ex-wife, get married

Chapter 259 Destruction of the New Plan

"Zhuo Xiangyu! Nian Qi, he just rested for a few days, and you sent him another mission. Do you think he is one of your subordinates trained like a robot?!"

Zhuo Xiangyu was not angry at all because Xu Yueqing said that he was inhuman, but put his head on her neck in order to defuse Xu Yueqing's anger.Sure enough, he was still the person who knew her best, Xu Yueqing blushed instantly at the intimate gesture.

Zhuo Xiangyu took the opportunity to explain to her, "I didn't intend to assign tasks to my son. I know that he is still on the vacation you booked for him. I am no longer human, and I will not exploit my son."

Just as Xu Yueqing was about to refute his words, she heard Zhuo Nianqi suddenly exclaimed, swallowed the words involuntarily, and cast her eyes on him.

"Is Wan Zigui crazy? He actually started such a loss-making business."

Xu Yueqing patted Zhuo Xiangyu's hand holding her slender waist twice, and once again cast her doubtful eyes on this increasingly black-bellied man, his big black and white eyes were filled with "what's the matter with Wan Zigui?" Character.

Zhuo Xiangyu stopped his dishonest hands and sighed softly, as if he regretted not being able to enjoy himself to the fullest, with a little unsatisfactory meaning, "Wan Zigui was completely defeated at the press conference, so he had to start a price war after the product was released, and bought a new product The gift package that comes with it afterwards is very attractive.”

Afraid that Xu Yueqing would not understand, Zhuo Nianqi followed Zhuo Xiangyu's words and continued: "Because of the popularity of technology products, high-end technology products earn very little profit, and the competition among peers is fierce. So for If the advantages can be highlighted, the cost of the products produced will become higher and higher, basically there is no profit to be made.”

Zhuo Nianqi's analysis was exactly what Zhuo Xiangyu thought in his heart, and he nodded appreciatively, "The gift package that Wan Zigui gave will undoubtedly make him lose money, but...according to the principle of small profits but quick turnover. If If the new PDU products are attractive enough to compare with Zhuo’s new products, the possibility of just keeping capital is not ruled out.”

Xu Yueqing was almost dizzy from the analysis of the two of them one by one. Before she could fully understand what they meant, a thought that popped up suddenly came out of her mouth before her brain could think.

"In that case, we have to lower the price too? But if this is the case, aren't we even less sure that we can beat... him?"

Zhuo Xiangyu shook his head with a broken smile. This little woman is really not suitable for intrigue in the mall, so he touched her head and patiently explained to her.

"We Zhuo's can't lower the price. Zhuo's products have always been positioned as high-end technology products. Coupled with the success of the press conference, a rash price reduction and a price war with PDU will only make consumers suspicious of Zhuo's products. Then our previous preparations will be in vain.”

Zhuo Xiangyu's voice paused, and then a deep smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which clearly meant that everything was under his control, "What we have to do now...is to destroy Wan Zigui's new plan .”

The eyes of father and son met suddenly, and the familiar tacit understanding was hooked out again, Zhuo Nianqi sighed secretly in his heart, his father's methods of dismantling tricks are really getting better and better!
Facing Xu Yueqing's curious eyes, Zhuo Nianqi threw out the solution that Zhuo Xiangyu had in mind, "Since ancient times, cheap goods have never been good!"

As soon as Zhuo Nianqi's words came out, Xu Yueqing understood what he meant, and was obviously shocked by his unreliable thoughts, Xu Yueqing couldn't help opening her mouth slightly, "But everyone likes to take advantage of it, this is due to the national conditions. Sincerely! And..."

Zhuo Xiangyu put his finger in front of Xu Yueqing's lips, stopping her next objection, "Just wait and see, believe me, Wan Zigui can't win with this method at all."

Attracted by Zhuo Xiangyu's confident and firm eyes, Xu Yueqing found that she couldn't say anything to object, so she could only nod blankly.

The smile on the corner of Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth deepened, and he squeezed the face of the little woman who seemed to be possessed by a nympho, "Wan Zigui thought that after staying abroad for a long time, he thought he could beat your husband Me, that's absolutely impossible, he... is not ready yet."

Xu Yueqing's face was flushed by what he said, but she couldn't find any words to refute.And Zhuo Nianqi, who was at the side, was no stranger to this pair of parents who were intimate regardless of the occasion, and very calmly left the sweet and loving couple and went upstairs.

When Xu Yueqing realized that she shouldn't be so intimate in front of her child, and withdrew from Zhuo Xiangyu's arms with half-push, she found that her son had long since disappeared.

When night fell, there were a large number of posts on the Internet about Wanzigui's behavior of buying products and giving generous gifts. "

Wan Zigui, who hadn't had a good night's sleep since confronting Zhuo's enterprise, fell asleep in the office due to overwork, but was woken up by the piercing ringing of the bell before staring blankly for a while.

Wan Zigui, whose nerves were tense day and night, maintained a high degree of sobriety even when he was resting. When he heard the ringtone, he immediately sat up straight, picked up his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID, and Wan Zigui frowned instantly.

He had a hunch that what Robin brought him was definitely not good news.

After calming down, Wan Zigui swiped the answer button, but before he could speak, Robin's anxious voice came from the other side.

"Wan, a large number of trolls have suddenly emerged on the Internet, and many posts have been posted about our new PDU product sales plan, saying that our products...'Cheap is not good', and now these posts are being circulated on various communication websites .”

Wan Zigui felt as if the blood in his body was frozen, even his body froze there, and his raised voice showed his disbelief.

"How did this happen! How about the current situation? Have you asked someone to delete or post them? You must not let these posts spread in large numbers. Our new products can't stand it..."

Robin on the other end of the phone sighed helplessly, "Wan, as soon as I saw the post, I had already issued an order to delete and post, but the effect was not great. Those trolls couldn't stop them, and The time of posting is again between [-]pm and [-]pm, when the internet traffic is at its highest, and we have absolutely no control over the situation."

Wan Zigui slammed his fist on the desk, causing a loud bang, which echoed in the empty office, hitting Wan Zigui's heart every time.

Hearing Wan Zigui's heavy breathing on the phone, Robin was filled with emotions, but he didn't know where to start.It took a long time for Wan Zigui's exhausted voice from staying up for several nights to ring in his ears again.

"How is the sales of the new product now?"

Robin was breathless, "There is no specific data to explain the impact of this water army post on sales, and the specific results will be reported tomorrow morning. However, according to the feedback information below, the water post came out The sales after that are obviously less than before."

The phone slipped from Wan Zigui's hand weakly, and the deserted office at night made him unable to help but gather up the suit he was wearing.But his coldness comes from his bones, even adding clothes can't get rid of his own coldness.

"Ha ha……"

A helpless and bitter laughter overflowed from the corner of Wan Zigui's mouth, and echoed in the office, adding a sense of sarcasm.

Originally thought that this would be able to turn the tide, but he didn't think it was his best move. However, it is indeed ironic that a mere post from the water army can hinder his sales.He used the navy to copy the new PDU products in full swing, forcibly suppressing Zhuo's head, and now he is using the navy to break his dream of perfect sales!
He clenched his fists and drove those annoying depressions out of his mind. Wan Zigui still refused to give up fighting against Zhuo Xiangyu. He cheered up and turned on the computer. Wan Zigui sat in front of the computer and knocked up the keyboard.

The fluorescent blue light faintly illuminated Wan Zigui's surroundings. This night was destined to be a sleepless night, and the battle between Zhuo's and PDU became more intense.

"Hey, have you heard? The PDU products are sold so cheap and so many gifts are given out because the quality is not good!"

"Who did you listen to! I just ordered a new product from their family, so I shouldn't be cheated!"

"Oh, there are still a few who are willing to buy their products. Didn't you see what was said on the Internet? I advise you to return it early, before you get the product, otherwise you won't be able to return it."

"Yes, yes, I just asked an acquaintance to order Zhuo's new product. I heard that it is much better than the PDU. I can't help but look great, and the price is not much more expensive than theirs, and it is very easy to use."

Xu Yueqing didn't expect that when she went to a supermarket, she would hear people comparing Zhuo's products and Xu PDU's products.

Is the hype method of the navy really useful?
Xu Yueqing was puzzled for a while, she admitted that she had heard Zhuo Nianqi say something cheap but not good.And when Zhuo Xiangyu didn't deny it, she really thought that Zhuo Xiangyu would make a fuss in this regard, but she didn't think there would be any chance of winning by using the navy to hype on the Internet.

But now it seems that Zhuo Xiangyu's method may be really effective, the corners of Xu Yueqing's mouth are slightly curved.She really stayed at home for a long time and the news was blocked. She didn't expect Zhuo's products to receive so many praises from the crowd.

Seeing Xu Yueqing standing still and giggling beside her, the few people who were shopping over there avoided her.After regaining her senses, Xu Yueqing suddenly noticed that the people around her were looking at her strangely. Although she was a little puzzled, when she thought of the news she had heard, her heart jumped for joy. Walk.

Looking at the items in the shopping cart, the smile on Xu Yueqing's face became brighter.

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