By the time we got back to the apartment, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.Bai Qingqing took a nap in the bedroom.

On the way, Gu Moyang called Bai Qingqing and told her to settle the lunch by herself.

There were scattered lunch boxes on the table, and she ate takeaway again at noon.

Frowning, Gu Moyang tidied up his things.

"Qingqing, wake up!" At two o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Moyang called Bai Qingqing up.

Bai Qingqing rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked, "When did you come back?" She was so sleepy that she didn't even know when he came back.

"I woke up after taking a nap when I came back! Don't be bored in the house all day, let's go and take you out to play."

"where to play?"

I remembered that because of the party yesterday, I didn't go out to have a good time, except that I went to the mountain to watch the sunrise in the morning.I still felt a little regretful at first, but I didn't expect Gu Moyang to be so caring, as if he could understand her mind.

"Just follow me!" Gu Moyang made a fool of himself.

Bai Qingqing got up, dressed up, and put on a more casual outfit.

Looking at her clothes, Gu Moyang nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go!"

The car took Bai Qingqing to the beach.Seeing the vast and boundless sea, Bai Qingqing became excited. She has liked the sea since she was a child. City C is not far from the sea, and it takes about an hour's drive to get there.She wanted to come early.

Bai Qingqing stared at Gu Moyang and asked, "How do you know that I like the sea?"

Glancing at her, Gu Moyang said indifferently, "I guess."

With a smack of face, Bai Qingqing got out of the car, can't this guy say something interesting?For example, we have a heart-to-heart connection.

But because he just catered to her mind, she didn't care about him.

After getting out of the car, Bai Qingqing ran directly to the beach. "Slow down, take care of your stomach?" Gu Moyang muttered from behind. "Really, I'm already a mother, and I'm still like a child."

He forgot that she was actually not that old, a young and lively age.

Bai Qingqing vaguely heard his nagging, but she was in a good mood now, so she ignored him.Continue to run on the beach.

Tickets to this sea area are very expensive, there are not many tourists, the beach and sea area are well protected, and there is no garbage or the like.

Walking to the beach, Bai Qingqing took off her shoes and stood on the sand washed by the waves. "Help me take a picture!" Bai Qingqing looked at the person who was standing a few meters away and staring at her with her arms folded.

Gu Moyang reluctantly took out the camera from his backpack, Bai Qingqing's eyes lit up, it turned out to be a SLR camera!
No wonder he insisted on carrying a backpack when going out. At that time, Bai Qingqing thought he had a fever. Ever since she knew Gu Moyang, she had never seen him carry a backpack.A handsome and ruthless man is willing to carry a big backpack that is so ugly that it affects his image a lot. If Bai Qingqing wore glasses, the eyes would definitely fall off on the spot.

"Why are you carrying such a big backpack?" Bai Qingqing asked in confusion at the time.

That's what Gu Moyang told her at the time, "It's useful."

What Bai Qingqing didn't know was that Gu Moyang was also a photography enthusiast, and many of the works he took won awards and appeared in many very famous magazines and publications.

I didn't expect it to be used as a camera, Bai Qingqing smiled very romantically, and posed many nice poses, "Here, take a photo of this side as well. And here, I want to take a back view facing the sea."

Gu Moyang patiently satisfied her one by one.

Gu Moyang stared at his camera thoughtfully. When he suddenly wanted to learn photography many years ago, it was just to take pictures of various animals, even to take pictures of an African cheetah. sky.

He never took pictures except for animals, and once his brother asked him to take a single photo for him, he just shook his head and left, "You find someone else!"

He almost broke his brother's teeth at that time.

He didn't expect that many years later, he would use his superb photography skills for photographing animals and beasts to photograph a woman.

"How about taking a photo of us together, we haven't even taken a photo together!" Bai Qingqing walked over and hugged Gu Moyang's arm.



"We took pictures together."

Quack, "When?" How could she not know?Could it be this guy who secretly took pictures while she was asleep?Do you want to be so BT?Bai Qingqing's face became more and more ugly.

Gu Moyang patted her on the head amusedly, "Didn't you just think about it again, didn't we take pictures when we got married?"

Bai Qingqing's face was instantly covered with black lines. He was referring to the one printed on the certificate during registration.

"That doesn't count." Fortunately, he figured it out.

"Why don't you count it?" Gu Moyang said. "Isn't it a group photo?" Or did the photographer upload it with Photoshop software P?
"Okay, okay, do the math. Can't you take a few photos with me?"

This man, with such a beautiful face, can even take a picture and talk about it for a long time, really!

So student Gu could only obey his wife's instructions, "Put your pose, I don't want me to be so handsome, but you will affect my beauty!" Lift up the camera, point it, and click it.A perfect group photo was taken.The background is the blue sea.

The two walked along the beach for a while, "Do you want to go to the nearby Haiquan Hotel?" Gu Moyang asked.

Bai Qingqing shrank her neck, remembering that time in Shuguo Town, the first time she entered the bathing center in her life, but was caught for a day trip in the police station, no wonder there were no sequelae!
As if seeing her worry, Gu Moyang smiled, "Don't worry, it's safe."

This sea village resort has a history of several decades, and it takes a high-end route.How can it be compared with Shuguo Town before it entered development?
Here, even if someone is involved in Huang, looking for a lady to serve you, the blatant group P will be fine!As long as there is no such vicious thing as murder and arson, even if the person in charge knows about it, he will turn a blind eye.

"Really safe?"

"What is safe cannot be more safe."

"Can you promise?"

"I can guarantee it!"

Bai Qingqing was finally relieved, she didn't want to suddenly cause trouble when a group of people came in while she was washing.How depressing that is. "Let's go!" Bai Qingqing hugged Gu Moyang's arm happily.

Last time in Shuguo Town, I didn't enjoy it well, so I must enjoy it this time.

Take Bai Qingqing into a five-star Haiquan Hotel.As soon as they entered the door, the hostess who was just welcoming stood in a long row, counting, there were five or six of them.

With such an air, the pearls of Bai Qingqing's eyes almost fell out of shock.

Take a look at the lobby, the luxury level, the bathing center in Shuguo Town, even if you take ten, there is no way to compare! ——
(There may be four chapters today~)

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