Daddy run away, mommy is here

Chapter 36 I Can't Hurt Myself Anymore

"You stupid pig, how dare you let me go!"

The other end of the phone stopped for a few seconds before responding, "Qingqing, are you okay?"

It was Lin Ying's voice full of doubts.Bai Qingqing's face suddenly felt embarrassed, she blamed herself for being too eager just now, she thought it was Gu Moyang!I waited for him all day today, and my mind was full of him, which made her conditioned to think...

"Lin Ying, it's you! What's the matter with you?" At this moment, Bai Qingqing's stomach gurgled. She drank coffee all day and ate a few slices of cake.My stomach suddenly hurts, I'm afraid I'm going to have diarrhea!
Lin Ying at the other end seemed to have noticed something. "Qingqing, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no." Bai Qingqing quickly denied it, and then said with a little confidence: "Maybe I drank too much coffee, and my stomach hurts."

Concerned words came from over there immediately: "Stomach hurts? Did you go to see a doctor?" Then someone muttered and scolded, "The surname Gu doesn't know how to take care of others!"

These days, she always thought they were together, so she didn't call to disturb her, so she didn't know that Gu Moyang had left.

Bai Qingqing was moved by Lin Ying's concern.These years, she lacked maternal love and fatherly love, and the friendship between Lin Ying and Liu Yin seemed extremely important to Lin Ying. "I'm fine, so I just drank some more coffee and went back to drink some porridge to adjust."

Upon hearing the porridge, Lin Ying rubbed her temples on the other side. "Don't tell me, the one surnamed Gu is not at home?"

The one surnamed Gu is indeed not at home, and it has been several days. If he was at home, she would not have gone to the coffee shop to drink coffee all day.However, Bai Qingqing didn't want Lin Ying to worry, after all, Gu Moyang's departure this time was really the same as Jie Feng's departure last time.The difference is that when Jie Feng left, Lin Ying was burdened with huge debts.And when Gu Moyang left, he directly took her heart away!

"I have something to do, so I won't talk to you for now, I'll talk to you later!" Bai Qingqing hung up the phone with a guilty conscience.Just as a car came, Bai Qingqing hurried up.If she doesn't go home, she will probably go to the toilet by the side of the road!

What a shame!If someone finds out, it might be on the headlines tomorrow!Publicize her uncivilized, unrefined, and unqualified behavior!Her saliva can drown her, right?

Thinking of this, Bai Qingqing shivered.Although it is unlikely to happen, but after the fantasy polish of Bai Qingqing's head, it is very vivid!
Now is the Internet age, the Internet is a double-edged sword, it can open up a new path for you.You can also send you to hell with one sword, and play chess with Uncle Yan Luo.

Back home, Bai Qingqing really made porridge for herself.Holding a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, sitting in the empty restaurant for a week, she still hasn't adapted to the days when Gu Moyang is not around.

"You dead pig, if you don't come, you don't know how to call me!" Bai Qingqing brought out her mobile phone angrily, and then dialed Gu Moyang's mobile phone worriedly.There was still the voice on the phone saying that it was temporarily unavailable.

Just after eating two spoonfuls of porridge, the phone rang again.Excitedly picked it up to see the call notification, Lin Ying's name flashed on the screen again.A look of disappointment flashed in Bai Qingqing's eyes.

"Hello." She picked it up weakly.

There was a crackling reproach over there, "Why did you hang up on me so quickly! I still haven't finished talking! Come home now?"

"Here we are." Bai Qingqing replied.The voice still seemed a little weak.Lin Ying heard it and became worried: "Are you really okay now? Do you want me to come over?"

"No, no!" Bai Qingqing replied very simply, swinging her arms like paddles for rowing a boat. Of course, this paddle is the spoon in her left hand and the iPhone in her right hand.

It was as funny as it could be.Fortunately, Lin Ying was not in the room at this time. If she was, she would definitely be amused by her appearance.

Lin Ying was rejected by her and finally stopped insisting: "Then you pay attention to your body. I actually want to tell you that it's my birthday tomorrow, remember to come here."

Bai Qingqing was startled, and quickly got up to look over the calendar on the wall, but she forgot about it!Lin Ying's birthday was nearly two months earlier than hers, one in August and one in October.They are all eighteen this year, just at the age when they can enter Internet cafes with their ID cards.

There was no answer from her on the other side, and her face was condensed: "Bai Qingqing, don't tell me that you will forget about this!"

Bai Qingqing's face was embarrassing.She did forget.However, she certainly won't tell the truth, sometimes white lies are necessary! "How could it be? Even if I have amnesia, I can't forget your birthday!"

Although she felt guilty in her heart, she still said these words very boldly.Lin Ying on the other side listened, and really smiled.

"You still have a conscience! Remember, don't forget to arrive early!" After admonishing, Lin Ying hung up the phone.

Bai Qingqing stared at the phone screen in a daze.Then he continued to eat the remaining half bowl of porridge that was almost cold.

Due to Gu Moyang's missed appointment, coupled with the poison of coffee all day, Bai Qingqing suffered from insomnia this night.When she stood in front of the mirror with two panda eyes that were comparable to national treasures in the morning, Bai Qingqing almost didn't cry.

"Bai Qingqing, I can't belittle myself like this again in the future!"

She cursed at the national treasure in the mirror for a while.Then start to wash your face, apply makeup, and swipe on a thick concealer.The face of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl was originally smooth and tender without makeup, but because of a night of insomnia, she forced herself to look like a 27-year-old resentful woman.

Insomnia is indeed the natural enemy of female compatriots.

After making sure that there was no sign of decadence on her face, Bai Qingqing put on her bag and went out.First, I went to the boutique to pick out a gift, and then took a taxi to Lin Ying's villa.

There are several luxury sports cars parked in front of the villa, one of which is a limited edition Ferrari that is very eye-catching.The license plate number ending in three 9s looked familiar, and Bai Qingqing remembered that she had seen it on the parking lot when she went to Min's house for a banquet that day.

The first time Bai Qingqing thought of that gentlemanly face, his name was Min Chengxu, a good friend of Gu Moyang.

"Why did he come to Lin Ying's house? Has their relationship reached this level?" Bai Qingqing didn't realize it all of a sudden.Immediately she frowned, this dead girl actually kept her secret from her so much!

She remembered that she was still so hot that she told her to take good care of it!It turns out that the situation has already happened!

"Qingqing, what are you doing outside!"

Bai Qingqing raised her eyes. Lin Ying was dressed very beautifully today, like a princess.

Originally, her background was very good, and she was also a school girl among them.

On this point, Bai Qingqing has always had a low self-esteem.Although she is also very good long.But walking with Lin Ying, she always felt that she was a green leaf and Lin Ying was a red flower.

There was another person who came out with Lin Ying.

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