It is said that a woman's heart is a needle in the sea, and sometimes a man's mind is also a needle in a haystack.

Gu Moyang is such a person.

When he is quiet, you have no idea what he is thinking.Sometimes he looks obviously indifferent, but inadvertently gives you an unexpected surprise.

For example, helping her pay off Lin Ying's huge debt of 1000 million overnight.

Another example, when you go to get the certificate, he can prepare everything without you knowing.

For another example, when you really want to eat something, he can conjure it up for you without saying a word.

Thinking of this, wait, what did she just think of, by the way, get the certificate.Bai Qingqing looked at Gu Moyang with weird eyes, and Gu Moyang was also raising his eyes, the two eyes met, Gu Moyang was stunned for a moment, his eyes were unhappy, "What's wrong?"

This woman likes to make all kinds of oolong incidents for him.

People are always overwhelmed.

"Well, I'm eighteen the day after tomorrow." Bai Qingqing said with a smack.

"And then?" Gu Moyang raised his eyebrows.

Frowning, Bai Qingqing dropped her chopsticks and touched her bloated stomach. "Well, I'm just curious about one thing. Are we legally married couples who have obtained a certificate and married?"

"Yes." Gu Moyang's face became even more displeased. I don't know what this woman is thinking in her head. Should I ask this matter? She obviously brought it up first. Could it be that she regretted it?That's not okay!

"I'm going to be eighteen the day after tomorrow, how did you do it?" Are the laws of their country so unprincipled?Married under eighteen? !

Gu Moyang took a piece of tissue and wiped her mouth gracefully.Lifting those bright star-like eyes, there was a hint of a smile in them.This woman, the reaction is too slow!

"Do you remember the staff who received the certificate for us that day?" Gu Moyang began to guide her.

"Remember!" He looked like that, with whiskers on his face.They were also specially called to go to a separate VIP room.It doesn't matter if she is not impressed!
Gu Moyang glanced at her deeply, and got up.Leave Bai Qingqing to think alone.

Although Bai Qingqing is not yet eighteen, but he has a lot of ways.The staff member flew over overnight after making a phone call. Their marriage registration is not counted in the mainland.

There are some things that Bai Qingqing doesn't mention, and she doesn't need to know.As long as she is his, that's fine.

The next day, Bai Qingqing got up early and went to kindergarten as usual.Being a preschool teacher is not easy. Getting up early is a big task, and it requires a certain amount of perseverance.It's okay in summer, but it's even harder in winter!

Fortunately, Bai Qingqing liked this job, if she didn't like it, it would be a day of torture.

This is why the kindergarten teacher industry is so fluid now.

Some people complain that they are tired after a few days of work, and they feel that the work is trivial and complicated, so they don't want to do it.There is often a shortage of teachers in the kindergartens.This kind of phenomenon is fine in formal kindergartens, but in less formal kindergartens, it is basically a hard-hit area.

Therefore, the current kindergarten tuition fees are also increasing year by year, and it is the kind that cannot be lowered.

In the kindergarten office, Bai Qingqing yawned and slept a little late last night. There is no doubt that it must have the most direct connection with Gu Moyang.

Ever since he asked Duo Niang what, Gu Moyang always tried every means, tried all means, said all kinds of good things, and changed ways to get Bai Qingqing to agree to his unreasonable needs.

Bai Qingqing refused him to come and go, just one move, and took the baby as the top.But it doesn't work every time. When Gu Moyang gets up like a beast, let alone his son, even his own father, he will ignore it as usual.

Fortunately, his movements are still gentle, and he is not as demanding as a beast. At most, it will only be once, not many times like their first time.

Thinking of those shy scenes, Bai Qingqing blushed slightly.

Xiao Yueqi walked to her desk without anyone noticing, took a book and patted the corner of the desk, "Qingqing, you are really amazing!"

"What's so great?" Bai Qingqing was puzzled.Is being great a compliment?But what to praise her for?

"I just got the news from the principal that the company across the street has withdrawn its plan to buy the bus sign in front of our kindergarten! It also promised not to open the company's gate to our side, that is to say, our place is still It will be as clean as before! Tell me quickly, what method did you use to convince them. Don't tell me, after shopping in the supermarket yesterday, you used some kind of beauty trick on them behind my back!"

Xiao Yueqi loves to joke.I also love gossip.He got to know Bai Qingqing well, so teasing was naturally inevitable.

"You mean, you mean... Occasionally!" Bai Qingqing suddenly danced nervously, hugged Xiao Yueqi and danced for a while before letting her go.

Xiao Yueqi didn't expect her reaction to be so intense, and she was obviously taken aback. "You don't know yet?"

Don't tell her she knows it later than she does.

Bai Qingqing sticks out her tongue guiltily, she really just found out.Of course, she knew that Gu Moyang must have done something again.This guy, what exactly is he doing in the Gu Corporation?

The curiosity in my heart became more and more vigorous, like a bowl of ink splashed on white paper, quickly spreading around.

When you look back, you must make up your mind to dig.

Don't look at Bai Qingqing's sometimes unreasonable and aggressive appearance on the surface, but in fact, when facing Gu Moyang, she always becomes a little bit weaker, a little bit weak, and a little bit withdrawn.

She has always had an intangible barrier in her heart. She is very afraid that her peaceful and beautiful life will be broken by something, and then it will shatter after falling to the ground like a crystal glass ornament.

Gu Moyang is evil, good-looking and handsome.At the same time, the conversation is also extraordinary.There is also that aristocratic aura that she does not want to admit that she has always tried her best to ignore.

These made her feel guilty for a while.

The longer she lived with Gu Moyang, the stronger a certain thought in her heart became.She was very afraid that one day, someone would come and tell her that she and him were not from the same world.

At that time, all her things will collapse.

Xiao Yueqi didn't understand Bai Qingqing's thoughts, she only knew that this matter must have been resolved by her boyfriend Gu Moyang.The envy for her in his eyes deepened, "Qingqing, you are so lucky, when good things are coming, don't forget me."

What Xiao Yueqi said made Bai Qingqing feel guilty for a while, the good thing has already passed!
Going back that day, Gu Moyang took Bai Qingqing to meet someone she didn't expect.The other party was a woman in her forties, and her first impression on Bai Qingqing was two words, noble and elegant.
The third update~
Some time ago, I was interrupted for a few days due to some personal matters. I am very sorry for the relatives who follow the article.

I will be working more frequently recently.

The update time is 8:14, 20:[-], and [-]:[-] (according to the vertical and horizontal time).Add more words will be irregular.

In the next chapter, classmate Qingqing will officially meet with Gu's mother.

The people and things of Gu's Group will also become the main thread.

I hope you will like the following story~~

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