ex-wife, get married

Chapter 222 The Changed Seal

Zhuo Xiangyu's family successfully came to Fang's house, and was warmly invited by Fang Zhengzhi.After the efficient work of the servants, the room belonging to Zhuo Xiangyu and the others has been tidied up.

Seeing that everything has settled down, Fang Zhengzhi smiled slightly at Zhuo Xiangyu, "Xiangyu, there is still some business in the company, I will leave first. Wait for me to come back tonight, and I will have a good drink with you!"

"Okay, today we will take a rest and not go out. I will wait for you to come back tonight!" Zhuo Xiangyu smiled and agreed, without rejecting Fang Zhengzhi's proposal.

Fang Zhengzhi left Fang's house with a smile on his face, and hurried towards Fang's enterprise.Today he delayed a meeting before he had time to go to the airport to pick him up. Now that the meeting time is approaching, he has to hurry there.

Not long after Fang Zhengzhi left, Fang Zhilan came out of the kitchen.In her hand was a tray with fragrant hot milk tea on it.

"Brother Zhuo, this is the hot milk tea just made, you and sister-in-law should hurry up and have a rest." Fang Zhilan glanced at the surrounding situation, "Hey, has Uncle Wu gone to the company yet?"

Zhuo Xiangyu went to the sofa and sat down, nodded to Fang Zhilan, "Yes, I heard that there is something urgent in the company, and I just left. Qingqing, Nianqi, come down quickly."

Because their room was upstairs, Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi were still packing their things, so Zhuo Xiangyu greeted them loudly.

"Wow, it smells so good." Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi walked downstairs after hearing the voice.The tangy fragrance made their eyes light up, and they cheered uncontrollably.

Fang Zhilan looked at them with a smile, showing a faint shyness.She coughed lightly, then picked up the teapot and poured milk tea into each tea bowl.

"Try it quickly, it may be a little sweet, I don't know if it suits your taste." Fang Zhilan served the hot milk tea, her movements always revealed a bit of ladylike elegance.

Xu Yueqing picked it up and took a sip, the smooth and sweet taste instantly awakened every taste bud.Xu Yueqing couldn't help closing her eyes, feeling the delicacy.

"It's delicious! I like it very much!" Xu Yueqing smiled happily, looking at Fang Zhilan with bright eyes, "Zhilan, can I learn how to make this milk tea? I want to do it myself."

Fang Zhilan was slightly taken aback, and then smiled happily, "Of course, if my sister-in-law likes it, I will teach you when I have time. This is actually very simple, and you can learn it soon."

Everyone else was taken aback, and couldn't help but stare at Fang Zhilan with wide eyes.It turned out that Fang Zhilan made this milk tea herself!I really didn't expect that she would have such a good skill.

Maybe it was because everyone's eyes were too hot, so Fang Zhilan lowered her head a little uncomfortably, with a touch of pink on her face.She held her own cup and drank milk tea slowly.

"By the way, Zhilan. During this period of time, Nianqi wanted to learn calligraphy and said he wanted to learn from me. But I also learned calligraphy from my adoptive father, but I didn't get the true instruction from my adoptive father, so I want to take a look at it. The calligraphy that my father wrote back then, don’t you know it’s okay?”

Zhuo Xiangyu put down the cup in his hand, and suddenly made such a request.Zhuo Nianqi was taken aback for a moment, then quickly reacted and showed a bright smile to Fang Zhilan, with a hint of longing in his big clear eyes.

"Hey, is Brother Zhuo talking about your father's calligraphy?" Fang Zhilan had no doubt about him, and when she heard Zhuo Xiangyu's words, she nodded and agreed without the slightest hesitation, "Yes, there are still a few works left by my father in the study. , I will take you to the study to take a look."

A gleam of light flashed in Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes, and he followed Fang Zhilan upstairs very calmly.Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi looked at each other, and the two hurriedly followed.

Fang Wenguo's study room looks really big, and there are a lot of books in it!As soon as she walked into this study, Xu Yueqing felt as if she had walked into a library.

"Wow, there are a lot of books here. Have Mr. Fang read all the books here?" Xu Yueqing looked carefully at the books on the bookcase, and found that there were some traces of being flipped on them, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Fang Zhilan turned her head and glanced at Xu Yueqing, a smile appeared on her face, with a hint of pride. "That's right, my father read all the books here, and he even remembered the location of each book very clearly."

While speaking, Fang Zhilan took Zhuo Xiangyu and Zhuo Nianqi to a corner and walked to the back of a bookcase.Immediately, Zhuo Nianqi couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

Behind this bookcase, the entire wall is covered with various calligraphy works.There are flamboyant cursive scripts and very correct regular scripts, each of which exudes a scent of ink.

Fang Zhilan smiled slightly at Zhuo Xiangyu, and pointed to the wall, "Here are my father's better calligraphy works, and there are works of all ages, you can take a closer look."

There are ones for every age group!Zhuo Xiangyu was overjoyed, and winked at Zhuo Nianqi.Zhuo Nianqi nodded knowingly, ran to the corner, and started to look at the first picture seriously.

Zhuo Xiangyu smiled slightly, and suddenly turned around to look at Fang Zhilan, "I really didn't expect that there are so many works here. I remember that my adoptive father dreamed of holding a calligraphy exhibition of his own. It seems that this wish came true at home. It's over."

Fang Zhilan listened to Zhuo Xiangyu talking about the past, and she couldn't help thinking of Fang Wenguo when she was a child, pointing at her calligraphy and smiling all over her face.

The eye circles were slightly red, and Fang Zhilan's face showed a look of sadness, "Yes, I can only fulfill my father's wish for him in the study. The entire wall is all carefully selected works by me. "

"So you picked her. Zhilan is really a filial daughter. If her adoptive father knows about it, he will be very happy." Zhuo Xiangyu sighed, not hiding his praise for Fang Zhilan.

While distracting Fang Zhilan's attention, he stared at Zhuo Nianqi out of the corner of his eyes.At some point, Zhuo Nianqi took out a miniature video camera in his hand, and was secretly taking pictures of the seals on each calligraphy work.

Not long after, Fang Zhilan took Zhuo Xiangyu and the others out of the study.As for Zhuo Nianqi's small movements, Fang Zhilan didn't notice at all.

Back in the room, Zhuo Xiangyu's family of three sat together again.Xu Yueqing stared nervously at Zhuo Nianqi who was busy in front of the computer, waiting for the result.

The expression on Zhuo Nianqi's face was very serious, he was staring at the computer screen in front of him tightly, and his lips were tightly pursed together.After a while, Zhuo Nianqi suddenly called out, "It really is!"

"What? Nianqi, what did you find?" Xu Yueqing was the first to react, and couldn't help asking Zhuo Nianqi anxiously.

Zhuo Xiangyu saw that Zhuo Nianqi made a discovery, and he lifted his spirits.This matter related to Fang Wenguo, and he was also very nervous.

There was a bad premonition faintly in his heart, but Zhuo Xiangyu still calmed himself down.He had already promised Xu Yueqing that no matter what happened, he would help Xu Yueqing find out the truth.

Zhuo Nianqi turned his small computer around so that both Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Xiangyu could see the screen.Then his little hand moved quickly, and several pictures appeared on the computer.

"Just now I took a picture of Fang Wenguo's seal in the study, and then compared the earlier ones with those of the later years. I found that Fang Wenguo's seal has indeed been changed! Although the difference is very small, I still found something wrong! "

While talking, Zhuo Nianqi zoomed in on the two pictures, and pointed with the mouse, "Look, these two seals are on the word 'square', and the second one is longer than the first one. Two millimeters."

Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Xiangyu stared closely at the place Zhuo Nianqi pointed out, and indeed found the subtleties.But they can all be sure that if Nian Qi hadn't told them, they wouldn't have noticed the difference at all, because the difference is so subtle!

"And I found out that the second seal was obviously only used after the time of the car accident. So Fang Wenguo must have changed to a new seal!"

As soon as these words came out, both Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Xiangyu's expressions were very solemn.Zhuo Nianqi's discovery was enough to prove that the seal they picked up belonged to Fang Wenguo!
Zhuo Nianqi didn't stop, he immediately opened another picture on the computer, "Daddy, Mommy, it's not over yet. In fact, I tried to use the computer image of the seal we picked up before. Restored, although only half, but I still succeeded, you see."

Zhuo Nianqi slowly overlapped the restored picture with the picture of the old seal on Fang Wenguo's calligraphy.Then everyone was startled, their eyes fixed on the computer screen.

"It's completely...overlapped." Xu Yueqing couldn't help murmuring in a low voice, staring at the picture on the computer, feeling very complicated in her heart, "That seal... really belongs to Fang Wenguo."

Xu Yueqing remained silent for a while, then turned her head to look at Zhuo Xiangyu beside her, and found a heavy look on his face.She couldn't help reaching out and holding Zhuo Xiangyu's hand, giving him silent comfort.

The warm feeling passed from his hands, Zhuo Xiangyu closed his eyes slightly, covering the sad and helpless look in his eyes.Sighing deeply, Zhuo Xiangyu smiled wryly at Xu Yueqing, "Qingqing, it turns out that she is really a adoptive father, no matter how lucky I am now, it's useless."

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