"Today is September [-]th. It's a very good day. There will only be more people who come to get the certificate. My husband and I also chose today! Afraid of too many people, we came so early on purpose. You and your husband are the same, right?" Li Qing'e said with a smile.

Bai Qingqing silently cast a questioning look at the silent Gu Moyang, did this guy already know that today is a special day?
Gu Moyang raised his eyebrows.It seems to be saying, look, I told you to come over earlier and you complained.

When the two came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau after receiving their certificates, there was a long queue of people outside.

"I'm afraid some of the staff won't be able to get their overtime work today!" Bai Qingqing muttered.

Holding up the certificate in her hand, Bai Qingqing couldn't help giggling as she looked at the name of the spouse.

I really didn't expect that I would get married like this.

Suddenly, Bai Qingqing seemed to remember a very serious matter, turned her head and stared at Gu Moyang. "You seem to have forgotten one thing, my dear husband."

"what's up?"

"Where's the wedding dress? I don't even seem to be wearing a wedding dress!" She felt that she was the most tragic bride in the world.

She didn't wear a wedding dress, and didn't have a proposal ring, so she became a wife.It's too embarrassing, isn't it?

Gu Moyang seemed to have been prepared, snapped his fingers, and pushed Bai Qingqing into the car.

"Where are you going?" Bai Qingqing asked in a whisper.

"Bridal shop."

The three words successfully made Bai Qingqing shut up.

The wedding dress, Gu Moyang, had been booked a long time ago. Not only did she pre-order the wedding dress, but she also did something that Bai Qingqing could never have imagined.

When Gu Moyang, who was wearing a white suit, led Bai Qingqing, who was wearing a beautiful wedding dress, into the church.

Bai Qingqing was too surprised to say anything.

It turns out, this guy, he has already arranged everything!

It was a very simple wedding ceremony, and there were only a few unfamiliar faces in the church, but Bai Qingqing was very satisfied.

Gu Moyang put the ring on Bai Qingqing's finger, and kissed her deeply on the forehead.

The pastor said with a smile on his face, "Congratulations to the groom and Sina for becoming husband and wife today. I wish you two will be together forever and grow old together."

There was a round of applause from the audience.

Bai Qingqing thanked those who volunteered to watch the ceremony with a face full of shame.

Turning his face away, he gave Gu Moyang a hard look, and said to him with his lips: "I'll settle the score with you when I get back!"

How could such a big matter be kept from her!

Of course, the complaints are also full of sweetness and surprise.Unexpectedly, Gu Moyang could do so many things in just one night.This guy's work efficiency is really not generally high.

But this also confirmed one point, that is, Bai Qingqing still has a good eye for men.

"How about we go on our honeymoon?" Gu Moyang suggested, hugging Bai Qingqing who had already removed her makeup.

Bai Qingqing's brows were happy, but she collapsed in an instant, "Didn't you say you are married, I don't have time to play, if you take too long leave, you will be suspected!"

Although Bai Qingqing and Gu Moyang are already married, but the two talked about it first and concealed their marriage first.

The hidden marriage was proposed by Gu Moyang. Bai Qingqing was very surprised at the time, but she didn't ask him why.He must have some last resort, Bai Qingqing thought.

Since it was his decision, she also fully respected him.

It just so happened that she didn't want others to know so early.

Even Lin Ying, she was hiding it.According to Lin Ying's temperament, knowing that she and Gu Moyang will definitely kill her after they get married, and with her uncontrollable mouth, the whole world will know about it in less than a day.

Especially Liu Yin, Bai Qingqing didn't know how to face him.

"Then...you can go there when you have time." Gu Moyang was a little disappointed, but there was nothing he could do.

"Well. Then it's settled, remember first, and you are not allowed to renege on your debts then."

Bai Qingqing counted the time of the holiday with her fingers, it happened to be the National Day next month, and there was enough time for a week to go out and play.

On the first day after marriage, the two had a meal in a western restaurant.After returning home, both of them were so tired that they fell asleep on the bed.

It was a peaceful day.

The next day, Bai Qingqing went to work as usual.

There is not much change between the two, but Gu Moyang took care of Bai Qingqing more thoughtfully than before.

And love her even more.

At work, the colleagues in the same office showed extraordinary enthusiasm for Bai Qingqing. Everyone rushed to chat with her when they were free. Even Ge Lili, who hadn't chatted with her for a few days before, warmly opened the water for her.

These actions surprised Bai Qingqing.

Ge Lili put the hot water on Bai Qingqing's desk, "Qingqing, this is your water."

"Thank you!" Bai Qingqing said gratefully.In her memory, this Ge Lili had always helped Li Dongyun fetch water before, so she didn't know why she took the initiative to fetch water for her today.

"You're welcome." Ge Lili wore a very bright light yellow dress today, which made her fair skin even fairer.

"Bai Qingqing, your boyfriend is really good-looking. Does he work in the Gu Corporation?" With a stride of her slender legs, Ge Lili sat directly on Bai Qingqing's desk, and chatted with Bai Qingqing very familiarly. God.

Bai Qingqing frowned calmly.

It turns out that the reason to show her so much enthusiasm is to inquire about Gu Moyang!She just said it.How could she suddenly treat her so well today.

"Yeah." Nodded.Bai Qingqing tidied up the things on the desk and was going to teach the children.

Ge Lili took a sip of water and asked again: "What position does he hold, tell me!"

Bai Qingqing was very depressed, not because she was too petty to say anything, but because...

"Sorry, I'm going to class..." Holding the courseware, Bai Qingqing walked out of the office as if fleeing.

After a class, Bai Qingqing came out of the classroom and on the way back to the office, she met the assistant principal who came to look for her. "The director asked you to go to his office."

"oh oh."

Bai Qingqing responded suspiciously.I don't know why the principal asked her to go to the office. Could it be something like telling her to pack up and leave?

After this period of time, Bai Qingqing gradually became more comfortable with the children.

She loves the job.Also loves working with kids.

"Did you say what it is?" Bai Qingqing asked.

The assistant shook his head, smiled and said, "I'm not too sure about this."

Bai Qingqing had no choice but to enter the director's office with apprehension.

"Principal, you are looking for me!" Bai Qingqing knocked on the door and entered the office. Principal Dai pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose.He looked up at Bai Qingqing.

Pointing to the rest chair, he said kindly, "Sit."

Bai Qingqing had no choice but to sit down with doubts.

Principal Dai ordered his assistant to pour a cup of tea for Bai Qingqing, and sat down on the rest chair beside him.

"It's been a while since you've been here, are you still getting used to it?" Principal Dai looked at Bai Qingqing with a smile.

"It's all okay, get used to it." Bai Qingqing replied cautiously.

Director Dai nodded, "Well, that's good." Then he went to take a sip of the tea on the table.Bai Qingqing didn't know what to say, nor did he know why he asked her to come over, so she just sat quietly.
(Second more)

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