Bai Qingqing looked at Liu Yin's smiling face, hesitated for a moment, and said, "That's fine."

"Let's go." Liu Yin turned and walked towards her home.

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Liu Yin looked at Bai Qingqing suspiciously.Bai Qingqing turned around and walked towards the man who fell on the ground.The man on the ground was still rejoicing that Bai Qingqing and Liu Yin had finally left, but when he saw Bai Qingqing walking towards him, the man felt that his end had come.

Bai Qingqing looked down at the man, sneered, raised her foot and kicked the man's face fiercely without saying a word, one kick, two kicks, three kicks...

"Let you bully my aunt! Let you pull my arm! You screwed up!"

After Bai Qingqing was tired from kicking, she wiped her forehead, looked at Liu Yin who was already sluggish, and said, "Let's go!"

She strode forward, but she didn't see Liu Yin following after walking several steps, she turned her head and said, "Let's go! What are you doing in a daze?"

Only then did Liu Yin regain his senses, quickly followed Bai Qingqing, walked a few steps and suddenly said: "Qingqing..."

Bai Qingqing said impatiently: "What's the matter?"

"My house is on the other side..."


After Bai Qingqing arrived at Liu Yin's house, she fell asleep on the bed, and after Liu Yin took a shower, seeing Bai Qingqing sleeping peacefully on the bed, she couldn't help but move closer to Bai Qingqing's face.Liu Yin looked at Bai Qingqing, who was close at hand, and looked at her pink and jelly-like red lips, suddenly felt a little dry, and suddenly wanted to kiss the red lips in front of her.

getting closer... getting closer...

Just when she was about to kiss, Bai Qingqing moved suddenly, so that Liu Yin kissed the corner of Bai Qingqing's mouth.

Liu Yin looked at Bai Qingqing who was still sleeping soundly, touched her lips again, shook her head helplessly, tucked the quilt for Bai Qingqing, turned and walked out of the room.

And all of this, Bai Qingqing in her sleep knew nothing about it.

Early the next morning, Bai Qingqing woke up hungry.

After Bai Qingqing woke up, she touched her rumbling stomach, put on a bitter face, and left the bedroom.

"Liu Yin Liu Yin." Bai Qingqing looked at the huge living room and called Liu Yin.

"Qingqing, I'm in the kitchen."

Bai Qingqing walked into the kitchen and saw Liu Yin wearing an apron preparing breakfast.Bai Qingqing came in and smelled it, and said, "Wow! Delicious preserved egg and lean meat porridge!"

Seeing Bai Qingqing's appearance as a greedy cat, Liu Yin couldn't help laughing, and said, "Wipe your drool quickly, little greedy cat!"

"Huh? Is there any saliva?" Bai Qingqing touched the corner of her mouth as a gesture, and said, "No..."

"Haha, little idiot!"


After eating breakfast, Bai Qingqing stroked her bulging belly and said with a satisfied face, "I feel so good to be alive..."

Liu Yin watched Bai Qingqing's movements, smiled, and said while cleaning up the dishes: "Don't lament your youth! Clean up and I'll take you out to play."

"Going out to play? Good, good, good!"

Sitting in Liu Yin's car, Bai Qingqing kept asking, "Where are you taking me?"

"Say it quickly?"

"Is that place fun?"

"Can you stop being mysterious?"

It wasn't until reaching that place that Bai Qingqing closed her mouth, and then looked around with her eyes wide open.

"Wow...Liu Yin, it's so beautiful here." Bai Qingqing looked at the large field of lavender in front of her and sighed.

"Yeah, let's go, I'll take you to a place like Ling!"

"Where are you going? This place is so beautiful..." Bai Qingqing reluctantly looked at the large expanse of lavender early in the morning, and then followed Liu Yin's pace.

When Bai Qingqing followed Liu Yin to that place, Bai Qingqing opened her mouth wide, unable to speak when she saw the beautiful scenery in front of her.

"How? It's amazing! The lavender is on the slope and we are on the top. So you can see all the landscape."

"It's so beautiful..." Bai Qingqing sighed as she looked at the lavender bushes under her feet.

And Liu Yin looked at Bai Qingqing, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said the same: "It's very beautiful..."

Bai Qingqing lay down on the grass under the tree when she was tired of watching, forgetting all her thoughts about the blue sky.

Liu Yin also lay down beside Bai Qingqing, and said, "Qingqing, why did you appear there yesterday?"

Bai Qingqing's expression instantly became very sad, she turned around, turned her back to Liu Yin, and said, "I don't want to say it."

"Then I won't ask."

There was a moment of silence, one looked at the sky and the other looked at the grass.

"Then why are you there?" Bai Qingqing interrupted the silence.

"Because..." Liu Yin did not continue.

Bai Qingqing was still looking at the grass, she saw a small bug fell off the blade of grass, but didn't climb up again, maybe it hurt from the fall.

Seeing that Liu Yin hadn't written anything for a long time, she asked again: "Why?"

"Because... the moon told me last night that my right girl was in trouble and asked me to help. Do you believe it?" Liu Yin said with a light smile.

There was another silence, just when Liu Yin thought Bai Qingqing would not answer.Bai Qingqing suddenly said: "I believe"

Liu Yin couldn't hide the joy in his eyes when he heard Bai Qingqing's words.Just as she was about to speak, she heard Bai Qingqing say again: "But it won't be me."

Liu Yin gave a wry smile and didn't speak any more.

And this game undoubtedly left a deep mark on the hearts of both of them.No matter how beautiful lavender is, it still can't hide the sadness of some people.Like him, like her.

Bai Qingqing lived at Liu Yin's house for two days, eating and sleeping every day, and Liu Yin couldn't be with Bai Qingqing all the time because of work, which made her extremely bored.Finally, after Liu Yin came home at night, Bai Qingqing said like a resentful woman: "Liu Yin, I'm going to die!"

Liu Yin looked at Bai Qingqing's mad face and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Bai Qingqing snatched the remote from Liu Yin's hand, turned off the TV with a slap, and said viciously: "Liu Yin, you are abusing me, do you know that! I only eat and sleep every day, and I am about to become a pig." It's gone!"

Liu Yin looked at Bai Qingqing's staring eyes, the black pupils reflected his face like a mirror, Liu Yin smiled lightly, and said, "Aren't you a pig!"

Bai Qingqing rushed in front of Liu Yin all at once, and before Liu Yin could react, she suddenly sat on Liu Yin's body, stretched out her hands, grabbed Liu Yin's face, and twisted it into a very strange shape.His expression resembled that of a robber who broke into a house.

Bai Qingqing squinted her eyes, looked at Liu Yin and said, "Stinky boy, believe it or not, the uncle has deposed you!"

Liu Yin very cooperatively pretended to be a good woman, with a pitiful expression, and said: "Master, I was wrong, please don't trample me!"

"Haha, the kid is very sensible!" Bai Qingqing was happy, completely oblivious to Liu Yin's flashing light.

I saw Liu Yin raised her leg violently, clamped Bai Qingqing between her legs, and hugged Bai Qingqing tightly with her hands. When she turned around, the two of them rolled onto the carpet in front of the sofa.

Bai Qingqing's expression still maintained the lascivious look just now, she just felt that the world had turned upside down, and when she opened her eyes again, she was already lying on the ground.

Liu Yin pressed on Bai Qingqing's body, grabbed Bai Qingqing's wrist with both hands, smiled evilly, and said, "Now, who is the uncle?"

Bai Qingqing had already cursed the eighteenth generation of Liu Yin's ancestors in her heart, and her expression was very dissatisfied. She glared at Liu Yin angrily, and said, "What can you do!"

Liu Yin gradually moved closer to Bai Qingqing, getting closer...

Bai Qingqing only felt that Liu Yin's face was getting bigger and bigger, until the tip of Liu Yin's nose touched Bai Qingqing's, Bai Qingqing finally realized it, closed her eyes and tried her best to break free: "Liu Yin, what are you doing!"

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