ex-wife, get married

Chapter 164 Sudden Confession

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yueqing's expression was very solemn.Wan Zigui really did it!It turned out to be him!Why?How could he do this!
"Mummy, what's the matter?" Zhuo Nianqi looked worriedly at Mummy's very ugly face.Who was it that made the call, and how could it make Mummy's face so pale all of a sudden.

It was rare to see Xu Yueqing like this, Zhuo Nianqi was really worried.

"It's nothing, it's just a phone call." Xu Yueqing's voice was a bit heavy, and she kept comforting herself in her heart. The result that she had expected long ago was just confirmed, and it was no big deal.

Just as Zhuo Xiangyu came out of the bathroom, he happened to hear this conversation between mother and son, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.Getting closer to the mother and son, Zhuo Xiangyu's heart throbbed a lot from the abnormal paleness on Xu Yueqing's face.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital! Butler, hurry up and call the family doctor."

Zhuo Xiangyu's sudden appearance changed Xu Yueqing's expression.She hurriedly stopped the housekeeper, and forced a smile at Zhuo Xiangyu: "Xiangyu, I'm fine, really."

Xu Yueqing reached out and pushed away Zhuo Xiangyu's hand that was placed on her forehead to measure her temperature, her expression was full of complexity.Zhuo Xiangyu paused, he didn't expect his concern to be rejected so directly by Xu Yueqing, the throbbing pain in his heart deepened.

A few seconds later, Xu Yueqing took a deep breath and said to the Zhuo family father and son, "Come here, I have something to announce."

The father and son looked at the wife (mummy) with a very serious expression, and then looked at each other, and they saw suspicion in each other's eyes.Then the two of them sat on the sofa, waiting for what Xu Yueqing would say next.

"Wan Zigui is the owner of Hilo Design Company." A simple sentence exploded like a bomb in people's hearts.

Zhuo Xiangyu's face suddenly changed drastically, his eyes were fixed on Xu Yueqing, and the muscles on his cheeks twitched slightly.The originally indifferent black eyes were full of complexity and grief.

Xu Yueqing looked sadly at Zhuo Xiangyu who looked very painful: "Xiangyu, I also hope that I was wrong. But this time it's true!"

"Actually, you yourself are very clear, Xiangyu, you just dare not admit it." Xu Yueqing's words hit Zhuo Xiangyu's heart heavily, causing Zhuo Xiangyu's pupils to dilate suddenly.

It wasn't until this time that Xu Yueqing realized that all the comforts she had given before were actually only making Zhuo Xiangyu more painful after knowing the truth.

Xu Yueqing took the initiative to approach the poor man in front of her, and hugged the man who was very sad but still straightened his back.Her hand touched Zhuo Xiangyu's head lightly, her movements were very gentle, with a trace of pity.

"Qingqing, I, I'm a little tired, I'm going to rest first." Zhuo Xiangyu patted Xu Yueqing's shoulder lightly, his tone was very flat, unlike the excitement just now, it seemed very strange.

After Zhuo Xiangyu finished speaking, Xu Yueqing became even more worried, but she couldn't do anything more. "Well, that's fine, you go and have a good rest."

Zhuo Xiangyu didn't want his beloved woman to see his most embarrassing side, desperately endured the unspeakable pain, and fled from his lover.

The night came quietly, and the bright moon hanging high in the sky was bright and moving.Zhuo Xiangyu looked up at the half-string moon, his eyes were filled with darkness.He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, there was a betrayal in his eyes.

Why, Zigui, why did you do such a thing?We are clearly brothers, we are clearly relatives, why did you betray me!
Tossing and turning all night, unable to sleep alone, Zhuo Xiangyu still ushered in the next day.

Before going out, Xu Yueqing tightly grasped Zhuo Xiangyu's hand on the cuff, "Xiangyu, wait for me, I will go with you."

Xu Yueqing couldn't bear to let Zhuo Xiangyu face such a miserable ending alone, she thought in her heart, if she could be by his side at such a moment, he should feel better.

"Well, I'll wait for you." Zhuo Xiangyu was silent for a long time, then nodded slowly.Because he knew Xu Yueqing's distress, so he couldn't bear to reject her.

To be honest, it is really good to have someone you love care about yourself when you are the most vulnerable.

The two came to Zhuo's by car, Xu Yueqing took Zhuo Xiangyu's arm, hoping to give him some comfort.Fortunately, Zhuo Xiangyu didn't usually have many smiling faces, so no one could see the bad mood he was trying to endure, except Xu Yueqing.

In the office, Zhuo Xiangyu sat quietly on the chair, silent.Suddenly, some trembling hands were tightly held by Xu Yueqing.

"Xiangyu, don't do this, you have to remember, you still have me, and you still have relatives. We are your relatives, no matter what, we will be by your side."

Zhuo Xiangyu's whole body was shocked, and he didn't speak for a long time.Slowly, he turned his head and gave her a forced smile, because he didn't want Xu Yueqing to worry too much.

Sitting back on the office chair, Zhuo Xiangyu deliberated for a while, and pressed the answer button of the office phone.

"Secretary Liu, tell Supervisor Wan Zigui to come to my office immediately." Zhuo Xiangyu gave instructions with a gloomy expression.

After a while, Wan Zigui walked into the office with a smile on his face.When he saw Xu Yueqing in the office, his expression flashed with surprise, but he quickly returned to normal.

"Qingqing, so you are here. Tsk tsk tsk, I see, you show your affection in front of me all day long, it really makes me a little lonely as a loner."

Wan Zigui held his heart in both hands, with a sad expression on his face.Xu Yueqing heard Wan Zigui's teasing, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across her face, her hand naturally covered Zhuo Xiangyu's hand on the table, looking very intimate.

Wan Zigui's eyes suddenly became very sharp, and the flashing light could not be grasped quickly.But such a change did not escape the eyes of Zhuo Xiangyu who had been paying attention to him.

"Wan Zigui, I have something to tell you." Zhuo Xiangyu interrupted Wan Zigui's continued teasing.Zhuo Xiangyu's voice made the office suddenly silent.Wan Zigui was looking at Zhuo Xiangyu, and Xu Yueqing was also paying attention to him.

"You'd better read it yourself!" Zhuo Xiangyu threw an information bag on the table, turned his hands behind his back, got up and walked to the window.

A trace of suspicion flashed across Wan Zigui's face, because Zhuo Xiangyu's attitude was very wrong.He reached out to take the information bag, and when he checked the contents inside, Wan Zigui's face turned blue and white.

"This is...hehehe, that's right, I did all of these things. I really didn't expect that you, Xiangyu, could find these things. It really surprised me."

Wan Zigui looked cold for a while, and then returned to his original indifferent look.He looked at Zhuo Xiangyu with a smile on his face, without any guilt.

Hearing Wan Zigui's confession, Zhuo Xiangyu's body trembled slightly.

"Why?" Xu Yueqing's expression also changed suddenly. Even though she already knew this, when she actually heard the answer, she still couldn't believe it.

"Why are you doing this! Wan Zigui, aren't you Xiangyu's best friend? You guys have grown up together!" Xu Yueqing angrily glared at the indifferent Wan Zigui, with a hint of sadness in her expression.

Zhuo Xiangyu's emotions were a little out of control, he never expected Wan Zigui to admit everything so simply. "Zigui, why on earth are you doing this? Tell me!"

"You ask me why? Hahahaha!" Wan Zigui laughed out loud when he heard the two people's questioning, his whole body trembled.

Xu Yueqing held Zhuo Xiangyu's hand tightly, for fear that he would rush over if he lost control of his emotions.Seeing Xu Yueqing protecting Zhuo Xiangyu like this, Wan Zigui's expression became more ferocious.

"Qingqing, don't you understand?" Wan Zigui hugged his head suddenly in pain, "The reason why I did these things is because of you!"

Wan Zigui's eyes were full of stubborn madness and deep sorrow for not getting it.Suddenly, he grabbed Xu Yueqing's hand, put it on his lips, and kissed it lightly, with intoxicating confusion in his eyes.

"Qingqing, I like you." Wan Zigui's sudden confession made Xu Yueqing stunned on the spot.

Zhuo Xiangyu's face was very ugly, the man he had always regarded as his brother suddenly betrayed him.The reason is just because I fell in love with my wife!

At this time, Wan Zigui's eyes were full of Xu Yueqing's figure. "Qingqing, we are childhood sweethearts. When I was young, you were the only one I liked."

Wan Zigui fell into the memories of the past. At that time, the sky was still blue, the water was still clear and cool, and he and Yueqing were still childhood sweethearts.

He always thought that the two of them would be together forever, no one could separate each other, but in the end he found that this was just a dream of his own.

Wan Zigui also thought about telling Xu Yueqing the truth that he had been hiding all along, but he was afraid of being rejected and felt very shy, so he was always looking for a suitable opportunity.

But when he was still looking for the best time, his plan was interrupted by Zhuo Xiangyu's sudden insertion.

Wan Zigui is not convinced, he is not inferior to Zhuo Xiangyu in terms of time spent together, and he can pass with full marks in terms of understanding, why can he get Qingqing's favor, but he can't!
Why can't Qingqing see her figure?After being with you for so many years, is it just a silently blessed character in the end?
If Wan Zigui didn't believe it, he didn't believe that he would be so miserable!

He had suffered, even resented, because of the fact that Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Xiangyu were together.But in the end, he was unwilling to let go, and he couldn't let go, because he was unwilling, because he firmly believed that Xu Yueqing would not be happy without him.

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