ex-wife, get married

Chapter 107 The Sudden Tsunami

The strong wind picked up suddenly, and the waves on the sea were very big. The height of the waves caused all the people on the coast to scream piercingly.All of a sudden, the crowd running around screamed one after another, and the beach was extremely chaotic.

"Run! It's a tsunami! Help!" All kinds of languages ​​said the same words.There was a hint of fear and a touch of despair on everyone's faces, and they ran away from the sea like a [-]-meter sprint.

Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't help but widen his eyes, which were filled with bloodshot eyes, and looked at the place where Xu Yueqing disappeared with a ferocious expression.The waves just now were really too sudden, neither Xu Yueqing nor Zhuo Xiangyu could react, so Zhuo Xiangyu could only watch helplessly as Xu Yueqing was swept away by the waves.

Zhuo Xiangyu took a deep breath, jumped into the sea without hesitation, and swam quickly towards the place where Xu Yueqing disappeared.The resistance of the sea water is very strong, and Zhuo Xiangyu swims very hard, even several times the sea water hits him instead of advancing and retreating.

Not far away, a hazy black figure appeared in front of Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he swam faster in that direction.Limbs were swinging powerfully and quickly, Zhuo Xiangyu stretched out a hand and kept groping for that black shadow.

"Puff! Cough cough! Xiangyu, is that you Xiangyu?" Zhuo Xiangyu jumped out of the sea holding Xu Yueqing in his arms. Xu Yueqing kept coughing and screaming in a panic. She once again felt the approach of death.

"Hmm." A wave came over again, submerging Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Xiangyu at the same time.Zhuo Xiangyu tightly hugged Xu Yueqing's slender waist, and struggled to poke his head out of the sea water again.

"Qingqing, it's me. There's a tsunami, don't be afraid, I'm here. Qingqing, hold me, don't let go, I will protect you!"

Xu Yueqing couldn't open her eyes, she could only nod her head indiscriminately, and hugged Zhuo Xiangyu tightly with her arms.The sound of the surrounding waves was very loud, and the whistling of the wind was like the shrieking sound of Ghost Li, which was ear-piercing and uncomfortable.

Xu Yueqing's heart was full of fear, she did not expect to encounter a tsunami suddenly.This is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. In the event of a tsunami, the chances of human beings surviving are basically zero!

"Qingqing, you..." Zhuo Xiangyu's voice was in the sea water again.The two of them turned over on the bottom of the sea, and then swam towards the surface of the sea again with the efforts of Zhuo Xiangyu.

However, no matter how hard the two of them tried, they were getting farther and farther away from the shore amidst the tumbling waves.Soon, Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing disappeared completely on the sea.

"Daddy! Mommy! Where are you?" Zhuo Nianqi's eyes were full of anxiety, his face was very solemn, and he kept shuttling among the crowd who had just been rescued from the sea.

Originally he was reading a book in the library, but suddenly, the weather outside became gloomy, which made Zhuo Nianqi feel ominous.

Sure enough, after knowing that a tsunami had occurred on the island, Zhuo Nianqi couldn't help but want to run towards the beach.But his actions were stopped, and the rescue operation on the island was still very fast. Zhuo Nianqi in the library was quickly transferred to a safe place by the rescue team.

The time of the tsunami was very short, and soon, the sea gradually calmed down.The dark clouds in the sky also slowly dissipated, revealing the blue sky and dazzling sunlight, everything seemed like nothing had happened.

The remaining young people gathered together and vented their fears constantly.Some people couldn't help crying, the experience was really scary.

"Daddy! Mummy! I'm Nianqi, where are you? Mummy! If you hear me, answer me quickly, I'm Nianqi, where are you!"

Zhuo Nianqi shuttled through the crowd again and again, shouting frantically, but unfortunately did not get the slightest response.His complexion became more and more serious, and the bad feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

Zhuo Xiangyu stood there blankly, a little confusion flashed across his face.Immediately afterwards, his expression changed again, his pale lips were tightly pressed together, and he quickly ran towards the beach.

"Impossible. Nothing will happen to Daddy and Mommy. Maybe they hid behind a certain rock by the sea. With Daddy's ability, he will definitely protect Mommy!"

Zhuo Nianqi muttered in a low voice, and the small figure came to the beach in a flash.On the surface of the sea, there are still many search and rescue ships that are constantly swimming into the deep sea, searching for the tourists who may be caught in the sea.

"Children, we can't go through the front for the time being. We're not sure if there will be a tsunami. Where's your daddy and mommy? Or other relatives? They will be anxious if they can't find you. You should go back quickly."

A rescuer wearing a life jacket hurriedly stopped Zhuo Nianqi's body, with a hint of disapproval on his face.But his tone was still very gentle, comforting Zhuo Nianqi, hoping that he would stay away from the seaside as soon as possible.

Zhuo Nianqi was stopped again, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and he looked anxiously towards the seashore.His face changed a little, and he suddenly raised his head to stare at the rescuers in front of him, with a hint of pity and bewilderment on his small face.

"Uncle, I, my daddy and mommy are gone, I want to come and look for them. I'm so scared, will something happen to daddy and mommy? Uncle, I'm so scared, woo..."

His pale face and big eyes full of mist looked at the rescuers pitifully, his tone was full of hesitation and fear, and his small body trembled slightly.Such Zhuo Nianqi fell in the eyes of the other party, which immediately aroused pity in the other party's heart.

"Kids, don't be afraid, the uncles will help you find your daddy and mommy. You stay here obediently, and don't go near the beach. Uncle will help you find your daddy and mommy, okay? "

Zhuo Nianqi nodded vigorously, his immature face was full of trust, and his obedient appearance made the rescuers nod.He waved at Zhuo Nianqi, turned around and walked towards the beach, whispering something in the ear of what looked like the head of a rescuer, and at the same time pointed in Zhuo Nianqi's direction.

Zhuo Nianqi looked back at the other party innocently, nodded at the leader, and then quickly walked towards the rescue boat by the sea.His heart relaxed slightly, and then he quietly left the spot while others were not paying attention, and ran towards the rock on the other side.

"Daddy, Mommy, are you here? Answer me if you are, I am Nianqi!" Zhuo Nianqi struggled to shuttle among the rocks. This is the only place to take refuge by the sea. If so, Zhuo Nianqi can basically be sure that Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing were indeed killed.

Zhuo Nianqi breathed out, he had been looking here for a long time, and he looked at the returning search and rescue boat on the sea, and there was no familiar figure at all.He couldn't help biting his lips tightly, and the thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly.

"Daddy and Mommy are missing. I can't do it alone. Daddy came here to discuss business. If I remember correctly, that person seems to be Lin... Lin Zhongshu? Yes, he and Daddy He is a good friend, I can ask him for help!"

Zhuo Nianqi closed his eyes and thought about any solution quickly. After thinking of Lin Zhongshu, a trace of surprise flashed across his face.Zhuo Nianqi didn't hesitate anymore, and ran quickly towards their villa. Daddy's mobile phone was in the villa, and he had to contact Lin Zhongshu quickly.

Lin Zhongshu was sitting leisurely in the office, with his legs crossed and resting on the desk in front of him, shaking constantly.This appearance made the secretary who walked in couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips. Although the big boss has a cheerful personality, he can't just ignore his image in the company.

"Dinglingling..." Suddenly, the mobile phone on the desk rang, Lin Zhongshu looked at the caller ID of the mobile phone, and gave a soft snort, shouldn't Zhuo Xiangyu be on vacation on the island now, why did he suddenly call me ?
"Hello? Xiangyu, what's the matter, do you miss me..." Lin Zhongshu put the phone to his ear, with a smile on his face, and opened his mouth with a series of teasing words.

"Hello, are you Uncle Lin? I'm Zhuo Nianqi, the son of Zhuo Xiangyu. There was a tsunami on the island just now. My daddy and mommy were swimming in the sea, but now they are missing. I want you to help me." Find my daddy and mommy, I will thank you very much."

A childish voice interrupted Lin Zhongshu's words, Zhuo Nianqi quickly finished what he wanted to say, he couldn't wait to save people, he had to hurry up.

"What did you say!" Lin Zhongshu was taken aback and wanted to jump up, but he forgot that his legs were hanging in the air, so with a "bang" sound of the meat shield, Lin Zhongshu fell to the ground in a very indecent posture.

The secretary couldn't help being even more speechless. When will my boss be more stable? This appearance is really too scary to look at directly.Lin Zhongshu naturally didn't know that his secretary was despising him in his heart, he didn't care about the pain in his buttocks, and hurriedly hugged the phone and shouted.

"You wait, I'll take someone to the island and help you find Xiangyu and his wife!" After hanging up the phone, Lin Zhongshu quickly ordered his secretary, and left the office quickly, his face full of tears. dignified.

Lin Zhongshu's movements were very fast, and within half an hour, Zhuo Nianqi met Lin Zhongshu who was rushing over by helicopter at the beach.Zhuo Nianqi watched the helicopter descend slowly in front of him, and a handsome face appeared in front of him.

"Are you Zhuo Nianqi? Come up quickly, let's go find Zhuo Xiangyu and his wife." The two of them didn't care to talk about anything else, Zhuo Nianqi quickly boarded the helicopter under Lin Zhongshu's signal, and the two Individuals started a search and rescue at sea.

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