Daddy run away, mommy is here

Chapter 51 Is there anything shameful

Those two were none other than Liu's father and Liu's mother.

Both of them were holding dishes in their hands, talking and laughing side by side.Could it be such a coincidence, Bai Qingqing wailed secretly.I prayed secretly, prayed that the two of them would concentrate on chatting and not find her.

However, God seemed to be against her on purpose.

When the two walked to the car, a fish that Liu's father was holding suddenly jumped out of the bag.He was carrying things in both hands, and it was difficult to pick them up, so he hurriedly called out to Mama Liu, "Old woman, fish, the fish has jumped out!"

Mama Liu also looked at the fish, and was about to bend down to pick it up, when the fish suddenly jumped again, and jumped several times in a row, just right under the car.

Liu Ma poked her head over and said depressedly: "Grandpa, the fish jumped under the car and can't be taken out!" Then she yelled at Liu Dad, "It's all about you, you can't even lift a fish! "

Father Liu was so wronged by her scolding, there was nothing he could do if the fish jumped out!But he has a very good personality, and he said with a smile, "This car has to go away, let's wait, just wait."

Liu's mother is impatient and impatient, "Wait, wait, what are you waiting for, if we don't come up for a day, why don't we make a floor bed here!"

After speaking, she leaned closer to the window of the car, as if to see if there was anyone inside.Although the situation inside can't be seen clearly from the outside, if you lie on the car window and put your hands together to look, you can still see if there is anyone inside.

Bai Qingqing's face was pale with fright, and she quickly shrank back in her seat.

He also picked up the suit jacket that Gu Moyang left on the car and covered his head, pretending to be sleeping.

Seeing someone inside, Mama Liu was overjoyed, "Old man, there is someone inside, someone!" She raised her hand and patted the car window, "Hey, hey, people in the car, can you come out for a while? Come out and do me a favor." ah!"

Bai Qingqing remained indifferent.

After patting for a while without any movement, Father Liu and Mother Liu looked at each other in blank dismay. "Hey, I clearly saw someone inside, but there is no movement at all! Old man, do you think there is something wrong with the people inside, do you want to call the police?"

Father Liu frowned and said, "Maybe he just fell asleep, let's wait a little longer! Don't meddle in your own business."

"Asleep? It's impossible to sleep so deadly, right? It must be such a heavy sleep!" Mama Liu said in confusion.The sound of her knocking on the car must have woken everyone up!
When Liu's father and Liu's mother were discussing whether to call the police, more and more people gathered around to watch the fun.

When Gu Moyang came back with a lot of vegetables, he found that his car was surrounded by a large group of people. After being shocked, his first reaction was whether something happened to Bai Qingqing in the car.

Without even thinking about it, he squeezed in immediately.Everyone instantly turned their attention to him.Of course, there is no doubt that he is the owner of the car.Because, only his clothes and bearing are worthy of such a car.

Father Liu walked towards him with a smile on his face and asked, "Are you the owner of this car?"

Gu Moyang nodded in confusion.I don't understand why there are a lot of people here when I go to buy some vegetables.

"Is there anyone in the car?" Father Liu asked again.

Gu Moyang nodded again.There was an inexplicable sense of urgency and worry in my heart.Could it be that something happened to Bai Qingqing?He threw the vegetables on the ground with a gulp and took out the car keys.Go straight to the door.

While following him, Father Liu continued: "The people in the car, I don't know if there is something wrong. We shouted outside for a long time, but there was no response. I don't know if we fell asleep."

Gu Moyang turned to stare at him, and spit out three words: "Impossible!"

It's only ten minutes before and after, it's impossible to sleep so dead.

"Isn't that fainting?" Someone in the crowd interjected.

Gu Moyang's face was dark and gloomy, the car door opened, and the person inside was wearing his suit, revealing two eyes, which were full of embarrassment and complexity.

He frowned, and angrily pulled the suit jacket on her head, "What the hell are you doing!" She didn't feel ashamed, and he blushed for her!
"Don't pull it!" Bai Qingqing held on to her coat tightly.

Gu Moyang felt that her behavior was simply inexplicable.But seeing that she was fine and nothing happened that he was worried about, he was relieved.

No longer entangled with her, he turned around and looked at everyone in a little embarrassment, "I'm sorry, my wife is a little shy. Do you have anything to do? If there is nothing, can you spread out so that I can drive."

Gu Moyang swears that he will never come to such a place to buy vegetables in the future!
Father Liu shook his hand and said in embarrassment, "It's nothing, it's nothing, you can drive!"

Liu Ma still felt sorry for her fish, and said to him: "Drive carefully, don't crush the fish under the car!"

It turned out to be the case.

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, the other people around also dispersed.Gu Moyang calmly picked up the vegetables he threw on the ground, opened the door, and got into the car.Just about to open the car window, Bai Qingqing stopped him in horror, "Don't open it!"

The puzzlement on Gu Moyang's face was even worse, and the corner of his mouth was sneering, "Bai Qingqing, don't tell me, you are really afraid of strangers! Tell me, what's going on?"

The car gradually drove away from the alley, and Bai Qingqing saw Liu Ma picking up the fish from the mirror and happily putting it back into the bag.

"You know them?" Gu Moyang finally came to his senses, with a cold smile on his face, "Is it because they are afraid that they will know the relationship between you and me?"

That's true, Bai Qingqing doesn't know how to deny it.She couldn't explain why, but she felt so awkward.In the morning, Mama Liu happily ran to the school to give her chicken soup.In the afternoon, I saw her sitting in a sports car of a strange man.They are going to be sad.

"If you don't speak, how can you say that my guess is correct?" Gu Moyang felt very hurt, this woman is really capable, and she hurt him several times a day today.He became more and more angry, and his face became more and more serious, "Bai Qingqing, what's so shameful about us?! Tell me, what's so shameful about our relationship? Don't forget, you Now I still have my seed in my belly!"

Gu Moyang's voice was like a growl, and the fingertips holding the steering wheel turned white.If what happened to Chen Shuo earlier was just a joke, what happened just now really broke his heart!

It was the first time Bai Qingqing saw Gu Moyang look so scary.It's not the same as the 'jealous' just now, he looks very cautious now, people can feel his displeasure, anger, and dissatisfaction from the bottom of his heart.

Bai Qingqing felt that her voice was interfering and she was speechless.After two months of absence, Gu Moyang reappeared this time, he seemed to have changed a lot.He became more taciturn than before, more easily angry, and more uncertain.

What did he go through?

Bai Qingqing never thought that her ignorant action just now would hurt him.She just didn't want Liu's father and Liu mother to know so early. She didn't want them to be hurt, but hurt the man she loved.

Bai Qingqing took the initiative to admit his mistake, Gu Moyang's tense face relaxed a lot, and his expression was not as scary as before.Both people in the car were silent.After driving the car all the way to the downstairs of the apartment, Gu Moyang said to Bai Qingqing: "Get out of the car!"

Then he carried the vegetables and walked to the apartment without saying a word.Bai Qingqing hurriedly followed in embarrassment.Today is really an unlucky day.

Every time I buy a vegetable, I encounter such a stupid thing.

At night, just as Bai Qingqing was lying in bed, the thin air conditioner was violently turned off.She crossed her arms and looked at the man in horror, "What do you want to do?"

(Second more)

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