Daddy run away, mommy is here

Chapter 67 How about a dance

Chapter 67 How about a dance
Staring down at the red wine in his hand, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know if Mr. Chen has heard that there is a second young master in the Gu Corporation?"

Although it was a questioning tone, it made Chen Anzhi confirm his conjecture.

The rumored second young master of the Gu family has been staying abroad for these years, and only came back recently because of Gu Xiuqi's death.Few people have seen his true face in Lushan.

"Could it be that you are the second young master of Gu's Group?" Originally, few people knew about the existence of Gu's Second Young Master, but when it comes to Gu's Group, as long as there are people who have been in the business world or paid attention to them, there are not many people who don't know. Know.

This time Gu Xing and I failed to successfully inherit the company, and it was a small shock in the entire business circle.Even Gu Ershao became known to the public overnight.

"Mr. Chen said it is." Gu Moyang didn't answer the question directly, but the more specious the tone, the more it would give people the illusion.

Bai Qingqing was depressed, she just let him make up an unknown son, she didn't ask him to pretend to be the second young master of Gu's Group!
What a sin.However, the second young master of Gu's Group was still such a hot figure in the business world a while ago.They are pretending to be others indiscriminately here now, if they are exposed, they will be embarrassed.

In a corner where no one was paying attention, Bai Qingqing pulled Gu Moyang to the side while everyone was not paying attention, "Gu Moyang, you are too bold, why are you pretending to be the second young master of the Gu Group! If this is exposed... "

There was a smile on the corner of Gu Moyang's mouth: "Don't worry, the second young master has never shown his face in front of outsiders? No one will find out."

Bai Qingqing thought about it and thought it was the same.Such a mysterious person, at least until now, has not appeared in the newspaper media, who knows if he is square or round!

Gu Moyang is still smart.

Bai Qingqing was finally convinced by his IQ.

"How about a dance?" The music sounded on the dance floor, and people slid into the center of the dance floor in pairs. Gu Moyang made an invitation gesture to Bai Qingqing.Bai Qingqing blushed.But there was no response.

Gu Moyang raised his eyebrows, "Why, don't you want to dance with me?" This was the first time Gu Moyang invited a female companion on his own initiative.Bai Qingqing didn't respond to him at all, which made him extremely upset.

"Well, I can't dance..."囧ah.Although she and Lin Ying had participated in similar banquets before, she had never learned such a high-tech dance.

It can be said that Bai Qingqing has no talent in dancing. Some boys once invited her and offered to teach her, but they all fled in defeat in the end.I remember one time at a dance party, a handsome guy surnamed Sun had a crush on her. After hearing about her glorious deeds, he was still not afraid of death and said that he would give it a try. As a result, within half an hour, that person was killed She stepped on it 108 times.This huge amount directly caused the handsome man surnamed Sun to swell his feet into a bun. From then on, he kept away from Bai Qingqing, and never dared to teach anyone how to dance.

Gu Moyang was slightly surprised between his brows, and then said: "It's okay, I'll teach you."

Unlike Bai Qingqing's idiot, Gu Moyang learned his dancing skills within 10 minutes. Someone once lamented that he is an out-and-out genius.

Bai Qingqing picked up a glass of boiled water on the table and took a sip to hide the embarrassment and embarrassment on her face.

"I think it's better not to..."

Before she could finish speaking, Gu Moyang took her hand and led her into the center of the dance floor together. "Such a good atmosphere, you should make good use of it, otherwise, wouldn't today be in vain?" Gu Moyang gave Bai Qingqing a comforting smile, "Don't worry, I have everything, you just need to follow me!"

Gu Moyang's words calmed Bai Qingqing's heart.

He said, just follow me.

For some reason, Bai Qingqing believed in him so much in her heart.

"Hmm." Bai Qingqing tried her best to calm down her nervousness.Following Gu Moyang's steps, he stumbled and moved.

Gu Moyang is a good dance partner and also a good teacher.Bai Qingqing's originally tense body relaxed so unknowingly.

The beautiful melody filled the whole room.


Suddenly, a sharp slap made the audience silent.

Bai Qingqing was unsteady and stepped on Gu Moyang's leather shoes.

"I'm sorry." Bai Qingqing looked embarrassed.

Gu Moyang frowned and said nothing.He raised his head and looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a pretty girl in a red waistcoat waiter costume covering half of her face, timidly looking at Li Dongyun who was standing in front of her and patted on a long skirt.

"Things without eyes!"

It turned out that the waiter accidentally spilled some wine on Li Dongyun's skirt.

The guilt on the girl's face deepened, and she repeatedly said no, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Is it enough to say I'm sorry, what do you think we should do now?" Li Dongyun seemed unwilling to let go.Although her attitude is very arrogant on weekdays, but on this occasion, Li Dongyun always pays attention to face and image.There will be such a move today. If Bai Qingqing's guess is correct, she is deliberately targeting that girl.

"I... I will compensate you." The little girl's voice was very low.

It was obvious that he was terrified.

"Compensation? Do you know how much my dress is? Can you afford it??"

Chen Anzhi on the side frowned, and said casually, "Your skirt is black, so you can't tell it. I think it was an unintentional mistake, so forget it." "

"Forget it?" Li Dongyun raised his voice, "I think you have taken a fancy to this vixen, okay, Chen Anzhi, are you worthy of me?"

Chen Anzhi frowned even deeper, and his attitude was not good, "I'm sorry for you, Li Dongyun, if you want to make trouble, you should check the occasion, you are shameless and I will be ashamed!"

"You want the skin? If you want the skin, you won't flirt with this vixen all the time. Today I just want to clarify with you, who is shameless!"

Bai Qingqing had a clear face.

"Let's go, let's go and see the excitement." Bai Qingqing whispered in Gu Moyang's ear.

Gu Moyang slapped Bai Qingqing's nose fondly, "You!" But he followed Bai Qingqing forward with great interest.

This is called women sing husbands follow.If his wife wants to watch the fun, he has to do his best to accompany her.

Seeing that the two were about to argue, someone came over to persuade them.Principal Dai had a flattering smile on his face, "It's a small matter, it's a small matter, we are all a family, don't hurt your peace because of this small matter."

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