipe it away.

Li Yi, who was restless and didn't know where to put his eyes, finally set his eyes on Zhuo Xiangyu's injured arm, turned his mind to suppress the excess emotions on his face, and looked serious.

"Mr. Zhuo...you got shot in your arm, go and bandage it first!"

Zhuo Xiangyu raised his arm, and followed Li Yi's gaze, only to find that his shot arm was still bleeding, and with his movements, the wound started to hurt .

Because he was worried about his son before, he didn't feel anything even if he ran while holding him. After sending his son to the hospital, he had gradually gotten used to the pain from time to time and didn't care too much.

If it wasn't for Li Yi's reminder, I'm afraid he wouldn't have any extra thoughts about this wound.

Just about to say that he would bandage him after Zhuo Nianqi came out of the emergency room, but the worried face of a little woman suddenly appeared in his mind, he sighed lightly, and stood up neatly.

"You stay here for a while, I'll go bandage it up and come over soon, let me know if there's any problem."

After getting his order, Li Yi hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Just as Zhuo Xiangyu disappeared around the corner, a woman in a police uniform hurried over, and when she saw Liu Yi, she immediately asked, "Where is Mr. Zhuo?"

Seeing the unnatural tension on the visitor's face, Li Yi's heart sank slightly, and he frowned but still answered her question truthfully.

"President Zhuo's arm was injured, and he just went to the nurse to bandage it."

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent. Li Yi habitually touched his pockets with his hands, but failed to take out a cigarette as he wished. Only then did he realize that smoking is not allowed during missions.

Looking at the lights in the emergency room that were always on, Li Yi still felt a little uneasy, sighed lightly, and then set his eyes on the policewoman, trying to find something to talk about.

"Is there any new clue?"

The policewoman who stood up straight glanced at Li Yi, then shook her head, thinking carefully in her heart, as if considering whether she should report the news to Zhuo Xiangyu to him.

"We have confirmed that the tracker is on Zhuo Xiaoshao's body, which means that we have temporarily lost contact with Mrs. Zhuo, and we cannot be sure of her current exact location."

Li Yi was shocked, as if Zhuo Xiangyu was standing in front of him and shooting him up and down with sharp eyes, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"How could I lose contact..."

This time, the female police officer did not answer his question, but instead set her gaze not far behind him with a solemn expression.

"Boss Zhuo."

The policewoman's sudden call made Li Yi almost fall to the ground with his legs weak, and turned around in a daze. Li Yi lowered his head and looked at the leather shoes that were already stained with dust not far away, but he didn't dare to look up. Move to see the expression on Zhuo Xiangyu's face.

Because Zhuo Xiangyu was worried about his son's injury, he hurriedly asked the paramedics to bandage him as quickly as possible, and then went directly to the door of the emergency room to wait without any stop, but he didn't expect to hear such a message that shocked him. Difficult news.

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