"No, it's business as usual until the project starts."


During lunch, Bai Qingqing glanced at her mouth, and asked Gu Moyang, who was buried in his meal, "Hey, we have also visited the places we should visit now, should we go back to the city today?"

She found that it was actually not as fun as she had imagined.More importantly, she is a working person.She has to go back to work tomorrow!

She has asked for leave several times this month, and the manager was a little unhappy, so she asked for leave again. The manager is unhappy, and maybe he will fire her!
Although she didn't like the ktv job very much, it was enough for her tuition fee for a semester.If she is fired now, she will have to look for a new job again, and she doesn't know when she will find a new job. If it takes ten days and a half a month to find a job, then school will start again soon, and it will be too late!

Gu Moyang said without thinking. "Not yet!"

When Chen Shuo returned to the city early in the morning, he didn't know if he had cleared up the danger for him. It would definitely not be appropriate to rush back now.

Bai Qingqing suddenly had a feeling of being kidnapped and sold by traffickers, she was crazy, she didn't know the reason why Gu Moyang didn't dare to go back rashly, she only thought that he would stay here for a while because of his work.

If you stay, you stay, why do you have to let her stay here with you!
She also has her job!
"Gu Moyang, I want to go home! No matter what, you must take me back today!"

Gu Moyang looked up with a rather impatient expression.Said: "It's not enough now. If you want to go back, go back first."

Uh uh.Bai Qingqing's complexion changed.

"Gu Moyang, why are you such an unrefined man? I recognized you today! Take me here, but don't take me back! You, you are so good! I won't accompany you anymore!"

If she goes back by herself, she will go back by herself. She has hands, feet and money, so she's afraid she won't be able to go back!
Bai Qingqing left in a fit of anger.

But as soon as she turned around, she regretted it. Shuguo Town is just a small town on the outskirts of T City. Because it hasn't been developed much, there are very few cars going to the city, and there is only one trip at six o'clock in the morning.

Other buses need to transfer, and they have to go around for a long time.

When she reached the door, Bai Qingqing deliberately slowed down, she was hoping, hoping that Gu Moyang could stop her.

She knew she was too excited just now.

But everyone needs a step down.

As long as Gu Moyang called her to stop, she would apologize to him!However, after waiting for a long time, until she was completely out of the restaurant, she did not hear any voice from Gu Moyang to stay.

"This man, is he really good?" Bai Qingqing is also a person who wants to save face. She would rather die depressed alone than go back and beg him after putting down her dignity.

Gu Moyang was actually waiting, waiting for Bai Qingqing to take the initiative to turn around.

But he muttered about her stubbornness.

After Bai Qingqing opened, she never came back!this woman...

Gu Moyang picked up the phone and pressed a number.Soon there was a reply, "Hello."

"Hello, is there still a shuttle bus to the city?"

It was Qian Qianqian who answered the phone. Hearing Gu Moyang's question, she said in surprise: "Hey, didn't Mr. Gu come here by car?"

She remembered that he was still driving a yellow Lamborghini.

Gu Moyang didn't answer her directly, "You just need to answer my question."

"The shuttle bus to the city... leaves at six o'clock in the morning, and the current shuttle bus needs to transfer and detour."

Qian Qianqian was quite puzzled. Bai Qingqing had already asked her about the same question today when she was playing on the mountain. She thought she was just asking her meaninglessly.Now Gu Moyang called again to ask her in person.

"Shit!" There was a curse from the receiver, and then he hung up the phone beeping.Qian Qianqian put away the phone suspiciously.

Gu Moyang raised his hand to summon the waiter, "Check out!"

After many inquiries, Bai Qingqing finally found the bus station in the town.A female conductor in her thirties was standing at the door to attract passengers. When she saw Bai Qingqing approaching, she asked her enthusiastically, "Miss, do you want to take the bus?"

"Excuse me, is it the car going to T city?"

The female conductor replied, "Yes, yes, come on quickly, miss! You came just in time, the bus is about to leave, and the next one will not be until two hours later!"

Bai Qingqing couldn't help muttering, "Gu Moyang, what kind of shitty place did you bring me here! It takes two hours to wait for a bus!!" But she was also glad that she caught up!
Bai Qingqing didn't know that a yellow Lamborghini started from the hotel and was rushing towards this direction.

Bai Qingqing leisurely looked out the car window at the scenery.Suddenly, the car slammed on the brakes.Bai Qingqing's whole body leaned forward, and her chin directly hit the back of the chair in front of her.

It hurts!

This kind of car without seat belts is really not safe.Bai Qingqing rubbed her painful chin with her hands.

It doesn't matter if you hit it, it must be swollen.

Other passengers in the car were also hit by the same impact, and one passenger yelled at the driver, "What kind of car do you drive with such skill! Why don't you just go home and farm!"

The driver was also very wronged, and turned to look at the passenger, "You are good at driving!"

The passenger started to scold again regardless of Gu, "I can drive and come to ride in your broken car, really!"

Bai Qingqing frowned. It's not like this kind of thing has never happened in the city. It seems that the problem of quality has nothing to do with the city or the country.

There were also good-natured people in the car, and they all came out to persuade them to make peace. "Let's go, don't waste the big guy's time."

The driver's attitude gradually eased. In fact, he has encountered many such things.So he pointed to the outside of the car and explained to the people in the car, "I didn't stop like this on purpose, I don't know whose car suddenly jumped out and blocked the road ahead. I can't drive now!"

The car actually followed his car for a while, and when it overtook it, it stopped directly and blocked him.It appears to be deliberate.

Bai Qingqing didn't pay much attention at first, and accidentally glanced out of the car, the car blinked so familiarly!
It was Gu Moyang's Lamborghini!

This car is relatively rare in such a remote place, and Bai Qingqing recognized it at a glance.

The conductor got out of the car, ran to the side of the car, talked to the people in the car for a while, and then came back.Looking around at the people in the car, he asked, "Who is Miss Bai Qingqing?"

The people in the car looked at me and I looked at you, but no one made a sound.Bai Qingqing knew that if she didn't stand up, Gu Moyang would definitely come to the car and drag her down.

He is definitely a guy who can do this kind of thing.

Bai Qingqing stood up in embarrassment, "I, I am."

The conductor gave her two extra glances.He said to her: "The person in that car said he knew you, you know him, right?" The conductor was kind, and he was afraid that Bai Qingqing, a young girl like her, would be deceived by others.

However, it doesn't seem like that person is a liar either, but just in case.It's better to ask.

Bai Qingqing nodded.Walk towards the door of the car.

The conductor said, "Miss, your fare..." Bai Qingqing had paid enough to go to the transfer station, and now she has not reached half of the distance.The conductor offered it.

Bai Qingqing quickly said, "You don't need to withdraw! I'm really sorry to cause you trouble!"

The conductor smiled and said again. "The one in the car is your boyfriend, right? He's so kind to you. The two of you got into a fight because of the quarrel. Hurry up and don't make him wait too long!"

After chasing him all the way in a sports car, he parked the car in front of the bus in such a risky manner.If you are just an ordinary person, you will definitely not take this risk.If this is not done properly, the car will be knocked into the air!
Bai Qingqing was embarrassed, and she was too embarrassed to explain anything.Hastily got out of the car to go.

Arriving next to Gu Moyang's Lamborghini, Bai Qingqing patted on the car window vigorously. "You must be sick. Illegal parking is very dangerous, okay?" The road in the countryside is narrow and there is only one lane. After the car stopped like this, it only took a few minutes, and there were already four or five cars parked behind.They all honked their horns impatiently.

Gu Moyang pointed to the passenger seat. "boarding!"

Bai Qingqing had no choice but to go around to the passenger seat, open the door and sit in.Gu Moyang then started the car.

After getting into the car, Bai Qingqing didn't forget to scold him. "You man, I really don't know what to say about you, what you did just now was too dangerous, thanks to the bus driver's good skills and fast braking, otherwise you would have been waiting to go to the hospital with your Lamborghini! "

Gu Moyang turned the steering wheel and stared ahead.Mutter, "You're so loud!"

Uh uh.

Why is this sentence again.Thinking about it, Bai Qingqing couldn't remember how many times Gu Moyang used this word to describe her.

"Isn't it because of you that I'm making noise?" If it weren't for you always doing such childish and stupid things, she would be worthy of it!It made her look like a nagging old lady now.

Now Gu Moyang didn't speak anymore.

Bai Qingqing instantly felt that the atmosphere in the car was dull.She started looking for topics again, "Hey, why did you suddenly figure out that you want to go back? I thought you were going to settle in that small town! Or... is it because of me? Are you reluctant to let me alone? Are you back?"

Gu Moyang frowned, and said with an unhappy expression: "Don't call me hello, call me by my name! Change this habit! Also, I returned to T City because of my own reasons, so don't be sentimental."


Bai Qingqing felt quite lost.

The car quickly returned to the city. As soon as he arrived in the city, Bai Qingqing received a call from Liu Yin.

Bai Qingqing picked up the phone, "Hello."

Liu Yin's rather resentful voice came from over there, "Qingqing, what have you been up to these days, why didn't you call me?"

"I... I. What's the matter with you?" She is still in Gu Moyang's car.It certainly cannot be said that he went to the town to play with him.

Liu Yin asked again, "Where are you?"

"I'm at home, what do you want from me?" Bai Qingqing was afraid of hurting Liu Yin again, so she told a little lie, but this little lie was soon exposed.

"I'm at your door, can you come out now?"

"Uh, ah!" Bai Qingqing was stunned for an instant.Gu Moyang glanced at her mockingly, "Human, you really can't talk nonsense."

There is a saying that it takes ten lies to tell a lie.Her lie was exposed directly by others, and there is no chance for you to realize the lie!
Gu Moyang seemed to gloat a little.

Bai Qingqing stared at him fiercely, her mouth seemed to be talking. "It's really inhumane!"

The other end of the phone said, "Qingqing, you're not at home, right? There's someone next to you... a man? Who is it?"

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