Fang Zhengzhi looked at the will in his hand, whistled indecently, and sighed.He smiled and threw the document back on the conference table, without any concern on his face.

"I didn't expect that the third brother still has such a skill. It's really surprising. Well, but these have nothing to do with me. I'm not interested in these. You should hurry up and solve them. I'll be on the sidelines. I still have something to do after the meeting." .”

Xu Yueqing glanced at Fang Zhengzhi, who was out of tune, then lowered her head and looked at Zhuo Nianqi, and curled her lips at the same time.Sure enough, the fourth child of the Fang family was different from the others, and even the things he did were surprising.

Fang Zhilan and Fang Zhihan had been sitting there quietly when Zhuo Xiangyu and the others came, without making the slightest movement.When Zhuo Xiangyu's last words came out, Fang Zhilan was the first to react.

"It's easy to get Daddy's handwriting. Daddy used to have the habit of keeping a diary. I can take out the diary at home and ask an expert to appraise it."

Fang Zhilan's response attracted some attention, and she kept a gentle smile on her face, turning a blind eye to these.Zhuo Xiangyu nodded in agreement, indicating that this method is fine.

Fang Mingzhi took a meaningful look at Fang Zhilan, gathered the documents on his desk, and glanced at everyone with a blank expression.

"The result of handwriting identification will take a few days. If this is the case, our board of directors will be canceled today. After the specific time and the results come out, we will conduct the election of the chairman. Let's adjourn the meeting."

"It's really boring, then I'll go first." As soon as the words came out, Fang Zhengzhi stood up first, said such a sentence as if complaining, and walked out while yawning.

Everyone also stood up one after another, greeted Fang Mingzhi, and left the meeting room like a tide.They were all whispering as they left, discussing the unexpected circumstances of the meeting.

Fang Qizhi left his seat angrily, glanced at Zhuo Xiangyu viciously, and then turned his gaze to Fang Zhilan and Fang Zhihan who were sitting there without moving.

"Okay, I really didn't expect that my two little nieces still have such abilities. I really underestimated you! Just wait, this matter won't just be left alone!"

Fang Zhilan nodded slightly to Fang Qizhi, her movements were very calm, without any panic caused by Fang Qizhi's words.Fang Zhihan glanced at Fang Qizhi with pride in his eyes, and snorted coldly with disdain.

Zhuo Xiangyu also ignored Fang Qizhi who left angrily. He and Fang Mingzhi, who had been staring at him, looked at each other and nodded gently.Fang Mingzhi also nodded, turned and left the office.

"Brother Zhuo! You came at the right time. Thanks to you, the election of the chairman this time did not proceed. I never thought that Daddy would give you such a will. No wonder Daddy approved of my engagement with you back then." , He simply treats you like his own son."

After everyone in the conference room had left, Fang Zhihan laughed first, and looked at Zhuo Xiangyu tenderly.There was a touch of pink on her face due to shyness, and she talked sweetly about what happened back then.

Xu Yueqing's body, which was originally relieved, froze immediately. She glanced at Fang Zhihan who was arrogant and complacent, and then at Zhuo Xiangyu who was sitting in front of her, the corners of her mouth slightly pursed.

Zhuo Xiangyu's face darkened, he didn't expect Fang Zhihan to say such words.He instinctively turned to look at Xu Yueqing, and sure enough, an expressionless face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Brother Zhuo, it's really great. I'm really happy that you worked so hard to help the Fang family for me. Brother Zhuo, our engagement was very grand back then. I guess many people in Hong Kong still remember this thing."

Xu Yueqing stood up abruptly from her seat, lightly arranged her clothes, and then left the conference room quickly with graceful steps.From the beginning to the end, she didn't even look at Zhuo Xiangyu.

Zhuo Xiangyu hurriedly stood up and chased after Xu Yueqing.Zhuo Nianqi also hurriedly stood up, glared at Fang Zhihan fiercely, spat out the words "femme fatale, how disgusting" in disdain, and left in a hurry.

"Brother Zhuo, Brother Zhuo!" Fang Zhilan glanced worriedly at the back of them leaving, and then looked at Fang Zhihan dissatisfied, "Sister, what are you doing, why are you saying such things on purpose? are you angry."

"Don't call her sister-in-law! Zhilan, I am Xiangyu's wife, and only I can be worthy of him! What kind of woman is Xu Yueqing? What I just said is true, there is nothing I can't say!"

Fang Zhihan interrupted Fang Zhilan's words sharply, and stared angrily at the door of the conference room, her face full of unwillingness.Fang Zhilan looked at Fang Zhihan hesitantly, her eyes were full of disapproval and blame, but she couldn't do anything, she couldn't dispel Fang Zhihan's thoughts at all.

Zhuo Nianqi watched Zhuo Xiangyu walk into the elevator and came to the first floor of the basement, he couldn't help but blinked with some doubts.

"Daddy, Mommy walked away from the gate. I saw it from the stairs just now. Now you take me to the elevator. Where are we going?"

Zhuo Xiangyu stretched out his hand and rubbed Zhuo Nianqi's hair, staring at the constantly changing numbers very calmly, the number minus one was slowly revealed.

"Of course we're going to catch your mommy back and remarry me. What if Fang Zhihan said those things, what if your mommy runs away again?"

Zhuo Nianqi saw that the first floor was actually a parking lot, and he immediately understood.A flash of excitement couldn't help but quickly followed Zhuo Xiangyu's movements and got into the car they drove when they came.

"Okay, Daddy, let's go and bring Mommy back! Daddy, you have to work hard, that bad woman is bullying Mommy again, you have to be responsible for making Mommy happy!"

"Naturally! Daddy has sworn a long time ago that no matter what happens, your mommy will never run away again!" Zhuo Xiangyu smiled proudly, and the building door under his feet slammed down, accompanied by With the sound of wheels turning at high speed, the vehicle quickly ran out of the parking lot.

Xu Yueqing was very depressed, really really depressed.When she first came to Hong Kong, she felt a little pimple in her heart, but seeing Zhuo Xiangyu's gesture, she suppressed the emotions in her heart.Unexpectedly, that Fang Zhihan actually brought up the incident from that year again today!

That's right, the engagement back then was indeed very grand, even in the inland area, she could see the broadcast of the engagement scene everywhere.So she finally couldn't bear the anger she had suppressed all this time, and she couldn't stay in that meeting room any longer!

When they came to the side of the road, Xu Yueqing stretched out her hand and wanted to take a taxi to leave, but what she got was not a taxi, but a black Cadillac!Before Xu Yueqing could react, she was already tied to the car and brought back home.

She was tied back just like that!Xu Yueqing looked at Zhuo Xiangyu who was sitting in front of her and Zhuo Nianqi who was smiling, and felt angry in her heart.

"Ahem, Qingqing, don't blame me. I'm afraid that you'll run away again, so I'm getting a little emotional. During this period of time, we have to verify handwriting, so we have a lot of time. Why don't we go out and play, just to make up for the time spent abroad?" that vacation."

Xu Yueqing snorted coldly, turned her head and didn't want to look at Zhuo Xiangyu.Whenever she thought of Fang Zhihan's words, Xu Yueqing felt very uncomfortable.

"I don't want to go out. What if I accidentally read the news from ten years ago? I'm not the one who seeks abuse by myself. I'm going to go to you!"

Zhuo Xiangyu secretly smiled wryly. Sure enough, Xu Yueqing's resistance to Hong Kong was very deep.He looked at Xu Yueqing helplessly, his wife was angry, what should he do?Of course it is to coax!
In order to make Xu Yueqing happy, Zhuo Xiangyu began to do his best, determined to coax his wife back, and determined not to let her run away again!

In the evening, Xu Yueqing who was sitting in the room reading a book suddenly heard the pleasant sound of the piano, she put down the book in her hands with some doubts.This is her favorite piece. Could it be that Nian Qi is practicing the piano?
Xu Yueqing walked down the stairs slowly, when she saw the tall figure sitting in front of the piano, her steps stopped.

Su Bai's fingers quickly played on the keys, each note was so full of vitality, it deeply touched Xu Yueqing's heart, making her eyes dim.

In the past, Zhuo Xiangyu often played the piano for her, but I haven't seen her for many years.

Xu Yueqing was intoxicated listening to the sound of the piano, and her whole body was immersed in the good memories of that year.When she woke up, she found that she had been led by Zhuo Xiangyu to the yard long ago.

"What did you bring me here for? It's too cold, I'm going back to the house." Xu Yueqing was blown by the cold wind, her face suddenly sank, she wanted to shake off Zhuo Xiangyu's hand, turned and walked into the house go.

"Qingqing, don't go, look." Zhuo Xiangyu hastily dragged Xu Yueqing back, as soon as his words fell to the ground, Xu Yueqing heard a violent explosion and remembered.

"Bang! Pop!" Xu Yueqing's eyes widened in surprise, a strong feeling hit her heart in an instant, she stared blankly at the sky, the colorful light reflected her beautiful face.

"It's so beautiful..." Xu Yueqing overflowed her mouth with words of praise uncontrollably, her eyes were full of blurred colors, and she greedily looked at the huge fireworks blooming in the sky.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, gorgeous colors bloomed on the top of Xu Yueqing's head, making Xu Yueqing feel that she could touch this beauty with just stretching out her hand.

"Bang! Pop!" Another round of fireworks flew into the night sky, Xu Yueqing narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling like she was going to get drunk, drunk in this beautiful night.

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