ex-wife, get married

Chapter 231 Joining the Survey

After reading all the materials one by one, Fang Zhengzhi swallowed hard, and looked at Zhuo Xiangyu with obscure eyes, "Where are you going to continue the investigation next, and if you need my help, just ask."

It was precisely because he didn't believe his third brother would be such a person that Fang Zhengzhi changed his previous objection and actively helped them with the investigation.

Fang Zhengzhi's change of attitude is undoubtedly a good thing for Zhuo Xiangyu.After all, if he blocked their investigation, it would definitely make their investigation more difficult.With his words, Zhuo Xiangyu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Before Zhuo Xiangyu woke up from Fang Zhengzhi's words, Fang Zhilan answered his question directly, "We still have to plan ahead. Uncle Wu, which aspect do you think we should investigate first?"

Fang Zhengzhi is also a man of one word, since he decided to investigate with Zhuo Xiangyu and the others, he cooperated very much and began to include himself in the work.

"My plan is to take you to the company's paper archives to investigate. Aren't you going to find out whether the whereabouts of the Jiang family's business is related to the third brother? Maybe you can find some clues from the company."

As soon as Xu Yueqing heard Fang Zhengzhi's suggestion, she immediately applauded, and a group of people started making plans to start from the Fang Group's paper archives.

Seeing everyone's happy faces, the corners of Fang Zhengzhi's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

What he didn't say was that his original plan was to prove the innocence of the third brother Fang Wenguo by letting them enter the Fang Group's paper archives to find useful clues.But Zhuo Xiangyu suddenly took out the traffic records and photos he found in Fang Wenguo's bedroom, which caught him off guard, and he even vaguely felt that things were going against Fang Wenguo's direction.

But even so, he did not order them to stop the investigation as before, but as Fang Zhilan said, it was precisely because he believed in him that he had to investigate everything that happened back then.Otherwise, a matter that is not good for Fang Wenguo will be an untimely bomb after all.

After making up their minds, the five went straight to Fang's Group.Although the investigation cannot be done in a hurry, because the matter involves the reputation of Fang Wenguo, the former head of the Fang family, and the Jiang family's massacre, everyone can't wait to find out the truth of the matter, even waiting for a second It's all too wasteful.

The paper data archive room involves the confidential documents of the Fang Group, and only a few high-level members of the Fang Group can enter.And if the matter they want to investigate gets out, it will affect Fang Wenguo's reputation, so Fang Zhengzhi issued an order very decisively. During the period when the five of them entered the archive room, the archive room will not be open to anyone, and it will be strictly closed. system.

With the leadership of Fang Zhengzhi and Fang Zhilan, and Zhuo Xiangyu's franchise status, five people easily entered the archives room.

Xu Yueqing looked at a room full of paper documents, and couldn't help but secretly startled, "There are so many documents, when are we going to find them?"

Zhuo Xiangyu smiled and nodded Xu Yueqing's head, "Do you think we all have to look for the information here? This is the paper archive room of the Fang Group from its establishment to the present. You just spend a few days and nights I'm afraid it's rare to read it all. Since we want to find out whether the whereabouts of the Jiang family's property is related to the Fang family, of course we only need to check the files of the past ten years."

"ten years?!"

As soon as Zhuo Xiangyu's words fell, Xu Yueqing's exclamation sounded immediately.

Fang Zhengzhi nodded at Xu Yueqing, "You also mentioned that the third brother and the fourth brother were going to discuss financing at that time. Although the connection between Hong Kong and the mainland was finally cut off because of the car accident, since you mentioned that there was a If such a financing agreement is passed, then no matter whether the business is finally negotiated or not, the Fang Group should keep a paper agreement."

Xu Yueqing looked at Zhuo Xiangyu with a look of surprise, "Does the financing plan that has not been negotiated also enter the archives?"

Zhuo Xiangyu nodded, "In principle, this is the case, and the Zhuo Group also has such rules."

Zhuo Nianqi, who had been silently listening to their conversation, suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, and then he heard his childish but sophisticated voice asking, "Grandpa Fang, even when he went to City D?" The whereabouts are all concealed, how do you know if he will put the financing plan with the Jiang family in Fang's file room?"

Zhuo Nianqi's question stunned the four adults present, especially Fang Zhengzhi.

That's right, Fang Wenguo's itinerary to the mainland is kept secret from his family. If he really has something to do with the whereabouts of the Jiang family's property, why would he just put the financing plan with the Jiang family in the Fang family's file room and let him know? Are there any traces to follow?

Fang Zhilan saw everyone's different thoughts at a glance, and clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention to her, "Although what Nian Qi said is not unreasonable. However, as long as there is such a little hope, we can't give up. A little clue will bring us closer to the truth of the matter."

Fang Zhilan's words made Xu Yueqing instantly full of fighting spirit, "Yes, let's start working quickly! With so much information, it will definitely take a lot of time with the strength of the five of us."

Fang Zhengzhi also swept away the haze in his heart. Among them, he is the only one who knows the paper archive room best.Therefore, which documents should be checked and which documents should not be searched need his introduction.

When the five people divided their respective areas of responsibility, no one continued to chat, but they all treated their respective tasks with a serious attitude, carefully searching for all clues.

The time of hard work always passes very quickly, as if only a few minutes have passed, and an afternoon has quietly passed by.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the building of the Fang Group to close, and the group of people still only had lunch. When it was time to close the building at night, Zhuo Nianqi just raised his head from a pile of paper materials.He is not hungry at such a young age, and his stomach has already become dry after working all afternoon.But as soon as he turned his attention to the adults who were still busy, Zhuo Nianqi was too embarrassed to ask for a break and a meal, so he could only curl his lips and prepare to continue with the next round of work.

Isn't it said that work will make people feel less hungry?
Maybe even God couldn't see their desperate work attitude, so just as Zhuo Nianqi picked up a document, the building management knocked on the door.

The busy adults turned their gazes to the door of the archive room at the same time.

"Mr. Fang, it's time to close the building. Do you think it's necessary to delay the closing?"

Only then did Fang Zhengzhi realize that time had passed so quickly, and looking at the amount of work he had completed, he had only read less than one-fifth of the materials. Just as he was about to nod, he heard Zhuo Nianqi's pitiful words. coquettish sound.

"Mum, I'm so hungry. We've been working all afternoon, and it's almost past ten o'clock! Let's stop here for today's work, shall we continue after we have breakfast tomorrow?"

Xu Yueqing's eyes met her son's pitiful eyes, her heart softened, she didn't care about any clues, she immediately hugged him into her arms, and said to Zhuo Xiangyu: "Let's stop our work today for now! It's when you grow up that you can't compare with us adults, and your body is the most important thing."

Zhuo Xiangyu and Fang Zhilan nodded at the same time, and Fang Zhengzhi followed everyone's opinions.Since they all decided to temporarily put aside their work, there was no delay in closing the building, and a group of people left the Fang Group under the grateful eyes of the building manager.

When working hard, you don't feel hungry, but when you stop, not only Zhuo Nianqi, but even the adults feel hungry.

At the dining table in the Fang family mansion, the five people were not lost because they didn't find any clues in the archives room in the afternoon. Instead, the atmosphere at the table was extremely harmonious because of Fang Zhengzhi's joining.

"I have thought about the question raised by Nian Qi in the afternoon, and I also think that if we start with the financing plan, it is estimated that it will be difficult to gain anything. Therefore, I think we should change the direction of our search and check the company carefully. Account receipts and remittance records."

As soon as Fang Zhengzhi's proposal came out, even Zhuo Nianqi nodded in approval, but Fang Zhilan put forward a more complete suggestion.

"I think we should combine it. On the one hand, we should start from the financing plan, and on the other hand, we should start from the remittance and remittance records of the company's account. The combination of the two aspects will not let go of any clues."

Xu Yueqing frowned, and raised her own objection, "Although the method you said is feasible. However, today we only found clues about the financing plan, which is a very heavy workload. If we check from the company's account , such a large workload, it should take a long time!"

Zhuo Xiangyu smiled reassuringly at Xu Yueqing, and then patted her hand, "Although the workload will be very heavy, this is the only way to not miss any useful clues, isn't it?"

Xu Yueqing took a deep breath, then widened her eyes, and nodded as if she had made up her mind.

If you want to investigate the truth of the death of your parents, you must not be afraid of hardship or tiredness, let alone let go of any clues!
Xu Yueqing cheered herself up in her heart, and she also felt that the one who would kill her parents would not be the well-known Confucian businessman in Hong Kong as they said about Fang Wenguo from Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth.What's more, Fang Zhilan and Xu Fang Zhengzhi worked hard to find out the truth with Fang Wenguo for the sake of Fang Wenguo's innocence, so she must actively work hard to uncover the truth.

Xu Yueqing gained confidence, even her appetite increased a lot, and the meal was even more enjoyable for the host and guest.

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