Daddy run away, mommy is here

Chapter 100 Just Divorce

The coffee cup was almost empty, even after the second refill.

Bai Qingqing thinks that Bai Cen is really a good person to confide in, and he is also a pretty good-looking person to confide in.

"Don't you think we get along very well?" Looking at the girl's flushed face in front of him, it was obvious that she felt the same way, which made him very happy.

He always felt that the relationship between her and him would not be that simple.

"I think, I seem to have become an old woman today, nagging, don't take it for granted." Bai Qingqing was full of smiles, it was obvious that she had silently pulled Bai Cen to her friend list, unlike Gu Moyang, Also different from Liu Yin.

It's like a brother, a very caring brother, which makes her feel very surprised, but at the same time feels very lucky.

The two looked at each other and smiled, completely ignoring the time.

Until... ah!It's late, and it's getting dark!

"Oh my God, I should go back, it's too late!" Bai Qingqing finally came to her senses, and hurriedly grabbed her bag and wanted to run out.

"I'm sorry. I have to go now!" She was in such a hurry that she didn't even come to say goodbye properly.

"Qingqing!" Bai Cen stopped him, "I'll call you that from now on. Also, since you think we hit it off, you can come to me often in the future. I'm happy to listen, you know."

Bai Qingqing paused with the hand holding the bag, her heart suddenly warmed up again, and said with a slight smile: "Okay, from now on I will treat you as a brother who can listen to my stories! Goodbye, brother!"

Goodbye brother, these words suddenly weighed on Bai Cen's heart like a stone, and fell down hard.Could she be the sister he had been looking for all these years?
And Bai Qingqing would not know that Gu Moyang had almost reached the state of berserk.I did not know how many calls I made, but at first no one answered, and then the phone was simply turned off!
When I went to school to find her, my colleagues all said the same thing—"She said she had a date."

Dating?Who else could she date but him?And have been dating until now? !
While he was depressed, there was a sudden sound from the doorknob.

Standing in the darkness, he could clearly see that she was walking in on tiptoe. Suddenly, the whole room was brightly lit up, and the whole space was instantly brightly lit.

"Do you still know to come back? Why don't you just live outside?" Gu Moyang looked at him indifferently, his tone was obviously extremely cold.

Hearing such a tone, she suddenly straightened her back. What's wrong with her?Want to be sneaky like this?

"Where do I want you to take care of? Can you take care of my own legs?" She raised her head, extremely stubborn.

"I can't control it? Don't you forget that I am your legally certified husband now? Do you think I have no right to control you?"

She walked into him, threw the bag in her hand in front of him, and put her hands on her hips, completely ignoring him.

"How strange what you say. I'm an adult, why do I need your husband to take care of me? Don't be funny!"

Word by word, firm and stubborn.

"If you don't say anything else, I'll just ask you, why didn't you answer my phone, why did you turn off the phone? Why did you date someone else? Who did you date? Why didn't you tell me?" His tone became colder and he almost sank to the ground.

"You don't seem to be a problem. I think you should learn Chinese before talking to me!" She was getting angry, and she didn't know that he was actually caring about herself, but her tone became colder and colder.

"Bai Qingqing!"

"Don't force me!"

"Why can't you do anything to me!" She blushed, thinking about what to do, she was not afraid!
He walked in step by step, his face was cold, and the lines on his face became more and more rough.

"Let me tell you, as your husband, I have every right and need to take care of you!" His voice sounded above her head.

Bai Qingqing turned her face away, he was threatening her, and what she hates and can't stand the most in her life is being threatened by others!

"Then divorce! You don't have this right after divorce!" She blurted out this sentence without thinking about it.

However, when she said it, she felt a little guilty.In fact, she didn't mean that at first...


The power of this sentence is really extraordinary, Bai Qingqing could feel it, he stood in front of her and trembled, the coldness in his eyes covered large swaths, making her shudder.

The space was already big, and the two of them didn't talk, and the weird and cold atmosphere surrounded them like a beast.

The atmosphere could no longer be restored, and Bai Qingqing was about to do something.

Before she could speak, Gu Moyang picked her up.

His destination is clear, the bedroom!Bai Qingqing was stunned all of a sudden, her hands kept patting him, and her feet kept kicking him.

"Don't waste your energy, it's not that you don't know my ability, your flamboyant fists and legs are just useless!"

What is useless?What is his ability, she knows?Bai Qingqing was a little silly, the situation seemed to be much worse than she imagined.

"Don't mess around! I... Ah!" The words were still choking in her throat, and she had already been thrown on the bed by him.

Her first reaction was to run away, but no matter what she did, Gu Moyang's lips covered her face.

This kiss was full of domineering, even though she tried her best not to cooperate, he still stubbornly pried her lips open. He plundered between her lips and teeth crazily, as if trying to swallow her breath of resistance just now.

The moonlight outside the window was heavy, and the clean moonlight reflected the faces of the two of them. Gu Moyang's face was slightly flushed because of lust, and Bai Qingqing's face was also flushed because of anger.

On the contrary, she aroused his desire to conquer even more.He stretched out his hand to dismantle her last line of defense, but she held back tightly.

"Gu Moyang! Don't... go too far, don't forget that I'm still...pregnant, don't... act rashly!" Bai Qingqing was so dazed by the kiss that she could only utter a few words.

He stopped suddenly, but still looked at her coldly, his tone took away the obvious anger: "You also know that you are pregnant, so why can't you remember your identity, you are my Gu Moyang's, and I A legitimate wife!"

"Uh...uh..." Bai Qingqing's words were blocked by his domineering kiss again.

Gradually, Bai Qingqing had a physiological reaction unconsciously, her voice softened, and she looked like a wounded little beast under him.

Seeing her like this, Gu Moyang rushed forward with enthusiasm, and straightened her head forward.The intensity of the inclusion again amply demonstrates his rage.

After a while, he couldn't help any resistance from him or her.He didn't stop until he was exhausted, but Bai Qingqing seemed to have been deprived of all strength.

Tears still flowed down, perhaps this was his punishment for her.

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