ex-wife, get married

Chapter 198 Trouble at the Night Market

"I took a look. If we want to visit all the night markets, we definitely don't have that much time. My opinion is that we just go straight along one road and eat one street. The family of three only buys every kind of thing. A little bit, try to see if you like it or not. After walking a street, turn back and eat your favorite, what do you think of Mommy's suggestion?"

Zhuo Xiangyu heard it very clearly beside her, compared to the family's random buying without purpose, he had to admit that Xu Yueqing's suggestion was indeed very feasible.

Zhuo Nianqi bowed his head and thought for a while, but there was no unnecessary objection.The family of three followed Xu Yueqing's method. First, they ate from one side of the street to the other along a straight street. Arrived in place.

Satisfied, Zhuo Nianqi pointed out to Xu Yueqing that her favorite was the kebabs at the first restaurant, and said that there was nothing else she wanted to eat in particular.

Seeing Zhuo Xiangyu looking at her, Xu Yueqing rolled her eyes and pointed to the shop selling octopus balls not far from the kebab stand.It had been a long time since she had eaten such delicious octopus balls. With a sense of nostalgia, Xu Yueqing thought that nothing else was important, and octopus balls were the most important!

Both mother and son had decided what they wanted to eat, and they looked at Zhuo Xiangyu together, wanting to know what would especially suit Zhuo Xiangyu's appetite.But Zhuo Xiangyu shrugged, saying that he didn't have anything he particularly liked.

Xu Yueqing was as surprised as Zhuo Nianqi at first, and then nodded in understanding.In my impression, Zhuo Xiangyu doesn't seem to be very picky about food, and his requirements are not high when it comes to food.Except for a few dishes that I don't like, as long as the taste is decent, and it's not a particularly weird combination, Zhuo Xiangyu can accept it and eat it.

Seeing the expression on the faces of the mother and son as if they had seen aliens, Zhuo Xiangyu raised his hand and stroked his forehead in embarrassment, "I think they are both pretty good, since one of you likes kebabs and the other likes octopus Meatballs, why don't you buy some for me! I'll go buy you some drinks."

Both mother and son reported their favorite drinks in surprise, Zhuo Xiangyu nodded knowingly.Xu Yueqing's is grass jelly honey, Zhuo Nianqi's is honey lemonade.The family of three who had set their goals dispersed separately, and after they agreed to buy what they wanted, they would meet up at the stall where Zhuo Nianqi ate kebabs.

Zhuo Nianqi, who was finally able to act alone, had a happy face, but he always remembered Xu Yueqing's repeated instructions before leaving, so he didn't dare to run too far.

First, when he walked to the kebab stall, Zhuo Nianqi looked up at the huge crowd in front of him. He could only give up the idea of ​​eating kebabs first, and turned his attention to the person next to the kebabs. The stall that sells roasted pork knuckles.

There are not many people, and the taste is not bad. If you eat a roasted pig's trotter first, there should be fewer people buying mutton skewers there.With this mentality in mind, Zhuo Nianqi turned briskly towards the stall selling roasted pig's trotters.



There are so many people in the night market, it is inevitable that we will run into each other, Zhuo Nianqi accidentally bumped into a strange man whose hair was dyed while he was standing there smoking a cigarette.

The man turned his head, and when he saw a kid like Zhuo Nianqi, he spat the cigarette in the corner of his mouth on the ground cursingly, "Boy, don't you fucking have long eyes!"

Because Zhuo Nianqi had encountered such a dressed-up person before on the car to Jiang Bo's house, he couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman, and had trouble because of it, so whenever he saw such a dressed-up person, he felt very disgusted.Coupled with being scolded for not having good eyesight, Zhuo Nianqi's temperament of revenge and revenge, his mouth has already counterattacked before his brain has turned the corner.

"It's none of your business whether I have eyes or not. I just know that good dogs don't get in the way."

The man himself was standing there waiting for someone, so Zhuo Nianqi's counterattack was reasonable.But what kind of temperamental people are the little gangsters?Seeing that Zhuo Nianqi didn't apologize, it was fine, but he fought back arrogantly calling him a dog, and couldn't hold his breath for a while.

"Little devil, who are you calling a dog!"

Zhuo Nianqi was not stage-frightened when he saw the approaching people aggressively, and his neck twitched, "I will scold whoever wants to sit in the right place!"

"You..." The little gangster suddenly became unhappy, rolled up his sleeves and was about to approach Zhuo Nianqi.

The gangster waited for a few people to buy something and came back, only to see that he was frozen in place with a child as if there was some dispute.A man with the same dyed hair as him walked up and patted the little gangster on the shoulder, "What's the matter, buddy, what happened?"

The little bastard pointed his finger at Zhuo Nianqi, "This little bastard bumped into someone and refused to apologize, and his mouth is so cheap!"

The man looked along his finger, and was immediately amused. It turned out that he was an acquaintance.Immediately, he also spoke aggressively to Zhuo Nianqi, "Hey, brat, last time you didn't apologize and I let you go. This time, if you don't apologize, brother will beat someone!"

It turned out that the gangster's friend was the man with colorful afro hair who had an argument with Zhuo Nianqi in the car.

Zhuo Nianqi also obviously recognized the other party, seeing that he still had the colorful afro on his head, he sneered, "You want me to apologize? Yes, kneel down and kowtow three times to me, and I will apologize immediately. "

Hearing that Zhuo Nianqi called himself the young master, the gangsters all laughed disdainfully, but Zhuo Nianqi looked at them coldly, his aura was not inferior to the group of them at all.

Gradually, because a group of people in strange clothes bullied a child, the people coming and going on the street stopped and looked at them, and surrounded them as if they were watching a good show, and all guessed in their hearts that Zhuo Nianqi How did they offend this group of gangsters, but none of them wanted to step forward to help Zhuo Nianqi out of the siege.

"Boy, do you really apologize?"

Zhuo Nianqi looked at the group of lunatic-like punks calmly, not worried at all that he would be at a disadvantage if they made a move.

"If you want the young master to apologize, you can practice for another ten or eight years! Just relying on you, you want the young master to bow his head? Don't look at what kind of people you are!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around gasped. Zhuo Nianqi's words were obviously intended to provoke the little gangster.

"Little devil..."

The little bastard had just opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, Zhuo Nianqi interrupted him with an impatient look on his face, "I said you haven't graduated from the first grade of primary school, right? You don't know how to speak other than swearing at people." Use another word to swear? This is the way of the world now! I really don’t know what’s going on, people who haven’t even graduated from elementary school have the nerve to come out and mess around, and don’t look at what society is like now!”

A group of gangsters were speechless by Zhuo Nianqi's sharp teeth, and their faces were flushed because they didn't know how to fight back.Seeing that Zhuo Nianqi, a child, can silence this group of people who are older than he knows, the people around couldn't help laughing out loud.

You little bastards who have been ridiculed look at me and I look at you, and you can see the sternness in each other's eyes.Qi Qi nodded and surrounded Zhuo Nianqi.

Zhuo Nianqi saw this posture and knew that they were going to make a move, and he secretly thought it was bad.Although he was trained as the heir of the Zhuo family since he was a child, his daily classes also include combat learning.But after all, he was a little younger, and faced with such a group of gangsters, he didn't dare to be sure whether he could really beat them all to the ground.

Zhuo Nianqi glanced at the faces of the gangsters surrounding him one by one, and then turned his gaze to the direction where Xu Yueqing and the others were going shopping, secretly thinking in his heart if there was a fight, would he be able to survive until his father came to save them? .

Zhuo Nianqi, who made up his mind to procrastinate, taunted the punks again, "I didn't expect you to be fine if you didn't graduate from elementary school, but you didn't even learn the morals of the world well. What kind of ability is it to bully more than less?"

"Ah, I forgot, how can non-mainstream murderous gangsters like you know the morals of the world, I'm afraid they are not worthy to lift shoes for those big brothers on the road, no wonder they can only live in this street. You are embarrassing me, a ten-year-old child!"

What Zhuo Nianqi said made the people around secretly startled again, they were all in this posture, they didn't expect that this child would dare to be so provocative, he was really not afraid of death, and I don't know which family raised such a bold and reckless child!

And some smart people fully understand that Zhuo Nianqi's deliberate words to mock them are not only to annoy them, but more importantly, to buy himself time.

From this point of view, some people are secretly guessing that raising such a smart child must be very difficult at home.What this kid keeps talking about is Jianghu morality, on the road, I'm afraid these bastards have kicked the iron plate!

Zhuo Nianqi didn't care what the people around him thought, he only knew that if Daddy didn't come back to save him, then he would soon be unable to hold on.Maybe when Daddy comes back, he will be beaten into a pig's face.

Zhuo Xiangyu, who didn't know that his son was secretly praying that he would go back soon, was still patiently queuing up to buy drinks for his wife and son because there were too many people in the milk tea shop.

From time to time, a few young girls who were with them looked at Zhuo Xiangyu's well-dressed body, and another person thought of striking up a conversation, and kept talking to Zhuo Xiangyu.But Zhuo Xiangyu blocked everything and just pretended not to hear.

Zhuo Xiangyu didn't know that his cold and distant appearance was even more attractive, not only failed to kill those women's thoughts in the cradle, but instead aroused more people's interest in him, a small corner milk tea shop just because of Zhuo Xiangyu Xiangyu became popular.

Seeing that there were more and more people, Zhuo Xiangyu became a little impatient, so he stared at the women around him sharply.Although Zhuo Xiangyu's aura was so strong that he couldn't get it, the women around him only dared to take a sneak peek, but they didn't dare to strike up a conversation.

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