ex-wife, get married

Chapter 131 Shifting the Focus of the Investigation

Whenever Xu Yueqing thought of Zhuo Nianqi being kidnapped, her heart would jump wildly.That's right, with the murderer's crazy appearance, the possibility of kidnapping Zhuo Nianqi on the plane is not out of the question.

As a result, Xu Yueqing's strength in holding Zhuo Nianqi became stronger.She yelled with lingering fear: "I didn't think carefully, it's really scary, what if this kind of thing really happens. Thanks to Zhuo Xiangyu for dispelling my thoughts, it's really a blessing!"

Zhuo Nianqi lay in Xu Yueqing's arms, letting Zhuo Xiangyu look over Xu Yueqing's shoulder.Zhuo Nianqi blinked and said silently: "Daddy, you are awesome!"

Zhuo Xiangyu raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and gestured to Zhuo Nianqi, and smiled proudly.It's just a matter of one sentence, it's so simple, there is no pressure at all.

"Okay, Qingqing, let's hurry home. We've been standing here for so long, and the people next to us have been watching the excitement. If we continue watching, we'll become famous directly."

Zhuo Xiangyu clapped his hands, greeted Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi who were still immersed in the embrace, and turned to leave.Xu Yueqing let go of Zhuo Nianqi in her arms, stretched out her hand to stroke Zhuo Nianqi's face twice, and then kissed him hard.

"Good son! Mommy will never let you have any accidents. You must always be by Mommy's side. Do you hear me? No matter how smart we are, we are hard to guard against the enemy, so don't be careless. Okay."

Zhuo Nianqi stretched out his hand to touch the place where he was kissed on his face, and smiled innocently.He held his small face in one hand, and held Xu Yueqing's hand in the other, and followed Xu Yueqing in step by step.

The family of three walked slowly towards the distance like this, and occasionally their voices could be heard in the air.

"Well, Qingqing, should we just walk back like this? This place is far away from our home. If we wait for us to walk back, our two legs will probably be useless."

Zhuo Xiangyu looked at the road, probably thinking about whether to take a taxi.Xu Yueqing beside him stretched out her hand and waved it at him, and a stubborn voice sounded.

"No, what if the bad guy happens to send a car to hide aside. Seeing that we are going to take a taxi, he rushes up and takes us away. What if he finds a place where there is no one and kills us!"

Zhuo Xiangyu coughed twice suddenly, Xu Yueqing's thinking is really amazing, he didn't even think of this aspect.Zhuo Nianqi stood beside Xu Yueqing and smiled happily.

"Haha, Mommy is so thoughtful. Indeed, what if there are really bad guys. Daddy, just listen to Mommy. It's not bad for us to take a walk like this."

"That's what you said. Anyway, I exercise a lot, and it doesn't matter if I take two steps. You two are so lazy all day long, and you are squatting at home and refusing to exercise. If you can't walk anymore, I won't carry you..."

Zhuo Xiangyu put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked slowly in front, speechless about Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi's decision.However, in his eyes, there was a hint of a smile obviously.

At the gate of Fang's enterprise, Fang Zhihan was wearing a beautiful purple dress and a bag of the same color, standing there quietly, her eyes full of jealousy.

"Damn Xu Yueqing, how can she pester Xiangyu all the time, she is a damned woman, really damned! No, the relationship between them can't be so good, it's wrong!"

Fang Zhihan stomped her feet angrily, and the way she gritted her teeth made her face look a bit ferocious.Fang Zhilan stood beside Fang Zhihan, with a worried look on her face.

"Sister, don't act like this. Brother Zhuo and Xu Yueqing are husband and wife to begin with, so it's normal for them to have a closer relationship."

Fang Zhihan glanced at Fang Zhilan and gave Fang Zhilan a hard look.Then she looked into the distance, her eyes narrowed slightly, shining like a poisonous snake, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Let me tell you, Xiangyu is mine, he can only be mine! Xu Yueqing should not have existed from the beginning to the end, and there is no relationship between her and Xiangyu at all! Xu Yueqing should disappear , disappeared into the world of Xiangyu and me."

Fang Zhilan was very helpless, Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Xiangyu were obviously husband and wife, how could it be possible that they had nothing to do with each other?Seeing the strange light shining in Fang Zhihan's eyes, Fang Zhilan's heart trembled.

"Sister, that's enough, don't be like this anymore. Don't think badly, Brother Zhuo doesn't have you in his heart at all, so you should give up! Also, Brother Zhuo is here to help us protect Dad's property, you must take care of the overall situation and don't do anything stupid!"

"Shut up! What do you know! I hate your sticky and soft nature. Since you like something, you must learn to fight for it! As long as it is what I want, no matter who is in front of me, I will I won't let her go!"

Fang Zhihan held her hands tightly, and gave Xu Yueqing's back a hard look.There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, she stomped her feet and turned around to leave, the viciousness in her eyes looked frightening.

Zhuo's villa.

"Ah! I'm so exhausted, I never thought I could walk such a long distance! If you didn't call for a car in the end, I would definitely continue to walk!"

Xu Yueqing had just finished taking a hot bath, stretched comfortably, and threw herself onto the sofa.She sighed softly, with a hint of pleasure on her face.

Following Xu Yueqing's example, Zhuo Nianqi also threw himself onto the sofa on the other side, and sighed comfortably.His immature white feet were still shaking, relieving the fatigue from walking too much.

"Yes, yes, you are all very good, and you can all participate in the Olympic race walking event! How about it, do you want to sign up for you and have a try?"

Zhuo Xiangyu laughed silently, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and ignored the scene where Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi were squatting on the ground on the road before, and Lai Pi said that he couldn't move anymore.

"Hey! You bastard!" Xu Yueqing reached out and pulled out the pillow behind her, and threw it towards Zhuo Xiangyu fiercely.She bulged her little face, like an angry puffer fish, extremely cute.

Zhuo Xiangyu calmly turned his head to the left, avoiding the flying pillow.He reached out and put the black tea in his hand on the coffee table, and sat on the sofa with a smile.

"Dinglingling..." Zhuo Xiangyu was taken aback for a moment, and glanced at Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi, and found that those two people were also reacting quickly to the ringing phone.Zhuo Xiangyu smiled slightly, reached out and picked up the phone next to him.

"Hello, yes, Police Officer Zhao, I'm Zhuo Xiangyu. What? Okay, I understand, so please continue to investigate. Although you already have new suspects, I suggest that you also pay attention to the investigation. people."

Zhuo Xiangyu hung up the phone in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.He relaxed all over, leaning on the sofa behind him, gently kneading the bridge of his nose between his eyebrows with one hand.

"Is that the call from Police Officer Zhao? Did he set his suspicious eyes on Fang Zhengzhi? Well, I guess it must be like this..."

Xu Yueqing folded her hands on the sofa and rested her chin on it.While thinking about it in her mind, she muttered in her mouth.

"Yes, Fang Zhengzhi became the second suspect after the elevator incident. Of course, the police will take him as the focus of the investigation and re-investigate this assassination incident." Zhuo Xiangyu sighed softly, his tone Zhong is admiration for Xu Yueqing.

"Raise your hand and answer! Daddy, I don't think this Fang Zhengzhi is a bad guy who wants to kill you!" Zhuo Nianqi suddenly raised his hand, expressing his opinion.

Although Xu Yueqing originally thought this way, after getting Zhuo Xiangyu's authentication, she still felt something was wrong.She nodded thoughtfully, turned over and sat up on the sofa.

"That's right, I agree with Nian Qi's idea! Fang Zhengzhi usually treats everyone with a cynical attitude, but his attitude towards us is different. He once saved us and mentioned Fang Wenguo."

"Furthermore, there is no need for Fang Zhengzhi to go out of his way to harm us after saving us. More importantly, it is easy for people to suspect him of such a mindless matter as the elevator incident. Fang Zhengzhi should Not so stupid."

Zhuo Xiangyu took Xu Yueqing's words and expressed his thoughts.Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi nodded one after another, their movements paused, then they glanced at each other, and at the same time they burst out laughing.

The three of them have never had such a unified opinion before, and this feeling is really interesting.When the family of three laughed happily, a warm atmosphere enveloped the entire living room.

"Okay, okay, since we all think that Fang Zhengzhi doesn't look like a bad guy, let's trust our instincts. The police will definitely not change the direction of the investigation, so let's investigate secretly by ourselves!"

Zhuo Xiangyu clapped his hands and made the final conclusion.That's right, although his police officer Zhao said before that he should pay attention to other people, they must still focus on Fang Zhengzhi, and the police cannot be relied on.

"Okay, since this is the case, let us investigate secretly. It just so happens that I also want to know who the murderer is earlier, and dare to attack us. If we find out who it is, we must not let him go!"

Xu Yueqing also nodded in agreement, expressing her agreement with Zhuo Xiangyu's idea, the three members of the family looked at each other, and at the same time raised the corners of their mouths in agreement, with a meaningful smile on their faces.

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