Daddy run away, mommy is here

Chapter 11 Poisoned by him

"You!" The woman pointed at Liu Yin with an angry look on her face.And said: "Okay, you can do it!"

"Liu Yin, come back with me. This is not a place to talk." Bai Qingqing looked at Liu Yin helplessly.

Liu Yin looked into Bai Qingqing's eyes, the colored lights were still flashing presumptuously, shining in Bai Qingqing's pupils, reflecting various colors.But Liu Yin always felt that he could still see the white, green and black pupils, and his own face was reflected in the pupils, angry and sad.

Liu Yin drank the wine in his hand.Looking at Bai Qingqing's drenched clothes, she put her own clothes on Bai Qingqing's body distressedly, and said, "Let's go."

The rain outside the bar has stopped, and the real storm is just coming.

After taking a hot bath, Bai Qingqing came out wiping her wet hair, Liu Yin drank too much wine, and fell asleep sprawled on the sofa.

Bai Qingqing threw away the towel in her hand, went to the room and took a blanket to cover him, "You, let me tell you what's good about you!" How could Bai Qingqing not know Liu Yin's feelings for her? It's not a wooden man.

However, how should I put it, she just doesn't call him, and she doesn't feel that way. To her, he is more like a "good buddy", "good buddy", or "good girlfriend", who is just like a "lover". Words can't be hooked.

After leaving a note, Bai Qingqing didn't stay overnight in the end.

She obviously has a family, but why is she acting like a homeless person who wanders around? She has already figured it out at Liu Yin these days, Gu Moyang can do whatever she wants!

As the saying goes, twisted melons are not sweet, she has let go of her integrity to that point, Gu Moyang is still indifferent, she can't tell her... tell her to tie him to the bed, strip his clothes and say to him: "I want to Fuck you, I want to borrow sperm from you!"

If she really did this, what would she become? What is the difference between this and those criminal rapists!

Thinking of this, Bai Qingqing, who was sitting in the taxi, couldn't help shivering, pointed to the intersection ahead, and said to the driver who was concentrating on driving, "Master, stop at the intersection ahead!"

"Okay!" The driver hurriedly drove the car to the intersection designated by Bai Qingqing. "It's 40 yuan in total!"

After paying the money, Bai Qingqing returned to the community where her house was located. It was already early morning, and the whole building was very quiet.This time, she didn't hesitate any longer, and directly opened the door and entered the room.Because of being too tired, he didn't care whether Gu Moyang was awake or asleep.

She fell straight on the sofa and fell asleep.

The next day, Bai Qingqing was awakened by a seductive scent. She has been staying with Liu Yin for the past few days, and Bai Qingqing almost forgot that Gu Moyang is also an expert at cooking food.

In terms of cooking and food, Gu Moyang and Liu Yin are almost evenly matched.Each has its own merits.

Sometimes Bai Qingqing can't help but wonder if men are born with more talent in cooking!

Seeing Bai Qingqing coming out, Gu Moyang placed the bowls and chopsticks in his hand and said, "Get up, come and eat!" He didn't mention a word about what happened last night.

"You know I came back last night?"

"I know, you made such a big noise that the dead pigs were woken up!" Gu Moyang remained expressionless, and what he said was still the same as before.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Bai Qingqing didn't have a big appetite for the first time. In the trash can next to him, the fried chicken and beer brought by Liu Yin last night were lying alone in it, which was horrible.

"It's not good to eat too much of those things!" Gu Moyang thought that Bai Qingqing was distressed, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but he still finished setting the dishes calmly.

Today's breakfast is rich, milk, fried eggs, toast.

There are two fried ham sausages on the toast, which is still steaming and has a tempting aroma.

I have to say that a handsome and homely man like Gu Moyang is really rare, but his temper is too bad.Otherwise, he could really be called the perfect man!

Seeing Gu Moyang fiddling with breakfast attentively, Bai Qingqing swallowed the words she wanted to drive away.

After setting the tableware, Gu Moyang picked up the fork and began to enjoy his portion. Seeing that Bai Qingqing was still standing in a daze, Gu Moyang raised his handsome face: "Why are you still standing? I want me to feed you in person. ?"

"Um, ah, no, no." Bai Qingqing quickly waved her hand.Pointing to the bathroom, "Well, I haven't brushed my teeth yet..."

In the bathroom, Bai Qingqing turned on the faucet, splashed a handful of water on her face, it was incredible, just now, she thought that Gu Moyang's appearance of telling her to eat while laying out the tableware was very beautiful, very impressive It seems that she has really been poisoned by him, no, I can't let him dangle in front of her anymore, if this continues, she really can't guarantee that she will really give him to him one day. Tied!

It's really, really hard to see a taste that you can't eat!
After coming out of the bathroom, she stood at the door with her hands resting on the door panel, squinting her eyes and staring at Gu Moyang, he had almost finished his delicious breakfast.

" said you were going to move out soon? When will you move?"

Gu Moyang obviously did not expect that Bai Qingqing would suddenly ask this question at this time, and was taken aback for a moment.He slowly put down the fork in his hand, and wiped his mouth with a napkin.Then he twisted the paper into a ball and threw it on the table. The whole action was slow and elegant.

He raised his harmless face, and when Bai Qingqing's hands were stretched out, he suddenly said, "We'll have to wait a few more days, I'll help your friend pay back the money to buy you This house should be enough!" While speaking, Gu Moyang looked around the room.

The nonsense is, sir, I can leave whenever I want to live, you have no right to drive people away!
Bai Qingqing's face turned crooked for a while, there is no kingly law for this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, etc!

"Ahem, did you pay back the money voluntarily?" Although she was very grateful to him for helping Lin Ying pay back the money, didn't she also save his life?He said that they settled their disputes, but now what does it mean to hang on and not leave? ?

Now the ownership of this house is still in her hands, right?

Gu Moyang ignored her question, got up, started to pack the things on the table, and suddenly raised his head and asked her, "Do you still want to eat breakfast? If you don't eat it, I'll take it away." stand up.

"Wait, wait, wait." Bai Qingqing quickly stopped, she made an appointment with Lin Ying to go shopping together later, shopping on an empty stomach is not her style.Since he likes staying here so much and doesn't leave, let him do it. Since he is such a good cook, she won't bother with him, and just hire a free chef at home.

However, the price of sleeping on the living room sofa every night seems a bit high...

On the street, Bai Qingqing and Lin Ying were carrying a lot of things, and Lin Ying looked at her friend with two super panda eyes, "I can see that you are the type of person who hasn't slept well these days." , that day you ran out like that really worried me to death, but luckily I received a call from Liu Yin, knowing that you went to his place, so I was relieved, you are not allowed to run out like that again, you know!"

Lin Ying's tone was filled with concern and reproach.

They have known each other since high school, and it has been three or four years now. When they first met, they had a special affinity for each other.The relationship between the two has long gone beyond the boundaries of friends, more like sisters.

Because of this, if anyone of them encounters any difficulties, they must be the first to come out to help each other.

"I'm fine, don't worry, it's just... I didn't sleep well." Bai Qingqing drooped her head, thinking about the past few days, her mood suddenly became a little irritable.

Lin Ying gathered the heavy objects in her hands, glanced at her friend, as if she could see what was on her mind, and suddenly asked, "Well, the last time the surname Gu said that he would move away soon, did he move away?"

Bai Qingqing shook her head, and said, "I'm worried about this, what do you mean he won't leave?"

"What do you mean? Maybe I'm fascinated by you..." Lin Ying approached Bai Qingqing with a playful smile.Bai Qingqing glanced at her and rolled her eyes, "Stop teasing me, my 'frivolity' has already taken root in his eyes, if he is fascinated by me, the sperm I have been searching for for many years will be gone It's done!"

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