After he finished speaking, Fang Zhengzhi's eyes were almost red with anger, and his chest was heaving and rising due to anger.

Zhuo Xiangyu was speechless, and Fang Zhilan, who had been listening to their arguments, became more and more suspicious.But she knew that this was not a good time to speak, so there was only silence.

"I'm tired, and I don't want to argue with you about these things anymore. The third brother and the fourth brother are dead, and now it's time to discuss these old things, do you think there is any point?"

Before Zhuo Xiangyu had another round of debate with him, Fang Zhengzhi turned around and walked away with just these words.

Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing who were left behind looked at Fang Zhilan, and finally Fang Zhilan said, "You should be tired too! Why don't you go back to the room and rest, Fifth Uncle, I hope you don't mind, he and my father The relationship with the land has always been close, and it is inevitable that the attitude will be neglected."

Seeing that Fang Zhilan didn't directly overthrow their investigation results like Fang Zhengzhi, Zhuo Xiangyu felt relieved. After all, Fang Zhilan's here is also a small breakthrough.

When the family of three returned to the room, Fang Zhengzhi's words stuck in Xu Yueqing's heart like a thorn, which couldn't be pulled out but stuck in her heart.

After thinking twice, Xu Yueqing carefully looked at Zhuo Xiangyu's face and said, "Xiangyu, I think we should move out of here!"

Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes froze, "Why? You don't want to give up the investigation just because of Uncle Fang's few words!"

"No, it's not." Xu Yueqing shook her head bitterly, "I will never give up on finding out the truth about the cause of my parents' death. But you have also seen that Fang Zhengzhi doesn't believe that Fang Wenguo will murder me. Parents. And what he said, you can't deny that it shakes your heart, so, I think we'd better get out of here and make plans."

Zhuo Xiangyu, who was seen through by Xu Yueqing, looked helpless, sighed softly, and then pulled Xu Yueqing to sit beside him, "Qingqing, now is not the time to be arrogant, even if my heart is shaken. But you are by my side, With Nian Qi by my side, I will not change my mind to investigate the truth of what happened back then. And you have to know, once we leave here, it will be very difficult to find any clues here again. "

Xu Yueqing's beautiful eyebrows were tightly frowned, and her delicate face was full of worry, "Xiangyu, I don't want you to force yourself, Fang Zhengzhi is right, the Fang family is kind to you, let you do this for me." Investigate the Fang family, for you..."

Before Xu Yueqing finished speaking, Zhuo Xiangyu directly stretched out his index finger and pressed it against her lips, "I didn't force it, Qingqing, it was because my heart was toward my adoptive father. So before the evidence, I just need to investigate things more clearly.”

Zhuo Nianqi, who was forgotten by the couple as soon as he entered the room, has been silently listening to the conversation between the two of them, but he has his own thoughts in his heart, "Daddy, although I understand you very well, I still agree with Mommy, we Go tell Sister Zhilan that you want to move out now, okay?"

Xu Yueqing, who was about to be persuaded by Zhuo Xiangyu not to leave, couldn't help but her eyes lit up when she heard her son agreed with her opinion, making Zhuo Xiangyu stroke her forehead helplessly, but Zhuo Nianqi hinted with her eyes that he already had an idea , I can't help but let him only compromise.

The reason why Zhuo Nianqi agreed with Xu Yueqing's proposal to move out naturally could not be because he really wanted to move out, but because he came up with a trick to get rid of the bottom line.

He believed that after Fang Zhilan listened to the evidence presented by her parents, she would never blindly believe in Fang Wenguo in her mind like Fang Zhengzhi.He bet that Fang Zhilan would have doubts in her heart, and she was also curious about finding out the truth just like Zhuo Xiangyu.

Instead of letting Fang Zhilan figure it out on her own and then volunteering to help them investigate is a waste of time, it's better to force her to work with them by taking the bottom line.

Zhuo Nianqi was able to think of such a trick, how could Zhuo Xiangyu not think of it when he got a reminder from his son?So as soon as he thought it through, he nodded happily and agreed.


When a family of three appeared in front of Fang Zhilan with their luggage, Fang Zhilan tried everything possible to prevent them from leaving.

"Xiangyu, you are Daddy's adoptive son, and this house was left behind by Daddy. Of course you want to live here when you come to Hong Kong once in a while. You didn't want to live in it for various reasons before, so naturally I can't force it. But this time, you have already moved in and moved out suddenly, if others find out, they will think that my Fang family has neglected you."

It wasn't what they wanted to hear, Zhuo Xiangyu kept silent all the time.The head of the family did not express his attitude, and Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi's mother and son were also happy to ignore everything.

"If you decided to move out temporarily because of Uncle Fifth's words, I would like to apologize to you on his behalf. Please don't move out for my sake, at least you will live here until you return to the mainland?"

Although Fang Zhilan's words were sincere, she didn't get the point, so the family of three still didn't express their views.

Seeing that persuading Zhuo Xiangyu didn't work at all, Fang Zhilan turned her ideas on Xu Yueqing. She remembered that Zhuo Xiangyu said that Xu Yueqing was the queen of their family.

"Sister-in-law, you should persuade Xiangyu too! How can a hotel be comfortable at home, right? It's rare for you to come to Hong Kong. I can introduce you to whatever you want to eat and play. Shopping in Hong Kong is very cheap. You I can take you to buy whatever you like."

But Xu Yueqing was not persuaded by Fang Zhilan at all. Although she didn't know what small calculations Zhuo Xiangyu and Zhuo Nianqi had in mind, she just needed to know that they could not destroy their plans.

Xu Yueqing held Zhuo Xiangyu's arm, smiled softly, and looked like marrying a chicken as a chicken, and marrying a dog as a dog, "Although I always listen to me at home, but when I go out, I still listen to Xiangyu's opinion." , he will go wherever he says."

Fang Zhilan, who failed in persuasion, sighed lightly, and then bit her lips. She is so smart and knows Zhuo Xiangyu very well, how could she not know what kind of trick he was playing? Even forcing her to make a hasty decision.

Judging by Fang Zhilan's expression, Zhuo Xiangyu knew that their plan to draw wages from the bottom of the pot was basically half successful. As long as they continued to keep silent, they would not be afraid that Fang Zhilan would not agree.

"Xiangyu, I want you to stay here for a reason, and I believe that's what you want too. I want to participate in your investigation. You should know me. I didn't make this decision because I doubted my daddy and him. What you said has something to do with the whereabouts of the Jiang family's property, but I hope to prove my father's innocence by participating in the investigation, and I think Xiangyu and you must be the same."

Hearing the answer he wanted, Zhuo Xiangyu nodded with a smile, "I really don't want to leave here, and I really want to find a breakthrough from you to speed up our investigation. I admit all of this."

Fang Zhilan could only shrug her shoulders, "I understand you, just like you understand me. I will definitely nod and agree in your plan. Since I have satisfied your requirements, do you want to put your luggage back? Room? This trick is only for once, I won’t buy it next time!”

It was only then that Xu Yueqing realized that the father and son had no intention of leaving this place at all, and they deliberately made such a move because they wanted to find a breakthrough from Fang Zhilan.

After getting Zhuo Xiangyu's affirmative answer, Fang Zhilan turned around and went back to her room with peace of mind. She still had a lot of doubts in her heart.

On the way back to the room, Xu Yueqing still did not forget to click her tongue, teasing Zhuo Xiangyu secretly, "It's not bad that you use retreat as an advance!"

Zhuo Xiangyu glanced at Xu Yueqing, shook his head with a broken smile, then raised his hand and tapped her on the head lightly, "Fool, we call it drastic! If Zhilan doesn't continue to persuade, we are not delaying Return the luggage to the room, and dragged the luggage out of Fang's house!"

Early the next morning, when the family of three appeared in the dining room fully dressed, Fang Zhilan was already waiting at the dining table. There were four sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table, which meant that Fang Zhengzhi was not there, and the family of three quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After Fang Zhilan led the family of three to sit down, she explained Fang Zhengzhi's whereabouts to the three in a very official way, "Daddy left this house for me and Zhihan, and Fourth Uncle usually doesn't stay much. It was early this morning He went to work, and with what happened last night, it is estimated that he will not come again in the near future."

Zhuo Xiangyu and the others didn't seem to care much about Fang Zhengzhi, and their investigation could proceed smoothly with Fang Zhilan. They just nodded symbolically and began to discuss where to continue their investigation.

"Although there are many properties under Daddy's name, when he was alive, Zhihan and I basically returned to this house, so if you want to find any clues, you can investigate here. I will do my best My strength is here to help you. And I have already asked Uncle Wu for leave, and I will always be with you during the days you are in Hong Kong."

When Xu Yueqing heard that Fang Zhilan was so happy to cooperate with their investigation, she immediately became excited, "Then let's search the whole house, and there will definitely be clues we want!"

Zhuo Xiangyu shook his head helplessly, and rejected Xu Yueqing's suggestion, "According to your method, we may not know when Xiao will have any clues! I mean, let's start with the foster father's study and the place where he used to live. If there are no clues, then expand the scope of the search."

As soon as Zhuo Xiangyu's method came out, Zhuo Nianqi and Fang Zhilan agreed repeatedly, and Xu Yueqing could not deny that Zhuo Xiangyu's method was indeed much more efficient.

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