ex-wife, get married

Chapter 109 I'm a Robinson Crusoe

Xu Yueqing quickly ran to Zhuo Xiangyu's side, squatted down, looked at Zhuo Xiangyu who was still in a coma, and a deep worry flashed in her eyes.She couldn't help but patted Zhuo Xiangyu's cheek with her hand, but Zhuo Xiangyu didn't respond at all.

"Xiangyu? Xiangyu? No, a weak system like mine has already woken up. Why hasn't Xiangyu woke up yet? Could it be that Xiangyu was injured!"

Xu Yueqing cried out in shock, and couldn't help stretching out her hand to gently turn Zhuo Xiangyu's body.Zhuo Xiangyu's back didn't have the slightest scar, but in the front, Xu Yueqing stretched out her hand, trying to turn Zhuo Xiangyu over.

"Hmm, ah..." Unexpectedly, just as Xu Yueqing turned Zhuo Xiangyu's body in half, Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth overflowed with painful moans, which made Xu Yueqing's hands stiff.

Gritting her teeth, Xu Yueqing still turned Zhuo Xiangyu over, her eyes kept scanning his body.However, from the outside, Zhuo Xiangyu still didn't have any wounds on his body.

"There is no external injury. If this is the case, it is likely to be an internal injury. Then, where would it be? Here? Or here...ah!" Xu Yueqing stretched out her hand and pressed Zhuo Xiangyu's body. When she pressed Zhuo Xiangyu's Somewhere in the chest, Zhuo Xiangyu made a painful sound again.

"My God! Could this be a broken rib?" Xu Yueqing's eyes widened in shock, just now she clearly felt that something was wrong with the touch of her hand, and it was obviously a bone, but it sank!

Xu Yueqing was originally in a joyful mood, but became worried again.Zhuo Xiangyu's ribs are broken, so it's not suitable to move him at all, otherwise his injury will be aggravated.

Looking at the darkening sky, Xu Yueqing took a deep breath and made a decision in her heart.Now that Zhuo Xiangyu has become like this, everything depends on her alone.

Xu Yueqing stood up abruptly, looked at the surrounding environment, and narrowed her eyes slightly.Well, first of all, she has to find a place to rest, what if she doesn't have a place to live in the wild, of course she has to build it herself!You must know that where there are forests, there is no need to worry about the lack of wood!
"Zhuo Xiangyu! I'm going to brave the forest for you, you must protect me! Amitabha Jesus God bless Grandpa Jade Emperor, help me, don't encounter any beasts!"

Xu Yueqing clasped her hands together and drew a cross on her chest, talking about the gods of the East and the West.Then she closed her eyes fiercely and rushed towards the forest.

"Beep, beep, beep!" The sound of the charging horn sounded, accompanied by Xu Yueqing's appearance of going to death, good guy, a lifelike anti-Japanese hero bravely rushed into the enemy camp!
After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, a scream sounded, and a flock of birds flew over the forest.

"Ah! It's scary!" Xu Yueqing ran out towards the beach with a pile of logs in her arms, her face was pale and bloodless, and her eyes were frightened.

Xu Yueqing threw the wood in her hand to the ground, sat down on the beach, panting deeply.Thinking of the flickering lights she saw in the forest just now, Xu Yueqing clutched her little heart and calmed down her fear.

After waiting for a long time, Xu Yueqing rushed towards the forest again, with an expression of going to death on her face.Sure enough, not long after, the screaming sounded again.

In this way, screams continued to ring out on the island, making the birds circling on the island afraid to land for a long time.After running for countless times, Xu Yueqing finally collected a lot of wood.

Xu Yueqing looked at the four wooden stakes, a flash of grievance flashed in her eyes.God knows how she dragged the wooden stake as thick as two legs to the beach, and half her life was lost for this thing.

It might be due to the humid climate here, and the destructive power of the bugs in the forest. Xu Yueqing managed to find four wooden stakes among the rotting leaves and branches.

"I have all the materials, so it's just a question of building a shed. Where is the best place to build it? Well... Let me see, ah, it's better to build it on the chin of the coconut tree over there!"

When Xu Yueqing's gaze focused on the coconut tree, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and a gleam of excitement flashed across her face.Xu Yueqing moved all the wood under the coconut tree again, and looked at the fallen leaves on the ground with a happy smile on her face.

With difficulty, the wooden stakes were erected, and they drilled hard into the sand to fix the wooden stakes.She reached out and tore the leaves of the coconut tree into strips, and then wrapped them around the wood to fix all the branches. The excellent toughness made Xu Yueqing's eyes flash with satisfaction.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how many times Xu Yueqing failed. Finally, a small crooked wooden shed appeared in front of Xu Yueqing.Although this shed does not serve any purpose, maybe the wooden branches tied around it can act as a little wind, but if it rains, it will definitely not be able to stop it.

However, this result has made Xu Yueqing very satisfied.Xu Yueqing carefully dragged Zhuo Xiangyu into the shed, trying to minimize the pain caused to Zhuo Xiangyu.

"God, I'm a Robinson Crusoe! I never realized that I would be so powerful. Can I write down my own story and publish it to make money to make up for my wounded heart?"

Xu Yueqing looked at this simple shed, four pillars stood there, and then all of them were tied together with coconut trees, and many wooden branches were tied between the pillars and on the pillars, the overall shape was like It's a tent with a pointy top!
"Phew, finally, it's time to solve the problem of appetite. After being hungry for so long, I still can't keep up with the slightest hunger. Could it be that I'm starting to develop in the direction of a savage?"

To be honest, Xu Yueqing's current appearance is indeed very embarrassing.Because I have traveled through the forest many times, and it was a lot of trouble when I built the shed.Xu Yueqing's originally white and smooth skin was now covered with scars, many of which were even oozing blood, which looked terrifying.

Not to mention the soles of Xu Yueqing's feet, walking in the forest full of branches and stones, Xu Yueqing's feet were already horrible.Stepping on her unconscious foot, Xu Yueqing carried back the Haihong that she had dug earlier.

"I seem to have read it in a book before, um, we need to use some dry weeds, and then stuff them into this hole. Pick up a wooden stick, insert it into the weeds, and rotate the palm of your hand quickly... It seems that you have to consider the angle The problem…"

Xu Yueqing squatted in the shed, lowered her head and muttered to herself, moving her hands quickly.That's right, she's working on a great old project right now: drilling wood to make fire!

Xu Yueqing no longer knew when she had read related materials about drilling wood to make fire, but the contents of that book now clearly emerged in Xu Yueqing's mind.Xu Yueqing pursed her lips tightly, trying to move her hands again and again.

Xu Yueqing didn't know how many times she had failed, she even wanted to quit!But no, she can't give up!Fire is an essential factor for survival in the wild, because it can not only roast things and scare away wild animals that are afraid of fire, but it can also be used as a distress signal, so that ships passing around the island can find them!

Xu Yueqing's eyes were already in a trance, and now she was moving completely by feeling numb.There is only one thought in her mind, and that is to keep drilling, drilling, drilling!
"Ah! This is... I succeeded! God, I actually succeeded! This is really great, woo woo woo...Xiang Yu, did you see that I succeeded! I finally got a fire!"

Xu Yueqing looked down casually, and suddenly found a layer of gray smoke coming out of the place where she drilled.Xu Yueqing blinked in disbelief, and when a pinch of small flames burst out, Xu Yueqing finally couldn't help crying out in surprise, the strong excitement made her consciously unable to control her emotions and burst out crying.

"Ahem...well, yes, Qingqing, it's great that you succeeded. My Qingqing is awesome!"

Suddenly, an extremely weak voice sounded from beside Xu Yueqing, who was still crying and sad, suddenly choked, with tears on her face, she turned her head and looked in Zhuo Xiangyu's direction in a daze .

I saw that the person who was in a coma woke up at some point, tilting his head, with a smile on his handsome face, his eyes were full of encouragement and pride, and more of them were pampering.

"Xiangyu! You're awake!" Xu Yueqing reacted suddenly, and hurriedly grabbed a handful of grass and threw it on the flames to prevent the flames from extinguishing.Then she leaped towards Zhuo Xiangyu's position.

"Yeah, I woke up just now. I didn't bother you because I saw you were busy all the time. That's great. Did Qingqing do this all by herself? Qingqing is really amazing."

Xu Yueqing dared to swear that she had never seen such a weak Zhuo Xiangyu, just saying such a sentence, Zhuo Xiangyu gasped several times.Looking at Zhuo Xiangyu's lifeless eyes and the abnormal flush on his face, Xu Yueqing couldn't help frowning tightly.

Xu Yueqing stretched out her hand to touch Zhuo Xiangyu's forehead without hesitation, she was taken aback, and a trace of fear flashed across her face.She stared at Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes, a smile uglier than crying appeared on her face, and her voice trembled slightly.

"God, Xiangyu, you have a fever! I feel like my hands are going to be roasted. This is not good. In this situation, your fever must be suppressed. It must be caused by your injury." !"

Zhuo Xiangyu smiled slightly, of course he knew he had a fever, because he felt his whole body was heating up.Seeing Xu Yueqing smiling at him despite the deep anxiety in his eyes, Zhuo Xiangyu's heart was filled with happiness.

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