"Mommy, you are so eccentric!"

Zhuo Nianqi, who was supposed to go straight to bed after taking a shower, found out that Xu Yueqing helped Zhuo Xiangyu pack his luggage for almost an hour, and ran to Xu Yueqing, who was still busy, to complain to her.

Xu Yueqing stopped rummaging through her clothes, a few red clouds appeared on her face unconsciously, she fake coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment, and retorted helplessly.

"Kids, don't talk nonsense. Although I didn't pack your luggage for you all the time, I have some advice for you anyway!"

Zhuo Nianqi snorted softly, staring at the suitcase belonging to Zhuo Xiangyu that was open wide on the ground with his small face full of displeasure.

Xu Yueqing amusedly freed a hand to rub the top of his hair, lamenting Zhuo Nianqi's childlike nature.The other hand didn't seem to stop moving at all.

Coming out of the study, Zhuo Xiangyu subconsciously turned his gaze to his room, and seeing that the door of the room was open, he knew that Xu Yueqing was not just talking about helping him pack his luggage, and a warm current flowed through his heart.He really misses the feeling that his wife will take care of everything.

Zhuo Xiangyu's thoughts drifted far away, but his steps went straight to the master bedroom concentrically.It is difficult to describe the warm feeling of his wife being busy, but it is easy to draw such a picture in his mind.

When Zhuo Xiangyu walked to the door, he deliberately lightened his steps, and stayed on the door frame for nearly a minute before walking briskly into the room.

The first thing that caught Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes was Zhuo Nianqi with an angry face and the suitcase. Xu Yueqing was not found in the bedroom, and Zhuo Xiangyu knew that Xu Yueqing was in the cloakroom with a glance.

Walking in front of Zhuo Nianqi, Zhuo Xiangyu bent down and lifted him up to his eyes.The two father and son looked at each other, and then Zhuo Xiangyu hugged him in a good mood.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping in your own room?"

Zhuo Nianqi's face was pale, "I just want to be with Mommy."

"Why did you take out these clothes?" It happened that Xu Yueqing came out of the cloakroom with several sweaters in her arms.This is something Zhuo Xiangyu hasn't worn for a long time, so when he first saw it, Zhuo Xiangyu frowned.

Xu Yueqing stroked her forehead helplessly, and arranged her clothes neatly one by one, "It's too cold in the north, if you don't make more preparations, I'm afraid you won't be able to get used to it."

Zhuo Xiangyu smiled and said nothing, not paying any attention to Xu Yueqing's words.The two father and son sat together and watched Xu Yueqing's busyness, the atmosphere was quiet and peaceful.

Early the next morning, the family of three set off to the airport to prepare for the journey to D city.

Because it was going back to her hometown for fun, Xu Yueqing emphasized in every possible way that she must keep a low profile and not let others announce it.So Zhuo Xiangyu changed his usual suit and leather shoes, and wore a very casual long-sleeved shirt on top.

The climate in the south is warm, so the sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, and a woolen trench coat that Xu Yueqing forced him to wear is draped in the crook of his arm, and his lower body is also casually dressed.

Zhuo Xiangyu, who usually wears a suit, attracts the attention of women very much, but when he changes into a casual fashion style, he turns into a mistress killer.Even Xu Yueqing was stared at, making Xu Yueqing wish she could put Zhuo Xiangyu in a sack and carry it directly onto the plane.

Zhuo Nianqi naturally noticed the unkind look in his mother's eyes, but fearing that the world would not be chaotic, he tugged on Xu Yueqing's sleeve, causing Xu Yueqing to suddenly come to her senses.

Wait, what was she thinking just now, what happened to that strange thought? !
"Mummy, you should be more calm when you get on the plane!" Zhuo Nianqi "reminded" Xu Yueqing with a smirk.

The understanding Xu Yueqing gave Zhuo Xiangyu a hard look, it was all this man's fault, with the amount of attention they received from passers-by, it was really hard for them to keep a low profile, okay?

Zhuo Xiangyu's face was unclear, so, of course, after seeing Zhuo Nianqi's gloating expression, if Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't figure it out, he would be the president of Zhuo's company in vain.

After pinching Zhuo Nianqi's small nose as punishment, Zhuo Xiangyu looked helplessly at Xu Yueqing's swollen pretty face.

After getting on the plane, Xu Yueqing really understood that Zhuo Nianqi was not joking.

"Sir, would you like some coffee?"

The stewardess with a decent smile bent slightly and was about to put the coffee in her hand in front of Zhuo Xiangyu.However, the man who was looking at the documents on the computer didn't even look up, and he didn't care about the stewardess' attentive service at all.

"Please pour me a glass of orange juice for my wife!"

"Sir, do you want bread?"

"Please help me get a sandwich for my wife!"

"Sir, do you need any fruit?"

"Please help my wife..."

Before Zhuo Xiangyu could finish speaking, Xu Yueqing jumped in front of him and yelled at him, "Zhuo Xiangyu, don't push all the food to me if you don't want to eat it?"

This man is so bad, those stewardesses look at her and want to burn a big hole in her body.It's obvious that he is attracting bees and butterflies, so what does it have to do with her!
Only then did Zhuo Xiangyu raise his head, and glanced at Xu Yueqing's flushed face with the doting eyes of a drowned person, and couldn't help but secretly smiled in his heart.Immediately, he turned his head, his face regained his indifference, and nodded politely to the flight attendant waiting at the side.

"We don't need it, thanks!"

The stewardess glanced at Xu Yueqing bitterly, then turned and left pushing the small trolley full of food.

Xu Yueqing turned her head and glanced at the man beside her with a happy smile, then lowered her head and sighed softly: "Zhuo Xiangyu, did you do it on purpose?"


Xu Yueqing raised her head and glanced at Zhuo Xiangyu, hesitant to speak, and then expressed the doubts in her heart in one breath as if she was going to die.

"You did it on purpose, right! Give me all the food the flight attendant brought me, and then wait for me to go to the bathroom after eating too much, then you can talk and laugh with the flight attendant openly, right? Actually, I don't mind at all , um, I really don't mind, so you don't have to push me away!"

Zhuo Xiangyu, who was originally smiling when he heard Xu Yueqing's strange logical deduction, gradually deepened his smile, but when he heard the last sentence, his eyes widened and his smile froze on his face. His appearance was as funny as it could be .After a long time, Zhuo Xiangyu knocked Xu Yueqing on the head angrily.

"Xu Yueqing, what are you thinking about in your head all day long! If I really like those flight attendants, hehe...you don't mind, I do!"

Xu Yueqing covered her head aggrievedly, snorted at Zhuo Xiangyu, then turned her head angrily, and ignored Zhuo Xiangyu.

Zhuo Nianqi, who had been sitting across from him and looked like he was playing with a tablet on the surface, but actually observed Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing's movements, couldn't help it anymore and laughed out loud.

Mommy is so funny. Daddy did this to show Mommy that he doesn't like those stewardesses, but Mommy misunderstood it like this. He's so happy!
Xu Yueqing glared at Zhuo Nianqi angrily, and she refused to pay any more attention to the wicked father and son.

Xu Yueqing, who was suffering because of the stewardess on the plane, felt a burst of familiar air rushing towards her face as soon as she got off the plane, which was colder than ever before in the south.

Considering that Zhuo Nianqi might not be used to it since he had never been to the north, Xu Yueqing immediately tightened the coat that Zhuo Nianqi had put on before getting off the plane.

"Nian Qi, are you cold?"

"Mum, let's go to the hotel quickly! It's really cold here." Zhuo Nianqi nodded hastily.

Seeing that Zhuo Xiangyu beside him was also wearing a windbreaker, Xu Yueqing reminded him to button it up before heading out of the airport.

There were a lot of pedestrians coming and going at the airport, and the family of three couldn't stop the car when they arrived at the gate of the airport. Zhuo Xiangyu, who was used to the warm climate in the south, couldn't help shivering under the cold wind.Seeing Xu Yueqing hugging Zhuo Nianqi in her arms and asking about his health, she felt jealous again.

Seeing that Zhuo Nianqi was drowsy and dizzy, Xu Yueqing reached out to check the temperature on his forehead, only to find that he had a low-grade fever.But now I can't stop the car, and I feel very anxious.

Seeing Zhuo Xiangyu standing upright beside her, Xu Yueqing softened her heart when she thought that he must not be used to such a humid and cold air, and asked in a low voice: "How are you? Are you okay? Are you not used to such a cold weather?"

Zhuo Nianqi shook his head, seeing Zhuo Nianqi lying in her arms and refusing to speak, he couldn't help frowning, "Nianqi has never been here in D City, isn't he... not used to it?"

Xu Yueqing nodded helplessly, but saw an empty taxi coming.She hastily went up to stop her, and the family of three could finally stop suffering in the cold wind.

The taxi driver was very enthusiastic. Seeing that Xu Yueqing was always looking at the passing buildings from the window and Zhuo Xiangyu looked up from time to time, he started to talk: "The two of you are not from our city D!"

Zhuo Xiangyu glanced at the driver, but did not answer.Xu Yueqing shook her head.

"I'm from City D, but I haven't been back for a long time!" Xu Yueqing looked at the newly built building on the side of the road with longing eyes, and murmured as if talking to herself, "It seems that more than ten years Come on!"

The driver also didn't notice the weird atmosphere of the family of three, he laughed, and his tone was full of pride and pride as a D City citizen.

"Our city D has developed very well in the past two years. The surrounding buildings are all newly built, and it is much more lively than before at night!"

Zhuo Xiangyu was almost frozen by the cold air. Thinking that it was so cold in broad daylight, let alone at night, he couldn't help wondering, "It's so cold, does anyone come out at night?"

"Of course, the night market in our city D is also famously lively at night! The two of you can go out for a walk, but it's no less deserted than during the day." The driver looked at Zhuo Xiangyu in surprise.

The hotel that Zhuo Xiangyu had booked in advance arrived soon. The driver was kind-hearted and helped them move their luggage into the hotel lobby before leaving.

Xu Yueqing frowned when she saw the size of the hotel.It was agreed to keep a low profile, and it is true that no one from D city was arranged to pick him up from the airport, but he still refused to lower his status and stayed in a more ordinary hotel.

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