ex-wife, get married

Chapter 13 Zhuo Xiangyu's Care

Ever since Xu Yueqing came to the Zhuo family, everyone in the Zhuo family, including Zhuo Xiangyu, thought she was a god.Except for her, I haven't seen Zhuo Nianqi so dedicated to anyone, working hard and taking care of everything.

Even his own father didn't get this treatment.

"Qingqing, Qingqing, it's time to take your medicine!" Zhuo Nianqi ran from upstairs to downstairs with a medicine bottle and a water glass, and finally found Xu Yueqing who was making cookies in the kitchen, and immediately pouted, Dissatisfied: "Why are you working again? The doctor told you to take good care of yourself!"

Xu Yueqing patted the flour on her hands, pinched Zhuo Nianqi's tender and tender face, "It's just making biscuits, it's very easy."

"Take the medicine first!" Zhuo Nianqi did not resist Xu Yueqing's bullying, and handed over the medicine and water cup in his hand, not intending to let Xu Yueqing escape at all.

"I'll bake the biscuits first, and then I'll eat them!" Xu Yueqing's smile froze for a moment.

Zhuo Nianqi narrowed his eyes, didn't speak, just handed the medicine and water glass towards Xu Yueqing a little more.

Xu Yueqing's shoulders collapsed, she was defeated, and she admitted defeat, "Okay, I'll just eat!"

Since the last time I went to the woods to find this bear child, she had been lying in bed for three whole days because of a persistent fever, and Zhuo Nianqi took care of her tirelessly by the hospital bed for three days.Xu Yueqing felt that no matter how much dissatisfaction she had, it should be gone, and the bear child is good, what a lovely thing!

However, ever since she found out that Zhuo Nianqi would be extremely strict and force her to take medicine without any respect between teachers and students.Xu Yueqing felt that the brat was actually not that cute.

"The doctor said that today is the last day of medicine, and you don't need to take it tomorrow." After Xu Yueqing took all the medicines, Zhuo Nianqi nodded in satisfaction, and told Xu Yueqing the great news by the way.

"Thank God!" Sure enough, Xu Yueqing was so moved that she wanted to hug Zhuo Nian and kiss him, but considering that her cold might not be fully healed, it's better to stay away from children.Although this child seems to have a stronger immunity than her.

When Zhuo Xiangyu returned home, he saw Zhuo Nianqi helping Xu Yueqing make biscuits under the dim yellow light in the kitchen. The two were talking and laughing, just like a real mother and child.

"Daddy is back!" The past few days are due to Xu Yueqing's illness. While the father and son are taking care of Xu Yueqing, the distance between them has also become much closer. When Zhuo Nianqi faces Zhuo Xiangyu, he is no longer just silent and fearful. .

"How is Teacher Xu's health today?" Zhuo Xiangyu walked into the kitchen and stroked Zhuo Nianqi's hair. Since Xu Yueqing touched Zhuo Nianqi's hair last time, he discovered that this child is very longing for and liking There is contact.

Xu Yueqing carefully put the cut matcha cookies into the oven, closed the oven door, and after setting the temperature and events, she said to Zhuo Xiangyu: "It's much better, the doctor said I don't need to take medicine tomorrow."

Zhuo Xiangyu nodded noncommittally, as if he didn't care much about this topic, and after making sure that Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi were fine, he left the kitchen.

Seeing Zhuo Xiangyu's indifferent attitude towards everything, Xu Yueqing secretly laughed in her heart. This is probably the most considerate Zhuo Xiangyu can show, right?Although people who don't know well will think that this person is just a polite greeting.

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