ex-wife, get married

Chapter 179 What a Good Way

Now that he has broken with Wan Zigui, Zhuo Xiangyu feels that his actions should also be put on the agenda.So after Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi left, he hurried back to Zhuo's enterprise.

"Secretary Liu, you should immediately investigate which companies Hilo is participating in. I want to get detailed information. Send it to my office immediately after the investigation."

"Yes! President!" Liu Enzheng left the president's office with rapid steps, and at the same time he was secretly relieved.It seems that the CEO has decided to deal with Wan Zigui. Although he doesn't know what happened, he is only responsible for carrying out the task.

Zhuo Xiangyu looked at the information in his hand, and quickly dealt with the affairs left over from dealing with the agents and agents in the Asian region during this period.Although these things are much weaker than those of agents and agents, Zhuo's company will never lose sesame seeds after picking up watermelons.

Liu Enzheng moved very quickly, and soon he got a series of information from Hilo Company.Zhuo Xiangyu nodded in satisfaction, and told Liu Enzheng to let everyone go to the meeting room as soon as possible, and he was going to hold a temporary meeting.

Zhuo Xiangyu sat on the main seat, looking at the many backbones surrounding the conference table, with a sharp look on his face.

"I believe you already know why this meeting was held. Not much to say, Hilo is a new company. During this period of time, they have been launching products that are very similar to our company."

When speaking of this, the person in charge of the relevant department bowed his head unnaturally.It is true that he is mainly responsible for these products, but no one expected Wan Zigui's betrayal, so their department also suffered heavy losses.

"Since the other party has taken the lead in provoking, we can't ignore it. Now each of you has a document in front of you, which details the projects that Hilo is currently cooperating with and will cooperate with."

Everyone opened the information in front of them one after another, and when they saw the series of cooperation names inside, they all frowned in unison.These cooperations are all related to Zhuo's enterprise, it seems that hilo company is indeed targeting them.

After quickly browsing the information in front of them, everyone looked up at their president.Now that the president has prepared all of this, then the president must be ready to make a move.

"Read it? After reading it, I will start to give orders. Manager Li, you are responsible for the cooperation with Dai Li Cosmetics; Director Zhang, you are responsible for the investment in the construction of the playground; Manager Lin, you are responsible for the business cooperation of the department store. Responsible, now go and snatch them back from Hilo!"

With a pen in one hand, Zhuo Xiangyu quickly wrote on the documents and gave instructions quickly.The three people whose names he called nodded affirmatively, with serious faces.

"These are the cooperations that hilo company has snatched from us. As for the cooperation that hilo company is going to negotiate and negotiate halfway through, the others will allocate it and each be responsible for a project. I have negotiated all the cooperation that belongs to our Zhuo's enterprise! Note Live, only succeed, not fail!"

Zhuo Xiangyu snarled, and his sharp black eyes swept over everyone present one by one.

"Yes! President!" Everyone immediately sat up straight, facing Zhuo Xiangyu with firm eyes.

Zhuo Xiangyu nodded, raised his hand and waved, "The meeting is adjourned." Everyone left the meeting room quickly, and quickly finished their work.

Liu En was following Zhuo Xiangyu, listening to Zhuo Xiangyu's words carefully.Zhuo Xiangyu reached out and flipped through the documents in his hand, his eyes suddenly fixed on one of the names.

"Secretary Liu, I remember that the cooperation between Alle and us has already started. But why did it suddenly cooperate with Hilo?"

Zhuo Xiangyu ordered all the people who had not yet signed a contract. This Alle company and Hilo company had already signed a contract, so it was not in Zhuo Xiangyu's consideration.He also just saw the name now.

"President, you forgot. The contract was negotiated between Wan Zigui and the other party at the beginning. Wan Zigui went out independently, and it is very likely that he took this contract with him directly."

The light in Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes brightened, and he knew it all at once.Unexpectedly, Wan Zigui had a plan long ago, and he could even do something about the cooperation, so he really underestimated him.

The corner of Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth raised an arrogant arc, and he closed the document in his hand with a "snap", no emotion could be heard in Zhuo Xiangyu's voice.

"Secretary Liu, get ready, let's go to Alle Company to have a good talk!" Now that it's agreed not to use contacts, then he will go to the battle in person and have a good meeting for a while!

Alle Company is one of the relatively long-established companies in this city, and they are mostly responsible for department store products.If you cooperate with Alle, you will get a lot of benefits in the end.

At this moment, Zhuo Xiangyu was sitting in the living room of Alle company in a neat suit, with a professional smile on his face.Sitting opposite him was also the president of Alle Company.

Shen Yu looked at Zhuo Xiangyu who came suddenly, although he was secretly surprised, but his face was still extremely calm.After the secretary brought a cup of tea to the two of them, Shen Yu nodded to Zhuo Xiangyu.

"Mr. Zhuo, I don't know if you came here suddenly today. Is there anything important? Because you didn't say in advance, I was in a meeting just now, so I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time."

Listening to the other party's polite words, Zhuo Xiangyu laughed, and waved his hand indifferently.He restrained his aura, and the whole person looked like he was ready to go.

"Mr. Shen, you are welcome. I was too sudden this time. Fortunately, I didn't disturb you. There is something I want to talk to you about when I come this time, and that is about our previous cooperation..."

There was a strange light in Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes, and the smile on his face was also meaningful.Shen Yu is not a short-sighted person, how could he give up Zhuo's enterprise to cooperate with Hilo Company, a little-known small company?

On the way here, Zhuo Xiangyu had already figured it out.Wan Zigui must have tampered with it back then, and made an agreement with the person in charge of Alle Company, so it is possible that Shen Yu didn't understand.

In this case, Wan Zigui is likely to be involved in commercial fraud!This is a criminal act.Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes became extremely complicated in an instant, and then returned to calm.

"What! There is such a thing? I always thought that Wan Zigui belonged to Zhuo's company, so I didn't think too much about it. After all, we have cooperated several times before, and I am very relieved. Unexpectedly, someone dared to play tricks in front of me. pattern!"

Sure enough, after hearing what Zhuo Xiangyu said, Shen Yu suddenly became furious.Although cooperating with Wan Zigui's hilo company won't make him so angry, because he also knows that there will definitely be no problems with Wan Zigui's ability.But at the beginning, the partner he had decided to cooperate with was Zhuo's enterprise, and this was about reputation issues!
Under Shen Yu's severe punishment, the person in charge was found out and severely fired.Then, in front of the two presidents, Shen Yu and Zhuo Xiangyu, they formulated a new cooperation contract.

Zhuo Xiangyu took the contract and left contentedly, with a spring breeze on his face.Liu Enzheng was following Zhuo Xiangyu, and after witnessing Shen Yu's fierce methods, he kept praising him in his heart.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on!" Wan Zigui roared angrily, and he couldn't help being angry.Because what he didn't expect was that Zhuo Xiangyu's movements would be so fast.

Three days, only three short days!Zhuo Xiangyu actually took away most of Hilo's cooperation!Although he snatched it from Zhuo's enterprise at the beginning, he also spent a lot of effort!Could it be possible in just three days?
"President, except for the cooperation that has come to an end in our hands, all the others have been snatched away by Zhuo's company. After investigation, the reason why the cooperation with Alle company was cancelled was because Zhuo Xiangyu, the president of Zhuo's company, personally Went to Alle and re-signed the contract."

Wan Zigui's secretary stood there respectfully, a trace of fear flashed across his face because of Wan Zigui's anger.However, the requirements of his profession made him report all the information he obtained from the investigation.

A trace of viciousness flashed across Wan Zigui's eyes, and his delicate face was already distorted.His current mood can no longer be described with anger, he feels that his whole body is about to explode.

For the cooperation with Alle Company, he worked hard at the beginning, and managed to impress the person in charge of the other party.Later, when he became independent, he was always cautious, just to be able to complete this important cooperation.

But now, this important cooperation has been ruined by Zhuo Xiangyu!It was destroyed by Zhuo Xiangyu himself!How can this prevent Wan Zigui from collapsing.

"Obviously they are going to sign a contract with us, why do they suddenly go back on their word! Don't those companies have any credibility at all? Huh, they are all a group of people who are blinded by interests!"

Wan Zigui gritted his teeth, and clenched his hands tightly, the veins on his hands were clearly visible.

His secretary took a deep breath, and his voice became deeper and deeper.

"President, those companies that have already negotiated halfway are all afraid of Zhuo's enterprise, so they will take the initiative to terminate our cooperation with us. After all, Zhuo's enterprise is the leader in the business world, and they are powerless to resist."

Having said that, a trace of hesitation and unbearable flashed across the secretary's face, as if it was difficult to say the next words.

"And...President, those companies that have just signed the contract are working hard to find ways to avoid paying us liquidated damages. Now our financial problems are very serious, and we are facing so many problems at once, we are simply too busy."

These words completely broke Wan Zigui's bottom line, he kicked hard on the desk, causing the desk and the ground to make a harsh sound.

"Damn it! Really damn it! Zhuo Xiangyu, you are really good at it!"

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