ex-wife, get married

Chapter 218 Bold Conjecture

Xu Yueqing suddenly felt that the god of luck was on her side.Originally, she had given up on the clue matter, but she got a new clue right after.

"No need to assume, I can be sure that one of the Hong Kong people back then must be Fang Wenguo! Because the owner of the noodle shop said that one of the Hong Kong people especially likes chili peppers."

Zhuo Xiangyu's voice was very low, and his tone was full of gloom, "I don't know what kind of person Fang Chengzhi is. But Fang Wenguo really likes chili very much, and I know this very well."

Xu Yueqing nodded, firmly remembering this matter in her heart.In this case, the biggest problem is only the one that Zhuo Nianqi just raised.

It was obvious that Fang Chengzhi left Hong Kong alone, but why did Fang Chengzhi and Fang Wenguo stay together when they were in the mainland?

The family of three was trying to analyze this matter, but they got too few clues, and it was impossible for them to have a deep understanding of this matter.

"Okay, okay, let's not think about it for now. Let's have a good rest tonight. We will leave City D tomorrow. Let's talk about the specifics when we go back."

Zhuo Xiangyu clapped his hands and interrupted Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi's meditation first.Because there was really no clue, Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi obediently prepared to wash up and rest.

At night, all the hustle and bustle of the day turned into silence.

Xu Yueqing lay on her side on the bed and tightly closed her eyes.She tried hard to sleep, but the events of the day made her sleepless.

Hearing the heavy breathing of the people around her, Xu Yueqing opened her eyes slightly, and saw Zhuo Xiangyu's face clearly by the moonlight.Sure enough, Zhuo Xiangyu didn't sleep either, he was lying flat, his eyes staring straight at the roof.

"Xiangyu, can't you sleep?" Xu Yueqing called softly, but in the empty and quiet room, the voice seemed a bit loud.

Zhuo Xiangyu didn't respond at all, his eyes were still open, like a puppet who couldn't speak.Xu Yueqing waited for a long time, and found that Zhuo Xiangyu did not respond, and slowly closed her eyes.

"I was thinking..." Suddenly, Zhuo Xiangyu's voice sounded, and Xu Yueqing's eyes, which had been closed just now, opened again in an instant, "I really didn't expect that what happened back then would be related to Fang Wenguo."

Xu Yueqing pursed her lips tightly, her eyelids slowly lowered, covering the expression in her eyes.

"If it's really Fang Wenguo, then Xiangyu, what would you do?"

After wandering in her heart for a long time, Xu Yueqing still didn't ask this question.She didn't know what she was struggling with, but she knew that she was very upset.

She knew what Fang Wenguo meant to Zhuo Xiangyu, but she also hoped that Zhuo Xiangyu would stand by her side.If it's true... Zhuo Xiangyu really doesn't want to pursue Fang Wenguo, Xu Yueqing doesn't know if she can let go of her knot.

So, the two people sleeping on the same bed, each with their own thoughts, didn't sleep all night.

In the other room, Zhuo Nianqi, who should have gone to bed early, unexpectedly did not fall asleep.

In the dark light, Zhuo Nianqi's fingers quickly tapped on his small computer.The bluish-white screen light shone on Zhuo Nianqi's small face, showing a somewhat strange feeling.

The keyboard sound of "tap-tap-tap" kept ringing, and a series of subtitles flashed rapidly on the screen.If it is an ordinary person, it is really difficult to follow the above speed.

"Phew, it's finally finished." After an unknown amount of time, Zhuo Nianqi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.He clasped his hands together, rubbing his fingers vigorously.

A slightly numb feeling spread from his fingers, but Zhuo Nianqi had already gotten used to it.His eyes stared at the screen without blinking, and on it was the result of sorting out all the clues he got.

"Well, what happened back then is really strange enough. What's the secret here? Maybe, starting from the visit here, there will be results."

After reading all the clues, Zhuo Nianqi's brain began to think quickly.Soon, he found that all the problems were fixed on Fang Wenguo, so Zhuo Nianqi set his target on Fang Wenguo again.

Stretching slightly, Zhuo Nianqi quickly looked up all the information about Fang Wenguo on the computer.Although he felt a little tired, his face was full of stubbornness.

"I must help Mommy find out the cause of the matter, so that Mommy won't be so sad! I don't want to see Mommy show that expression again!"

This afternoon, the painful scene of Xu Yueqing lying in Zhuo Xiangyu's arms seemed to flash past Zhuo Nianqi's eyes again.A trace of solemnity flashed in Zhuo Nianqi's eyes, and he worked hard on his small computer.

The family of three didn't have a good rest, and the final result was that they rushed to the airport exhausted with two big dark circles under their eyes.Then the moment I got on the plane, I couldn't help but sleep again.

Before going to sleep, Xu Yueqing looked at Zhuo Nianqi very strangely, and reached out to touch Zhuo Nianqi's forehead with worry on her face, "Nianqi, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Why are you so energetic?" not good?"

Zhuo Nianqi lay on the backrest a little weakly, and closed his eyes tightly.He usually rests strictly according to the schedule he made, but yesterday he suddenly broke the rules, which is why his reaction was so strong.

Regarding Xu Yueqing's actions, Zhuo Nianqi did not have the slightest objection.He shook his head, with a smile on his face, "Mum, I'm fine, it's just that I was a little too tired yesterday and didn't have a good rest tonight."

So this is ah!Xu Yueqing believed Zhuo Nianqi's words in her heart, stretched out her hand to straighten Zhuo Nianqi's posture, then turned around and leaned on her back.

Seeing Xu Yueqing calm down, Zhuo Nianqi slowly opened his eyes.There was a trace of seriousness in those big tired eyes.

He remembered what he found last night. He really checked a lot of information.From those contents, he discovered a very serious problem.

After the Jiang family's parents passed away, the Jiang family's property had no principal, so the shareholders naturally held an emergency meeting and quickly elected a new chairman.

The chairman hurriedly carried the Jiang family's property on his shoulders, and it was good at first.But for some reason, it didn't take long for the chairman's ability to become weaker and weaker.

In the end, the Jiang family's property shrank due to poor management.This kind of thing is actually placed on every enterprise, and such problems are very normal.

However, Zhuo Nianqi discovered something very wrong.He investigated the time when the Jiang family's property declined, and found that the property had shrunk too quickly.

Since childhood, Zhuo Nianqi has often been educated about business management.Although he doesn't know many things yet, in general, his ability is already stronger than many ordinary employees.

So Zhuo Nianqi was keenly aware that the property of the Jiang family had shrunk so fast that some properties did not seem to be due to external reasons, but rather because someone evacuated funds from the inside, so such problems appeared!

When Zhuo Nianqi discovered this problem, he suddenly had a very bold guess in his mind.At the beginning, he also felt a little unbelievable, but in the end, he felt that it was very possible!

This conjecture kept flashing in Zhuo Nianqi's mind, making Zhuo Nianqi deeply entangled.He knew that he didn't dare to share this conjecture with Daddy and Mommy, because it was too incredible!
"Oh!" Zhuo Nianqi sighed helplessly, feeling a little irritable in his heart, not knowing what to do.

"What's the matter, Nianqi, why are you sighing so well? Is it because you can't sleep?" Suddenly, Xu Yueqing's voice sounded, which startled Zhuo Nianqi who had something on his mind.

Zhuo Nianqi showed a stiff smile, turned his head to look at Xu Yueqing, "Ah, Mommy, so you are not asleep. I'm fine, I just feel a little happy that I can finally go home."

Xu Yueqing was taken aback for a moment, then a gentle smile appeared on her face, and she reached out to stroke Zhuo Nianqi's hair.She instinctively looked at Zhuo Xiangyu on the other side, and a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes.

Hearing the word "go home", she actually had some expectations in her heart.It seems that she has already forgiven Zhuo Xiangyu in her heart, and has accepted the fact that Zhuo's family is her home.

Xu Yueqing's face suddenly became hot, and a feeling of embarrassment overflowed in her heart.This trip back to her hometown, the relationship between her and Zhuo Xiangyu has improved by leaps and bounds, which she never expected.

Not knowing what happened, Zhuo Nianqi found that his mother suddenly started to wander, and her face was still slightly red.He shook his head helplessly.

Oh, what a girl in love.He can't see through things like love at all, it's really tormenting.

No matter what he thought in his heart, Zhuo Nianqi still had a big smile on his face, and looked at Xu Yueqing slightly coquettishly, "Mum, I miss grandma and grandpa a little bit. When we go back, don't we Can I go to the kindergarten to have a look?"

kindergarten?Xu Yueqing was taken aback for a moment, then thought that she really hadn't gone to kindergarten for a long time.Thinking of her adoptive father and mother, Xu Yueqing's heart was filled with warmth.

"Okay, after we go back, let's go to the kindergarten to visit grandma and grandpa." With a gentle smile on her face, Xu Yueqing agreed to Zhuo Nianqi's request.

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