ex-wife, get married

Chapter 234 Bank Account Book

Zhuo Xiangyu thought over the method proposed by Fang Zhengzhi several times in his mind, and finally felt that it was indeed feasible, and seeing Xu Yueqing's expression of approval, he immediately agreed with his opinion.

"When Zhilan comes back, let's make a good plan for tomorrow's investigation."

Hearing that Zhuo Xiangyu agreed with him, Fang Zhengzhi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although even if they don't accept his opinion, he will go to the bank to investigate by himself, but since he agreed to investigate with them, he still hopes that everyone's actions will be the same, which will also shorten the investigation time and make everyone more efficient high.

As soon as Fang Zhilan came back, she heard her fifth uncle say that the investigation could continue with a new direction, and she also had some doubts in her heart.

But like Zhuo Xiangyu, she nodded in approval after hearing Fang Zhengzhi's detailed opinions, and several of them started a new plan.

In the end, under the negotiation of several people, Fang Zhengzhi and Zhuo Xiangyu went to the bank to investigate the Fang family's account transactions with the bank for ten years, while Xu Yueqing led Zhuo Nianqi to continue looking for clues in the Fang Group.

As for Fang Zhilan, because she has delayed her official duties these days, she still needs to deal with the accumulated documents, so she will not participate in this investigation and will sit in Fang's.

How could Zhuo Xiangyu not know that Fang Zhilan's request to sit in Fang's family was not to deal with Fang's accumulated documents, but since Fang Zhilan chose not to talk about it, he would not ask for trouble.

When several people finished their plans and prepared to go back to their rooms to rest and recharge their energy for the next day's investigation, Zhuo Xiangyu was stopped by Fang Zhilan just as he got up.Zhuo Xiangyu paused, Xu Yueqing also stopped, and looked at Zhuo Xiangyu suspiciously.

Zhuo Xiangyu first nodded at Fang Zhilan, then his doting eyes fell on Xu Yueqing's face, and his big hands covered Xu Yueqing's hairy head.

"You take Nianqi back to the room first, Zhilan and I have something to talk about."

Xu Yueqing looked at Zhuo Xiangyu and Fang Zhilan suspiciously, seeing that their eyes were open and frank, she felt relieved a lot, took Zhuo Nianqi's hand and walked upstairs.

It wasn't until Xu Yueqing's figure disappeared around the corner of the stairs that Fang Zhilan's expression changed from calm to helpless.According to her observation, if the company's gossip really reaches Xu Yueqing's ears, it may cause another unnecessary confusion.

"What do you want to tell me?" Zhuo Xiangyu sat back on the sofa indifferently, and looked at Fang Zhilan with an attitude of listening attentively.

Fang Zhilan calmed down, sighed lightly, and touched her nose in embarrassment. How could a girl like her have the nerve to say such things?

Zhuo Xiangyu waited and waited but did not hear what Fang Zhilan said, and his patience gradually disappeared, turning the watch on his wrist over and over to check the time from time to time.

Fang Zhilan also saw Zhuo Xiangyu's impatience from Zhuo Xiangyu's actions. She closed her eyes and her heart was bent, and she looked deathly at home.

"Recently there have been a lot of rumors in the company. I didn't participate in this investigation just to deal with this matter. In addition, I hope that Qingqing will not appear in the company until I finish handling this matter. I am afraid that these rumors will affect She does damage."

Zhuo Xiangyu frowned because of Fang Zhilan's words.

"What are the rumors? I want to know the details. In the end, I will decide whether to tell Qingqing directly. After all, I know her better than you."

When it came to this, Fang Zhilan became dumb as if she had been enchanted by aphasia.

Under Zhuo Xiangyu's fierce gaze, Fang Zhilan could only smile embarrassingly, and then told everything she knew.

After Zhuo Xiangyu listened to it, he immediately understood who did it.

To be able to slander Fang Zhilan so hard and spare no effort to make people sympathize with what happened to Fang Zhihan, he just knows who it is without thinking about him.

Zhuo Xiangyu asked with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Is she instigating people to spread rumors?"

Fang Zhilan nodded, then hesitated to intercede for Fang Zhihan, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Having got the answer, Zhuo Xiangyu got up and put his big hand on Fang Zhilan's shoulder.

"She did such a crazy thing, if you continue to connive, it's not for her good, but it will make her more and more crazy."

Fang Zhilan lowered her head so that Zhuo Xiangyu could not see her expression clearly, and it took her a long time to see her barely noticeable nod.Zhuo Xiangyu knew that there were some things she had to think about by herself, so she left and went upstairs without saying a word.

As soon as Zhuo Xiangyu entered the room, he saw Xu Yueqing looking at him eagerly, like a puppy who couldn't get a bone to eat.The corner of Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth raised a helpless smile, and he walked over and patted Xu Yueqing's head.

But Xu Yueqing pushed his hand away very shamelessly, and pouted dissatisfiedly at him.

"I'm not a puppy you raised, why do you always touch my head!"

Zhuo Xiangyu laughed dumbfounded, no longer entangled with her, but put his intimate hands around her waist.

Only then did Xu Yueqing realize that this hateful man actually diverted her attention, she lowered her head and bit Zhuo Xiangyu's arm, and asked vaguely, "What did Fang Zhilan tell you?"

The little woman's nibble didn't make him feel any pain, but a slight numbness made him feel itchy.As soon as he lowered his head, her pink earlobe was brought to his eyes, without any hesitation, Zhuo Xiangyu directly engulfed her earlobe.

The even breath sprayed on Xu Yueqing's neck, making her tremble uncontrollably.

Pushing away the man behind her, Xu Yueqing glared at Zhuo Xiangyu angrily.

"Don't make trouble, don't think that you can divert my attention. If you don't explain clearly today, I will go to sleep in Nian Qi's room!"

Zhuo Xiangyu was not forced by Xu Yueqing's threats at all, but because he thought her glaring look was very cute, and with a smile on his face, he played with her regardless of her objections.

In the end, Zhuo Xiangyu still didn't tell Xu Yueqing about Fang's rumors. Instead, Xu Yueqing didn't ask anything and was wiped out by Zhuo Xiangyu.

With Zhuo Xiangyu's efforts, Xu Yueqing could only honestly stay in Fang's mansion and could not go anywhere, just like Fang Zhilan's plan.

And Zhuo Nianqi, who was instructed by her father, also obediently did not appear in front of Xu Yueqing, reminding her to go to Fang's company.

When Fang Zhilan went to the company early in the morning, she knew that Zhuo Xiangyu had kept her promise without seeing Xu Yueqing, and looked at Zhuo Xiangyu with gratitude.

Fang Zhengzhi didn't notice that something was wrong between the two of them, he only noticed that Xu Yueqing was not at the dinner table, so he asked a few questions with concern.Zhuo Xiangyu only smiled ambiguously when he got the answer.

"Anyway, the company doesn't have much to investigate. The same goes for taking a good rest when you're tired these days."

The trip to the bank was simpler than Fang Zhengzhi and Zhuo Xiangyu imagined.

Because the Fang family is considered a well-known family in Hong Kong, and the Fang Group is one of the largest companies in Hong Kong, so as soon as Fang Zhengzhi explained his intentions, the bank very cooperatively transferred all the accounts between the Fang family and the bank for the two of them within ten years .

Looking at the two piles of accounting records piled up in front of him, Zhuo Xiangyu felt a dull pain on his forehead.

"These are the accounts between the Fang family and the bank for ten years?"

The president of the bank who received them shook his head, "This is only for the past five years. Please wait for the five years before, Mr. Fang, and send it to you as soon as our staff has sorted it out."

When Fang Zhengzhi heard that this was just average, his face immediately darkened by half.The president of the bank thought that Fang Zhengzhi was dissatisfied with the work efficiency of their bank, and he was relieved after several careful apologies.

When all the accounting sheets were sent to them, they really realized what a huge workload is.

It is not a matter of a day or two to read these accounts. Fang Zhengzhi and Zhuo Xiangyu exchanged opinions with each other.

Fang Zhengzhi smiled and proposed to the president to take all the accounting records back for review, and send them back after the review is completed.

Because the aura of the two was too strong, and as long as the accounts were not lost, it would not be considered a violation of the bank's regulations. The president only thought for a moment before nodding and agreeing to Fang Zhengzhi's request.

The two brought back all the accounts contentedly.

When Fang Zhengzhi and Zhuo Xiangyu came back, Xu Yueqing had just woken up and was eating breakfast with great resentment.

Seeing that both of them were holding safes with bank logos in their hands, and there were several reports carrying suitcases behind them, they couldn't care less about any resentment, and went straight to Zhuo Xiangyu's side.

"You brought back all the bank statements?"

Zhuo Xiangyu nodded, and took the lead in throwing the safe in his hand on the coffee table, and after a few fiddles, he opened the safe and revealed the accounts inside.

Xu Yueqing glanced roughly, and then burst out laughing. Under the puzzled eyes of the two, she couldn't help but joked, "You guys brought so many safes out of the bank. Could it be that the robbers who didn't get the news on the way back were going to kill you?" Are you blocking the road to rob?"

"In order to avoid unnecessary situations, our car drove directly into the cash transport lane of the bank and parked inside the bank, so no one would be so bored as to come and rob the books."

Zhuo Xiangyu hadn't heard the joke in Xu Yueqing's words, and she answered seriously when she asked such a question.

Hearing this, Xu Yueqing laughed even more happily, and even Fang Zhengzhi couldn't help laughing, Zhuo Xiangyu only realized that the little woman in front of him was teasing him.

Stretching out his long arms, he locked Xu Yueqing into his arms with a big hand, then lowered his head slightly and whispered in her ear, "Have you rested yet?"

It was obviously a word of concern, but the playful tone made Xu Yueqing feel that it was full of teasing, and her thin-skinned face turned red again, which caused Zhuo Xiangyu to laugh loudly again.

Xu Yueqing spat softly, "You scoundrel!"

Zhuo Xiangyu pinched her face, "Where are you thinking? I want to say, if you rest well, come and help me look at the accounts."

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