"Ding dong ding dong." Bai Qingqing rang the doorbell of the mansion.

The one who came out to open the door was a woman in her 40s, dressed very stylishly. Bai Qingqing originally guessed that she might be Lin Dongdong's mother, but when she heard her speak, she was not sure.

"Are you the teacher of Dongdong Kindergarten who called me today?"

Bai Qingqing nodded, "You are... Sister Zhou?"

Originally, she wanted to call her Aunt Zhou, but Bai Qingqing thought that she would definitely be unhappy if she was called that, so she changed her name.

Sure enough, she grinned when she heard her name. "Come in!"

Bai Qingqing followed her into the mansion.As soon as you enter the mansion, you can feel the luxury of the mansion even more. The marble floor under your feet is so bright that even people can be seen when they bow their heads.Rich people will enjoy it as expected.

"You change these shoes!" Bai Qingqing was about to step into the house when Sister Zhou threw a pair of green slippers in front of her.Staring at the pair of slippers in a daze for a second, Bai Qingqing began to take off her shoes.Rich people are really troublesome.

Bai Qingqing sat on the sofa, and Sister Zhou came over with a glass of boiling water.Bai Qingqing was about to ask her to sit down and talk about Lin Dongdong's affairs, when Miss Zhou suddenly called out, "Sir!"

Follow Sister Zhou's gaze.I saw a man in his 50s wearing a shirt coming down the escalator.Bai Qingqing was slightly startled, and stood up from the sofa.The man looked at Bai Qingqing and asked, "This is...?"

Sister Zhou replied, "It's the teacher from Dongdong School, who said he came here for a home visit."

Unexpectedly, the master would appear suddenly, Bai Qingqing looked a little unnatural, even though it was unnatural, she still greeted him with a smile. "Hello! You are Mr. Lin!"

"Well, what's your name?" Lin Zhengyuan nodded, but his attitude was kind.

"My surname is Bai." This was Bai Qingqing's first home visit, so she was a little nervous.Lin Dongdong was only six years old, and he seemed to be in his 50s, so he seemed old enough.

"It turned out to be Miss Bai. I didn't expect Dongdong's teacher to be so young and beautiful."

Bai Qingqing didn't know how to respond to Lin Zhengyuan's praise, so she had to keep smiling.After a pause, Lin Zhengyuan said again, "I heard that you are here for a home visit?"

"Yes." Bai Qingqing nodded.

"Then come to my study later!" Lin Zhengyuan said a few words to Sister Zhou and went upstairs.

Sister Zhou stared at Bai Qingqing who was standing there in a daze, her attitude suddenly changed for some reason, and she said angrily, "Mister asked you to go up to his study, what are you still doing here?"

Bai Qingqing didn't think she could react at all. In fact, she really wanted to talk, so she just chatted for a few days. It was fine in the living room, and she was asked to go to the study, why did she feel so awkward.However, since the master let go, and she came to the door on her own initiative, she still had to sacrifice for Dongdong's future.Thinking about it, Bai Qingqing turned around and wanted to go upstairs, but just took two steps, she stopped suddenly, and looked at Sister Zhou with an embarrassed expression, "Well, where is the study?"

The Lin family's mansion is so big, and she has never been here before, so she can't guarantee that she can find out exactly where the study is once she goes upstairs!
"Go upstairs and turn left to the fourth room." Sister Zhou said angrily, her tone was very cold.

Bai Qingqing turned around, stuck out her tongue, and went upstairs.After going upstairs, turn left and walk to the door of the fourth room. After a moment of hesitation, Bai Qingqing raised her hand and was about to knock on the door when it opened suddenly.It was only then that Bai Qingqing discovered that the door turned out to be remote controlled and automatic!She has finally seen the high technology of rich people. It seems that even Lin Ying's family doesn't have this kind of door!
"Miss Bai, please come in!" Seeing her standing at the door, Lin Zhengyuan said.

Bai Qingqing walked in hesitantly, and the moment he entered, the door slammed shut automatically.Bai Qingqing was startled.Lin Zhengyuan asked somewhat apologetically. "Didn't scare you?"

"No." Bai Qingqing said insincerely, waving her hands.But in my heart I was depressed to death.If you do home visits in the future, you must do your homework first.If she had known in advance that the Lin family was such a rich family, she would not have come here so impulsively.

"You sit." Lin Zhengyuan pointed to a black leather sofa.

Bai Qingqing sat up uncomfortably.

"Mr. Lin, I came here just to talk to you..."

"Miss Bai, do you like tea or coffee?" Before Bai Qingqing could finish speaking, Lin Zhengyuan interrupted her.

"Tea." Bai Qingqing said in a daze.In fact, she wanted to say it very much, but she didn't dare to be interested. She just wanted to finish talking quickly and leave!
But this person doesn't seem to be what she wants.Lin Zhengyuan picked up the pager and said to the other end, "Xiao Zhou, come over for a cup of Longjing."

Soon, Xiao Zhou came up with a cup of steaming Longjing. Without even looking at Bai Qingqing, he smiled and walked directly to Lin Zhengyuan, "Sir, you want the Longjing."

Lin Zhengyuan pointed at Bai Qingqing, "Give it to Miss Bai!"

Xiao Zhou's face froze for a moment before he turned around and walked up to Bai Qingqing, "Miss Bai, your tea."

"Thank you!" Bai Qingqing went to pick it up with both hands. Just as she touched the teacup, sister Zhou's hand suddenly moved, and a piece of hot tea poured out, gradually reaching Bai Qingqing's hand. Bai Qingqing took a deep breath in pain, I almost didn't connect the teacup firmly.

"Miss Bai, be careful!" Sister Zhou stared at her with strange eyes, Bai Qingqing endured the pain in her hand, held the teacup firmly with a wry smile, and said two words, "Thank you!"

But I felt more and more hairy in my heart. The Lin family felt so weird.Of course, what made her even more puzzled was that she hadn't seen the hostess show up after coming here for so long, as if she wasn't there!
Seeing that sister Zhou left the study room, there were only Bai Qingqing and Lin Zhengyuan left in the room.Bai Qingqing put the tea on the coffee table, trying to stay calm.

"Can we talk about Lin Dongdong?" Bai Qingqing said with a smile.

"What's wrong with Dongdong, is he not doing well in school?" Lin Zhengyuan walked around from the desk and sat down on the sofa next to Bai Qingqing.Lin Zhengyuan was a bit middle-aged, and when he sat on the sofa, the sofa sank.

"Not really, Dongdong this morning..."

"Miss Bai, your hands are so white, you really live up to your surname!" Lin Zhengyuan said as he wanted to touch Bai Qingqing's hand, but fortunately Bai Qingqing reacted quickly and avoided it calmly.Damn, why are you so unlucky!Seeing Lin Zhengyuan's revealed nature, Bai Qingqing finally understood her situation.

Looking at the "door" with no doorknob in shock, Bai Qingqing felt as if she wanted to cry.

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