Daddy run away, mommy is here

Chapter 43 The Disappeared Gu Moyang

What Liu Yin said was exactly what Bai Qingqing was worried about. She was really afraid that he would persuade her to beat the child.

But when he said that, she finally felt at ease.

If Liu Yin really persuaded her to kill the child, then their lives would be over, and they wouldn't even have to be friends!In fact, Bai Qingqing was really worried about this.

As for the child, no matter who persuades her, she will not be shaken!

Fortunately, everyone she knows understands her.

"However, Qingqing, I hope you can face up to a problem. Now that you have a baby, you should tell the surname Gu. After all, he is the father of the child!"

After saying these words, Liu Yin felt that his heart was bleeding.

This is equivalent to agreeing with the relationship between Bai Qingqing and that man.It is tantamount to surrendering Qingqing's initiative.

Bai Qingqing silently lowered her head.Why didn't she want to tell Gu Moyang about this!It's just that she doesn't know where he is now!

"Well, if he comes back to me, I will definitely tell him."

Liu Yin frowned.

"What do you want him to come back to look for? If he doesn't come back, he won't be responsible! I think you should take the initiative to look for him!"

"Where can I find it?" She also really wanted to find him, so she asked him, why did he release her pigeons when we agreed to go to the orphanage together?Why didn't she send any letter after walking for so many days?

There were so many questions that she wanted to ask him face to face.

It's just that now, this person seems to have disappeared, and he can't even find a shadow!It's not that she hasn't looked for him, and she doesn't want to let him go without getting any clues.

"Did you notice him mention family, or his address? Or his job?"

Bai Qingqing frowned and thought about it.

"He never mentioned the situation at home in front of me, but when it comes to work, I think of a place."


"Shuguo Town!"

The main purpose of taking Bai Qingqing to Shuguo in Gu Moyang last time was actually to talk about work, Bai Qingqing thought, maybe he could go there to try his luck.

In the car, Liu Yin said a little depressed: "Are you sure you can find someone with the surname Gu here?"

Bai Qingqing glanced at him.

"Concentrate on driving your car!"

She wasn't sure, but she didn't want to let go of any hope.If Gu Moyang can't be found in Shuguo Town, then she really doesn't know where to look for it!In fact, if Gu Moyang deliberately avoided her, she would not be able to find her no matter what.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, I finally arrived at Shuguo Town, only to find that Shuguo Town has changed a lot.

Seeing the sound of rumbling machinery everywhere in the town, Bai Qingqing went to find the hotel where she stayed before, as well as the bathing center she had been to, but found that they were all closed.Even the police station, which had a one-day trip last time, has moved.

The changes here are too fast!

"Miss, buy a bottle of water to quench your thirst on such a hot day!" An old man in a straw hat pushed a car past them, drinking and doing business with them.

"Bring me two bottles!" Bai Qingqing was so thirsty. "Master, are you a local?" While drinking water, Bai Qingqing didn't want to drag the elder to ask.

"Yes, yes!" The uncle also chatted with them, "You are here to travel, you came at the wrong time! Now the development here is estimated to be three months later! See, the development is That company, from now on, our place will be ruled by that company!"

The uncle pointed to a tall building in the distance.

Bai Qingqing squinted her eyes, and exchanged a glance with Liu Yin, the two understood each other.This is really a matter of nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get it.

The two then walked towards the building.

At this time, a news item was displayed on a newly built LED screen on the wall across the road. "According to reliable sources, Gu Xiuqi, chairman of the Gu Corporation, passed away at home at ten o'clock this morning. Surprisingly, Gu Xingwo, the successor of the Gu Corporation, did not immediately take over the Gu Corporation. According to reliable sources, this is Because Gu Xiuqi's son is not only Gu Xingwo, but also a younger son who has never been announced to the public. This younger son has studied abroad for many years and only recently returned to China. This incident means that Gu Xingwo Whether it can successfully inherit the Gu Group will become a mystery... If you want to know the future, please continue to pay attention to our follow-up reports."

Bai Qingqing and Liu Yin, who were on their way, did not pay much attention to this news.Go straight to your destination.

"I'm sorry you two, you can't go in!" As soon as they reached the entrance of the hall, the security guard stopped the two people who were barging in.

"What do you mean you can't go in? We're looking for someone!"

Bai Qingqing tried her best to keep a smile on her face.Finally arrived at Shuguo Town, and finally got a clue.Bai Qingqing will never give up no matter what.

The security guard frowned, "Who are you looking for?"

"Is there a man named Gu Moyang here?" Liu Yin interjected.

"No, no, you have come to the wrong place!" The security guard looked very impatient and started to chase people away.

Bai Qingqing originally wanted to say something else, but saw that the security guard tapped the baton in his hand on the palm of his hand.Involuntarily took a step back.

Seeing that Bai Qingqing's face was full of disappointment, Liu Yin comforted her. "Or we can try other methods, such as posting a missing person notice on TV and newspapers. I still don't believe it. T City is only such a big place, and I can't find a single person!"

Liu Yin's words are correct, but... if that person is sincerely avoiding you, even if you turn the whole T city upside down, you may not be able to find him.

There is a saying that we can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

Likewise, we'll never be able to find someone who doesn't want to see you!
Bai Qingqing suddenly figured out something.

"Forget it, if he comes back, he will come back naturally. I'll wait for him for a while, if he doesn't show up again, then you can't blame me!"

Bai Qingqing looked down at her stomach again.Discuss with him: "Baby, if your father doesn't come back to find us, we will never let him find him again!"

Bai Qingqing decided to give him a month's chance.If he doesn't show up within this month, then she will move with the baby!

At this time, the Gu family is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The Gu family was in a state of desperation.All the people in the room wore white ribbons on their sleeves.

Gu Xiuqi, who had died, closed his eyes and lay quietly on the bed covered with flowers.On the left and right sides of the bed, two women and a girl of seventeen or eighteen were sobbing.

The woman on the left has a dignified face, and although her eyes are full of tears, she can't hide her sharpness and meanness.This is Mrs. Gu Hupeiqin Gu.

On the day Gu Moyang returned to China, she was the one who sent killers all over the city to hunt him down.

The woman on the right is in her forties, and the years have carved some marks on the corners of her eyes, but her grace and nobility cannot be concealed.This is Gu Moyang's mother, Wen Song, the default second wife of the Gu family.

The girl was Gu Shanshan, the adopted daughter Gu Xiuqi had known when he was still alive.

Standing beside the bed was Gu Xingwo, and Gu Moyang who Bai Qingqing had been looking for for many days.

Gu Moyang's face was gloomy. Although Gu Xiuqi didn't give him much paternal love, he was his biological father after all.To be able to come back before he dies is considered a filial piety.

Suddenly a person entered the quiet room, walked up to the eldest lady and nodded.

"Ma'am, it's time for the chairman to be buried, the company..."

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