ex-wife, get married

Chapter 144 Who is the Chairman

A few days later, Fang Mingzhi's court verdict came down.The verdict clearly stated that Fang Mingzhi was guilty of intentional wounding plus multiple charges of misappropriation, embezzlement, public money, etc., and he would have to be sentenced to at least 20 years.

When Fang Mingzhi learned of the bad news, he felt unwilling and entangled in his heart like a poisonous snake. After fighting for so many years, he only wanted to own the Fang family and the rights of the chairman!Now, there is only this black and white verdict in hand.Sentenced to 20 years?How many 20 years can he live?

All his past in Fang's was completely denied in this way, Fang Mingzhi was unwilling and unwilling.Why did I only get such a result?
Why should I hand over the chairman after working hard all my life?After finally getting rid of Fang Qizhi's obstacle, he finally succeeded!

Now Fang Zhengzhi is the only man left in the Fang family. Fang Mingzhi thought disdainfully, what would he use to compete with me for the seat?That's right, Fang Mingzhi looked down on Fang Zhengzhi, from the bottom of his heart. In his impression, he was just a prodigal son who only knew how to have fun.

Fang Mingzhi was even sure that even if the entire Fang family was handed over to Fang Mingzhi, he would be at a loss, and even cried watching the Fang family be destroyed in his own hands.

A few days later, at the courthouse, the Fang brothers saw each other for the last time.

When Fang Mingzhi looked at the ruffian-looking Fang Zhengzhi, the gloom in his eyes deepened, and Fang Zhengzhi walked up to Fang Mingyu as if not avoiding suspicion, and greeted him warmly.

"Brother, long time no see. How are you doing these days? Well, the conditions in the police station are actually good. Of course, compared with your previous rich life, it must be much worse."

The smile on Fang Zhengzhi's face made Fang Mingzhi's expression more gloomy, but the madness that was about to run wild in his eyes was well covered up by him.

"Old Five, you don't have to be so hypocritical. We know each other exactly what the relationship between us is all these years! Do you think that as long as I go to prison, the position of Chairman Fang will be yours?" ? Humph! You are so naive!"

Fang Zhengzhi's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he tore off the playboy's disguise. He was like a leopard staring at its prey.So vigilant, so penetrating, his eyes were coldly squinting at Fang Mingzhi, who was becoming more and more crazy.

"That's right, the relationship between us is really not good. Now that you have said so, big brother, I will stop acting. Also, big brother, you say I am naive? Haha, big brother, some things don't seem like what you want like that."

The mockery in Fang Zhengzhi's eyes was too naked, which surprised Fang Mingzhi.When did Lao Wu become so scary?A thought flashed in Fang Mingzhi's mind, this is the Fang Zhengzhi who is not familiar to everyone, but it is the Fang Zhengzhi who has been hidden all this time.

Although Fang Mingzhi was somewhat surprised in his heart, his face still showed the calm madness.

"That's right, the position of chairman can only be mine! I am the largest shareholder of Shishi Enterprise, and I am the person who holds the most shares. Except for me, no one else should even think about it!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Fang Zhengzhi only asked in a questioning tone, but no one could understand the questioning meaning in the words.

The more Fang Zhengzhi said this, the more Fang Mingzhi couldn't control his gradually revealed emotions.He even lost control and shouted at Fang Zhengzhi: "You only have [-]% of the shares, why are you fighting with me! The chairman can only be me! It's me!"

Fang Zhengzhi didn't restrain himself because of Fang Mingzhi's sudden mania. Instead, he laughed uncharacteristically, looking at Fang Mingzhi with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"Haha, brother, are you a little naive? I've said it all, some things are not what you think, but you don't take them to heart at all, brother, do you really think that I only have so little capital?" ?"

How dare you say that you are naive!Fang Mingzhi was furious all of a sudden, and he didn't even hear what Fang Zhengzhi said clearly, so he wanted to reach out and hit someone.The police who had been guarding by him reacted very quickly, and hurried forward to stop Fang Mingzhi's movements.

"Hmph, I know, you have a very good relationship with Fang Wenguo. However, Fang Wenguo is a bastard born from a slut, he is not worthy of being in the Fang family at all, and you are of an orthodox bloodline and have such a good relationship with a bastard, you are not worthy either!"

Fang Mingzhi's eyes sharpened, and he stared at Fang Zhengzhi fiercely.Suddenly, he laughed maliciously, and unceremoniously attacked Fang Zhengzhi's Achilles' heel.

Fang Zhengzhi's face changed drastically, a trace of anger flashed across his face, and he quickly punched Fang Mingzhi!A straight punch that no one expected was just like this, and it hit Fang Mingzhi's stomach without reservation, and Fang Mingzhi immediately took several steps back.

"I don't mind what you say about me, but I will never allow you to insult third brother! You are not qualified!" Fang Zhengzhi stretched out his hand and shook off the policeman next to him who wanted to come up to stop him, and warned Fang Mingzhi in a cold tone.

Fang Zhengzhi's over-excitement made the beaten Fang Mingzhi sneer, his face full of disdain.The ridicule in Fang Mingzhi's eyes was like a poisonous thorn, piercing deeply into the softest part of Fang Zhengzhi's heart.

In the eyes of the Fang family, Fang Wenguo has always been a disgrace to the Fang family.No matter how much Fang Wenguo contributed to the Fang family, in the hearts of the Fang family, he is still a shameful illegitimate child.

That gentle and refined person, even though he was criticized and made things difficult, still had a not-so-broad chest, and he was open and frank with people and things.

In the young Fang Zhengzhi's heart, the third brother Fang Wenguo was the only one in the Fang family who made him feel at home.The Fang family is selfish and self-interested.Treat outsiders meanly and unreasonably.Even if they are members of their own family, as long as they are not good enough, they still won't show any good looks.

Fang Wenguo is a special existence, he never had those "traits" unique to the Fang family.He's kind, friendly, and treats everyone.Therefore, in the heart of little Fang Zhengzhi, Fang Wenguo is like a guardian angel, protecting and encouraging himself.

No matter in what sense, Fang Wenguo was the most important person in Fang Zhengzhi's life.Therefore, Fang Zhengzhi will definitely continue to manage the family business that Fang Wenguo worked so hard to keep.

"Let me tell you, third brother is not something you can call someone like you. Ah, by the way, there is one thing you must not know. It's a good thing."

Fang Zhengzhi didn't know what he thought of, his eyes gradually calmed down, and there was even a hint of mockery in his eyes, but the viciousness in his eyes was deeply buried.

"Brother, at the beginning, the third brother really only left me [-]% of the shares in the inheritance, but none of you knew what happened later." Fang Zhengzhi's eyes gradually blurred, as if he saw Fang Wenguo That gentle smile.

On the day Fang Zhengzhi was admitted to university, Fang Wenguo once visited him.Fang Zhengzhi still clearly remembered what the third brother said to him that day.

"Xiao Wu, the third brother wants to discuss something with you." At that time, he was still very innocent. Fang Zhengzhi remembered that he hugged the third brother's arm and said that as long as it was what the third brother said, he would do everything unconditionally. .

At that time, Fang Wenguo proposed to give him [-]% of the shares as his elder brother.At first, Fang Zhengzhi refused, and this was the first time he had refused Fang Wenguo's request.

But he was still too immature after all, unable to withstand Fang Wenguo's repeated soft and hard talk, so he had no choice but to agree in the end.At that time, Fang Wenguo happily stroked Fang Zhengzhi's head, with a very pleased expression on his face.

"Xiao Wu, if one day I'm gone, I hope these shares can serve as part of your capital for your future life. In this way, I will feel at ease, and it can be regarded as my little wish."

Fang Zhengzhi was caught in the memories of his past and couldn't extricate himself. Here, when Fang Zhengzhi heard that Fang Zhengzhi said that he not only had [-]% of the shares in his hands, but also had [-]% of the shares that Fang Wenguo secretly transferred before his death. , The whole person collapsed instantly.

In other words, Fang Zhengzhi is the real largest shareholder of the shares that Fang Zhengzhi has always owned!
"This, how is this possible! This is not true!" How could this news not make Fang Mingzhi angry, anger should not be enough to explain Fang Mingzhi's mood at this time.It should be said that it was mixed with grief and indignation.

Unexpectedly, Fang Wenguo, a bastard, would still keep a hand.How could Fang Mingzhi not hate him!Fang Wenguo's untimely death caused Fang Wenguo's untimely death by making things difficult for Fang Wenguo at the beginning, just to pave the way for his own plan in the future.

Never expected.I made all kinds of plans and plans, but it was all in vain.How could Fang Mingzhi not complain!
Unexpectedly, Fang Mingzhi was so smart that he was confused for a while.Fang Zhengzhi, who is the least likely to be an opponent, is the highest beneficiary in the end.

Fang Mingzhi was so angry that he suddenly felt it was difficult to breathe, he hammered his chest violently, panting out of breath.One had trouble breathing, rolled his eyes, and passed out unconsciously.

Although Fang Mingzhi is now a prisoner, he is still the former general manager of the Fang family after all, and he is still a member of the Fang family.Under Fang Zhengzhi's signal, the police rushed Fang Mingzhi to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The medical staff was busy, running in and out, and the red lights in the emergency room were on and off.

Unexpectedly, Fang Mingzhi would faint with anger, and a trace of melancholy flashed in Fang Zhengzhi's heart, third brother, I avenged you.But why after I got revenge, I didn't have a trace of happiness?
As for Fang Mingzhi, who was lying in the emergency room, his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"The patient's blood pressure has risen!" "The patient's heartbeat has stopped!" "Quick! Electric shock!"

In the emergency room, the sounds of doctors and nurses being rescued became the last voice Fang Mingzhi heard in his sinful life.

When Fang Zhengzhi received that Fang Mingzhi eventually died due to rising blood pressure, a tear flowed quietly from the corner of his eyes.This time, there were really only three people in the Fang family.

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