Everyone couldn't help admiring, "What a pair of people!"

Bai Qingqing's complexion is reddish.Very generous to accept the eyes from all directions.

This is not the first time she has participated in this kind of banquet. Lin Ying has brought her to attend several times before.

But this is the first time she entered the venue with a man on her arm, and such a good-looking man.

For the first time, she felt a very special sense of vanity.

It is said that women love vanity, that is because they all want to be valued.

Although Bai Qingqing is not the kind of girl who likes to deliberately pursue vanity, there is nothing wrong with a little vanity once in a while.

"Mo Yang, you god is really hard to invite! It's so rare, you're finally here!" Min Chengxu, the host of the dinner, came to greet him with a smile on his face.

When Bai Qingqing saw clearly the female companion who came with him, she was startled.

It turned out to be Lin and Ying!

That day she said that she had a banquet to attend this week, could it be today's one!

Didn't Jiefeng invite her?How did she become the girlfriend of this strange man?
Well, although this man is not bad looking, he is comparable to Gu Moyang, and he looks like a rich man!but……

What is this situation?
There was an extremely huge question mark above Bai Qingqing's head.Stare at the woman for an explanation.

Lin Ying was also very surprised when she saw Bai Qingqing coming in, more guilty than surprised...

In fact, she didn't deliberately hide it from Bai Qingqing. This banquet was arranged by her parents for her.

Originally, she didn't really want to participate.Her mother cried to her on the phone that her father's company had a problem, which could only be resolved with the help of the Min family.

Although Lin Ying was unwilling, she was also a filial child.I can only promise to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, Min Chengxu not only answered her call in person, but also sent someone to send her "Love for a Lifetime".

The reason Lin Ying hides from Bai Qingqing is actually because she is afraid that she will worry about her.

Bai Qingqing's scorching gaze made Lin Ying's scalp tingle. "Now is not the time to explain!"

Lin Ying secretly winked at Bai Qingqing.I hope my friends can understand her.

Bai Qingqing shrugged.

"This is...?" Min Chengxu and Gu Moyang exchanged pleasantries between the two big men, and finally turned their attention to the two women.

"My surname is Bai, Bai Qingqing." Bai Qingqing offered to shake hands with the cool man.

"Hello Miss Bai Qingqing, I'm Min Chengxu, Gu Moyang's life and death brother, nice to meet you!"

Min Chengxu is a very gentlemanly man.

Not as dull as Gu Moyang, nor as idle as Chen Shuo.

But those bottomless eyes shone with a light that people dare not look directly at.

The friends that Gu Moyang knew were indeed not kind.

"Hey, good! All good!" Bai Qingqing unknowingly gave Lin Ying another glare.

This time, there was no reproach, but encouragement.

This is not a little bit higher than Jiefeng's phoenix male aura, if you can hold it, don't let it go easily.

Lin Ying shook her head hard.

After capturing the interaction between the two, Min Chengwei asked in surprise: "Don't you two know each other?"

It's not just acquaintance, it's too familiar!

Gu Moyang, who didn't speak much at the side, spoke. "They are best friends."

Min Chengxu suddenly realized. "It turned out to be like this, it's better this way!"

I don't know what he meant by better.

Bai Qingqing couldn't figure it out, so she didn't think much about it.

There are more and more guests in the hall, and the dinner party is in full swing.

In the corner, Bai Qingqing inserted a piece of fresh pineapple.He said to another foodie beside him: "Lin Ying, this time you have to give up on that scumbag Jie Feng, right?"

"Don't worry, I'm definitely dead!" Lin Ying put another big mouthful of food into her mouth.Said boldly.

"Yeah, I think you should be clean by now! How do you feel about that cool rich man today?" Bai Qingqing felt that she had a good impression of Min Chengxu.

Someone like Lin Ying should be matched with a calm and gentlemanly man.

"He's very good, but I don't have any feelings for him, maybe I was hurt too much by Jie!" She had just come out of a relationship, and she didn't want to let herself fall into it again.

"Just look at it yourself. I can't help you with this kind of thing. However, there is a saying that if you want to remember a relationship, you should start another relationship right away. Now that there is such a high-quality man by your side, you can grasp it. Just grasp it." Bai Qingqing seems to have regarded herself as an emotional master!

Lin Ying snorted. "Come on, how about you, how is the progress, is there..."

"Ahhhhhh, just tell me what I'm doing. My situation is different from yours. Don't worry, I'll get the sperm infusion soon!"

She has read related books, which said that when both parties are in the best state of relationship, the child born is the smartest!
She felt that her relationship with Gu Moyang was almost good now, and the last step was missing.

"What about after having the baby? Are you really going to dump him?" Lin Ying asked a question that Bai Qingqing had been avoiding recently.

According to her original idea, after getting the sperm, she would immediately kick the other party!
Because in this life, she doesn't want to get married.She must guard her child well and give him all her love!

But now, it seems that the child has not been settled yet, and he has fallen in love with the father of the future child first!

This is not necessary!
"This...let's talk about it after we have a baby!"

"You are a typical fan of the authorities, and I, a bystander, worry about you!" Lin Ying shook her head, picked up a bright red American imported cherries, and threw it into her mouth.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two are hiding in a corner and talking happily.

In the distance, two handsome men, Gu Moyang and Min Chengxu, were talking with a cute little girl.

Looking at her age, the girl was about the same as Bai Qingqing.

Although the distance was a bit far, Bai Qingqing still didn't miss the bright light that the girl gave when she looked at Gu Moyang.

Bai Qingqing immediately raised her vigilance, and her intuition told her that someone is also coveting her prey!
"I won't talk to you for now!" Bai Qingqing left the pile of delicious food.

Compared with these foods, she prefers Gu Moyang's bigger food!
Someone coveted her things, she had to go there quickly and keep them safe!

Men, this species is not born with strong self-control and is easily seduced. If you don't watch it carefully, you will run away with others!

"Brother Moyang, can you accompany me to the aquarium to watch the crocodiles on weekends?" Xi Xiaomin looked up at Gu Moyang coquettishly.

That coquettish and pleasant voice can turn anyone into a Jesus, let alone a man.I'm afraid those with mediocre concentration can't hold it anymore!

Fortunately, Gu Moyang is not an ordinary person, and the expression on his face has not changed much.

But a sudden voice surprised everyone!

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